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(Canterlot) Out of Her Element (Open)


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"As good as any." unicorn agreed before they went inside.


In the store noblepony waited patiently. Patiently enough that at first glance it would appear that he was dozing off but upon further inspection on could see that it was...well what exactly? Apparently meditating or something similar seeing that he was sitting upright but had closed eyes and his breath was steady and carfuly measured.

"I think I found one, but let me try it on,"

"Well, that's the reason we are here." stallion nodded without opening his eyes. When Night reappeared he didn't opened them right away but cocked his head slightly and perked his ears.

"You really weren't in a dress before aren't you? I can hear it...." Swift explained before finally taking a peek. Upon seeing pegasus mare choice of dress, swordpony pulled leg to his chin and started to....stare. He wasn't saying anything, instead studying Night Watcher appearance from behind half closed eyelids. Right now unicorn looked like one of those jurors that were giving ratings in some contest.

"...that said, nopony would guessed just by looking at you. Opposite in fact. Now walk around a bit. I need to see you in motion." Squall said waving his hoof in encouragement.

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"You really weren't in a dress before aren't you? I can hear it...." 


The Lunar Guard wasn't sure what Swift mean by that. Maybe it was the fact that it took time for her to find a dress right for her, or maybe that it might have taken her longer than most mares to get dressed. When Night appeared from the dressing room, she found the noblepony standing there with eyes half closed. She wasn't sure why he was doing this as she thought that he needed his complete sight to make sure she looked at least presentable. 


"...that said, nopony would guessed just by looking at you. Opposite in fact. Now walk around a bit. I need to see you in motion." 


She smile hearing the compliment that she chose a correct dress, but now came the ultimate test in how it would feel while moving. Admittedly the dress was more restricting than the armor she wore as at least the silvery metal conformed to her body. The dress flowed in excess, making galloping she guessed very difficult if not impossible. She began to walk around a little, occasionally weaving in and out of the racks to see for herself how well she could move. 


"It feels fine, a little strange but comfortable. How does it look to you when I move?" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Squall observed how Night moved around the room, with hoof in front on his mouth. Noblepony wasn't much of the fashion-stallion, but he certainly knew how to dress to make desirable effect. The clothing was an useful tool. The right garments could you make more intimidating, create the feeling of professionalism, make others ignore you when otherwise you would drive attention and so on. He also when was happening the opposite.


Swift nodded a few times before answering pegasus question.

"Alright that's enough. I be brutally honest with you Night. The dress fits you perfectly, but you move like a log." swordpony stood up and started to walk himself, back and forth.

"You walk like if it was a drill. I don't saying it makes you look bad just...bland. You movements nullify any effect that dress would make."

stallion pointed out the errors without any sugar coating.

"You need to be more...uhh alluring." Swift added with a cringe. He really would prefer to avoid such descriptions but what choice he had? They had little time, and there was need of being down to the point.

"Your step need to be softer. Try to...." at this moment Squall made a groan, about what he was gonna to say "....sway your hips more. Like you would dance."

At that moment warning light has lit inside his brain. If Night Watcher never had a dress on herself before, there is entirely possible he never dance. At last not with a stallion. This made this comparison useless. But luckily there was other, close enough.

"Forget the last part. Let's do it differently, imagine you would be in hoof-to-hoof match, a duel with me.

And with that, unicorn spun around into ready Hoof-Fu position - a Xu Bu stance. One of his legs extend a little before him, while others were bend at right angels and placed in such way, that he could move fluidly at any direction.

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For a moment, Night felt that she was making progress in selecting a dress that looked pleasing on her. but no sooner had she started to move around Swift told her to stop as he commented that she walked like she was marching. It was yet another habit she picked up from the military that was so ingrained that the mare didn't realize she was doing it even in a casual setting.


"You need to be more...uhh alluring." which made Night raised an eyebrow. It wasn't an easy thing that Swift tried to explain, but still surely he didn't mean she was not alluring, right?


"Your step need to be softer. Try to....sway your hips more. Like you would dance."


Night was about ready to do so as she did dance before at socials with the military. But then Swift thought otherwise for some reason and asked her of all things to get into a dueling stance. She decided it was best to just follow rather than explain that she could dance and got into a similar sparing position. 


