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The Terror From the Wastes (Bellosh101, Raridash, & Zoebel12)


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Just about anywhere else in Equestria, the sight of a dragon flying over a city would be cause for concern, or at the very least curiosity. What was that dragon up to? Was it looking for a hibernation spot inconvenient for other ponies? Did it intend to engage in simple-minded hooliganism like so many other of their adolescents? Or would it be after precious jewels and gold to add to its treasure horde?

Such questions go unasked in the Jewel of the North: Stalliongrad. Here, dragons have played a vital role in the city’s well-being for so long that nobody gives them a second look. Well, maybe except the tourists, but that’s inconsequential. Point being, airborne dragons were enough of a common sight that nobody thought it odd how a golden-orange dragon ceaselessly circled around Vsadnika Island, home to the tallest and most modern skyscrapers in all Stalliongrad. Here in the middle of the River Stadia, many of Equestria’s industrial concerns saw fit to base their headquarters, away from the grimy mess of the south shore.

But the dragon our story is concerned with, the greedy fiend known by his kindred as Craven, only gazed upon one of these skyscrapers. His target: Northern Storm Industries. Technically, the company itself didn’t interest Craven, but rather its CEO, an apparently fetching mare (or so gossip said) named Snowfall. She was the daughter of the company’s founder, and thus an heiress. An extremely rich heiress. If Craven could capture Snowfall and bring the helpless mare to his lair, that could mean a virtually-limitless payoff for her safe return. Especially when combined with his other… “investment”.

Yet on that previous collection, Craven accomplished it in a place where nopony else was there to witness his awesome prowess. If a tree fell in a forest and nobody was around, did that tree make a sound? That dilemma in mind, this upcoming bane of harmony resolved to show to ponykind that here, right now, would it be known how he could squash those weaklings like a bug if he wanted to. And what better way to showcase the adolescent Craven’s wrath than a broad daylight assault on one of Stalliongrad’s highest spires, and the resulting kidnapping of a damsel in distress considered by many to be beautiful and (more importantly) one of the richest of the land?

Craven knew just how he’d proceed. Late morning came, and the dragon up high positioned himself between the sun and Snowfall’s office window. Then he swooped down, using gravity to pick up speed. Before he slammed through the glass, that helpless mare would have the opportunity to see a dark shadow envelop her, and she would tremble with fear like any other pony. Craven would not have it any other way.

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Snowfall gave a small sigh as she sat at her desk, looking over some paper work regarding progress on the Trans-Equestrian Railroad. It was proving to be a costly project, but she was still confident in her decision to have become involved. The upside was so bright for the project, it just left her excited and eager to see where it might go. There were lots of thing for her to be happy about really. NSI was doing well overall. Even with the railroad's costs weighed in, profits were up in most other sectors that it more than made up for it. The return of the Crystal Empire to the continent was really a boon for Stalliongrad overall, as it was the closest Equestrian city to that strange and wonderful northern land. That the crystal ponies were so fascinated in the to them alien modern technology made it easy to sell it to them, especially with the Equestria games around the corner and them wanting to have the modern conveniences around to impress the influx of visitors they get. Demand was high to the point that Snowfall was considering opening a third production factory in addition to her Stalliongrad and Beakbreak facilities. Even Snow's mother was finding it somewhat difficult to find very many things to complain about these days, though she always did have at least one option...

The pegasus smiled. Yeah, she had more than just a successful business to be excited about. She also had Pathfinder. She wasn't even sure she entirely understood it herself, but the depth of love she had for that mare was bottomless. Her decision to recently attend a civilian leaders boot camp had kept her away from a lot of things recently, Pathfinder included. She hadn't seen her love since their meeting at the Running of the Leaves race back at the start of fall, where she learned some curious truths about her "fearless" adventurer fillyfriend. Still there had been plenty of letters and Snowfall had treasured each one. Though that would all end soon. Pathfinder would be coming to visit her in just a few days. Snowfall truly couldn't wait.

For now, however, she had paperwork to look over and meetings to attend. Her life would spin along at its usual steady pace. Between Pathfinder and the recent camp, Snowfall found herself somewhat wistful about this. She could recall how her younger self thought. She had in her youth felt so trapped in it all. She had just wanted so badly to escape from the cage she felt had been put around her and fly free, right out the window. She chuckled and then closed her eyes and sighed. Maybe just a small part of her still felt that way. It was silly she supposed, but ponies were silly, illogical creatures. She opened her eyes slowly and stared a moment at the office window...

That's when she saw it. It was a large shadow suddenly cast across the cloudless sky. Snowfall wondered for a moment if it wasn't some kind of airship in the distance for a moment, until she heard the distinct heavy sound of large wings flapping. She hadn't the chance to comprehend any of it. The sound of something very large speeding straight at her window could soon be heard followed by the harsh sounds of the thick, reinforced window glass shattering to pieces with absolute ease. She bolted up, trying to look for a means out... but was soon met my a massive shadow looming over her.

