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Equestria High: The Great Divide (Registered Users Only)


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(Using Pony Banner despite being human here lul)

The Lime skinned female sighed as she brushed a bit of bang out of her face, class had been BRUTAL! She had stayed up all night studying and had managed to pass by the SKIN OF HER NOSE!

But now QuickLime was tired and it was time for lunch, happily going to fetch her tray, getting a salad, some greek chicken wraps, and a nice energy drink for a buzz...she sure needed it now! And after this she had a five page essay to write, and then she had soccer practice..so many things to do..!


Cashmere was eating a light lunch, the gray skinned student sat at his usual table with his fashionista friends, eating his Caesar salad, fresh apple slices, and delicious Tempura fried vegetables..Mhmm! After this he had to go to the drama department to sew up some costumes for the upcoming play, and he was happy for it...Cash was happiest when he was working after all, he glanced around the table a bit, hoping everything went well today, though something in the air felt..


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Sparkle jumped and cracked his head when he heard the lunch bell ring, he winced and almost fell from the ladder he was working from. His stomach was growling, so he decided to put down his paint brush for now. He'd been working on the set for the upcoming school performance for weeks now, and he did not intend on working through lunch again. He rubbed his head as he climbed carefully down from his position.

"I hope there's something good for lunch today" he muttered to himself whilst walking from the gym.

Sparkle soon found himself in the food court, among the mess of pupils he quickly identified his choice of table, the dramas, they were hard to miss with their dazzling attire and flamboyant attitudes. He silently grabbed a tray and sighed when he found that yet again, there was nothing palatable on the menu. He picked up some juice and a fruit salad to keep him going and made his way over to the table he'd chosen. There wasn't really a place for him, but he found a vacant seat and perched himself there, next to a grey student he recognized from his forays into the gymnasium when rehearsals were on.

He decided to speak to him for once, too many lunch times had passed with him just waiting for the clique to speak to him, if it wasn't going to happen naturally, he'd make it happen. Sparkle put on his friendliest face and spoke in his most confident voice.

"Hi, I don't think we've met, but I've seen you around, I'm Sparkle Fire."

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Honeydew didn't dress particularly flamboyantly for someone seated at the drama table. Her shirt was a simple, black t-shirt with an alien's head on it, and she wore a pair of blue jean shorts with three questions marks on them. But like many other students, Honeydew didn't trust the cafeteria food. It always bugged her, though, that no matter how much they complained about the cafeteria food, they kept getting it. Was there some kind of addictive chemicals in the cafeteria food? Had the food done something to their minds that made their wills weak and compliant? She wasn't sure, and she wasn't going to find out. That's why she always packed her own lunch. Always. Honestly, she had no idea why people liked to call her nuts; she wasn't the one eating the cafeteria food that clearly had something wrong with it. She chewed on her ham sandwich and listened to other people talk. There was no shortage of drama at the drama table, and it was always great for giving her ideas for articles for the school newspaper. She was only half paying attention to the conversations. Most of it was the usual boring stuff that happened in a high school.

"-And then, I found out she was seeing my boyfriend, no, wait, my EX-boyfriend behind my back! That back-stabbing cow!" One of the drama students said, near to tears.

Honeydew suddenly sat up straight and swallowed the bit of sandwich she was chewing on hard. She got out a notepad and pen and started writing furiously.

Werecow kidnaps student's boyfriend!

It was time to conduct an investigation. She jabbed a finger none too gently into the person sitting next to her. "Hey, you! Switch places with me!" She needed to get closer to this drama girl and find out more about the back-stabbing cow in question.


Soarin sat in his biology class, focusing intensely on the clock in the wall. Sweat dripped down his brow as the seconds ticked by. He had taken notes for most of the class but had stopped a few minutes ago to watch the clock, figuring he had enough notes to go on.

Come on, he thought. Come on...