"Alright, what's next?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Nothing really. Don't think about offense...or defense. Just movement." he said as he started to encircle her. Noblepony was pleased to see that Night Watcher following his directions.

"Good, very good. You moving like panther now. I know that as the pegasus you took more time up in the skies...but if you remember that way of movement you will found it advantageous in many ways beyond combat." Squall paused for a moment, seemingly lost in thought.

"Wait a moment Night, I shall finalize.....the transaction."

After those words noblepony walked away o talk with the renter. Black mare couldn't hear the words of those two, but had very clear view on their faces. The shop owner first looked surprised at whatever were the words of the Swift, followed shortly by expression of satisfaction.

This conversation continued for a while, until renter apparently mentioned something off hoof. This time it was Squall's turn to be cough off guard, but his self control was great enough that it was toned down. Unicorn returned to Night Watcher, apparently something was bothering him.

"You are free to take the dress for the evening...." he said bluntly. Apparently his mind was absent, dealing with whatever problem he just encountered.

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Night nodded, understanding now what Swift wanted her to do. As he circled her she countered not with attacks but movements to keep her always facing him. She remembered doing something similar as a filly with her father. The two would sit and move their hooves in perfect mirrored motions until one tried to move a different direction. It was the job of the other to quickly counter. This was a technique that served the mare well when countering. 


"Good, very good. You moving like panther now. I know that as the Pegasus you took more time up in the skies...but if you remember that way of movement you will found it advantageous in many ways beyond combat." 


"Well I do spend time training on the ground with combat as well as in the sky, but I guess I had to see the movement part as for dancing rather than just combat." 


Night waited as she watched Swift walk over and talk to the owner of the shop. At first it looked as if the owner was very satisfied with transaction, as if the two did business with each other before. But then something happened that took Swift by surprise and although he tried covering it up the Lunar Guard could see that something troubled him. It shocked her even more when Swift bluntly addressed her with the results as if the fun of the day turned sour. 


"Thanks, but is there something wrong?" Night said putting aside for a moment the thoughts of the magnificent dress and the party she was to go to and directing it towards her friend. "You look like you've seen a ghost after talking to the store owner." 

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"It depends what do you mean by wrong. The more appropriate word would be 'annoying' or 'undesired'." said the stallion. His expression was not unlike if he ate a whole lemon.


"As it turn out the place we will are going too have a three kinds of ponies I really don't want to see. First, some nobles I am really not fond of. Second officials from Maretonia - Tartarus knows why they will be there." from the tone of his voice it was clear that Squall wasn't really looking towards seeing either of those groups.

"And I can't call this off either. For one thing, this is a charity party. I would rather suffer and bear through it then deny the help for those in need. Not to mention I made the promise." this time noblepony looked directly at Night.

"Let's go, we done here anyway." he added before the pair made their leave.


"You know, bearing with the...members of my social class..." Swift said it as if he was discussing something disgusting. "...a ridiculous term by the way, 'social class'. Anyway bearing with their presence alone would be fine. I do it often and their narcissism and belief that world spins around them, I used to." unicorn explained.

"But those Maretonians and their bigotry, I am NOT." he quickly added, with hint of anger in his voice.

"I am sorry. It's just....You will see for yourself when they open their mouths. Anyway, I don't recommend going there." Squall advised. *



Bonus irony points, considering the other topic.

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Night wondered if the shop owner gave some terrible news to Swift like a death in the family or some other calamity. The guard pony was willing to abandon her day of fun if it meant helping fix some tragedy, but to her surprise it wasn't a calamity as much as an annoyance. True it was a charity event, one that she could see that the stallion was very interested in helping other ponies. Besides certain ponies of his social status, there was a group of ponies that Night shivered hearing would be there. 


"Oh Maretonia," Night said as they exited the store, "I've never been there but I've heard how they treat unicorns like gold while other pony types like dirt. What are you saying though, that I shouldn't talk or make eye contact with them or that I shouldn't go at all to this charity gala?" 

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"You about one-third right Night. What you said about is correct but it goes further. To be precise each pony tribe treat other ones like dirt. Maretonie didn't moved from before Equestria Founding era. They still stuck keeping mostly to themselves, the hatred's of Puddinghead, Platinum and Hurricane are still alive there. No, actually there are worse. We had centuries of unity but they never moved past their isolationistic tendencies. And from isolation arises disdain, from disdain enmity, and enmity brings war. It is a long long ugly history between the pony-kinds there since they came to that piece of rock." Squall explained. But he wasn't done, oh no! When Swift had his exposition barrel rolling there was no stopping it.