"N-no..." was all she could say as she trembled and looked upward. There was no mistaking it. She found herself face to face with a terrifying dragon. Even with all the time she had spent at camp preparing herself, there was nothing to be done here but fear.

"P-Pathfinder... please..." was all Snowfall could mutter as she stood and waited for whatever laid in store.
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The window of the skyscraper proved no match for Craven’s brutish form. Air now blowed into the formerly-pristine office, the sudden howling of wind instilling the sensation of dread onto the scene. A cunning dragon, Craven set down with an immerse thud between the CEO’s desk and the only door in or out, preventing any escape for Snowfall. If anyone dared inquire into the commotion from within the executive office... well, it isn’t hard to imagine a wrathful Craven contributing his fiery input towards interior remodelling.

In these first vital moments, Craven’s serpentine eyes used their time wisely to take stock of the vulnerable Snowfall. And my; just how vulnerable the helpless pegasus mare looked! Her snowy white figure, tall for a pony, paled in comparison to the lumbering beast towering at least twice her height, if not more. And then there was Snowfall’s flowing mane of powdery blue, apparently claimed to be attractive to pony sensibilities, quailing along with the rest of that twiglike body. And finally, those bright blue eyes; eyes which silently spoke of the mare’s realization that Craven could destroy her at any time without so much as breaking a sweat.

Craven took delight in witnessing the spectacle of Snowfall at his wicked mercy. Mere minutes ago, she might have felt confident that her wealth, her position, and her family lineage would forever shield her from the tiniest discomforts. Now, she surely must have learned that no amount of money, no amount of prestige, can ever shield against the ugly force that is true power. Power to do as one wished without fear of consequence. Nothing could prevent Craven from snatching a valuable prize right from the very heart of Stalliongrad, and it won’t be long before he’d receive even greater rewards for the sheer audacity of his accomplishment.

With the pitiable Snowfall right where he wanted her, the dragon pressed his advantage. Slowly but inexorably, Craven stomped on all fours towards that which through strength, was now rightfully his. The wings of the fiend stretched out across the entire room, and his head bent down to gaze eye-to-eye upon Snowfall. She could try backing away if she wanted, but she’d only end up pressed against a confining wall. It was a trivial matter for Craven’s fists to slam through the ornate desk standing between and his prey. The dragon gave no thought to the minuscule object he inadvertently crushed; a desktop portrait of a pegasus dressed in adventurer’s clothing.

Snowfall finally uttered some feeble words; something about a plea to someone named Pathfinder... whoever it was. Immediately, Craven’s nostrils responded through a stream of warm exhaust, a reminder of the fires burning in the belly of the unforgiving beast. Only now, in this time of absolute superiority, did the beast utter his first words. “There is no one to save you now,” a mocking baritone voice rolled through the room; MY little pony.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

“There is no one to save you now, MY little pony.”

"No..." Snowfall repeated as her eyes searched the room frantically as she backed right into the wall. She had to get out of this. Somehow she had to get out of this. She asked herself what Pathfinder would do. She'd find a way out of this. She always had a way.

She had to make a break for it, there was no other choice. She had to move before the dragon grabbed hold of her. If she could just get to the window... or the door, she could maybe escape the dragon. He wasn't a full sized dragon, but with his size, she could probably still out fly him when she got out in the open. She just needed to somehow get around him. Unfortunately, he was taking up nearly the entire office with his bulk and outstretched wings. Help arriving was pretty much out of the question. This was the top floor. It was thought impossible for any pony to break through the reinforced window glass, so there was no reason for it to be guarded. The security guards in the NSI building were far more concerned with the lower floors than the uppers that required a clearance code to even access from the ground. Even if someone did some, what would they do against a dragon? This was just crazy. But she had to do something, didn't she. She had to get through this and find a way out.

She took a deep breath and continued to look for an exit. There wasn't any she could see. The dragon was perfectly expressing his dominance by cutting her off completely. She was trapped. She wasn't Pathfinder either. If she was going to get past a dragon, she'd have to do it on her own terms. And yet, the dragon luckily hadn't grabbed at her yet. He had just made a point to break her things and show his strength.She took a big gulp and looked into the dragon's cold eyes. It was probably a naive foolishness, but she hoped that this dragon was more reasonable than first impressions would lead one to believed. She forced a weak smile to her face.

"G-greetings, sir... I can see that you're quite angry..." she said in a trembling voice, feeling lightheaded. "But, perhaps if you calm down a moment... w-we can do business together..."

She backed up even more into the wall, perhaps hoping somehow it would just cease to be material. She was terrified beyond belief as to what might lay in store for her, but what choice did she have but to hold strong. She gave a weak nod as she continued to look at the dragon. "I am sure that whatever it is you might want, I will be very happy to provide you with it..."

