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    Music, speed, lulz
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Blank Flank

Blank Flank (2/9)



  1. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned two things, no matter what anyone else says, perseverance is the best way to go. Even if you are impatient, usually if something is working your doing something wrong and if you charge in you'll be going to quickly to notice that small loose nails thats cause your base to fal apart. Also, I learned a valuable lesson that although weird and don't make sense. Humans are an incredible race. And if we tried to put logic to al of our actions, we would probably be less further on. If we were all logical, we would have no random curiosities that woud have brought forth many great things, like penicillin. And that with emotions and our crazy spurs of... humanity, we are a perfect race of flaws.
  2. My best friend is a guy whom I met online. I am not to say his online name but his name is Jeremy. He's a little intolerant of stupid people, but that's why you just don't be stupid. He's the most understanding, open-minded and accepting person I know. He turned me into a brony. And he has made me who I am. He didn't change me perse. He rather has encouraged me to be myself no matter what anyone else thinks. And although that has gotten as far as I have no shame (I've run down the street in my underwear because I was running away from something). I now play many musical instruments, learning programming languages, teaching myself to draw and 3D model and write my own stories (working on fanfic now). My old me would sit at my computer, not do my homework and stare at my lonely old Facebook wall that no one would comment on because no one liked me because when you're not who you are supposed to be, nopony's happy. Back to the point. He's a great guy. He's my bro.
  3. Hey, I know everyone here is talking about mostly the show and how it shows love and kindness, and I'm fairly certain the point has gotten across. But I just want to say that if it weren't for the brony community, I would be the sad lonely kid who rarely talks at school, and at home all he does is sit there and stare at his sad, sad old facebook page (seriously I used to have a depressing life.) But now that I'm a brony I have opened up socially and now I have a nice circle if friends, all of them are fantastic friends, actually pretty incredible friends. Also I never did anything, ever. And the brony community has inspired me to do things, now I compose music, and write stories, my GPA has improved by a whole 3.0. You may think the brony community is sick, but it has not only changed my life, but many, many others. And everyone would agree.
  4. I agree with starswirl, kind of. I think that if you feel the need to ponify things, then go ahead and ponify it. It's the internet, no one will stop you (except the mods XD) But it's all up to you to decided if you want to look at it. For example, the hobbit parody, if you stumble upon it and you don't like it, don't read it. You HAVE a mind of your own don't you? If it really stick into you and follows you around all day, and it really makes you angry, then just try as hard as you can to keep your mind off of it. I believe that humans have a natural will-power strong enough to allow you to say 'That's not gonna bother me.' And then it shouldn't. But that's just me.
  5. That was pretty <b>old of you to admit that.
  6. I was in the corrupt a wish thread
  7. I am interested, although this is my first RP. Do I just try to incorporate myself into your RP and then go from there?
  8. I requested my friend make me this picture in photoshop after an interesting chef-themed drumline rehearsal
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