"To give you the picture Night, that country is not unified. What we call 'Maretonia' is instead a cluster of independent city-states going for each other throats. They make alliances, break them, scheme and each city is ultimately looking only itself. But among all of them three stand out." noblepony explained. It was clear that as such well traveler pony he had fair number of words to share with the Lunar guard.



"The first one Acroneighos city of the pegasi like yourself Night. It wouldn't too be much of the exaggeration to describe it as the city wide barracks. They are most isolationistic of the three cities and very army oriented, always ready for war. The government could be best described as military dictatorship. That is as the Commander in charge is good enough. You see not only it's militaristic community but also an elitist one. You not good enough as the Commander? You lose job. Not good enough flier? Better start packing. Acroneighos lies very high, much higher the Cloudsdale. The current rulers try to pone the city bit, no doubt to gain foreign allies, but those pegasi are proud, very proud and as such they don't have much of luck with it. Acroneighos is not welcoming to strangers, and even more so if they don't have wings." Squall did his best to describe pegasus city for the black mare.


"The next one Hippostion, Maretonia own wretched hive - historically a earth pony city, but it isn't true anymore. Amusingly enough while you can be sure that you will lose your bits this one is most tolerant...in a way. Partially so because there is no way to enforce it being oppressive as there are no written rules. This is a safe haven for thieves, pirates mercenary and any other scum you could think of. You see Night, there is no 'law'  or 'ruling body' there. The closest thing to it comes in the form of guilds. Each of them tries to up the other but surprisingly they relatively restrained in their attempts. If you want to go somewhere in Hippostion you better be part of one or have connections with them. Why? Well, respect is the only thing that has any real value there and not even almighty power of money would help there. In short your piece of cake is only as big as much you manage to cut. But know this, they may rob you there, or even literally stab you into the back, but not because you are one species or the other." unicorn explained. From his words it looked like Hippostion was criminal capital of the known world, or at least close to it.


Squall took a deep breath and there another before continuing.

"Well there is one more city and I will tell you about it in the second. I spend the most of time there during my stay in Maretonia and I definitely have the most to say about it. I just...need to gather my thoughts." from the tone of stallions voice it was clear that mostly it wasn't a fond time to remember.

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It was interesting learning the history of Maretonia and the more that the unicorn spoke to her the more she dreaded going there. The place seemed to try and erase the existence of the founders of Equestria and instead would rather embrace war among the cities. The worst, Acorneighos, a place where Pegesai dwelt seemed like it was ready for war. She could only fathom that had she been born there she would be going to war against the other cities rather than trying to protect the ponies that lived within as she would now. 


The other city wasn't much better as ponies resorted to achieving power by taking it from others. Although she certainly wasn't a wealthy pony she certainly didn't like those who took what they did not work for. 


"Well I can see so far why you choose to stay away from there and those who are going to be at this gala. It does make me wonder why they would even consider being charitable except to appear righteous to the others in attendance or to throw salt in the wounds of those cities not attending. I'm surprised that a place like this continues to operate with a harmonious kingdom like Equestria present." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well there is also a matter of the third city....Kastrot...." stallion begun but stopped. "You know, after second thought maybe we should put this talk for later. I know about this place a lot. More then I wished to know to be honest. And neither the shop nor the street is appropriate place for this. I would rather sit in the armchair when talking about.....that." It was definitely clear now. Whatever history Squall had with Kastrot, it certainly wasn't a happy one. There was a clear hint of distain in his voice when he talked about Maretonian city.

"Of course if you have question about the other two, I will be happy to help before we part our ways." nobelopny added. Upon seeing no doubt confused expression on the black mare face he quickly offered an explanation.

"We going at charity party. We should very well prepare, and I don't think you need my help for that. Take this," with that two words unicorn's horn glowed and from the pocket of his trench coat flew...a calling card?

"Well you didn't expected me to live in that house that we visited earlier? As rarely as I visit Canterlot I would not allow it to became as dusty as it was if that was the case. No, this is address I am usually staying when I am in the city."