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How quaint; the whimpering girl thinks she can get out of this situation with a fake smile and even faker business chatter. It was as if Snowfall treated Craven, heir to the legacy of the mighty race of dragons, to be nothing more than an angry petitioner. A petitioner who could be lulled with polite talk and all that friendship rubbish ponies believed in. Had he been in a mocking mood, Craven might even have kindly asked for the entire fortune owned by Northern Storm’s family, but something told him it would be a wasted effort. Give the mare a chance for defiance, and she’d receive an opportunity to forget her frightfulness, which the fiery fiend could never allow.

Yet for all her show of acting normally, Snowfall was right where Craven wanted the twig-like pegasus; backed as far against the wall as possible, reeking of fear. A toothy grin materialized on the drake as he prepared a demand his prize could easily acquiesce to. “What I want,” Craven bellowed; “Is for you to gaze into my eyes. Or else.....” As long as Snowfall remained in the dark about her tormentor’s true desires, she’d likely remain petrified long enough for her to throw away any last chance of futile escape.

Craven then provided Snowfall with another thing to gaze upon, opening his mouth to reveal a wide gaping maw. Beyond the dragon’s throat, one could see the red fires blazing within his belly, ready to shoot out and incinerate anything that got in his way. To remind the cornered mare of this ugly fact, Craven exhaled breaths of hot air from his lungs in Snowfall’s direction. For Craven, it would be nothing more than a mild breeze, but a pony would only feel sweltering heat as hot as any of Saddle Arabia’s most treacherous deserts. A pony like Snowfall would also have the honor of smelling the horrendous odor of the beast's mouth, reeking of what seemed like piles of rotten food left festering for the flies.

All the while that Craven let the girl get a tantalizing glimpse of his infernal furnace, his massive tail slithered its way across the floor, heading towards that which the monster desired. If the dragon’s show of force did its job, Snowfall would be too distracted by the dragon’s puffing to notice the means by which she was to be kidnapped. If Craven’s long appendage successfully reached its destination, it would then swiftly coil around the mare’s long rear legs and most of the rest of her slender body, including her wings. Snowfall had virtually no chance to escape the drake’s grasp should that occur, or so Craven wished to believe.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

“What I want, Is for you to gaze into my eyes. Or else.....”

Snowfall gulped. Of course, nothing could ever be easy. If they were, Daring Do novels would be reduced to a single page. No, this couldn't just be another business deal. The acumen for negotiation she had built up since her very early years was useless here. She was looking into the eyes of a real life monster. She could see it in his violent eyes. She could smell it on his odious breath. She could feel it pulsing in the burning heat which radiated from his gaping razor sharp mouth. This was a beast whom Snowfall had no power over. There was nothing to be done. This creature, it's strength was such that it could rip Snowfall apart as easily as her own wings could slice the air. She was nothing to this creature. She was completely at its mercy.

And yet, she couldn't give in. She couldn't resign herself to being powerless. The moment she admitted that she had no power was the moment it became fact. She had to try. Until she was nothing, she had to try. That was the way of those with bold hearts. That was the way of her father, of Daring Do, of Pathfinder. That was who she had to be. And so she did as told and gazed long into the dragon's eyes, trying her very hardest to silence her overwhelming fear. It was an impossible task for what she faced, but she did her best to steel herself. Eventually she was able to speak some more.

"I-I mean what it is I say, noble dragon...." she said, trying to sound respectful and strong as she refused to even blink. "I will give you whatever it is you want... if you would just--!"

Snowfall didn't even manage to get out the rest of the words that made up her attempt at negotiation before she felt it. She could feel the sensation of the dragon's tail, rough and scaly like some alien armor snaking its way around her back legs and then up around her body. At the sensation, Snow tried desperately to fight free of the hold of the tail, but its strength was many times hers.

"No! Let go!" she started helplessly, trying to open her wings.... but the tail just got tighter and tighter. As she became further constricted by the beasts mighty tail, Snowfal gave one final whimper before falling silent--the pain and the pressure had become to much and the pegasus had passed into unconsciousness under the strain of it.

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Not many things could provide Craven with as much satisfaction as holding a prestigious pony in his complete power. To have his abrasive tail wrap around a mare in possession of a smooth, delicate coat and wings. To see Snowfall squirm uselessly, forgetting all notions of professional decorum as the dragon’s tail squeezed even tighter. No doubt existed now; Snowfall, “alluring” heiress to the legacy of the supposedly mighty Northern Storm, was now nothing more than the property of the Great Dragon Craven, for him to use as the beast willed.

Snowfall’s capitulation became official as the last bit of consciousness left her frail body. Craven brought the lady closer, using this one moment to inspect his new pony. Yes... she would make a great... asset. Now understanding how easily the pegasus gave in to her fear, the monster mused that she’d make a wonderful pet, at least until he got his nice juicy ransom. Pleased with the outcome of his highest-profile kidnapping yet, Craven stomped right up to the window he obliviated during his entrance, showcased the limp Snowfall wrapped in a tail’s embrace, and gave the citizens of Stalliongrad an image, and fearsome roar of conquest, that they’d never forget.


