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Everything posted by Brony1337

  1. "what was that?!"-asked Moonlight from Moondust. "I thought we are enemies! Than what the hell are you doing?!" She stopped and watched Moondust as she walked along the shelfes.
  2. "This war isn't over yet!" Moonlight shouted at them as she took off from the ground and landed near Stardust. She grabbed her neck and looked into her eyes. "You didn't see what I"-she said to her and threw her away. "If you don't want to fight...it will be easier to defeat you!"-she shouted again. She took off from the ground again and kicked Allanon in his back. "I saw the darkness. I spoke with him! He told me things about this cursed world...and he was right! Moonlight looked at Stardust. "I give you the chance to join. we will bring redemption to the world together. So...what do you say?"-she asked from Stardust as she landed near to her and created a small field with shadow so nopony can disturb them. "You...the King...and me...we will be unstopable. You don't know the whole story right.. The princess lied to everpony to follow her..they are all blind..just the King and me see the truth. THEY..just want to use you just like a puppet. But i know that you aren't a fool...Im i right? Stardust.."
  3. Moonlight recoiled. The enemy was stronger than her but she needed to save her King. "I...I'm sorry my King,...but...the enemy is too strong...I cannot defeat them alone..." She said when she felt tht horrible pain in her back again. She fell to the ground and heared a voice again. "Moonlight Dreadwhisperer...you will save the king...I will help you in your battle...NOTHING...can stop me...NOTHING....can stop you..now stand up and fight! My creatures here to help you out." As the voice faded the whole place around Moonlight turned into dark. Creepy shadows came out from the ground than turned into different creatures. Moonlight stood up and pointed to Moondust. "She mine. Defeat the others and bring King Helios to me."-she ordered to the creatures than she started to approach Moondust slowly. "We will leave this place...you cannot stop us...Moondust"-she said to her.
  4. "King Helios..."-said Moonlight as she saw him who was carried by Manzanita. "That means we...lost our battle..."-she sighed. "No way! We cannot lose! We stronger than them!" She felt anger and her eyes started to glow again. "They will regret what they have done!"-she shouted and started to fly in the directoin where King Helios was. "Release him now!"-she shouted at them as she landed not far from them. Than she saw that Moondust was there too. "Moondust! You liar! How can you betray our king! I will finish you off!"-she shouted than flew to Moondust. "For the King!" Moonlight grabbed Moondust and they both landed on the ground. "YOU TRAITOR!"
  5. Brony1337


    From the album: Digital Art

    Here is one of my favourite characters, Rainbow Dash! I dont know what else can I say.... Hope you will like her, cus I worked in it for a long time. Before i made this, i draw this in a sketch into a paper. I can upload it if anyone wants to see the original. (There arents so much difference between them just the way how i did.)
  6. I just saw the last two episodes from season two. It...was...so...AWSOME!!!