Upon inspecting the card Night could see in witch district the house was situated in. It was proper neighborhood but not as stiff and pompous as the one where other aristocrats usually stayed. Also it happened to be on the edge of the city.

"It's pretty far, sure so you better take the cab. I know you have wing but flying in the dress isn't quite the same thing. Oh right, the dress." swordpony remembered before levitating to her the attire of her choosing.

"Don't forget to mention the cab ponies that I will be paying. After all it is me who are dragging you through all of this. Well, that will be all. See you in the few hours." with those words Squall gave the black mare a nonchalant salute before walking away to make preparations of his own.

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Night was very interested in hearing about the third region of Maretonia but her hopes were quickly abolished as Swift explained that such a topic wasn't easy to explain out in the streets. She could only guess that there would be ponies around that might be from that land that could hear that conversation.


"I believe that you explained well enough the two of the three warring cities. I don't think I have any questions yet about them." 


She was confused as to why Swift mentioned that they would part soon, as they were planning on going to a gala soon. 


"We going at charity party. We should very well prepare, and I don't think you need my help for that. Take this," with that two words unicorn's horn glowed and from the pocket of his trench coat flew...a calling card?

"Well you didn't expected me to live in that house that we visited earlier? As rarely as I visit Canterlot I would not allow it to became as dusty as it was if that was the case. No, this is address I am usually staying when I am in the city."


It interested her that Swift had not one but two places to stay, although seeing the many secrets beneath the house it was no wonder why the unicorn choose a different place to stay. Swift explained that the house was far from their current location hence why a cab was needed. 


"I suppose I could use a freshening up for the event, but where will you go if not to your house? And where should I tell the cab driver to go so we can meet up again for the gala?" 

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"Oh I will be going to my err house. I will just make a little....side trip. I need to check if certain....familiar face will be visiting the party as well. And if he grace it with his appearance....well we will worry about that later." stallion said, along with giving his scabbarded sword a meaningful look. Nobleponny patted Night on the shoulder in reassuring gesture before adding "Don't worry, I will be in mansion when you arrive. Just focus on getting yourself ready."



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Few hours later...


When the cab arrived before the villa that Squall owned, unicorn was already waiting for the Night. Swordpony dressed himself very chic. While the Night Watcher settled on blue - apparently as it fitted her dark colors - Swift himself choose the combination of white and light green. He still had a 'duster' of some kind on him, but much more regal looking - with silver clasp and buttons, and green outlines on the edges of the fabric. Underneath it noblepony wore similarly white businesses suit - although apparently modified to some extend, as he didn't seemed to have same restrictions regarding movement as Night had with her dress. Clearly custom made...either because of foresight or paranoia. The sign of the later would be the jeweled scabbard at the left side of his body, made of silver and some other unidentified metal. While adorned with emerald it still covered completely usable sword. Finally his very long mane was styled into single ponytail.

"Perfect timing Night. We shall be neither too late, nor too soon." unicorn said as he took place in cab, next to her. As he boarded it, black mare could notice a glimpse of bandage under the collar of his suit.

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Night's brow furrowed as she could tell that Swift had another task to do before going to the gala. Still she knew his secret now and the mare could only trust that he knew what he was doing. The fact that there was an uninvited guest that would be at this party would further complicate things. 


"Alright then, I hope to see you soon at the mansion," Night said as she boarded the cab, "Hope you are safe." 


With that the pony took off to the mansion, hoping that Swift was ok.




The mansion was a wondrous sight, something that Night Watcher wished she could spend more time exploring the grandeur. But she had a task to do and that was getting ready for the gala. This was something that took more effort than before. The pony never cared too much about her form as there simple was no time to look like a pony stepping from a beauty pageant. But she cleaned up in the shower, put on the dress ans styled her mane so it draped over her one side. As she stepped from the mansion, she was surprised to see that not only Swift there but fully dressed in an outfit that looked very regal. 


"Guess whatever it is you were doing went well as you managed to get dressed too." 


As she boarded the cab she did notice the pony next to her had a bandage near his neck. Perhaps it didn't go as well as she thought. 


"So who is this pony that you don't want to see at this charity gala?" 

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The pony never cared too much about her form as there simple was no time to look like a pony stepping from a beauty pageant. But she cleaned up in the shower, put on the dress ans styled her mane so it draped over her one side. As she stepped from the mansion, she was surprised to see that not only Swift there but fully dressed in an outfit that looked very regal. 