No sign of alertness came from Snowfall throughout most of Craven’s flight. Through cunning and outright recklessness for the well-being of other bystanders, the cruel dragon managed to avoid pursuit by the Stallian Guard. Now he was safely flying in the confines of his homeland, the Dragon Peaks. Clouds of vile smoke blew from countless points on the surface, billowing from volcanic vents or the sleeping masters of many a horde. Young drakes flew all around and congregated around pools of bubbling lava, all too eager to duel their kin in adolescent displays of prowess. And nearly everywhere, not a green thing could be seen, burned away long ago by either the tumults of the caldera or the aggression of dragons.

Only one green oasis off in the distance could be seen in this entire hellish landscape. And that just so happened to be the exclusive lair of Craven, soon to be the greatest of all dragons. The sight of a captive Snowfall, which all dragons about could see, proved that Craven's star was on the rise. The beast took his time on his final approach; Craven needed his trophy to observe how utterly impossible escape from the realm of dragons would be before locking her up in an underground lair.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Snowfall slowly became aware once more. She felt the claws grasping her at once and knew before opening her eyes that the fearsome dragon's arrival had been no manner of nightmare. Slowly, she let the light reach her eyes and was staggered by what she saw. She didn't know exactly where she was, but it was very much clear to her that there was no place anywhere near Stalliongrad like it. Black smoke was billowing out from below and the heat radiant off of everything was intense. Snow could see lava pools even and the mighty figures of dragons all about. Snowfall was frightened by the sight of so many of them, though it helped her realize where she was at once. This was the Dragon Peaks, the volcanic region in the shadow of which Breakbeak City had the misfortune of being built. NSI had a factory in Breakbeak, so Snow knew the city, as poor and dirty as it was. She had made an effort never to fly over the dangerous Dragon Peaks though, even when she went to visit the Talonopolis office by airship. Always the captains advised going around the peaks, lest risk attracting the attention of any mischievous young dragons.

These thoughts made Snowfall realize something about her captor. He had seemed so immense in her office, and compared to her he was in fairness gigantic, but in truth he was small for his kind. Below them, Snow saw at least one full grown dragon in all of its immensity. Next to that, this dragon was still young. Snow grimaced. From what little she knew of dragons, what she had read in books and heard from Pathfinder, the younger dragons were often the worst. Adult dragons were often slow and lazy and content to sit atop gem hoards listlessly, sleeping away full centuries like it's nothing. Younger dragons though could still be fierce, aggressive and eager to prove their might. Knowing this Snow wanted even more to escape her fate, but the dragon's grip was too strong, and though she began to squirm for freedom, it got her nothing but pain to the sides where the creature's claws dug into her coat.

She had to face it. This dragon was much stronger than her. He could crush her in an instant if so he chose, but he hadn't yet. That was the only good thing she saw in any of this. Why ever he had taken her, he had a purpose for her yet and wasn't about to destroy her carelessly. She could still try to talk to the beast, even if she wasn't sure how far she could hope to reason with him. Somehow, some way, she needed to find a path to her freedom. Pathfinder would come for her the second she knew, Snowfall was sure, but she couldn't count on that happening anytime soon. Pathfinder might not hear anything for weeks depending on what adventures she was on. And who would contact her about the kidnapping in the first place? Certainly not Snow's mother or any of the NSI ponies. No, she couldn't count on Pathfinder coming to the rescue in the immediate moment. This would all be on her.

"Where are you taking me?" Snow asked bitterly as she squirmed more under the dragon's grip. They seemed to be headed to an odd spot of green just in the distance, but Snow had no way of knowing what it was.
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Life came back to the pony held in Craven’s muscular arms, and at a most appropriate time too. From a distance, Snowfall must have resembled a giant stuffed animal stolen from an unassuming county fair. Only if one could fly close enough would they see a mare squirming to escape her captor’s grip in vain. Craven always made sure that his hold over his hostage never slackened, and to gently angle his claws so that they’d punish the pegasus for attempting to twisting around.

Snowfall took her sweet time before finally speaking up, and in a tone Craven did not appreciate. He responded promptly by squeezing the poor mare tighter to put an end to her squirming, although not to such an extent that she’d pass out. Craven additionally leveled out his talons so that they wouldn’t poke further into the mare; he couldn’t have his most valuable prize punctured with holes. That’d make her worthless as a bargaining chip. “Someplace... where hope dies,” was all the fire drake wanted to reveal, since Snowfall was already getting a closer look at her new home-away-from-home. Plus, she needed to keep her fear levels up at all costs.

