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Love and Other Awkward Emotions (Ended)


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"Well Miss Carrot Top, when we have a full harvest goin' on, this here mill's been able ta produce over a hundred sacks of flour in one afternoon," Hayseed said with a smile, "I don't mean ta brag, but this mill could probably make as many as 200 sacks of flour if I ran it all out in a day. But I gotta be careful. Gotta keep all the gears an' pulleys oiled and be on the lookout fer worn out gears and gear shafts. Since they're made outta wood, they kin wear out mighty quick."

Now Hayseed was ready to leave the mill and take his very special somepony somewhere else.

"So, Miss Carrot Top, where would ya like ta go next? Thar's the old swingin' bridge nearby, or I could take ya to the ol' rope swings. If'n yer hungry, we could go back to the house fer some refreshments."

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Carrot Top smiled as Hayseed proudly explained his grain mill. It was clear that the stallion loved what he was doing and took pride in his livelihood.

"200 sacks of flour? Wow, you can supply all of Ponyville with that, maybe even more. But thank you for showing me where your favorite places are."

The orange manned mare thought about where to go next out of the list of places left on the farm.

"Well I'd like to check out this rope bridge and then maybe I can see your house."

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"You got it, Miss Carrot Top," Hayseed said as the burly farm Earth stallion led her out of the mill and towards the woods.

"This here rope bridge was somethin' else I helped dad set up. We were needin' a quick solution when the previous bridge got washed out durin' a flood, so instead of rebuilding the entire thing, we set up this here rope bridge fer ponies ta use. The way we all figgered it, there ain't really nothin' on the other side of the creek as fer as farmland was concerned, but since there's a lot of trails and sights to see on the other side, a rope bridge would work jist fine. I know it kinda looks rickety, but it's a great bridge, trust me."

Hayseed now leads Carrot Top as the two begin to cross the bridge.

"It'll sway a little as we cross, but don't git scared. It'll be alright."

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Carrot Top followed Hayseed into the woods, excited to see something new. She then stopped at the edge of the creek and gazed at the rope bridge. It was a fairly simple idea, one that she had seen before with two ropes attached from one side to the other with planks of wood in between. She was always nervous around these bridges, not because she was scared of heights but of the bridge collapsing. The fact that it swayed with even the slightest breeze made her worry when crossing them.

"Ok, I'll try," she said setting her hoof on the first plank. The moment she left the safety of the one creek side the bridge began to rock slightly. She kept towards the side, ready in case she had to grab for a rope. Nervously and slowly she made her way to the other side before happily crossing over onto land.

"Ok, that was a little scary I admit. I kind of try to avoid these bridges after almost falling into a creek like this after standing on one."

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  • 4 weeks later...

(ooc): Oops! I didn't mean to let this RP slide, my bad....

Hayseed breathed a sigh of relief as his very special somepony crossed over on the rope bridge successfully with him.

"There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Hayseed said with a smile, "now we kin see the wonders on this side of the river!"

"I have a better way ta cross that thar stream!" little Haywire shouted as she galloped up towards the edge of the river.

"Better not do that, sis! Remember what happened last time when ya fell in?"

"I'm gonna make it this time!" Haywire yelled as she leapt into the air, grabbed a rope hanging from a nearby tree and attempted to swig across. As her momentum brought her upward, she released the rope, but well short of the target.

"Uh oh!" the blank flank filly muttered as she fell into the water, making a huge splash that drenched both Hayseed and Carrot Top. "Oops! Surry bout that!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I guess it wasn't that bad," Carrot said looking back where she was and realizing that she had overcome a small fear of hers. It wasn't one that crippled her with fright, but it was still something she was nervous doing when approaching an unfamiliar or unstable looking bridge. Suddenly, Haywire went for a hanging rope to try and cross but undershot her landing and fell in, drenching Carrot and her special somepony.

"Are you ok Hayseed?" she said walking to the edge of the creek, "Here take my hoof and I'll try to pull you out."

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"I'm alright, Miss Carrot Top," Hayseed said as his very special somepony helped to pull the stallion out. "Real sorry about us gitt'n all wet again. Haywire! You ok?"

"Yep! Surry bout that," the rust colored filly said as she surfaced and swam up to shore next to them. "Reckon I misjudged the distance a might!"

"A might? Little sister, ya missed it by a mile," Hayseed said, trying not to humiliate his younger sister any further. "Ya must've let go of the rope too soon."

