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Songs I like enough to share them with you.

Entries in this blog

Brony Music Share #6

So yeah, Applejack is so awesome. But honestly, as an avid fan of orange-pelted country mares, one of my best features about Applejack is her family, and more specifically, her little sister. Apple Bloom is adorable. However, the issues with Apple Bloom and the other cutie mark crusaders is that they take a long time to warm up to. In an already 'hostile' environment bronies find themselves in when dealing with My Little Pony ('hostile' in this case referring to the struggle to accept the sh



Brony Music Share #5

There is no doubt amongst bronies that Lauren Faust is a genius. The foundation of lore she laid was so superb. One of my favorite things about the universe she created is the Everfree Forest, a mysterious biome of overgrown flora and fauna that the ponies can't control. Whether or not it's true that the plants grow by themselves is a strange occurrence in the ecosphere of Equestria, it creates this really interesting perspective from a land of ponies that control everything, even the weather



Brony Music Share #4

It's amazing how well the brony fandom takes ownership of the Hasbro IP, practically by accident. Not justifying its morality, but rather just observing how deeply the show creators and the fans blend together as far as level of creativity. Of course, not every fanfic and original music piece is going to live up to the fandom's entertainment standards, but then again, sometimes the show doesn't either. Well, I guess I'm being a bit harsh. It's not like this fandom has forums in which people



Brony Music Share #3

In other fandoms, remixes of theme songs, collaborations on popular artists, and even originals works by individuals can sometimes lack personality of the person who made it. In the pony fandom, anyone who has ever made a remix to a song that gets a few thousand clicks on YouTube, or someone who gets original work published on bandcamp, is automatically put into a long list of brony musicians. And for the most part, we all remember them. It makes me wonder if some day, some of the artists we



Brony Music Share #2

I remember way back when I was a little brony. No not that far, more like just two years ago, I would click a link on a brony-dedicated site and it would take me to something by unanimous deliverers or a clever remix of a song from the show. And eventually, I would stumble on a song in which a brony wrote themselves and contained detailed lyrics and feeling in it. It was at these moments that I was so amazed and engulfed by the charm of this fandom that I thought it couldn't possibly get any



Brony Music Share #1

Welcome to my music sharing blog! In this blog, I will be sharing some of the best audio that I have been able to retrieve in the brony fandom. It's no secret that music happens to be one of the pony fandom's most amazing features. The music share will at times be recognizable, but other times inviting. I hope to entertain by helping your recall some of the greatest musical creations in this fandom while at the same time, perhaps introducing you to gems you were not aware of. So let's get st



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