Directly in Craven’s was a small watering hole, surrounded by a surprising amount of bushes and an accompanying pair of trees. In stark contrast to the surrounding lands, animals could be seen drinking from the safe-to-drink pond, although they all shared an ill-bred appearance. Such creatures served as servants of the dragon, or else they would not be allowed to be in this safe-spot in the Caldera. Next door to the unlikely oasis, a foreboding cave opening could be found at the base of a great igneous dome, and from it came a stretch so foal that it meant only one thing; a dragon’s lair.

Craven touched down at the mouth of the gaping lava tube, and wasted no time in walking up-right further inside. The kidnapper cradled Snowfall only in a way that a twisted dragon could, positioning the pegasus so her side rubbed against the creature’s chest. That’d prevent Snowfall’s wings from giving her a premature chance to escape. The dragon’s other hand was now free to grab a hold of the damsel’s head and press it against the enormity of Craven’s upper body, confining the pony even more while letting her hear the inner rumblings of a mighty beast.

The lava tube itself lacked pitch darkness, the walls glazed with a infernal glow that grew in intensity. Very shortly after Craven walked inside the tube, it opened up into a vast domed chamber. Ever-lasting dragon torches blazed from the walls, revealing the cave to house several piles of hoarded treasure. The master of this dungeon was but a young dragon however, and the epic scale of the igneous chamber only served to showcase just how this small collection of gold and jeweled paled in comparison to the holdings of a centuries-old drake.

But one gilded object above all else stood out. In dead-center, a magnificent cage forged with enchanted gold sparkled like nothing else. Craven prized this cage, as it was designed to withstand any magic a pony could throw at it. And best of all for the sick-minded dragon... another hopeless mare already resided inside; another pony worth a lot of money. Craven thunderously stomped through the cave until he stood next to his instrument of activity, whereupon he unceremoniously dropped Snowfall onto an adjacent treasure pile, all too confident that the long journey from Stalliongrad left the weakling of a creature too fatigued for flight.

“Welcome... to your new HOME.”

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  • 3 weeks later...


It all had happened so fast. A gigantic shadow and the sound of flapping leathery wings above. Presteza was originally excited to see a real live dragon of such immense size in the flesh but soon she found the creature zeroing in on her. The young painter wasn't going to let herself get snatched up without a fight, she made sure to give the dragon a run for his money. She was galloping all across the area and as a result of Craven's determined pursuit he'd burned down a fair bit of the landscape nearby. In the end though, Presteza was caught although she sure showed she wasn't a pony to taken lightly; best demonstrated how she used her magic to cut down several trees with her unusual method and in that same strike that Craven narrowly dodged she stripped a scale off him. unfortunately for the young traveling pony she had dropped the very tool she had used to defend herself from the red dragon and as a result her strongest form of magic was now useless.

Normally she'd be rather broken up about losing her mentor's memento (the paintbrush) back in the Whitetail woods but she couldn't worry about that now. She had to make sure that she figured out a way out of here. The mare was being held in a large gilded cage with an enchantment that rendered it impervious to magical attacks; something she'd figured out the hard way. For a while the freckled painter was kicking the edge of the cage in the hopes of somehow shaking it loose. Soon enough she heard that familiar sound of wings and stopped her attempts, leaving the cage rocking ever so slightly from her efforts.

"Welcome back, ya big red weirdo." said the mare with no shortness of sarcasm in her tone. Once she saw the mare in his grip she sighed and hung her head, she felt sorry for her fellow captive but on some level she was happy she would have someone to talk to. Looking to the mare as she was dropped on the pile, hoping to maybe provide a distraction for the mare so she might somehow get away the mare whistled to get Craven's attention. "Oi, Ya big scaly lug! Why the new pony? Am I not enough fer ya? by the way how's that naked spot doin'?" she asked teasingly as she gestured to the spot on Craven's body that was missing a scale.

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Someplace... where hope dies,”

Well... that was encouraging... Snowfall gulped in fear. She was about to see a real dragon's lair, wasn't she? That questions was quickly answered as the dragon held her roughly, preventing any chance to escape and took her into some terrible dome of rock. Inside there were mounds of treasure as was always said there would be in a dragon's lair. At the center there was a cage, and Snowfall knew in an instant it was for her. This was soon confirmed when the awful creature threw her into it and welcomed her to her "new home".

When she was placed in the cage, Snowfall didn't try to fight. She didn't have a lot of energy and in fact was in pain from being handled so roughly by the fearsome creature. if ever she was to escape, it would not be now when he was most carefully watching her and expecting her to fight. No, instead she just lowered her head and resigned herself to it for a moment. She had to deal with the situation as it was for now.