"Guess whatever it is you were doing went well as you managed to get dressed too." 


Stallion shook his head upon hearing the mare's comment.

"I had everything prepared much earlier Night. I would have to go regardless if we met or not. Luckily for once I could use 'plus one' privilege." Noblepony answered.

"As if things went well.....it depends on your definition of 'well'. At least I fended him off....I think." Swift added, still quite cryptic.

When Night Watcher gave her question, Squall were initially silent. So it happened that during the ride they passed a row of the residences....and one of them looked like it was hit by the hurricane. Black mare could certainly recognize her colleges from work, as well as ponies from forensic division and ones from insurance company.

"Things got little out of hoof." unicorn said with only slight hint of embarrassment upon gazing. At that moment one of the buildings side walls gave in. Squall gave a sigh before turning towards Night.

"Have you heard about Phantom Thief Broken String?" he answered her question, with one of his own.

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The guard pony smiled as Swift mentioned that he had everything prepared even before meeting Night Watcher. It made sense that this stallion who seemed very calculating and careful to get ready for a party. What shocked her was the fact that Swift in his spare time did face somepony, but luckily the pony appeared to be fine. Looking over she could see a few houses that were badly damaged and several of her fellow guardsponies examining the situation. 


"Out of hoof huh? You took out several buildings! Who were you fighting with, a dragon?" 


"Have you heard about Phantom Thief Broken String?" 


"Broken String? I've heard the name and the pony was a master thief but I've never actually investigated the situation." 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Squall tapped frame of the cab window, while glancing outside before picking up.

"Some say that he does not exist. That he's no more then a myth, made to scare the rich." unicorn continued.

"But I assure you, he is very much real. And besides being a thief so skilled that it borders on impossibility, String is competent fencer as well."


Stallion paused, turning towards Night.

"But diamond cut diamond when he tried to rob the Squallcoast Manor. That was the place where I met him for the first time. In the end I hurled him out of the window. He didn't managed to steal anything back then, but I couldn't stop his escape either. Since then we met a few times, and I always made sure to get out of my way to make his life a little harder."


Noblepony mad his chin rest on his hoof before continuing.

"Made no mistake Night, Broken may steal exclusively from the rich, but he's not noble-robber archetype. He does it for challenge and excitement it brings. He treat's it like a sport of sorts." emerald maned piny explained to his female companion.

"And he was very interested in today's event. I knew his modus operandi and taste to I anticipated that such thing will happen. As you saw, I managed to intercept him. I may scared him off as he slipped away during the fight, but there is no way to be sure...."

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At first Night Watcher thought that this Broken String is just a common thief preying on the rich. It wasn't rare for her to know about certain ponies that feel disadvantaged by others and tried taking matters into their own hooves by stealing from the rich. There were even a few that felt righteous in doing by giving the wealth to the poor but nonetheless Night considered it a crime. But the more she learned about this thief, the more she realized that this was a master of his craft, stealing for sport and even willing to face ponies in combat. 


"Looks like this pony won't stop if he's just stealing for sport. He will keep trying each new challenge. I'm surprised he hasn't tried stealing from museums or from galleries. You said that this Broken String was en route to the same gala that we are going to now? Do you think that we'll see him there even though you met him?" 

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"You are correct. He seems to be addicted to it. Not stealing in itself, no. But the thrill that come with it? And the loot itself is certainly...a nice bonus." Squall agreed with the midnight black mare.

"That's also a reason why he doesn't target institutions you mentioned Night. There is no challenge in it for him anymore. Maybe you recall the stealing's of all that famous paintings a few years ago? The ones where culprit was never identified? "Three Philosophers."? String. "Shadows on the Sun"? Again, String. "The Court"?  Take a guess. He didn't stop at paintings either, sculptures, jewelery, anything deemed 'in good taste'. It beside the point he later returned them all but..." unicorn paused before picking up.

"Well actually it one of his...good qualities...I think? Beside lack of challenge, String avoids galleries, museums etc. because he finds things being displayed there a public property. And you can't steal from yourself, isn't it? Only - as to say - test security.And before you ask., yes, Broken thinks in strange ways sometimes." Squall added before giving a sigh.


"You said that this Broken String was en route to the same gala that we are going to now? Do you think that we'll see him there even though you met him?" 


