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    1. Conworlds!
    2. Writing!
    3. Music!
    4. Doing derivative work!
    5. Science!
    6. Maths!
    7. Chess Variants

    and more, I guess. See the index.
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    Hong Kong

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  1. Pardon the necroing, but during the period I have other stuff to do. I have made two things. One: a very large pony punnet square that deals with alicorns as well as the other three types of pony: Linked for size. The next thing is the phylogeny chart. It is extremely extensible, and depending on taste can have nodes added and removed at will. <==O Ponya-Equus | +--O Maxis | | | +--O Familiaris Horses (Mythologically increased?) | | | `--O Dinaris Dragon-ponies (Mythologically increased?) | `--O Diminutaris Ponies | +--O Tuus-Equus No English name | +--X Vester-Equuos No English name | `--O Meus-Equus THE ponies | +--O Aquatica Aquatic ponies | * | ***Q Pottamus River ponies | * | **Q Pelagus Sea ponies | `--O Terrata Land ponies * ***Q Terrata Earth ponies * **Q Munus (Gifted ponies) * ***Q Pegasus (obvious) * ***Q Monocerous Unicorns * **Q Alacerous Alicorns? ============================================= The pony phylogeny chart. Species status: O Extant X Extinct Q Predicted Pathways: | Observed via fossil record + Observed via fossil record - Observed via fossil record * Predicted Currently the pony reproduction system is strained due to the large amount of morphological changes that are required in cross-species reproduction. Already, mixed breeds are becoming rare and Earth ponies together with Earth ponies already only beget Earth ponies. With this in mind the prediction is obvious.
  2. PÄÂNedia ek yǘlao. Pekrda jeyhâ ho.
  3. I cannot show my love of ponies even if I wanted to, because no one is interested. My interest in other stuff may or may not be part of the reason this is, too.
  4. Another bug, this time involving BBCode: Name: My God, it's <li>sting! Section: universal Browser: agnostic Reproduction: any page that uses the [‌*] tag. Expected: [‌*]s turning into <li>s, i.e. formatted as a list item, like this list. Result: [‌*]s turn into [*:dddddd], where dddddd is an alphanumeric string. My POLLFAO topic displays this beautifully, along with the [tabs] tag being eaten up. (Note that the above [‌*]s that are part of the documentation have been laced with the zero-width non-joiner U+200C.) I think this should be fixed easily?
  5. Whoomph, Section 29 finished: To be honest, not to impressed with 03.07...
  6. And now a master link document of the first two sections (19 in all!) 00.01 01.01 01.02 01.03 01.04 01.05 01.06 01.07 01.08 01.09 01.10 01.11 02.01 02.02 02.03 02.04 02.05 02.06 02.07 02.08
  7. Oh wow this place has changed a lot while I was away (away meaning posting anything.) Anyway, with the spec for MLP Chess not going anywhere, and me going in on strange places, I suddenly had a brainwave. I have a conworld; Chris Wayan has a conworld; MLP has a world that is half-done. So what did I do? I placed ponies on Lyr. (Lyr is Wayan's conworld by the way). This fic can be in one sentence described as "the author's conworld puts ponies on anther guy's conworld", and in the end it's exactly what it sounds like. It's a lot of letters that are written to describe the Six's journey on Lyr, what difficulties they face and what new things they see. How's that for strangeness? It also has a couple other oddities, other than the premise: This is also one of the first fanfics to use HTML5 as a medium! I upgraded from 4.01 to 5 a while ago, and wondered, "well, if you like it so much why not write something in it?" And so I did. Most importantly, a couple of graphics are drawn using . All hand-coded! A consequence of the above is that it's going to have four or five types of footnote. Everything's already planned out; all I have to do is to write it. It's going to have about 160 letters, estimated to be around seventy thousand words! It uses no pony names. You read that right. A pony fic with no pony names. Of course, I cheated a little; every time a name shows up I replaced it with a â€â€Â, so it looks like a letter from the nineteenth century. (It's to go around a strange fit I get when I type a pony name. It may creep up verbally too.) Anyway, enough blather. I started writing last night, and now seven letters are written across six chapters. The entire shebang can be read here, but of course a lot of the links are borked because I haven't written content into it yet. As a teaser, I end this post with a graphic:
  8. I've got to say, the new options aren't going to affect me too much. The status quo is workable, but for me, so would a large number of alternative options.
  9. The opposite of a vicious circle is a virtuous circle. 5-leavers should be more common than 7s, because they are linked in the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...), which appear for no particular reasons all around nature. The ones bracketed are the most common ones in nature. That said, I'll be lucky if I could find a clover plant here.
