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A Librarian's Thoughts and Reflections

Entries in this blog

The Journal of Lore Weaver, Entry 12 - The Nightmare

Dear Journal, It happened again. I thought I was rid of it, but it happened again. That same nightmare I had! You know, it's funny how you can get what you wanted and lead the life that you wanted but still have the past haunt you. This is what happened. The nightmare took me back to that day when I was stripped of my talent and magic, watching helplessly as Twilight Sparkle battled Tirek. I couldn't move, couldn't help, only watch as her home, the source of knowledge and the place I first met



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 11 - More Alike

Dear Journal, Something interesting happened with Twilight Sparkle that made me think. She spoke of her events of reconnecting with a friend in Canterlot named Moon Dancer, one who she regretted dismissing as a friend years ago. What struck a chord for me was how alike Moon Dancer is to Twilight and as a result to me. We all share our love for knowledge, but beyond that Twilight and Moon Dancer seem opposites to each other. One chose the path of friendship while the other chose until recently t



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 11 - The Quesadilla Incident

Dear Journal, A strange thing happened to me today. I...don't know what to make of it other than to just write about it here and perhaps return to it later. Today was a rather ordinary day until lunch time. I was in the dining hall of of the Royal Castle of Ponyville, having just stepped out of the kitchen after preparing a very tasty treat. One of the perks of being employed by royalty is having access to certain places like the kitchen to prepare a meal. Anyway, I was about to enjoy my lunch



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 10

Dear Journal, With all the talk about my duties as a librarian, you are probably wondering about my friends. Well there's Twilight Sparkle... and Twilight Sparkle... and... Huh, now that I think about it, there aren't many I'd call really good friends in my life. Don't get me wrong I want friends, but it's hard for me. I used to be shy as a colt so making friends was hard for me. At college I poured myself into my studies and felt I didn't have time for friends. Now I'm not as shy and I do have



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 9

Dear Journal, There are times I wonder what my life would be had things changed in the past. Take for example my life as a colt. What if I got the chance to go to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? Would I be as strong with my magic as Twilight was before she became an Alicorn? What if I never moved to Ponyville and met Twilight Sparkle? Then there's the moment with Tirek. What if Twilight and I never had our homes destroyed or that I was never accepted as a librarian? So many possi



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 8

Dear Journal, With the arrival of more books from the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, there happened to be a book on powerful magical artifacts. I've read much about them, those created by both good and bad mages. So that makes me wonder a few things. First, how many relics still exist? Surely there are some that have not been destroyed or lost their power. Second, how many have not been recorded in books or logs? Maybe there are some that were at one time meant to be hidden but now are lost



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 7

Dear Journal, Being a librarian isn't a completely easy or safe job. Aside from the mundane hazards like tripping over incorrectly placed books, books falling on my head, and the rare catastrophic shelf collapse, there are other hazards that I must contend with. One is the age of a book. You know many books from the Castle of the Royal Pony Siaters are over a thousand years old! Care must be taken to preserve such works from turning into a pile of dust, which is why I have that special collect



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 6 (Revelation)

Dear Journal, Well I have a confession to make to you today. It's something that I never really discussed with any other pony, but I have to wonder if others know by interpreting "the signs," those little cues ponies can pick up if they focus on another intently. Facial expression, eye movement and contact, what is said and now said, word usage, voice inflection, body language, these are all clues to the truth, and honestly I'm not a good liar at all. I can barely tell a joke without giving awa



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 5

Dear Journal, Well this was an interesting day today. It all started when Twilight woke up. Normally she greets me with a friendly hello and maybe a brief conversation about what my plans were or something she or I learned about. But today things were really different. First, gosh Twilight, what happened to you that day? I know we all have those moments where we look a little worse for wear after a late night study session or our minds keeping us awake, but you looked really bad like you didn't



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 4

Dear Journal, So let's talk magic, specifically why I study magic more than other subjects even ones I do enjoy like psychology, history, and philosophy. Everypony has a passion, something that goes beyond the normal sometimes monotonous routine. Oftentimes this passion relates to their talent and their cutie mark. This passion drives ponies to not only do the best that they can at the current time but makes them want to learn all that they can about their particular passion and even experiment



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 3

Dear Journal, Sorry about that last entry. I feel like a fool messing up your page with my tears blurring the ink. There are times when I think that I forgot about the events and then I find that some memories you can't just forget so easily. Maybe it's my curse of having such an ability to memorize things and be able to bring them up at a moment's notice that everything I read or see or experience I can return to as fresh as the moment it happened. The only was to suppress the sadness is to th



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 2

Dear Journal, Funny how life is like a book, each big moment in our lives separated into parts and chapters. Well I guess I can call this chapter of my life and this entry: Rise and Fall. So I moved into Ponyville with a new home and a new business. Lucky for me both were in the same building. No sooner did I start transforming the empty place into the bookstore of my dreams, i realized a potential problem to my plan. Across from the store was a very unusual tree shaped building which I learne



The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 1

Dear Journal, I finally got around to making you my official journal. Of course I always passed by you as you sat on my night stand by my bed, but there was so much going in my life that sadly things like taking the time to write on your pages was on the bottom of a very long of list. Well no more of that. I plan to incorporate you into my everyday routine, well when something important happens in my life. I used to think that my life wasn't interesting enough to preserve like this but lately I



Prologue - From the Desk of Lux

Hello, Lux here! Some of you may know that besides role playing and drawing I'm also a writer. So I plan to bring writing back here in the form of a secondary blog called The Journal of Lore Weaver. This will chronicle and expand upon certain events surrounding my ponysona, Lore Weaver, and give insight into his life as Ponyville's Head Librarian! Couple of FAQ things: Q: Is this canon? A: Yes it is. I don't differentiate the events of World of Equestria or Canterlot Chronicles so all events



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