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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when


Okay. First off, I'd like to say sorry.  I dissapeared without notice, and I know I broke a LOT of roleplays.  I'm so, so sorry. So many things happened to me so quickly, and... To be honest, none of them were good. I got caught up in real life, and my health too.  I know that you guys say we should put real life first, but I definitely don't wanna forget you guys!  So... let me explain what happened. A while back, during our cadet graduation, I was busy enough already.



Reluctant Emo Blog Post #1

So here comes a rather reluctant emo post from me about my status and loneliness.. While I am living with my partner, I feel that we are drifting apart, and this is an open relationship, but this and not having a female partner coupled with my assessemnt I have to do for college, I am stressing out like there is no tomorrow    



I´ll get Leukaemia at the end...

this week had the nth Scanner,quickly growing tired of that, lose a couple of hours going to the hospital, don´t eat from 4 hours before, strip on the buff, put on a paper toga, go to the machine (that looks like a giant donut) stab in the arm with something (that makes me queasy ) and some hours later they release you, still lightheaded, put your clothes back on, leave the TCR area eat something expensive from the vending machines, and wait 4 hours for your transport to pick you up...  



Music blog Revival!

With how school is going so far, and everything, i might have time to actually make music at school and bring it home converted into a MP3 file, with some pictures which i might be able to put on youtube. If i manage this, which i hopefully will thanks to some friends, im going to revive this idea. I'm going to try and make around one a month, hopefully. Though it might be less then that. Il do a update a week, which i definitly will do. Now that that is out of the way, question for all of you.



My (Chinese) New Year's Resolution

My MLP Resolutions for (Chinese) New Year. I forgot to make the resolution for New Year's, so Chinese New Year will have to do: -make more OC's -draw my OC's -make banners for my OC's -finish Starlight's Lore Thread -get to at least 2,000 posts -finish an rp (I have, so far, only been part of inactive, dead, or incomplete rp's) -get another Skype account (just for MLP) and get Skype to work on my PC -finish editing my Fanfiction on FimFiction -write more Fanfiction for FimFiction -finish Friend



Dreams. League Dreams.

I had the strangest dream last night...it was like being in the middle of a League game. The only difference was, it was me and my 5 player team vs. this other team that was like "a city of people". Literally. The other team occupied the entire area of their turret property and made it nearly impossible to walk through cause there was so many people on the other team. Everyone in the other team had abilities and weapons, and so did everyone on my team. Other than me. I was carrying a bomb. Every



Just A Reminder for Equestria Girls movie series...

I created an extra blog just for extra stuff like this. Allow me to remind everyone on here the "challenges" I COMPLETED in which if I COMPLETED them (which I did) I'd NEVER have to watch a certain Equestria Girls movie EVER. With this reminder I hope to be left alone about this issue once again: Equestria Girls 1 (the first one): Beat Persona 3 FES "The Answer" PAIN IN THE YOU-KNOW-WHAT but this was the beginning of my "be persistent until I win" mentality. Either way I completed it and beat it



What Is A Mother?

What exactly is a mother? As far as I’ve been told… or what “normal” society has leaded me to believe, a mother is someone who protects their young. Whenever a child is collapsing, a mother is supposed to be their support, to keep that child from falling. A mother provides unconditional love, and the best care that is within their power as a human being to provide. It is the mother’s job to fill a painful crater within a child’s heart, and make them feel wanted… Make them feel like they belong i



My MLP YT Channel! (Revision)

Hello everypony! My name has changed to Flying Colors as i have removed the temporary oc Candy Star as my ponysona and made the new one permanent. So i've also revised my whole channel as well, but the videos i made will still be there as well. And now with out further delay, here is the link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIHvIaGo4g5rCcnQMryq7Xg So here's a video that i think needs to be seen: Have a good winter everypony, and see you for the next winter wrap u



Darkness Over Equestria: Throne room scene

In the throne room, Queen Black Hole awaits Dimmed Star's arrival. It's been harder and harder to keep her apprentice on a tight leash since that power was given to her. Thoughts ran through her head as she thought about the different outcomes, each worse than the last. "So much potential, but so little time...," Queen Black Hole thought to herself, so much is riding on this that they can't afford to fail. Dimmed Star melts through the floor and rises from the black blood, taking form once more.



One bad gamer after another...