Could the clock go any slower?! No, probably not. If it went any slower, the clock would probably go BACKWARDS in time. He bit his bottom lip and pleaded for the clock to go faster. Just a few seconds more!

Come on!

At long last, the lunch bell rang. Soarin grabbed his backpack and shot out of his chair. "YES!" He was out the door before anyone else and sprinted down the hall towards the cafeteria. A teacher noticed him running through the hall and yelled at him.

"Sorry!" He shouted back behind his shoulder and he slowed down to a brisk power walk. He could smell so many delicious things from inside the cafeteria already. He noticed there was already a long line of students waiting for lunch. The hungry jock made a small, squeaky noise of despair at the sight of it. He hurriedly took his place in line, looking almost as jittery as someone waiting in a long line to go to the bathroom.

Oh man, I hope they don't run out of dessert!

It had been a dark day for Soarin in the cafeteria the last time that had happened.

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"Family, genus, species," Asteria thought to herself in silence as she wrote the last few summations of the biology lesson in her notes while her teacher rattled off on a superfluous tangent. The textbook seemed more thorough than the lecture their teacher was giving, something she had used to her advantage as the obsidian skinned student finished her lesson with a few minutes to spare in class. Her crimson eyes scanned the room and spotted a fidgeting student who was seemingly enthralled by one of the clocks in the room. She wondered if he had already finished his notes as well, or had just grown restless in the waning moments of their class. She simply shrugged and decided against speculation with such limited knowledge as the class bell rang and signaled their temporary freedom from learning. Asteria flicked her short cut scarlet hair to the side as she carefully gathered her belongings and tucked them away into her spartan backpack. With her belongings properly secured, she raised her head to see that her impatient classmate had already darted off to lunch.

"His speed seems exceptional, he would make an outstanding candidate for the track team," the dark skinned student thought to herself as she left her class and made her way to the cafeteria. It seemed odd that there was such a rush for food, the length of the period more than long enough for the ingestion of such sustenance, but she didn't express her opinion openly. The tall athlete critically examined the cafeteria and took a seat at the jock table, the area mostly empty while the other students purchased their meals. She slid a dark hand into her backpack and pulled out a neatly wrapped package that held her lunch. Asteria had a rather tasteless selection of healthy food to sate her hunger, the unimaginative student getting a head start on her meal while she waited for her classmates to purchase their own meals.

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[colour=#8b4513]Sterling Silver[/colour]

Well, this was it. Lunch time. Sterling often associated the mad rush for lunch in the school hallways to be similar to that of a raging stampede, when he didn't have food on the mind of course. The dull silver skinned young man made his way out of a nearby office, nodding at the teacher inside before closing the door. He would have been at gym class at this time, but he had some important business to take care of, and business he was more than happy to get out of the way. The aspiring student had just secured a part time job at the local police station! Given the profession ran in the family there was a lot of pestering (Or rather, begging) aimed at his father earlier today but he finally secured what he wanted, and walked out of the room labelled 'careers adviser' with a huge smile on his face. Along with said huge smile was an also very distinct rumbling in his stomach, so he promptly made his way to the lunch hall with the rest of his fellow students.

He held a backpack close to himself, occasionally lifting a hand to brush some of his brown and creamy coloured hair out of his vision, due to the hustle and bustle of early lunch time. On the way into the cafeteria he noticed a person, seemingly in great distress at...whatever it was. The individual wasn't a complete stranger to Sterling though, he had come across him various times during gym class, 'Soarin' if he remembered correctly. He was about to ask what was wrong before noticing the seemingly endless line in front of himself and Soarin. With a small gulp he spoke up to the panicking athlete next to him, "[colour=#8b4513]Don't worry, man. I'm sure there'll be...something left.[/colour]" he said, hoping to reassure both Soarin and himself. Whether that worked at all was up for debate. So he stood, waiting for a bit longer before eventually getting himself some food and wondering where he was going to sit. Sooo many choices.