"Yeah, oh well. Since I'm here with you two, I could let ya see mah special trees where I git my strings fer mah slingshots. Found a whole grove of these here trees a few years ago when I was explorin', I ain't even told Haymaker where they are! Wanna come see?"

"But Miss Carrot Top an' I are all soakin' wet! We need ta git some towels an.."

"I gotta small supply shack nearby, I always keep it stocked with towels an' stuff like that, big brother."

"Well Miss Carrot Top, what do ya say? Wanna go with Haywire an' see her trees?"

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"I'm glad to hear you're ok," Carrot Top said as he got Hayseed safely on dry land, "And really, you don't have to worry about me getting wet. I'm usually worse off working in my garden, covered in rain and mud and weeds. Why I probably look downright strange when I'm done for the day."

The mare let out an audible sigh as her special somepony was fretting over her getting wet. She knew that Hayseed didn't see her as some delicate flower or something made of glass that could easily break. She was an independent headstrong mare who was not afraid to get her hooves dirty to make a living farming her carrots. Yet she could understand that it wasn't that Hayseed thought that she was going to be upset if a little wet or cold but that he wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible. It was a charming quality of him being so chivalrous towards her.

"Well, aren't you my knight in shining armor willing to help a slightly soggy damsel. Still, I'm not made of sugar so it's not like if I'm wet for a little I'd melt or anything like that. It would be my honor though to see these trees of yours Haywire. Lead the way!"

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"YAY! Foller me!" Haywire shouted as the excited filly dashed down a path towards a small grove of trees.

"Slow down, sis! Can't foller ya if'n we can't see ya!" Hayseed shouted with a slight chuckle before turning to his very special somepony. "I know the way, I'm jist sayin' that fer her benefit. Ya gotta see these amazin' trees of Haywires! Don't know how she found'm, but they're mighty pecular.. "

Soon, Hayseed led Carrot Top into the grove, where they saw little Haywire 'bouncing' from tree to tree.

"Why don't y'all try this! It's FUN!" the blonde filly shouted as she contined to bounce between trees.

"Haywire calls these, rubber trees, and their sap kin be made inta elastic strings. I don't recommend 'bouncing' off these trees, cause Haywire knows how ta do it safely, you and me don't." Hayseed confessed, "The last time I tried, I nearly ended up with broken legs and a broken back."

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Carrot Top smiled at the concern that Hayseed had over his sister Haywire. While the stallion knew where the filly was going, it still didn't dampen the fact that she wanted to see that she was ok. When they finally came to the grove of trees, Carrot Top saw a strange sight of the red filly bouncing from tree to tree! It was hard to imagine what was happening in the mare's mind as she had of course seen trees before, and all of them certainly didn't let you bounce off of them. The only thing that came close were the smaller trees that were flexible than the older ones, but even those paled in comparison to these rubber trees.

"Hmmm... rubber trees," the mare said walking to one as the filly flew by. She took her hoof and lightly tapped the trunk of a tree. Suddenly her fore hoof rocketed backwards, taking the rest of her body with her!. She fell on her rump with a thud, slightly startled but not hurt.

"Wow those trees are really bouncy. How did you find them Haywire?"

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"MISS CARROT TOP!" Hayseed neighed as the brown pelted country stallion rushed over to her side to help her up. "You alright?"

Haywire stopped her 'bouncing with a midair barrel roll before landing on her four hooves, having heard the farm mare's question.

"Well, I sort found'm by accident. A few years ago, mah family and I made friends with a green Pegasus guy, the Purfessur!" Haywire began to explain, "he's the one that helped me set up mah treehouse observatory, lab and greenhouse. He gave me a whole buncha seeds ta plant, and a few potted seedling plants too. Told me they were a special kind of tree seed he crossbred in his lab, whatever that means. Anywoo, mah brother an' I planted'm out here and boy we were surprised how fast them trees grew up! Knida found out they were bouncy trees by accident too. after I swung too far on mah swingin' rope and bounced off of'm. I figured out how ta tap these trees fer the material I needed ta make mah swingshots!"

"Yeah, Haywire only left out one thing," Hayseed said softly, "Haymaker don't think much of Professor Krashkop. Maybe it's cause the first time he came ta visit us here on the farm, he crashed inta her clothesline and ruined all the clothes and towels she had hung up ta dry. It was an accident. but that didn't stop Haymaker from throwin' a big fit about it."

"Yeah, so a friendly word of advice, don't mention his name around mah sister. She's STILL not over it yet."

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Just as she anticipated, her knight in shining armor Hayseed came rushing forth to see if she was ok.

