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Canterlot! I need your opinion



I post this as blogpost now because I actually want to hear the communities thoughts and not only Artax defending himself.

Every day I see new confusion in the introduction forum and from time to time I even get a PM from a new member how to deal with this site. (Here I want to note that I always send them directly to the help staff). I speak out of my own experience when I say that Canterlot is very confusing for a new member, especially those who are careful and want to know what to look out for - like in my case.

Before you register you might be looking for the rules. I for example always look for the rules before I register to a forum. But they seem very hidden in the "Extras" tab here. Usually Forums have a sub-forum entirely dedicated to one or two threads that contain the rules. I do not think that would be optimal. Given the strictness of the rules themselves and the handling of those I really advice pointing them out more though.

The easier the rules are to access and the more they stand out the more likely it is that people actually read them.

(To avoid confusion - I'm talking about the site-wide rules).

Next thing I personally came across was the huge amount of guides, guidelines and other "helpful" things here which confused me a lot. Remaking or reworking the guides is not necessary, they are all well-written and good.

What people need is an overview.

When you register, at the latest, you will be confronted with the three different roleplay areas here. FFA, CO and WoE. (Here I want to point out that these abbreviations have to be avoided at all costs when talking to new members, also the term "Mane RP". Other roleplay specific terms like "canon" or "OC" can be confusing too.)

An overview would make it much easier for new members to understand what those areas are for and give them the possibility to decide based upon their personal desire where to roleplay. Then all the guidelines and rules for the WoE area could be linked, listed or otherwise mentioned without adding to the confusion.

Especially WoE could need a new guide. The current one (when you click on Extras -> Info, Rules and Guides -> WoE) was written by Artax because noone else wanted to write it (at least that is what I remember from our conversation about it). I think it needs to be more simple and cover other areas than currently. It should give an better and more structured overview of the way a new roleplayers goes. From registering and introducing himself (optional) to creating an application, how it is approved by an RP helper and later an SRP helper and then how you are moved into the roleplay group (which is covered too much for example in the current guide). I hope you don't mind the critique.

Then, even if all those issues are solved or don't come up in the first place there will always be questions. I do believe we all understand the hesitation of a new member to ask a probably stupid question in the Q&A area, especially if he thinks it has been asked a hundred times.

So what to do? Right, we ask a helpstaff member. I have to say though, that the helpstaff is somewhat "hidden" aswell.

If you are on this site for a while you will all know Helix, Rosewind and other famous help staff members, but a new person?

The helpstaff list is, for someone not familiar with forums, very hard to access and the members themselves are only identified by the small award in the signature. I also don't see much posting of the list. QuickLime did a perfect example of explaining and linking the helpstaff list in her blog entry (point 3).

We have this "RP Helper" Rank with the awesome "RP Help Staff image" which is currently not in use. I think it's a pity, it would make it much easier to identify a member of the helpstaff.


(Personally I would leave it up to every RP helper if they want to wear this rank or not, simply because someone might don't like it and I don't want to be responsible for forcing it upon them. If I'm not terrible mistaken... for the sake of easier identification a lot would be okay with that, wouldn't you?)

The award would obviously stay, since there is a need to distinguish between the normal RP Helper and a Senior RP Helper.

One might argue the difference is negligible - it is not. A new member usually tends to categorize quickly. Awards are seens as rather irrelevant. Avatars, ranks and other fancy things on the left are mostly considered interesting if not important.

Now to the ease of use of this suggestion a TL;DR/summary:

  • Rules should stand out more and be easier accessable, less hidden
  • The RP areas (FFA, CO, WoE) need an overview, explaining them shortly
  • An overview would also reduce confusion caused by the WoE guidelines
  • WoE needs a new guide, which is simpler and covers certain points more thoroughly
  • Helpstaff should be easier to find and identify

P.S.: Alot of this could be easily covered with a good guide as a sticky in the introduction area. (IMO)

Also as I am sure there is always something planned already... you could tell me what you are up to.


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Artax already addressed all of this, and his opinion is the one that matters seeing as he is one of the people that owns the site...I don't think you should dismiss his word like that.

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I don't want to state my personal opinion about his response here as this will get me banned in no time, but I want to say that I intended it to be an open discussion so every member can say how they feel about it.

Just because Artax's opinion is more important doesn't mean we should disregard everyones opinion in favour of his.

I know the forums isn't a democracy, but does that mean we should simply ignore everyone? If so, then I'm sorry.

P.S.: He did NOT adress all of it and especially responded to the RP Helper Rank with exactly the response that I adressed before he even wrote it.


The award would obviously stay, since there is a need to distinguish between the normal RP Helper and a Senior RP Helper.

One might argue the difference is negligible - it is not. A new member usually tends to categorize quickly. Awards are seens as rather irrelevant. Avatars, ranks and other fancy things on the left are mostly considered interesting if not important.

And he wrote:

Role Play Helpers may be identified by the following banners: 11-AwardImgMaster-1342267739.png and 16-AwardImgMaster-1346969408.png for Senior Helpstaff. The suggestion to use the old diamond image is redundant.

Or in other words I stated "Using the old image is not redundant because [...]" and he said "It's redundant".

If he wrote "Thanks for suggestion, kkthxbye. /lock" it would have been the exact same. And here I want to ask again - why can't we have a discussion? A bit of community work?

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Ideally, these questions should have been handled in the Questions and Suggestions section of the forum. Bringing them up in a blog post might be a good way to find people to validate your own concerns, but is not helpful way to try to tackle what you perceive to be a breakdown in communication.

We are working on this currently and are nearly through the FAQ at least, including all the things you have brought up, but it takes time to make sure that it is edited to ensure maximum clarity and understanding.