There was one detail of her entrapment that came as a surprise, however. She was not alone in her cage. Her eyes found another mare there, a very cute one with a messy white mane who looked to be a few years younger than Snow was. She went on to taunt the dragon boldly, her speech somewhat rough but bearing something of a Trottingham accent. Snowfall studied her, marvelling at how forthright she was even in this awful situation and smiled slightly. If ever there was a right sort of pony to be locked in a cage with, she supposed this was perhaps it. Well, besides Pathfinder at least...

"I suppose he's starting a collection," she added as she forced herself back to her hooves and looked at the dragon. "He's too big and ugly to catch any pretty mare's eye, so he just has to take to snatching us up and throwing us in a cage..." she said, with a weak laugh. She was afraid, but she knew the other mare was onto something. If they let their fear get to them, they'd never survive this. They needed to stay bold. That's what Pathfinder would do. Danger was no obstacle so long as you let yourself believe.

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"Welcome back, ya big red weirdo..... By the way how's that naked spot doin'?"

One thing that ponies should never do is to offend a dragon, particularly one as vicious and prideful as Craven. This other prisoner, this... spoiled brat, had done almost nothing BUT insult her abductor at every stage of her captivity. Right from the very beginning, Presteza dared resist the inevitable, dislodging one scale from Craven’s body before being scooped up as a trophy unicorn. From always challenging the drake’s authority to making all sorts of absurd demands for better treatment, Presteza proved to be most difficult to assert control over.

Preoccupied with shoving Snowfall into the cage, Craven contented himself with snarling at Presteza, letting smoke out of his nostrils. Oh yes, her days of defiance were now assured to come to a quick end. The self-styled greatest painter of Equestria will learn to demonstrate proper behavior when addressing a great dragon; Snowfall will be her teacher, as a matter of fact.

"I suppose he's starting a collection. He's too big and ugly to catch any pretty mare's eye, so he just has to take to snatching us up and throwing us in a cage..."

An expression passing for a frown expressed itself on Craven’s face. Exposure to Presteza is already corrupting Snowfall towards adopting a bold demeanor, unbecoming of the frightful pony species. While the draconic hostage taker wouldn’t set the record straight for the two mares by admitting his intentions to collect a ransom, he could still easily throw Snowfall’s insult right back at her.

Craven pressed the side of his head against the cage, his hunger-filled eye looking through the open cage door to gaze down upon the most prized pegasus of Stalliongrad; “And you are too puny and frail to ever command the respect of a dragon.” A deep threatening chuckle echoed through the lair, and its master revealed his lethal teeth. “Surely you remember how you recoiled in fear when I first laid my eyes on your delicate figure. How you helplessly fainted in my grasp, without even attempting to fight back.

If there are any among your kind who value courage... resourcefulness... independence..... they would feel nothing but DISGUST for a defenseless weakling like you.” If Craven succeeded in firmly establishing Snowfall as a coward in her mind, dominating her will be all that much easier.....

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  • 5 weeks later...


"I suppose he's starting a collection. He's too big and ugly to catch any pretty mare's eye, so he just has to take to snatching us up and throwing us in a cage..."

If there are any among your kind who value courage... resourcefulness... independence..... they would feel nothing but DISGUST for a defenseless weakling like you.”

The silver haired mare gave her new room-er cagemate a smile, it was nice to see she was going to be spending time with a pony who had a bit of attitude. Presteza was going to comment on her new friend's remark would have to wait as she felt a mischievous... and very risky thought. Strolling towards the mare in her cage who was still a bit closer to their draconic captor she placed a hoof on her shoulder, "Don' let 'im get to ya. My dad used ta tell me that bein' afraid is only natural., and that bein' brave is all about conquerin' that fear." she drew slowly closer and stood at her friends side until the two mare's were now facing away from the gazing eye but close enough that the only thing the dragon could see were some tails in front of him.

"And one 'o my favorite methods of beating my fears is..." Suddenly the mare leapt back and thrust her hindlegs towards the big orange eye behind her, both of her hooves speeding right towards that slitted pupil until it impacted. To the Dragon on the receiving end it would likely feel like a pair of small dowels were jammed for a moment against his eye. Obviously the mare didn't have enough strength on her own to wound the engine of destruction and greed that was craven but at best she could hope for was a reaction that could give her and her new companion to hoof it out of this place!

"One powerful buck ta the face!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

“And you are too puny and frail to ever command the respect of a dragon.Surely you remember how you recoiled in fear when I first laid my eyes on your delicate figure. How you helplessly fainted in my grasp, without even attempting to fight back. If there are any among your kind who value courage... resourcefulness... independence..... they would feel nothing but DISGUST for a defenseless weakling like you.”

"Don' let 'im get to ya. My dad used ta tell me that bein' afraid is only natural., and that bein' brave is all about conquerin' that fear. And one 'o my favorite methods of beating my fears is...One powerful buck ta the face!"

Snowfall watched in shock as her fellow captive took things into her own hooves and bucked the dragon on the other side of the cage bars square in the face. My, this one was certainly bold! Had she been here so long that her fear had been numbed, or was she just fearless from the start? Either way it was impressive.

