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nightmare niiiiiiight!1111!



ok so i rode my bike like a mile to this place that gives out craptons of candy (yes im 16 still going trick or treating, like pinkie says, "your never too old for free candy!")

and i got a decent amount, hung out with my friends from school, and just had a blast

i also got two thumb tacks and a can of green beans -_- no idea what thats about :P

all in all i was pretty happy with this years nightmare night, and plus it was the first one i could share with you guys at canterlot! (P.S love you guys ;) )

so how was everyponys nightmare night? was it as awesome as mine? or better?


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Sweet merciful god my halloween was crazy. First off I woke up at six with my friend poking me with a stick, then I had to go into a gumby suit. In this suit (mind you it was burning up in there) I had to go through a haunted house where I tripped and almost cracked my head. I then got locked in a car for about an hour. Then this ghostbusters bus went by and nearly ran me over. And people were throwing GLASS BOTTLES at me! Like serious glass! This stuff never happens in this town. I swear, its so peaceful here usually. Then I came home and the rest was history. So yeah, my halloween was pretty painful.

(ps at your ps: <3 )

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Spoil'd 'cause it's a wall!

The tacks I can make a plausible excuse, but .... Green beans?


For me, it was pretty good. Watched me Evil Dead trilogy without being disturbed by a single trick or treater. A bit odd that nobody showed up, but heck I'll take it!

Totally rained out. Not one trick-or-treater, and I'm not going out anymore.

Anyways, our pumpkin was an angerbird. I had no say in it.

But just think, free candy! You'll also have the chance to blow up the pumpkin! twilightscaryderpplz.jpg?2

Sweet merciful god my halloween was crazy. First off I woke up at six with my friend poking me with a stick, then I had to go into a gumby suit. In this suit (mind you it was burning up in there) I had to go through a haunted house where I tripped and almost cracked my head. I then got locked in a car for about an hour. Then this ghostbusters bus went by and nearly ran me over. And people were throwing GLASS BOTTLES at me! Like serious glass! This stuff never happens in this town. I swear, its so peaceful here usually. Then I came home and the rest was history. So yeah, my halloween was pretty painful.

(ps at your ps: <3 )

lolswear Dang man, sorry that ya had such a rough night. Please tell me you at least have a fist full of delicious candy after all that!

P.S.: Respect for choosing Gumby, much respect .

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