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Everything posted by Cathalos

  1. it's okay, I'm wearing a blanket. but fine then, I found them. they were on the floor across the room near the heater vent, so they're all hot and make my eyes feel weird. do you drink a lot of water dinosaur person? I forgot to drink any yesterday.
  2. you wanna help me find my glasses? normally I put them on the computer but my computer is all broked now cuz some idiot sandwich spilled water all over it so the keyboard is dead so there's no point putting my computer near my bed and so I just woke up and I don't know where I put my glasses instead. it won't be effort cuz you can do it from thischair or my bed probably.
  3. do I gotta meet people I don't now the green dionsaur green dinosaur do you want to play catch or somethin
  4. I'm going to honor my legacy by not reading any of this but if someone wants to be my friend I can promise you lots of perks. 1. I'm pretty much always online if you run out of people that are actually good 2. I have no self respect so I'll make you feel good about yourself just by being around you 3. I'm unreasonably sensitive so when our friendship inevitably falls apart in a fiery explosion, you can rest assured that it was my fault and you're alllllllll good. 4. I have $6.26 in steam money right now so I'll buy you a game if you talk to me. lilo and stitch maybe. 5. I have been known to help people with essays from proofreading to just ****in writing the big half of the essay so feel free to take advantage of me in almost any way. 6. No self respect like before but also I'm cute ;)))) 7. When I'm sleepy I'm cute sometimes according to some people who were probably lying. today the doorbell rang and I screamed at the top of my lungs instinctively 8. I watched brokeback mountain and didn't get depressed about it for a WHOLE DAY. I think that makes me strong but my friend says it makes me straight. ): 9. One person out of all of my friends said I'm cool. On camera. (it was in snapchat so I don't have proof...) 10. please
  5. why in that thumbnail does it start over at "bee movie script" every time she says "your father paid good money for those?" why didn't they just paste more?
  6. I made a program that turns text into bee puns by finding all "be"s in the text and adding in an extra e. it's beeautiful
  7. ya gotta make him cry like a babbi so that I'll feel cooler next to him. that way some boys will text me instead of davvy gettin all da boys
  8. we gotta punish davvy by cutting off his toesies and sewing them to his forehead!
  9. sorry love I don't really got time for the loud oven song, I'm busy T3xt1ng B0ys $$$
  10. your last example was literally a kid smashing an oven closed over and over
  11. k that's cool but like have you ever like been exposed to like music? I feel like you're an alien trying to convince us you, too, get songs stuck in your human brain metaphorically
  12. I had space doggity stuck in my head so I win
  13. good, you deserve it for bringing that up AND CUTTING IN FRONT OF MY 'BOYS pretty sure the only people who ever liked that song were you, my little siblings, and probs angie
  14. bruh I offered to pay you for I want it that way
  15. BTW I'm selling nasty's album for HALF PRICE pm me
  16. aww sorry catcakey, I hope it goes as well as it can,
  17. we gotta team up and go eat davvy's friend to gain the part of him that davvy FOR REAL likes
  18. GUYS I GOT MORE CAKE! im gonna be so fat everyone will love me cuz they'll have no choice cuz i'll be sittig on all of them at once
  19. bill trinen plays animal crossing, therefore animal crossing is for losers.
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