Ultimately she supposed there was a sort of protection in the cage. That the dragon would cage them did prove one thing. He wanted to keep them alive. Whether it was just as trophies or as bargaining chips, this young dragon caging them meant he wasn't planning on anything more nefarious. Her fellow captive likely realized this, and that was provoking her tough act. They were undeniably his prisoners, and there was little hope for them to escape... but at the same time, they were in little, real danger from the dragon. The more she thought this, the more she could reach an emotional plateau and come to terms with her situation, which was what she needed. This dragon, seemed hungry for an emotional reaction. He wanted to see fear and panic. She wouldn't let him have any of it.

"Your father taught you well, Miss," Snowfall said to the other mare, nodding in approval of her sudden aggressive act. "And so did mine." She looked toward the dragon then and narrowed her eyes, a mental image of her stalwart father appearing to her. She'd have to try her best to channel his cunning. "NSI was shaped by dreams, but it was forged in reality. My father drilled it into my head to always approach every situation pragmatically as it unfolded."

"So I apologize if I don't struggle enough or scream loud enough to excite you, but wasted effort is not where fortitude is found," she said, cool and impassive. She couldn't kick a dragon in the face like her fellow prisoner, but she would still do her best to put their odious captor in his place. "It is in keeping a keen awareness of the situation and how to proceed in a way that might be amiable for all those involved."

She nodded and then started to pace in front of the dragon before looking at him. "Now, that out of the way, let's get to business," she said. "Truly, what is it you want with us? You've done well not to harm us, so it's not for wanton violence. If it was for material gain, I could have given you any sum you could name at a word without the need of any of this fuss."

"No, instead you chose to fly me out here, which, if extortion is your aim, wasn't very smart. Most on the NSI board would be glad to see me replaced and my mother surely isn't going to part with her prized jewels for my sake. No one you might think to make ransom demands of is going to be near as liberal with my money as I would be as my well being means a lot more to me than it does to any of them. The only pony who will invariably move mountains to find me doesn't have anything you want and will somehow outwit you and free us once she tracks down your scent," Snowfall continued, trying to affect all of her usual business acumen.

"However, I am nothing if not reasonable and willing to make a deal with you before that happens, if you'll allow it. I realize you probably lack the intellect to fully comprehend the tactical error you have made, but I would be happy to present you with the opportunity to correct it immediately. I will give you whatever it is you want. You need only release the two of us and never trouble us again," she offered, keeping her tone firm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Craven might have been above fear, but not even a dragon as mighty as he could not ignore the pain delivered unto his eye by Presteza. For a fleeting moment, the monstrous captor recoiled back, wincing in pain. Channeling his rage, Craven wasted no time in using his free hand to swiftly slam the cage door shut (the other hand nursed his injured eyeball). To think the soon-to-be greatest of all dragons so easily let his guard down towards the defiant mare!

As Craven’s immediate pain subsided, he uncovered his now swollen eye, an inconvenient testament to the fact that the two ponies could achieve even a minor victory against a juggernaut. Emboldened by Presteza, the other damsel in distress went on a long tirade about the dragon’s supposed errors in judgement. Craven only let her speak unopposed due to how insanely idiotic Snowfall’s rubbish sounded. If the weakling really spoke truthfully about surrendering her riches, her fellow ponies would have mooched all of it from her long ago. And ponies were too compassionate for their own good to ever abandon one of their own to torment at the whims of a merciless beast.

But this merciless beast would not let himself be drawn into a battle of wits. Words were the sole weapons of the powerless and weak; the exact opposite of Craven. Rather than waste energy on responding to Snowfall’s claims, the fire drake replied in his most simplistically eloquent manner; a prolonged earth-shattering roar. For about fifteen harrowing seconds, the cave’s walls trembled while the mares in the cage experienced at point-blank range the deafening cries of Craven’s fury. What pain Presteza gave to the dragon’s eye, he’ll equally provide the same to the eardrums of both his fragile hostages.

Just because Craven intended to keep the young mares alive did not mean he would refrain from using any means necessary to keep them in line. Snowfall needed to understand this and learn her proper place if she wanted to withstand her captivity.....

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  • 3 months later...

Snowfall was startled by the response her words received, but not at all surprised by it. She couldn't rightly recall ever hearing anything so loud and terrible as the dragon's roar. It was, in its way terrifying, but it was the typical response of someone not very smart refusing to acknowledge his not being very smart had backed him into a corner. It was very much like a child trying to get his way by throwing a tantrum. This creature was very much bigger and stronger than she was, but that did not mean he was going to make Snowfall come to pieces just by shouting at her.

"Well... now my eardrums are ruptured, but my points still stand," Snowfall said, wincing partly in pain, partly in disbelief. "It's entirely on you how we proceed from here. I just would hope you realize that your current course makes very little reasonable sense."