"I'm ok. It just kind of surprised me that's all. Those trees are more bouncy as I thought."

She listened as Haywire explained how she discovered the plants and how they were rubbery.

"Wow, so you didn't just find them. You grew them! Maybe you have a talent in growing things, like your brother and sister. As for Professor Krashkop, I have met him actually a couple of times before. He seems very smart but I understand the fact that he would crash into things as I've seen him do so several times. But don't worry, I'll keep my mouth sealed so not to upset Haymaker. So Hayseed, besides the plants in your tree house and these trees, have you planted anything else on this farm?"

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Hayseed smiled at Carrot Top's question.

"Sure! We don't jist harvest hay on this farm!" the brown pelted stallion neighed proudly, "I already showed ya our flour mill, we grow wheat here too! Though most of this farm's fields are for hay, we do grow vegetables and other things fer the family to eat too."

"Yep!" Haywire shouted as she landed beside the two ponies. "We even grow carrots!"

"Carrots, taters, tomaders, all kinds of things! Wanna see our garden next?" Hayseed asked.

"And about the Perfesser, he's a nice guy, but sometimes he says goofy things."

"And you'd think fer bein' a Pegasus all his life, he'd have learned how ta land better," Hayseed giggled, causing Haywire to laugh with him.

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Carrot Top realized that it was a silly question asking what Haywire and Hayseed grew. It was merely to engage Haywire to see what she specifically grew on the farm. But with a farm this large the orange manned mare knew that they didn't settle with just growing grain. There was bound to be other things grown, if nothing else than for the family to eat. But one of the things perked her interest relating to a certain vegetable.

"Oh you grow carrots huh? Now that I think of it I don't remember if I've ever seen you three at my carrot stand. Anyway I'd like to see the garden. Actually i do grow more than carrots myself but those other veggies I use for me. Can't survive on just carrots, right?"

The last thing Carrot said made it seem unsure if she really ate mainly carrots in her day.

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"Well Miss Carrot Top, I may grow carrots on this here farm, but I'm sure gonna visit yur carrot stand everytime I git the chance fer now on," Hayseed said dreamily as the brown pelted stallion looked deeply into the mare's eyes. Seeing this, Haywire turned her head and pretended not to notice her brother's lovestruck antics. Normally, the blank flank filly would make a face and say "EEEWWW" when she saw one of her siblings act like this, but Haywire had so much respect for Carrot Top, she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Besides, the blonde filly felt Carrot Top was the perfect match for Hayseed and she wasn't going to do or say anything to spoil that.

"Er, when y'all's ready, our garden's back on the other side of the stream. I'll go on ahead, catch up when ya kin," Haywire said as she leapt up in the air to grab a swinging rope from a nearby tree, her momentum causing her to swing outward. This time, she timed her release perfectly, making a successful four hoof landing on the other shore.

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Carrot Top blushed when Hayseed mentioned the he would be frequenting her stand from now on. For a moment the two stared into each other eyes longingly. The love between each other was undeniable.

"Awww... that's so sweet. Well if you want to have a carrot, why not now?"

Before he could react, the mare gave the brown stallion a kiss, not realizing as she embraced him that Haywire said that she was leaving for back home.

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Carrot Top's sudden kiss made the heart of Hayseed flutter with delight! The brown stallion got a goofy grin on his face, happy beyond words.

"WOW Miss Carrot Top!" Hayseed neighed. "If'n I may say so, yur sure a great kisser!"

Time seemed to stand still as the happy stallion looked lovingly into the eyes of his very special somepony.

"I love you!" Hayseed proudly announced as he reached to kiss and embrace the mare. Looking back towards the couple from the other side of the shore, Haywire smiled and began to think outloud.

"I wonder what mah first kiss is gonna be like? Maybe I'll find out when I'm older."

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The kiss was nothing short of amazing as the world stood still. She could tell that he was enjoying this as much as the way he kissed her.

She blushed when he said what a great kisser she was to which she replied softly, "Thanks. You're not such a bad kisser yourself."

Time passed for what seemed like an eternity until finally Hayseed told her how she felt.

"I love you too Hayseed. You know you're the first special somepony in my life. Guess i got lucky the first time around."

With a wink Carrot Top turned in time to see Haywire staring at the two.

"I think we have an audience," she said with a chuckle, "Anyway, what do you want to show me next, or do you want to see where I live?"

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Hayseed was happy beyond words! He loved kissing Carrot Top and truly loved the earth mare too! He smiled at her next suggestion.

