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[Lore] Yakyakistan


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From the isolated and cold region north of the Crystal Empire live the Yaks in their homeland, the aptly named Khanate of Yakyakistan. The whole of this nation of Yaks can be found across the towering mountains and out over a frigid plateau, all of it at such high altitudes that few other species could have hoped to survive. This simple fact has led to Yakyakistan being isolated socially and politically from the rest of the civilizations in the world and has made them safe from any large scale effort to destabilize them. Recent history shows this is not always going to be the case and Yakyakistan is finally coming out on the world stage after many moons in political isolation. It is to their benefit that they make friends easily. It is to their detriment that they make enemies just as easily, and both for easily manipulated reasons.

The country takes on the character of the Yaks in as much as it's relations with other nations have always been turbulent and ever shifting. At one point or another Yakyakistan has allied with every state in the world for many and varied reasons. They have also declared war just as commonly on every state in the world for just as many and varied a reason. These wars can be quite brutal. Yakyakistan is not the largest nation by population nor does its military have great variety, but most Yaks are capable at charging about and wrecking whole towns. While not one the best militaries on the planet, Yakyakistani forces can make quite a mess of things before things are settled. And despite all things, they often are settled very quickly. Yakyakistan takes offense easily but it just as easily forgives. As friends they are overwhelming gregarious and inquisitive, taking lopsided trade deals in stride as Yakyakistan tries to learn everything it can about it's newfound allies.

Yakyakistan is not an especially large nation, sitting just north of the Crystal Empire amongst tall mountains. Ground based travel is incredibly difficult and only one pony who has made the trek has returned in all of recorded Equestrian history. There are many paths and roads created by the Yaks but until friendship was established between Yaks and Ponies only one was ever known. A long, winding, windy path ascending into the mountains beset by beasts and without shelter, it is no wonder why few had even bothered. This difficult ground route has given way to a more accessible air transport method, both by individual pegasi and airships. The Yaks are fascinated by both and Yakyakistan has fields near their cities and villages set aside for such interesting sights.

Yakyakistan is an economically stagnant nation, primarily for its lack of any appreciable resources except for an assortment. The intense capabilities of individual Yaks allow small, family run businesses and individuals to eek out a nice living, but there is a considerable wealth gap with little in the way of taxation until the Khan decides funds are needed for this and that, in which case it is often done haphazardly. Yakyakistan compounds this by often irrational and impulse spending. They are more likely to build a brand new statue than invest in education, and then more likely to invest in education when caribou are at their borders! Yakyakistan's economic policies would cause the collapse of a nation were it not for Yak culture and society being inherently stable and resistance to shocks. Rich in few things other than gems, Yakyakistan has found the market over-saturated and the benefit not at all commensurate with the effort it takes. Nonetheless, it forms the backbone of foreign trades and is responsible for what riches Yaktakistan has. Those same riches have made them frequent target of well-organized caribou raids.

Yakyakistan is led by a Khan, which is often a hereditary title. While preference is indeed given to the family of the previous Khan, the various ministers and other government officials meet with the various tribal leaders to discuss who should be next Khan. Once selected, the Khan rules for life and is in charge of all factors of Yakyakistan governance. Yakyakistan is internally very stable, the Yak culture and customs helping solidify them from one end of the Khanate to the other.  Recently, the emergence of powerful Changeling hives nearby as well as the brutality of the caribou dispersion civil war to the north and east has caused them to seek out better relations with the world. The capital is the aptly named Yakyakistan, which gave the whole Khanate it's name. An older city carved out of stone and with hardscrabble thatch roof houses being dominate, it certainly doesn't look the part of a capital. This is an illusion, as much of the capital exists underground in exquisitely carved communal caves that host living spaces, art and dance centers, and all other facets of city life.

From here the current Khan is sending her sons and daughters- including Prince Rutherford- out to the many nations of the world whom they are not currently at war with in order to strengthen relations. They have made friends with ponies; now we wait to see who they consider worthy of their sometimes odd manner of diplomacy.

~Equestrian Foreign Partners: Primers on Equestrian Allies, by Flowing Skies


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