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One bad gamer after another...



Lately i've come across some really distasteful characters, and not one of them has said, "I'm sorry". This is a huge problem in society, which leaves some mentally scarred, or worse. This is my experience with one such person:

I wanted to play some BF, and relax with a few rounds of multiplayer. I'm about half way done when i hear this guy say something about me being a retarded kid, mind you i usually ignore these kinds of trash talk, but today i was stressed. I had completed several requests for mane six drawings, and i need this to relieve the stress. in my fifth match, i hear the words: "Go kill yourself, the world would be better without you." This just made me stop, how could someone be so damn heartless? I never did anything to deserve that, maybe he found out i was a brony or something? I'm not sure.

That right there just crossed the line for me, so here's what i said:

"fun fact: if you tell someone to kill themselves, it’s considered encouraging suicide, and you can get a fine of $25,000 and 10+ years in prison. if they actually commit you can be charged with manslaughter. so really it’s in your best interest not to be a total ass."

He never spoke to me again.


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I know exactly what you mean, though thats the reason i just mute everyone :razz: You did the right thing responding like that, iv made the mistake of starting a odd 10 message long fight with some ass who started getting made at me for 'hacking'. I don't hack, i just know how to use a chimcom in Black ops 2, and can make it shoot faster then any other gun. He accussed me of hacking with a modded controller, and he said i had one. Oh, and he also confessed to using one... I couldn't stop laughing :D


Ahem, yeah, good job dealing with that! No one deserves to be told to kill themselves, no one deserves that kind of abuse over game chat while your trying to have fun!

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I'm not, and have never been, a fan of trash talk. And I love the fact you told this person off, because it might make them think twice about being quite as rude while playing a game. No one needs to hear you lash out, and obviously it's not working as a psych tactic while gaming. I've also had enough problems with depression to really not appreciate getting a sudden push.

On the other hand, I highly doubt it was personal, and trash talk is a semi-accepted practice in some circles. It could just be how some people's brains work. I often curse a blue streak while playing games and getting frustrated, more so in FPS. I just don't share over voice chat.

Not condoning their actions, just food for thought.

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