Was it a bluff? Not entirely. Sure, she had a few odd allies on the board, but for the most part she doubted as a whole the decision would be to pay any ransom demanded. The general sentiment from most of them was that she had been forced on them as CEO after her father's disappearance. Most of them coveted the position themselves and would be very much glad to write her off. If anything, instead of pay, they'd probably just pass it all off to the REA and not think on it further.

The biggest question mark was probably her mother. Snowfall could easily say that her mother cared more for her jewels than she did her, but that was only because her mother was so apt to make it appear that way. It was hard to actually know the working of that lonely, shut off heart though. There was at least some small part of Snowfall that felt that her mother would sacrifice her precious things to see her free, though Snowfall really didn't know anymore.

What she was completely sure of however, was Pathfinder. Pathfinder could not and would not be stopped. Pathfinder would find her and save her as only Pathfinder could. A single dragon could not stop her. That much was absolutely certain.
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"Your father taught you well, Miss," Snowfall said to the other mare, nodding in approval of her sudden aggressive act. "And so did mine." She looked toward the dragon then and narrowed her eyes, a mental image of her stalwart father appearing to her. She'd have to try her best to channel his cunning. "NSI was shaped by dreams, but it was forged in reality. My father drilled it into my head to always approach every situation pragmatically as it unfolded."

In the time between the attack on Craven's cornea and her fellow captive's rather long-winded speech, Presteza was hoping to get some kind of window in which she could try and leap out with her new cagemate and make a break for it. It seemed this wasn't meant to be though, seeing as as soon as the dragon felt the pain she'd inflicted on him, Craven slammed the door shut making the cage rattle a bit. Presteza could appreciate that they were on the same page in regards to keeping the chins up... but she didn't quite understand why she'd bother reasoning with this scaly behemoth. She'd tried a bit of reasoning on her own personal flight here and that didn't show any promise... although she had to admit it was perfectly possible that at the time his willingness to compromise mighty have been itself compromised by her stripping a few scales from his hide in self defense.

Then came the roar. That loud deafening, explosion of a roar. She'd figured that Craven wouldn't react kindly to the assault on his eyeball... but the counter-attack on her and snowfalls ears wasn't something she could have predicted. While that long roar went on for those torturous fifteen seconds, Pressy resorted to pulling down her ears and mashing her hooves to the side of her head; it didn't help much. Once she removed her hooves and felt that piercing ringing in her eats die down she'd seen that Snowfall was still trying to reason with the big brute. She had to hoof it to Snow; she was persistent.

"Well... now my eardrums are ruptured, but my points still stand," Snowfall said, wincing partly in pain, partly in disbelief. "It's entirely on you how we proceed from here. I just would hope you realize that your current course makes very little reasonable sense."

The mare walked over to snowfall, still rubbing a hoof to one of her ringing ears before she glared at the source of the previous ruckus. As foalish as it was, Pressy couldn't help but to blow a raspberry in the dragon's direction,"It's a bit of a stretch ta think this big lummox has some sorta sense." With a look to her fellow captive she slipped off her blue scarf and draped it over snowfall, "Yer suit looks a little bit ... weathered. You can borrow my scarf if ya like it's the only thing that held up well after that guy came along." Hopefully Craven would be preoccupied with nursing his eye so he didn't hear the whispering from the cream colored unicorn in the cage,"Please be careful... it's a keepsake from my family."

The Scarf that now laid upon Snowfall's neck was fairly long and showed to be made of some very expensive materials, and had a sign of considerable work and passion put into it's weaving. While simplistic in design it wasn't something that could be called cheap by any sense of the word. Adjacent to the two mare's there was a rather tall and sturdy looking Stalagmite... it was only just a bit out of reach. While pressy looked over to her scarf she took note of it's length and deduced that it wouldn't reach the rock formation... at least not on it's own. Another whisper went snowfall's way, "I think I've got an idea that could get use outta here... but it's gonna require a bit of acting, think ya can follow my lead?" she gave her cagemate a wink.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Who was that twig of a living being to tell Craven his plan made no sense? It made all the sense in the world! The ponies would pay hefty ransoms for the two important mares, and then he’d send them on their way. If nopony from Snowfall’s family or company offered to help pay her ransom, which they wouldn’t dare anyway if they wanted to save face, there would be somepony out there who would grant Craven his rightful riches. Because nopony was suicidal enough to brave the torments of the Dragon Peaks to actually break Snowfall and Presteza from their imprisonment.

But enough of humoring the rantings of silly ponies. The most fiercest dragon that ever was or will be needed to tend to his wound to the eye. Luckily the lake outside the dreary cave, even with the slight pollution offered by ash, offered some needed solace to Craven. For now, he’d leave the captive ladies to their own devices. Thus did the dragon, still clutching his eye, began stomping his way towards the exit without caring what Snowfall and Presteza were up to.

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