[colour=#b22222]Darkest Dawn[/colour]

Meanwhile, in the school library. A young, dark skinned and red haired individual was reading through a series of books on astrology. The spectacle wearing boy was seemingly on edge, flicking through page after page, taking note after note; painstakingly cramming every solitary piece of information into his head as he could whilst repeating a few words to himself. "Have to study. Need to study. Too much goofing off. Need to get this done." over and over again, expecting the few sentences to be engraved in his very brain by the end of this. This individual was known as Darkest Dawn, and yes, he is incredibly panicky.

This seemingly endless cycle of worry was broken by a loud ringing noise in Dawn's ears. Not due to him finally breaking down but from a nearby bell. Lunchtime. He winced and promptly took as much as he could into one handful and whatever else he could fit into his large black backpack, running quickly out of the nearest exit, giving his regards to the assistant inside, "[colour=#b22222]Sorry Miss Cheerilee. I'll return these soon! Promise![/colour]" he shouted in desperation before joining the rest of the student body in the lunch hall. He saw Soarin on his way there, running like a bat out of Tartarus and thinking, "[colour=#b22222]He does this every lunch time...[/colour]" and bumping into a few students, to which he quickly apologized to before getting his food. He thankfully spotted an equally familiar and friendly face nearby, Sterling Silver. He walked over to his relatively new but still trustworthy friend, knowing the young aspiring officer would comment on how bad he currently looked, so he simply said..

"[colour=#b22222]Hey, Sterling...don't you say a word. I know. Let's just get our lunch.[/colour]" he remarked, Sterling merely nodding; as if they've done this whole routine before.

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Soarin gave another groan at Sterling's attempt to cheer him up. "They have apple fritter for dessert today! APPLE FRITTER!" He grasped the other boy's shoulders. "If I don't get some now, I'll NEVER get some. Or well, not until next week. And nobody EVER gives away their apple fritter. I know. I've asked! They'll give away applesauce, peaches, tapioca pudding, even chocolate pudding, carrot cake... but not apple fritter. NEVER apple fritter." His eyes got a little wide there at the end, then he noticed the line had moved up some. He hurried to the next spot and fidgeted. Every once in a while, he sniffed the air and gave a sigh. "Oh man, that smells good. I don't know why everyone complains about the food here. It's so awesome!"

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Sunset Shimmer could only look on with disdain as everybody made a rush over to the cafeteria. Now that she was a senior, the hothead reveled in the fact that she had the privilege to drive off-campus for lunch. It’s too bad though that hardly anyone else in her class sought the fast-food joints like she did, but then again, Sunset supposed that it made sense for all those human losers to hang out in the school to munch on Granny’s junk.

Before she drove off however, Miss Shimmer had business to attend to. One troublesome student needed to learn a lesson, and the lime-skinned girl just happened to be busy eating her lunch. [colour=#ff0000]“Well well well,”[/colour] the condescending ruler of Canterlot High “greeted” QuickLime; [colour=#ff0000]“If it isn’t lil’ miss Limey.....”[/colour]

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[colour=#800080]Vinyl Scratch[/colour]

Class had ended about 5 mins ago, and a certain Blue Haired student had just finished up a quick call with some parental types, whom had apparently too much time to spend questioning the types of folks she hung around with outside of school - pssht, wasn't really their business an' such who she hung with...besides, as she'd reminded her somewhat busybody mum over the phone, it wasn't like her parents had been wallflowers and the like back at their own schooldays.

That aside, it wasn't like she was getting into anything that was particularly dumb - she knew well enough not to get into criminal acts { well, kinda }, and there was no way in heck she was doing anything that involved chemically enhancing her mental state!

