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S03 E06 - "Sleepless In Ponyville"

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(Hmmm... You make a good discussion point. While I'm still missing some big episode centered around Applejack challenged to be honest, I think I can see the point you're coming from. I think you're saying that Applejack's honesty is the standard so that when she lies it becomes more glaring, and that her actions reflect her honesty more than her strictly telling the truth? If that's your statement, and if I read that right, then I can... observe for it in the episodes. Try to look at it from that point and see if I notice things I hadn't before. So thank you for that... and your descriptions of hte other characters in relation do help to put things into perspective. I'd also say that Pinkie Pie failed her element personally when she became depressed and kinda crazy in the episode where she forgot it was her birthday and worried that her friends were abandoning her and started talking with a pile of rocks... Which makes a weird kind of sense given her past. However yes, I can open my opinion up again on Applejack's honesty to try to observe her more carefully from the perspective of her everyday actions. Putting my argument on hold until further data is acquired... Unless I missed your point entirely in which case I apologize.)

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I'd also say that Pinkie Pie failed her element personally when she became depressed and kinda crazy in the episode where she forgot it was her birthday and worried that her friends were abandoning her and started talking with a pile of rocks...

Well it's Pinkie Pie. Logic doesn't apply....Seriously though, I have to agree to disagree with you.

Just because she's the element of laughter, doesn't mean she can't have moments in her life that aren't so happy. We've seen discorded Pinkie (Angry Pie) and crazy Pinkie (Pinkamena). And the only real difference is that one is more angry than the other. Yet they both are quite grumpy and in a way hates their friends.

But besides this, she's perfect for laughter.

Besides, you want to talk about Pinkie Pie?


And don't get me started on the Gala incident....

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(I have no problem agreeing to disagree, especially now that I'm stepping back for a bit and letting further information develop for Applejack. If there's anything I've noticed thus far, it's the wide degree of varying opinions that Bronies seem to develop on the show... it really seems to go all over the place with what some like and some despise.)

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I think the fact that we can have disagreements about the characters like this is a good thing for two reasons.

1) Unlike many fanbases, we can generally have a civillised discussion about alternate character interpretations without it turning into a flame war, at least in the forums I've been in.

2) The reason there's room to make varying interpretations, is that the characters are developed and more complex than just a 'one trick pony'. They have doubts, they have fears, they have days when they're not their best selves, and I think that's great. Their element is who they are when theyr're at their best, but it isn't some sort of default state. They do have to put some effort into it, as seen when they fail or falter. Take away that and you get G3.

Of course, there are some people who will argue that the variability weakens the character, that they are less solid and well defined because they don't always live up to their Element, that it _should_ be their base state, or that it is and that the writers just throw aesop amnesia and failure stuff in to provide conflict to drive the story. Or maybe the truth lies some where between the two. (see 1)

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