The site's RULES will be under the "Rules Guides and FAQs" button right underneath the chatroom button (the page you posted as hidden in the extras tab is what you are presented with WHEN YOU REGISTER, so there should be no confusion there), and additional RP and lore stuff will be another place for further reading. It might be possible to put the "Rules Guides and FAQ button" higher up on the page, in the animated banner or some other area that I know that he can edit. I know it says "extras" in that little header, so maybe that is the issue.

The rules pages were also recently scoured and we are putting things in place to swap out or remove outdated content. Also keep in mind that the Lorebuilding team and Mane are rolling out new things sometime soon, and a potential new subforum which would require a rules overhaul anyway.

As for your particular complaint about the helpstaff not being easy to identify:

If you look at my posts, I always have "Senior RP Helper" as my title, along with the awards that Artax mentioned. I can bring it up to the other members of the team since we can adjust that somehow (the titles that is), but by and large it has not been an issue identifying the RP staff as they have the brightly coloured, and larger than the rest of the awards, identifying marks under their signatures that can not be hidden even if you hide your sig. You can also click on those awards and see who else has them.

I am fairly sure that the RP Helper rank (which is very old and used to be in use when the ranks were first created) that you mention gets bumped off by the Donator status title, which is why we use the "awards" in the signature instead. Plus those awards are more ideally placed when scrolling through text in the applications section. I can also bring this up with Artax to see if it is possible to put the link to "the moderating team" on other places than the index page, but it is possible that it can't be done because of the limitations of the board software, but he would have to address that. But it's not like it's floating in the ether either. It's right there with ALL the "members" information when you log in. Like it is on most forums.

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The site's RULES will be under the "Rules Guides and FAQs" button right underneath the chatroom button (the page you posted as hidden in the extras tab is what you are presented with WHEN YOU REGISTER

Whoa, why the caps? It signifies yelling. That's sort of rude and unprofessional. :unsure:

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The questions/suggestions section is not there for open debate. We tried to run the site by committee once, but nothing gets done.

Your facts and sources appear to be poorly researched.

My opinion.

You're being ridiculous, pushy, argumentative and harassing. This perhaps isn't the community for you since you're constantly moaning about something and not getting involved with in the community.

You clearly don't like me, that's fine, I don't mind. But this is my website not yours. Where do you think moaning about me will lead you?

I'll be frank. We don't want your suggestions at this time. We're working on our own stuff and you simply don't offer or capable of anything constructive.

You're welcome to build your own community/website and prove us wrong.

Just my opinion, as requested.

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Whoa, why the caps? It signifies yelling. That's sort of rude and unprofessional. :unsure:

Flutterscotch isn't being paid. In fact this place costs us.

Where does she need to be professional when people a moaning about the staff and all the effort they've put into providing this free site for you?

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Flutterscotch isn't being paid. In fact this place costs us.

Where does she need to be professional when people are moaning about the staff and all the effort they've put into providing this free site for you?

Well, I say that because Flutterscotch, and others of higher ranks, should treat everybody else on this site, as their moral equal. How they'd want to be treated.

Also, I wouldn't say Scythe is moaning at all. He's just stating a conflicting opinion from yours, that's all.

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Well, I say that because Flutterscotch, and others of higher ranks, should treat everybody else on this site, as their moral equal. How they'd want to be treated.

Also, I wouldn't say Scythe is moaning at all. He's just stating a conflicting opinion from yours, that's all.

Templar, I treat you exactly as I do difficult co-workers at my actual job in an HR-approved manner. Have I ever called you a name? Have I ever threatened you? Have I ever disparaged your writing or characters? Have I ever bullied you beyond your opinion that asking you to stop talking about things in chat (when you are dominating a public space with conversation that should be taken to PM) is bullying?


I have been stern with you, yes, but that is neither unprofessional nor "treating you as a moral inferior". It is because you like to push buttons and try to put yourself above the rules and the people on this forum who are trying to uphold them by confronting them in a manner like this.

If I was behaving the way you have been in regards to the moderating team and the RP rules of this site, I would expect someone to be stern with me while I modified my behavior in a more community-minded manner.

And that is pretty much all I am going to say further on this matter.

EDIT: Note that I sent you a PM before I posted this.

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Templar, I treat you exactly as I do difficult co-workers at my actual job in an HR-approved manner. Have I ever called you a name? Have I ever threatened you? Have I ever disparaged your writing or characters? Have I ever bullied you beyond your opinion that asking you to stop talking about things in chat (when you are dominating a public space with conversation that should be taken to PM) is bullying?


I have been stern with you, yes, but that is neither unprofessional nor "treating you as a moral inferior". It is because you like to push buttons and try to put yourself above the rules and the people on this forum who are trying to uphold them by confronting them in a manner like this.

If I was behaving the way you have been in regards to the moderating team and the RP rules of this site, I would expect someone to be stern with me while I modified my behavior in a more community-minded manner.

And that is pretty much all I am going to say further on this matter.

EDIT: Note that I sent you a PM before I posted this.

Ah, Flutterscotch. You are so blind in your own "I'm a jerk, out to get you" opinion. I tried to tell you that, it was not my goal to undermine you and the rules of this site COUNTLESS times before. But you wouldn't listen. So keep yelling at me, why don't you. Keep accusing me and cajoling me, even though have told you, many times that it was not my intent to do so. Just, ignore me, and continue to waste my time, by yelling at me, for stuff I never even did. Keep pushing you one-sided opinion on me, without even listening on an once of what I have to say on my behalf.

Sure, tell the world... "TemplarFrost is an arrogant tool, whose goal is to terrorize the citizens of Canterlot!!!"

I am sick of this.

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Whoa, why the caps? It signifies yelling. That's sort of rude and unprofessional. :unsure:

...and the rules of this site COUNTLESS times before...


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