Lately i've come across some really distasteful characters, and not one of them has said, "I'm sorry". This is a huge problem in society, which leaves some mentally scarred, or worse. This is my experience with one such person: I wanted to play some BF, and relax with a few rounds of multiplayer. I'm about half way done when i hear this guy say something about me being a retarded kid, mind you i usually ignore these kinds of trash talk, but today i was stressed. I had completed several requests



Tainted vs Lightning(Prism Force) Pt.1

Before you read this, please know that my grammar isn't always on the mark, and i do mess up sometimes, so if you see any thing wrong please let me know. Also i thought this music would help set the mood for the theme. ____________________________________ It's finally time for the final confrontation with Tainted Mist, both had been waiting for this very day, Lightning takes her place in front of the others, "Tainted! This all ends today! Let me show you why..." "Pathetic fillies, if i knew



Past Forum Experience

I don't usually join mlp forums as soon as I see them, but the reason for that is because of personal experiences. So many to count, and yet some I have rather enjoyed. Since I'm not allowed to name which ones, I will simply state my experiences below: The first forum I joined turned out to be fun as the days went past, even made some great friends. But eventually every good experience comes to an end, especially when it involves a member or two trying to push my buttons on purpose. It turns out



Badtime prankster: moi!

Huh. I just pranked my friends. Bigtime. In a very, elaborate and big prank. So...I have different Google accounts, one for myself and one for spam and accounts. I have a group chat in my personal account, where I came up with the brilliant idea to prank my friends on the chat. I added my spam account into the group chat, and used a pm to each friend (a single-person pm) to tell them that they need not worry, and that the randomly added person was also me. Now, they're all blindly playing and ch



Cookbook #8 - Cinnamon Butterscotch Pie

Yes! A special entry in the book! This time it's not a recipe I have to recite from memory and tell about my past experience! This time, I have pictures! Also, this pie is made entirely from scratch. Another pure creation (the other being my Adult Disfigured Samurai Shrimp). This was a labor of love, as this pie is very sentimental. A very special thanks to Quicklime for this determined suggestion! Today we'll make a Cinnamon Butterscotch pie! Or Butts Pie in layman's terms. Just like mom used t



Bellosh's RP Plans - 2016

Heh..... I was able to get through the list of RPs I planned way back last year. Couldn't hurt to begin early this year, right? So here's what I hope to accomplish over the next several months: New magic counseling thread for Ingrid Marie, as a sequel to her old one. Svengallop giving a journalist misleading info about Countess Coloratura. Now that I got Derpy back, she needs to cause mayhem in Ponyville every now and then. Moony and pals detecting traces of dark magi



Cookbook #7 - Shepherd's Chilidog Pizza

Are you ready Canterlot? Are you ready to be enlightened? This is the shepherd that will lead your flock to true delicious. It will protect you and watch over you as you graze on cheese, crust, and hotdogs. It will fight off the wolves of healthy diets and tofu. This is the pizza That will love you back. UNCONDITIONALLY. It's been far too long since I've given you all something to seize over. This little idea actually came to me in a skype conversation with our own Robikku Pegasus (Thaaaank yooo




Huh. I just felt an earthquake. It was apparently from one of the islands in and about Victoria, and had a magnitude of 4.9. Things shook. Nothing broke or was damaged though. Just kinda scared me. Meh. 'Twas strange indeed (but not anything too strange, I do live in a high earthquake risk area, after all). Ironic-considering that earthquakes are my topic of study currently in school. Now I feel less scared. Are we all okay (especially directed to any members living near/in the area)?



Free Art Software Programs

I just ordered a graphics tablet (Huion 680TF), and I've been getting my hands on free art programs. I'm not really willing to spend any money as of yet, just because I'm still an amateur and I like to test the waters before I commit. These are the programs I have downloaded so far: Microsoft Paint (yes-that one) GIMP 2 (because gimp) Inkscape (this was one of the first programs I heard of) SketchUp (as well as LayOut, Style Builder) Serif (just found this one by pure searching) I'm interested



netflix is being weird

they've removed the S5 premiere, added in the finale, and didn't bother to add the rest of the season's second half. I wasn't able to watch any of the episodes when they aired, and I don't know of any other way to watch them besides netflix, so this is rather annoying for me.



[Review] It's a Pony Kind of Christmas (Track 1)

*Cracks knuckles* So let's begin with track 1: It's a Pony Kind of Christmas! First off, I need to get this out of the way... I know this is a theme album based around the most popular December holiday of Christmas, and I'm sure making "Hearthswarming" work instead would have been a daunting task, but still... as a theme album... I'd really liked to see more Hearthswarming than Christmas. This will be the last you'll hear of that! So... this is a very generic tone of a Christmas song. That isn't



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