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Blog Comments posted by Rosewind

  1. The heck? I don't know anyone in this community that would willingly wish illness on someone else. 




    You've got the wrong idea all around.


    To me it sounds like a simple biopsy kind of thing, not something crazy like open heart surgery where your life really is on the line. Either way I hope you will one day figure out that not everyone (whoever you think the haters are) is out to get you or wish bad fortune on you because you think you have unpopular opinions on the internet.


    Good luck on the surgery! I'm sure you'll be fine when this is all over.


    • Like 8
  2. With metagaming, it really depends on who you're playing with, and how comfortable you are with each other when being collaboratively creative. Steel and I do this quite a bit when we roleplay Twiparents together, based on our perception of how the couple might be. He hasn't introduced anything about Velvet I haven't loved or didn't want to play along with based on what we know outside of the roleplay, and in fact it has enriched the experience. Don't confuse metagaming with poor roleplay in which another player can't differentiate the thoughts, reactions, and actions of the characters that they're not in control of, and react accordingly in a believable way.

  3. Hiya, thanks for the feedback! This sort of event was a test to see how things would go if we had some kind of invasion or villain introduced into what has been -- up to now -- a very vanilla, pretty safe and stationary roleplay environment. Dio and I had a rough idea of what might happen, but we really wanted to see how things would pan out. This event was invaluable as an information resource on how we can build a better event, not to mention how we can properly implement villains for play in Chronicles. I understand some parts were frustrating, especially considering we have dozens of players of different skill levels all playing in the same space. I hope everyone overall had fun with something new. We'll have an idea for next time when we decide to do something like this again -- probably with more warning and guidance on what is acceptable for play.

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  4. Nice review! I think we, as fans of the property, had to face some heavy cognitive dissonance with this film because we were "raised" with high standards of pony story and quality. On the flip side, we also have to understand that FiM wasn't made for the surprise fanbase. The focus is -- and will continue to be -- on young girls, and merchandising toys with an aim to sell to them and their parents. I suppose it could even be said this film was a catharsis of Hasbro's business needs, which got a lot of dirty stuff out of the way so FiM didn't have to perform the role this movie did. Its existence to us, as the surprise fans, was ultimately beneficial.

    I will be interested to see if any of this spinoff leeches into FiM, or what will come of EQG in the future. I don't think Hasbro would have spent the time, money, and advertising to create a new property/toy line and not continue to use it. We'll have to see what happens!

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