Well, whatever - the call had ended on a somewhat impasse, and Vinyl scratch had hung up without any intent on picking up for her parents 'til later...she had way more important things to be dealing with, like her socials an' making sure she kept herself at the top of her contemporary music classes. What her parents thought of her lifestyle choices was pretty much on the lowest rung of her personal care ladder right now, and she'd come out of the phone call with her usual smile in tact...stuff like that rarely bothered Vinyl, as any of her usual friends would have agreed. Still, today it seemed as though her usual friends were sorta indisposed, which was a l'il bit of a pain in the rear since she could really have done with some laughs right about now that weren't about her folks and their inherant inability to understand things from her point of view.

Ah well - t'was time for lunch...time for this young musical maestro of the Modern era to get her funky self over to the cafeteria an' see what was cooking!

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  • 1 month later...

OvjppPcs.jpgMojo & Jubilee Flyer

Walking into the cafeteria was Jubilee Flyer, aspiring actress and singer, next to her flamboyantly dressed brother, Mojo.

[colour=#8B4513]"Yeah baby! Time for chow, that's groovy, really happenin'!" [/colour]Mojo said in his slight British accent.

[colour=#0000FF]"Would you at least TRY to not embarrass me today, brother?" [/colour]Jubilee asked in a whisper as the two siblings got their trays and moved into the serving line.

[colour=#8B4513]"Aww! There ya go with those bad vibes agin', sis. I gotta be me, y'know."[/colour]

[colour=#0000FF]"Yes, and that's the problem." [/colour]Julibee quipped as the food was plopped on her plate by a smiling, green skinned elderly cafeteria lady.

[colour=#8B4513]"Problem? It's all in me charm! Watch this!" [/colour]Mojo said, turning and flashing his trademark smile at the cafeteria lady. [colour=#8B4513]"Good afternoon, love! Yur sure lookin' chirper today, babe!"[/colour]

Mojo grinned at his sister as he received an extra big mound of mashed potatoes and an extra brownie on his plate.

[colour=#8B4513]"Stay cool, sweetie," [/colour]the loudly dressed guy responded with a wink before his angry sister pulled him away from the line.

[colour=#0000FF]"Stop it! Someday that, charm, of yours is going to get you in trouble. Now I'm going to eat with my fellow drama friends, YOU stay far away from me.:"[/colour]

[colour=#8B4513]"Gotcha sis, besides, I wanna scope out all the chicks in the cafeteria. Need ta fetch me a date for tonight, after all."[/colour]

[colour=#0000FF]"Whatever," [/colour]Julibee sighed as she walked over towards the Drama table where she saw Honeydew already seated.

[colour=#0000FF]"Hi there! I'm Jubilee Flyer, don't we have a couple of classes together? May I join you?" [/colour]the blonde girl asked. Meanwhile, Mojo was walking around with his tray, randomly waving and 'greeting' all the girls in the room he recognized.

[colour=#8B4513]"Yo Vinyl Scratch! Rock on, chickie baby! Hey there Quicklime! How's me favorite bookworm and.. " [/colour]Instantly, Mojo stopped talking, spotting Sunrise Shimmer addressing her. Slowly, the brown haired Brit backed away from that table, realizing he wanted nothing to do with the school bully, even if she was a 'babe.'. As he was backpedaling, he bumped into the table where Asteria was seated. When he turned and spotted the beautiful lady seated there, Mojo returned to 'cool' mode. [colour=#8B4513]"Yeah baby! I meant, greetings there love. Mojo's me name, mind if I dine with ya?"[/colour]


Sneaking carefully into the cafeteria trying to remain unnoticed was freshman girl Haywire. The rust coloured blonde country girl tried to look casual as she made her way to the serving line, her slingshot sticking out of her back pocket. She had had a very busy morning and so far, her luck was holding out. No one figured out that it was her who placed that whippie cushion under Vice Principal Luna's seat when she sat down during the morning staff meeting. She had also successfully pranked a boy with the old 'spring loaded stick of chewing gum' routine. Haywire wanted to stay clear of that boy for the next few days. Looking all 'sweet and innocent' as she got her tray of food, the happy bow wearing girl spotted the table where Vinyl Scratch was sitting. Excited, she rushed right over to her.

