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Seeing as we're all gonna die tomorrow (banner confirmed cuz banner doesn't lie yo) I'd just like to say a few things.

For one, lasagna in bed is awesome. Especially while watching a movie. Suggestion for last meal? Maybe so. At least make your last movie something festive. It's the holiday season afterall! Don't go watching something like Independence Day, or Day After Tomorrow. You're supposed to take your mind off our imminent deaths!

While it's on my mind, don't watch Core either. I know they stop the world from ending in that movie, but the same general principle applies.

Back to last meals, just go all out. Go to the most fancy restaurant in town, without a reservation, and order the seafood dish. Hopefully it's a stuffed lobster. You know, a big bug split down the back and crammed full of shrimp, clam, crab and bread crumbs. With lots of butter. DELISH. And don't bother paying that bill. Just walk out. Who's gonna stop you? Everyone's going to be dead tomorrow morning.

Allergic to shellfish? Eat it anyway! This is a horrible time for self preservation! It's time to see what all the fuss is about!

Another thing, send me hats. Fancy ones! I need to have something nice to wear to face my doom. Send it to the following address:

Get outta here, I'm not giving you my address!

That's all I really have to say... Uhh... Regrets... Hm... I regret not being able to watch hockey this year, but that's not really my fault now is it?

Oh well.

Good bye, Canterlot! It's been a pleasure existing with you all, and I love you :'3

Have a good weekend!


Recommended Comments

Wow. You seem to be a little obsessed with death. That's not very kid-friendly. Nor is your choice of last meal.

I think you should go with cut up hot dogs in mac and cheese! And watch Cabin Boy.

Would you like to buy a monkey?

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