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The worst part of this episode was that it took until this morning for iTunes to release it, and then I had to go to work.

Many good comments, but could someone explain the Stephen King thing already!

Though, I am happy that she DIDN'T take care of it with raw power. It made the episode better imho.

Well said. It would have been hard to swallow, and it would feel like a cop out. I was afraid that "use the six" meant the elements of harmony.

[colour=#282828]Trixie took a level in thief! [/colour] :razz:[colour=#282828] (Which would also explain the sack o' money she used)[/colour]

Ok, it bugged me that she had all that money until you said that, thanks.

I disagree with the idea that Trixie would have been ruined by her first confrontation with Twilight Sparkle, but it's canon now, so I can run with it.

When she said that, she was insane from the amulet. Isn't it more likely that after getting beaten, her crushed ego ruined her already terrible act? She might have been less sure of herself, or she might have over-compensated and been even more arrogant. Either way, no one would want to see her. Her pride would cause her to look for excuses, and Twilight would be a great one.

Lets say another word about that insanity. The idea that she could enslave an entire village, and that no authority would oppose her is complete madness. That really bugged me until they clarified that it had mental effects. She was going down either way, but I am glad that it was Twilight and co that fixed the problem. It would be too convenient, and counter to Celestia's personality to come and and save the day when she is working so hard to challenge and mentor Twilight.

Also, I think the sheer insanity of what she did also explains her repentant nature. Even Trixie was appalled by her actions after she was herself again. She still has her pride, and threw in an arrogant word at the end, but it gives her character more depth to know that even she has a limit.

There is one terrible part of this episode which prevents it from being high on the list:

There was extremely limited resistance to her rule. There was not a single pony who resister her absolutely, and there are plenty of ponies in town whose character would not allow them to submit to her. It fell flat in the Avengers too, where at least one guy opposed loki, but that just makes me mad because I know more would have. I would much rather see Trixie deal harshly with dissenters. That would prove that she didn't have control, and that there were those willing to suffer to oppose her. But seriously? Tickling got Applejack in line? That is completely disrespectful of Applejack's character. The mayor was in a cage, so perhaps she completely resisted, but that is only a guess.

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The use of "alicorn" is not necessarily canonizing that as the name for tri-ponies/royal ponies, or whatever you want to call them. It could be creepier than that. What if some crazy guy made it out of a unicorn's horn? That would be consistent with the classic meaning of the word, the high magic potential and the dark nature of the amulet.

The tri-pony on the front may be coincidence and styling. Or it could show the image of the creator. Or worse, it could have been made from the horn, or the piece of a horn, from a tri-pony.


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The use of "alicorn" is not necessarily canonizing that as the name for tri-ponies/royal ponies, or whatever you want to call them. It could be creepier than that. What if some crazy guy made it out of a unicorn's horn? That would be consistent with the classic meaning of the word, the high magic potential and the dark nature of the amulet.

The tri-pony on the front may be coincidence and styling. Or it could show the image of the creator. Or worse, it could have been made from the horn, or the piece of a horn, from a tri-pony.


You're over-thinking things - the current person in charge of the show said that she used to call them "Pegacorns", but decided to call them Alicorns instead when she saw how popular the term was with the fans.

Alicorn, I think, is how Pre-G4 fans called them too. It might even be why the term got so popular in the first place.

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hi hi

I also choose to believe that the alicorn amulet is thus named because of its effect on the material of a unicorn's horn, or because it is made out of a unicorn's horn. Now, other people are certainly free to call them whatever they like, but there are other things that I don't call by the generally accepting name too. Some people call it soda, some call it pop, but its the same thing in the end.

Applejack being a total pushover bugged me too, but on the other hoof, Fluttershy's woodland creatures never yielded. Also, Twilight Sparkle did tell her friends to "keep an eye on Trixie." I figured that they were selflessly trying to put themselves through hardship to spare the townsfolk and to try to see if they could find out something that might help them win.

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...but on the other hoof, Fluttershy's woodland creatures never yielded...

That...doesn't make me feel better at all! : )

...Also, Twilight Sparkle did tell her friends to "keep an eye on Trixie." I figured that they were selflessly trying to put themselves through hardship to spare the townsfolk and to try to see if they could find out something that might help them win...

But that does. Thanks.

By the way, did the shop keeper know what he had?

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What exactly could Applejack have done directly to oppose Trixie that wouldn't have gotten her taken out immediatly?

Its like the French Resistannce. If they would have ran up to German soldiers and tried to fight them directly it would be over immediatly, they had to work in secret until an opportunity arose, which is what Twilight's friends did.

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You and ginger made a good case for Applejack and co, but what about the others in ponyville? It would have been amazing character development for some of the side characters who were uninvovled in the trickery to be shown to have resisted absolutely. As far as we can tell, everyone caved to the tyrant. We can see that Trixie had some very strange methods of persuasion that would not have worked on anyone willing to stand up for the village.

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When she said that, she was insane from the amulet. Isn't it more likely that after getting beaten, her crushed ego ruined her already terrible act? She might have been less sure of herself, or she might have over-compensated and been even more arrogant. Either way, no one would want to see her. Her pride would cause her to look for excuses, and Twilight would be a great one.