[colour=#B22222]"Hey Vinyl Scratch! I'm Haywire and I'm a big fan of yur DJ'n! Might I sit a spell with ya and eat?"[/colour]

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QuickLime had just taken a bite out of her wrap when a all too familiar voice grated on her ears, she frowned and swallowed before glancing at the flame haired annoyance "..Hello Sunny" She retorted stiffly, before going back to her food, she wasn't going to take her horse apples today, no way , no how! Even if every incident might end up in detention the Lime skinned student wasn't going to bend and kiss Sunset Shimmers toes like everyone else! She took a sip of her energy drink and snorted.

"Do you want something or do you just want to pollute my air with your nastyness?"

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Asteria had been silently studying her peers as she slowly at her lunch. She had read that slow eating would allow her to better recognize when she was full. This seemed to be working, her form perfectly balanced for cross country running. Upon hearing someone address her, the young athlete blinked her fiery eyes and turned to face the person that called her a babe.

"Hello Sir Mojo, I am Asteria, honored to meet you," she politely replied in a vaguely alluring voice as she politely bowed for him. For one reason or another, she didn't seem offended by his broad descriptor of babe, either not understanding or caring what he meant. "I will afford you all the support I am allowed to in regards to your choice of seating. I am not aware of any rules that might prevent you from sitting here," Asteria added in a strange manner as she gestured with an obsidian hand for him to sit in her proximity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vinyl found herself distracted upon arrival in the lunch area with the odd request from another student...who intro'd themselves right off the bat.

"Hey Vinyl Scratch! I'm Haywire and I'm a big fan of yur DJ'n! Might I sit a spell with ya and eat?"

" Uh....sure, I guess! " She says, giving a small nonchalent shrug - she wasn't choosy...indeed, she was savvy enough to know that she should get along with everypony she could in order to stay better with everyone who listened to her and her musical talents. Whereas others might have just wanted to go along with their social stigmas, Vinyl wasn't much on following the crowds and was publically well recognised for having sat with pretty much anyone, regardless of interests and such. " beats having lunch on ya own, anyway! "

Still, she wasn't anywhere near ready to sit down just yet...she actually needed to go ATTAIN her eats first, and that is exactly what she intended on doing as she heads to the cafeteria line and waits, looking ahead as much as she could to get a glimpse of what lay ahead - but she might as well have been trying to look into the future, it was entirely hopeless!

Giving a small utterance of a sigh, she just stands and waits...for what else was there she could do?

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Sunset Shimmer huffed over QuickLime’s insolence, leaning in closer to the other girl while aggressively putting her her hands over her hips. Sunset had enough of this smack talk; “Let’s get straight to the point Limey; that little stunt of yours last week wasn’t a very smart thing to do. You better get an attitude adjustment real quick, unless you want something bad happening to you… heh, again.” Something told the smirking Miss Shimmer that the lime-skinned teen won’t budge, but she didn’t care. In fact she welcomed it, for the pony-turned-human relished an excuse to make an example out of QuickLime in front of the entire school.....

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  • 1 month later...

As Mojo, Jubilee Flyer and Haywire finished their lunches, an announcement came over the school's PA system:

"Attention students! Will the following students please report to the Principal's office IMMEDIATELY! Jubilee Flyer, Mojo and especially Haywire! These three students report immediately to the Principal's office! That is all!"

"Blimey! I wonder what the devil they want?" Mojo asked as he stood up and turned to Asteria, "sorry love, duty calls. Catch ya later!"

"C'mon brother, can't keep'm waiting," Julibee muttered as she pulled Mojo away from the table and towards the swinging doors past a worried looking Haywire.

"Uh oh," the young rust colored girl muttered, "I wonder which one of mah pranks they pinned on me? I go to the durn Principal's office so much, I should be gitt'n frequent flyer miles!"

With that being said, the three departed from the cafeteria.

(Exit Mojo, Julibee Flyer and Haywire)

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