  7. From the album: Digital Art

    So i promised to Starbuster that i will draw down his OC. So, here it is Star Hope you will like it. This is my second drawing with Inkscape. It isn't the best but i think it turned out well.
  8. I thought that everyone can plays the janitor but if somebody wants to play him than okay.
  9. Moonlight woke up in a familiar place. Moonlight was so weak and powerless and she couldnt even see clearly but she was sure about that she was there before. "This place...Where am I...?"-she said to herself as she got up. "What happened?" Shortly Moonlight started to remember. "The Battle! I need to fight!" Moonlight headed out from the medical wing when she realized where she was. "This is Fort Book! No! We lost the battle?!" As she left the medical wing she saw that some place in Fort Book was in ruins. "Or...Did we win? I dont remember...If ww won...My lord will be in the throne room." Moonlight went straight to the throne room but when she opened the door she just saw Moondust who sat there. "Moondust! Im glad to see you! What happened?! The battle?! Did we win?!"-she asked from Moondust as she sat down front of her. "Where is the king Moondust? Where are the others?"
  10. (oh...i missed a lot T.T. Is there any way for me to come back to the rp?)
  11. Wow! Sorry guys... I was really busy in the past days so i couldnt post. And Starbuster, its a great idea to post time I will be at home for a whole week so you wont need to wait for me. ( i think )
  12. "Wait a minute Moondust! They didnt even wanted to capture you or anything? They just let you to go away?"-Moonlight looked at Moondust with a confused face than she started to laugh. "I thought they are wiser than this."-she said.
  13. Than lets start it! http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12270-secrets-of-the-darkness-closed/
  14. So what do you think guys? Do we have enough players or we should wait for others?
  15. Dont worry..You will be free soon Morning"-said Sky Runner than she left. "Thank you again."-she said as she walked past next to the keeper. "Can you tell me how can i speak with the judge?" [colour=#ff0000]"The judge is very busy pony. You need a date if you want to see him."[/colour]-answered the keeper. "Sure than i'd like to request a date."-said Sky Runner. [colour=#ff0000]"Lets see...hmmm..you will be able to see him..two hours later. That is the nearest free date. You are lucky "[/colour][colour=#000000]-said the keeper. "That will be perfect."-answered Sky Runner. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Than a name please."[/colour][colour=#000000]-said the keeper. "Sky Runner"-responded [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"Sky...Runner. Okay we are ready."[/colour][colour=#000000]-said the keeper as he wrote down her name to a paper. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"You can wait here if you want"[/colour][colour=#000000]-said as he pointed one of the chairs. "Thank you but i'd rather go for short walk till i need to wait."-answered to him than she left the station.[/colour]
  16. "Hey Overeasy!"-shouted Moonlight after her. "Have you got a minute? A want to talk with you..."-she said as she started to approach her slowly. "Well..about Moondust. What do you think about her?"-she asked from her. "Oh.. and before you start "she saved me so she is so cool.." or anything else, I tell you that I dont care." Moonlight looked at Overeasy with a serious face. "Our King sent her to open an entrance for us but nothing happened yet..."-she said to her "Overeasy...I will go after her and find out whats happening there. Maybe she is in trouble... Are you with me?
  17. I will use BlueViolet i think. She is my recent character so probably no one knows her backround. I will post it here later if its okay
  18. "Of course you silly..."-she smiled at him. "But now listen...I will try to speak with the judge. okay?" She heared a voice from the reception. [colour=#ff0000]"Time is up!" [/colour][colour=#000000]Sky Runner turned back to MorningDawn. "I'm sorry but I need to go now.."[/colour]
  19. "Dont say that!"-she shouted at him. "You arent a loser!" Sky Runner sighed. "You are a great pony! You are my friend! so please...just allow me to help you...okay?"
  20. [colour=#282828][colour=#333333]Okay here it is: I thought about an RP and after I discussed it with my friend Starbuster, i decided i will make it.[/colour] [colour=#333333]So here is the OOC.[/colour] [colour=#333333](Starbuster helped me out a lot.)[/colour] [colour=#333333]The story is about a few students who decide that they are going to stay at the school after hours. They have a great time there, telling ghost stories and playing games when one of them hears the main door open. They are somewhat confused because it is so late, and after some talking it over, they decide they want to figure out what, or who, made the noise.[/colour] [colour=#333333]As they walk along the corridor they see the janitor, dragging something oddly large along in sack. They follow the janitor throughout the school, and eventually see him disappear into a room with a sign on the door that says \"Do not Enter!\"[/colour] [colour=#333333]Our heroes, seeing him disappear through the door, could care less about the sign, they were focused on the bag, and they decide to go in and see what it was. When they go through the door, they see what the janitor had in his bag, and it was gruesome. Unfortunately, the janitor saw them as well, and he is hunting them down, worried that they saw too much.[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828][colour=#333333]Our heroes need to hide out until morning, when the other students arrive and the school has to be unlocked. [/colour][colour=#333333]But that wont be so easy, with a crazy janitor hunting them down through a dark school...[/colour][/colour] [colour=#282828][colour=#333333]Twists and turns are sure to happen, so if you're interested, let us know right here.[/colour][/colour]
  21. From the album: Digital Art

    Some people suggested me to use Inkscape. Well... this is my first WIP draw with it, called Dark Rose. I know it isnt the best so if you have any idea or tips please tell me.
  22. "I dont understand my Lord..."-started Moonlight. "How long are we need to wait so far?"-she asked him as she walked about. "There ought to be an entrance in Fort Book now..."
  23. "Can you stop this for a minute!"-she shouted at him. "I searched for you everywhere! I want to help you but you didnt care with it! You here now because you couldnt stop playing with the Alchemy! Think over it!" She shouted so loudly that it sounded in the whole station. "And now...when im here to speak with you ...you want to drink your another stupid potion! I dont understand! If you gave up the Alchemy than why?!"
  24. Is there anyone else who thinks that Trixie is the best pony, or just me?

    1. Tenkan


      Something is telling me you might be right, but I don't like somethings so I might disagree.

    2. CatCakey


      I don't know who is the best pony anymore...

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