I think it was her ego that ruined things for her, yes. I mean, at the end of the episode, she adds fireworks to Twilight's display for Celestia and the Saddle Arabian ambassadors, and they all really seemed to like it. I think the Entertaining and Moderately Powerful Trixie could have made a perfectly good living as an entertainer, showcasing her magic as purely a form of entertainment rather than a demonstration of her power. She could even have signed on with some kind of travelling circus or theatre troupe. But the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't share the limelight.

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hi hi

I think what they were trying to do when they had Rainbow Dash of all ponies go to fetch Twilight, was to show just how dire the circumstances were. Rainbow Dash is typically headstrong, charging right in without a second thought, so when she's running to Twilight for help, that tells me that they already tried everything they could and were at the point where they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they needed help. But that was just my impression, nothing concrete...

(To be fair, the ponies in Ponyville faint at the sight of rampaging bunny rabbits, and the royal guards get fooled by a nearly featherless bird in a mustache. :P )

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Celestia and Luna have the 'royal regalia' of crown, necklace and horseshoes/hoofcups in their relevant material.

S3E1-2 we have a corrupted(?) king with a red, silver and black crown and normal metal armour.

S3E5 we have corrupted Trixie with red, silver and black necklace.

Is there one more piece* to the 'regalia of corruption'?

*(or four more pieces to be picky) :)


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Horseshoes of Corruption? A set of black iron horseshoes chased with silver inlays and crimson gems that drain the life and magic from the land they touch and use it to empower their wearer?

Sounds like a fan fiction idea...

Not sure I'd, (as a tabletop gamer and GM), give that power to them as there is already the Alicorn amulet for a power/level focus...

Hmmmm, (head canon and item wall of text alert):

Crown of rulership: It is said that this crown will unite the lands of its wearer, forging strong bonds and singular purpose to their subjects.

In reality it dominates and controls all those the wearer views as subjects and re-inforces in its wearer the view that this is the correct way of doing things, control is necessary to achieve their end and it is their right to control their subjects.

Alicorn amulet: Much sought after by magic wielders, it is said that this amulet will increase not only the raw power of a unicorns spells but also their understanding of magic, enabling them to perform spells they could previously only dream of.

In reality this corrupt item will also make the wearer believe that those less powerful are also less relevant, they can be used and abused to get what you want or simply for your amusement.

Horseshoes* of Decius: Stories initially tell that these magical items were created to 'make ten steps feel like one' enabling a pony to move at ten times their normal speed, however the magic used in their creation was too powerful and they also 'make ten years feel like one'. If worn by a pony it will make time pass for their body more slowly, thus a very old pony would have 20 years instead of 2, a sick pony would have 10 times as long to get well or find a cure and a younger pony might live 500 or 600 years instead of the 50 or 60 they would otherwise have had!

In reality this is completely false, wearing the shoes draws life from the surroundings, (or actively from another pony if you want a darker source), curing the wearer of ill-health, reducing the body's age to that of a healthy (young) adult and sustaining it there as long as the wearer is able to draw life-force. This corrupting item is the least subtle in its methods, thus the inability to draw life-force is a constant gnawing hunger and the wearers desire to live is made much stronger than the already naturally strong survival instinct.

When combined the items abilities and corruptions reinforce each other making a pony endeavour to rise to ruler ship over those weaker and giving them the ability to do so. Control and dominate those that they do overpower and continue doing so forever by draining the land or their subjects.

As with all such evil artefacts they are drawn to each other, Sombra was trying to expand southwards and Trixie was edging Northwards toward the Crystal kingdoms.

Additional because I couldn't resist.

:Celest: 'What can you tell me about Sombra and Trixie?'

:) 'One was an ancient king and one was... Oh, they were both unicorns.'

:Celest: 'Would you be surprised if I told you that the previous owner of the horseshoes was also a unicorn?'

:-| 'Well, no but what are you trying to... Oh no Shining Armour! Or is it me? I know where the crown and the amulet are!'

:Celest: 'Relax Twilight, I hold no such fears for you or your brother but you remember the wedding and what you brother exchanged with...'

:blush: 'A unicorn and a Princess? Horn rings? I've read about the other three but there is no mention anywhere of a horn ring! No bad or even good stories are written anywhere.'

:Celest: 'They were all of them deceived Twilight, for a horn-ring was made. In the land of Maredor in the fires of mount Glue-m, the dark unicorn Sour one forged this, a master ring, to control all the other artefacts; and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life, forever. One ring to rule them all.**

These four things are terrible on their own Twilight but should any unicorn ever gain control of them all they will hold more power than Luna and myself together. The corrupted unity of the artefacts and their subjects will render the elements of harmony worthless and if they draw enough life-force into themselves they will grow into a corrupted Alicorn who will bring about the downfall of all Pony kind and, inevitably, the end of the world'+

*Hoofcups? What are those things that the Princesses wear on their hooves?

** With relevant apologies

+ I've revised my app, can I play canno foddah now? :razz:

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hi hi

I'm going to say something that is relevant to this discussion, but is a spoiler for the next episode. So if you haven't seen Sleepless in Ponyville yet, don't click below.

The Old Mare's Rusty Horseshoes! Dun dun dunnnn!


spoilered for same reasons

That would explain the 'evil red eyes' and why she is so desperate to find he last one!

Dun dun duuuuun indeed!

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