  10. I'm learning GAME code, allowing for online play, I guess. Not entirely sure if it's universal though. Also, lookie! I finished the presentation. MuS71CmAb_4?a
  11. I probably forgot to show you guys this one. DzIIiaNJ7Ps I'm doing exactly the same thing for MLPC4.
  12. That's the longest Secret Butt Fun i've ever seen. Achievement for you. Anypony who tops this is a god! No better an Allicorn XD I think it's possible, but it'd take a bit of decoding. Expansion The fire crackled with a pressure of about 20 dB as Frederick tolled the bell. The owner of the 1033 square foot house simply sat at his chair and pressed a button playing the pre-recorded message: 'Come in'. Frederick did as he was told. Well, it's raining at a rate of 60 mm per hour outside and I don't think you'd stay out in the porch for any extended period of time. He left the umbrella in the convenient umbrella-box, an entrance exclusively for umbrellas. Just like one of those bags except infinitely reusable. 'Sit down,' chimed the old man. Frederick looked around and saw an Ottoman about 60 cm tall. Without a second hesitation he jumped on it… and then bounced off. Quite a loud thump resulted. 'Let me try that again,' said Barth. 'Sit down, and try not to injure yourself.' Frederick tried the Ottoman again. This time there were fewer thumps. 'Good. Now let's get to business.' Except they weren't. Silence was absent of course, and as the rain continued to pour and the hearth continued to burn and the radio continued to notify the house about the rainstorm warnings I don't think that Silence will be around for quite a long period of time. After eight and a half minutes of the awkward non-silence, Frederick asked, 'So what's this about?' Barth was still halfway across the room in his rocking chair. 'There have been a couple of rumors over in Delphi3, you know?' 'Of course. And six in eight are true.' 'Three in four,' Barth snapped. 'Reduce your fractions, young man!' 'Yeah, yeah. There's been odd gods running around and there are strange combinations of science and religion going on here. You know that I don't care much about what happens in Delphi3, so why are you telling me this? Go on, you're ruining my cookies.' 'Of course you could care less about those. We're talking about organizations here, not science, religion or Sky-Rails.' He gestured at the Sky-Rail logo, a rather disconcerting combination of a cross, a star and a pipette, with a couple of odd symbols thrown in for good measure. 'So what is this?' 'Well, we've received some information that, while not related to Sky-Rails, may have some connection to them. It's about this something about buts.' 'Buts? You mean butts right? Those of the cigarette persuasion, right?' 'You wish! 'However', 'ends of cigarettes' and 'waste removal' are all involved in this.' 'What.' Frederick sat and looked out the window. The rain was still going on. The radio continued to blather: 'There had been new reports on the whereabouts of the Squall Gods. He may be near the in-center of the triangle formed by Hurricane Jade, Hurricane Quincy and Hurricane Etta. However, as there are more than twenty hurricanes around this may be inaccurate. Further observations will be published as soon as they are compiled.' Barth slouched around, waiting for Frederick to stop being so unresponsive. Being a veteran of the Fifteenth Corporeal Army, he'd no problem with all these so-called 'supernatural' things going on. It's just that half the time there was no one nearby to hear his studies and explanations. Living in Mt. August, a mountain 1,200 meters up from sea level, is probably not helping his case. Eventually Frederick came around. 'Let me guess. This is part of the Annual Junkers festival, isn't it?' 'As far as we know, yes. We're not entirely sure. But the fact that both tend to lie in line with the lunar calendar is kind of telling.' 'How did you know this?' 'Tons of laughter, everywhere. Channeled in the underground sound pipes so that no one can hear them.' 'But why?' 'Who knows? Perhaps they want to use the vibrations to make some kind of earthquake.' Frederick glared at Barth. 'Okay, that was an explanation that I just made up. But that's not much better than any other explanation behind these pipes. We can't get at them, because they're hiding under all those pesky roads around Deplhi3, but I'm sure that they're around there somewhere, and we may be able to get at them one day.' 'Mm-hm. So?' 'Well, the Sky-Rails were all very interested in these people with all the cigarettes. They're an unknown; most likely, they're sitting on some odd magnum or something that gets them completely potty.' 'So you're saying…' 'Yup. They may be hiding a jackpot to bribing the gods.' 'Ah. So, what do you want me to do, exactly? Bust this whole job? Play with them? Mingle with them? Gather information but not anything physical?' 'For now, I'd rather you not do anything. They're a black box yet, and busting them may be detrimental to Sky-Rail interests. We're just getting the data to you so that there'd be someone to immediately understand everything and ready for action.' 'Oh.' Frederick looked out the window again, wondering whether or not he'd tethered his car properly. 'Oh don't worry. My little speech is over. You may go.' Frederick looked at the old man again and said, 'You have a point. I'll mull this over, and maybe tell all the other guys over in the UN: UO department. How's that?' 'Do what you want with this. Just don't leave it on the street or anything.' 'I don't think anything can be left on the street with this weather,' Frederick said. There was a small river where the drain was. 'Point. I think you'd have to go now, else your car may be in a little bit of trouble.' 'Right. See you later.' As Frederick exits the house, he cannot help but notice how the rain is always a little heavier than it was ten minutes ago. He thought nothing of it, and drove away from Mt. August, away from the polished white house.
  13. Temperature is mainly dependent on CO_2, atmospheric pressure and (very short-term) insolation (energy input from the sun.) If you have a really thick atmosphere, then the temperature differential will be much lower. CO_2 levels can help bring the mean temperature up as well, but it too moderates temperatures.
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