"That's a great idear, Miss Carrot Top," Hayseed said dreamily, "I'd be honored ta visit yur place! Fair is fair, after all."

As the brown pelted stallion led his very special somepony back over the bridge, Haywire stopped to watch them. She wanted to make sure they didn't fall into the water.

"C'mon you two! Don't lag behind," the rust colored filly neighed.

"Sis, Carrot Top invited me to go visit her place."

"Oh, ok," Haywire said before her face brightened, "kin I come too?"

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Carrot Top smiled hearing that Hayseed approved of her idea.

"That's exactly how i felt. You were nice enough to show me where you live I wanted to repay the favor by showing you where I live. Granted it isn't big as your farm, but there's still plenty to show."

She carefully took her time crossing the bridge, happy that her special somepony was there just in case she would somehow slip off the bridge. Waiting on the other end was Haywire who was excited to tag along.

"Sure you can Haywire. It's not that far from here, just a short trot away. So when you two are ready we can head there."

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"I'M READY NOW!" Haywire shouted, giving Carrot Top a quick hug before galloping off ahead down the road.

"Heh heh, I'm with mah sister, Miss Carrot Top! I'm ready too!" the brown pelted stallion neighed with a huge smile on his face. "I'd love ta see yur farm! Never realized ya lived so close by. Gee, all these years an' I was livin' near my very special somepony and didn't even know it."

Now Hayseed looked into the eyes of Carrot Top once more, smiling so hard his teeth could glow in the dark. The 'magic' of the moment was suddenly interrupted by a familiar sounding filly in the distance.


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Before she could say anything, Carrot Top felt the cute filly hug before suddenly taking off down the road like a rocket.

"Well by not far I mean it's not like that I live in another town or anything like that. Still I do live fairly close to you. Funny how i never knew how close you are to me with where you live! Who would have thought that my special somepony was closer that I could imagine!"

The two stared lovingly into each other's eyes, not wanting to spend another moment apart. Suddenly Haywire chimed in asking where Carrot's home was having taken the wrong path.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that," Carrot said with a smile, "My house is actually this way."

With that the mare pointed a hoof towards the one side of the road which curved around the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Well since i know you two are interested to get going, let's go."

After walking for a short while, Carrot stopped on the road.

"Alright Haywire, see that house in the distance? The one that looks like the biggest carrot you've ever seen? That's my house."

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"Oh, right!" Haywire shouted from a distance, just being told by Carrot Top she'd been galloping in the wrong direction. As the blank flank filly turned and trotted back, Hayseed and Carrot Top were looking deeply into each other eyes. The brown stallion knew that this was his very special somepony and she felt the same away about him!

"Lead the way to yur house, darlin'," Hayseed said in response to the Earth mare's comment. As the three walked on the road together, Carrot Top mentioned to Haywire how her house looked from a distance.

"WHOA! That thar's YUR house?" the blonde filly shouted. "That's SO awesome! Hay brother, kin we build us a new house that looks like a haystack?"

"Best ask Haymaker 'bout that idear first," Hayseed glggled as he glanced back at Carrot Top and smiled. "Looks like a great house ta me, sweetie,"

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Carrot Top couldn't help but giggle about the way the two ponies with her reacted to the sight of her house. There was also the fact that Haywire asked about building a haystack house, something she wondered what exactly it would look like.

"Well the house didn't exactly looked like it at first. It looked like a two story house, albeit skinny like a tower. I'm not sure what it was at first or what was there around it. I knew it wasn't a farm as it was way too small. But after looking at it, I realized that it kind of looked like a carrot. After a coat of orange paint and green shingles it looked like the way it is now."

The group approached closer to the house, a two story structure that had the shape of a tower or a grain silo. There were round windows around each of the floors, giving the pony living there a view of all sides. The carrot shaped home was surrounded by an open flat land that had little green shoots growing from it.

"Welcome to my farm, or more like my garden. As you can see, I tried to use as much as I could of where I am, so I built the garden around the house. And see that fence around the garden? That's to keep the animals out, although it seems no matter what I do I always find a rabbit or squirrel inside."

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Both Hayseed and Haywire were awestruk at the sight of Carrot Top's house close up.

"This is really amazin', Miss Carrot Top!" Haywire neighed.

"Amazin' alright!" added her brother, "did ya build this here house all by yurself?"

"Even this fence looks great!" the blank flank filly neighed, galloping across the yard to look at it up close.

"HAYWIRE! WAIT!" Hayseed shouted, "COME BACK HERE! -- Now I sound like Haymaker, don't I?"

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