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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

The shadow rebel (almost done)

Hey guys. I'm back with Shadow's story. It's near completion and I for got to mention last time that this is a school project  that is due Monday next week. No joke. So I'd like if you guys left comments and suggestions on what to do down below. I just need two more chapters then you guys will see the final product. For now enjoy.   Prolougue It all started in 2017. That’s when the Maroon Empire took over. They were relentless. All they had to do is kill the world’s leaders. After



The Warrior Song

Warrior Song is a song by TheWarriorSongProject and is deticated to soldiers of the past present and future. Hope you enjoy. If so please leave a like.



WWIII: The Shadow Rebel

Aright guys as I promised here's the story ( what I have anyway).      WWIII: The Shadow Rebel   Prolougue It all started in 2017. That’s when the Maroon Empire took over. They were relentless. All they had to do is kill the world’s leaders. After that the made it illegal to own any weapons unless you were part of the street police or their military. The ruled for about 5 years without problems. Then the rebellion came. Tha




Hey everypony. The name Flame. I'm 100% new here. I'm just thrown that out there so ponies know. I'm planing to post a story that I've been writing for three to four weeks now and get feed back for you guys if possible. Thanks.                                                                                                            - Flame



Where to next

As i just came to canterlot, I sit here and wait, hoping all to go well. my mind wonders whether I may be accepted for who I am. the  fact of being new makes me feel a bit like the fluttershy, but as excited as the pinkypie  . giving a slight sigh,  I must keep my hopes up and stay as calm as applejack , yes i know i got this, i cant wait to explore the new word



My Haters Finally Get Their Wish; LostSanity needs surgery

Congratulations. Seriously.   My 'haters' have finally won. Their deepest darkest wishes have been fulfilled.   All my doctor wanted was to check to make sure I didn't have any aneurysms, and what happens?   A regular cat scan detects something. My doctor made it worse saying it was cancer. A later test then confirmed it wasn't.   Either way I need surgery. I still don't know what exactly is wrong with me but surgery is the only remedy apparently.  



Confused about what Aro Ace means?

*Disclaimer: I am by no stretch of the imagination an expert. This is about my personal experiences. If something here is inaccurate, please tell me.   Hello everyone! As stated in the description, this is a personal rant blog. But, since some people might not know what being aro or ace means, this post is going to be more technical and explain common terms. Let's start with the basics: aro and ace.   Aromantic (aro for short) is a romantic orientation. If you took scien



New Blog! Yay!

Hello all!    There comes a time when a person needs to clean house, so for me cleaning house meant starting fresh with my blog!    Basically, I'll be transferring any of my RP tips to here  which I'd recommend you read as it has lots of good advice from me and others about roleplaying, especially if you're new!    I'll also be reposting reviews of interesting pony made videos and other stuff here as well as of course new stuff!   So stay tuned!   



rp and mlp

hi everyone I hope you guys are nice and friendly sorry not being in the site forgot I just wanted to say hello and anyone want to RP with me I will be happy to RP with any of you guys



My Channel and Fanfics

My channel is called Amyrules4568 and I talk about MLP and do Sonic love stories. I wouldn't mind to write one of MLP fanfics on here. I'm doing both of these things to practice my writing skills so I can be ready when I become a writer. I've grown to love writing so much I would love to make it a job. I'm also here to get more involved with the MLP fandom. Now to answer the questions from my last blog post. 1. Wildtalon asked if I play Pokémon ORAS or X or Y, yes I played both. I haven't



Where I Began

About three years ago, my second oldest brother showed me the season one premiere and before I knew it, I got hooked. As time grew, I became more and more exposed to the fandom and I joined in. I started watching the content of the fandom and decided to join the makers. I made a YouTube channel to make Sonic love stories but then I eventually started to make MLP content. I honestly don't watch many episodes of the show, but when I do, it reminds me WHY I love the show because it's so amazing. I



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