"I do. The thing is, I have no idea what he's up to. There should not be any logical reason for him to be here..." noblepony admitted, just as their ride made it up to their destination. Swift disembarked, before offering his hoof to Night to do the same. After all, such dress was little limiting her movements.

"Unless he knows something that we don't." stallion guessed before making a quick glance at the mansion they were soon to be entering.

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Night was shocked to learn that the many disappearances of art and other objects from galleries were connected to one pony. While it was a relief that these were returned to the museums and galleries unharmed, it still was inexcusable to have them stolen in the first place. 


"I can see what you mean about these places being public property as this pony is targeting private collections. I would think that galleries though would have higher security than most private places being so public, but seeing your means of security maybe not."


The two disembarked Night accepting the offer to leave the carriage. Although the mare was capable of moving on her own, wearing a dress of this size for the first time in her life made her movements constrained.


 "I do. The thing is, I have no idea what he's up to. There should not be any logical reason for him to be here..." 


"Well, I'm trying to think like him. This is a charity gala which you would think would be some place he wouldn't touch, but consider all these wealthy ponies in one place, all dressed in their finery, and unless they know everypony coming one could easily slip into a crowd, steal and slip away. It's the idea of why stealing a necklace if you have access to a jewelry store?" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I can see what you mean about these places being public property as this pony is targeting private collections. I would think that galleries though would have higher security than most private places being so public, but seeing your means of security maybe not."



"Galleries usually don't hire nasty looking and armed goons Night. Some collectors, or maybe rather hoarders as I like to think about them are very possessive about their belongings. Possessive enough to lock that art up, and then protect it with deathtraps." he answered, his voice indicating that this kind of behavior amused him. "Which of course defies the whole purpose. The art is made to me admired and to express something, not to keep it in basement. And besides it's this kind of ponies that String craves to rob the most." he explained.

"Even though stealing is wrong - most of the time - I find it hard to feel sorry for them." unicorn admitted. Night herself keep wondering about phantom thief way of thinking as they entered the building.


"Well, I'm trying to think like him. This is a charity gala which you would think would be some place he wouldn't touch, but consider all these wealthy ponies in one place, all dressed in their finery, and unless they know everypony coming one could easily slip into a crowd, steal and slip away. It's the idea of why stealing a necklace if you have access to a jewelry store?"


"One word: thrill. And you may be on something here Night. Although I can't fathom how would he manage to take even one piece of jewelry before the security would snatch him in return. There is a seriously huge of VIP's in there." nobelopny wondered. As they passed through the entrance hall, black mare could see that Squall's words were true. There were so many bodyguards that wherever her gaze would go, she could see at least three ponies in suits and wearing sunglasses. And not ponies only, but also griffons and diamond dogs dressed in identical fashion.


"By Celestia Solar rump, I can't think for a safer place then here right now...well with the exception of Caterlot Castle itself and Songdusk Prison. Maybe we have nothing to worry about, and will be able to enjoy the evening." he said with relief. The pair approached the bouncer stallion guarding the door leading to Main Banquet Hall. As it turned out the bouncer was an indigo pegasus mare, but sporting a very tomboyish manecut which was source of confusion. She took her gaze from what was apparently the guest list, before noticing the duo. Her ears perked up before she spoke.

"Ooooh Mr. Squallcoast. As always, just five minutes before the beginning. You know Sir, for once you could be fashionably late."

While the mare used the honorifics she clearly knew Swift enough to casually banter with him.

"My time is precious Sepal, but not enough so that I would pay with my self discipline to gain more of it." he answered, smirking.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah you stick in the rump. At least yours is waaaaay shorter then most of those guy's back there. Ok, back to businesses. Invitation? Check! Stylish duster or trench coat? Check! Cool sword? Check! A cutie at hoof length? Whoaaa!" Sepal yelped upon realizing who was standing next to Squall. She did a quick double check back at the list, then again at the Night and once more at the scroll. The doormare sat silent for a moment before grinning and shouting across the room.

"HA! I KNEW IT! Scoria! Scoooooria! You own me 40 bucks!" she chirped, which was answered by a loud groan. "So, how did two of you..." she started but noblepony interrupted her.

"We did not. Night here is a friend, nothing more. I just wished to show her how...most members of...*sigh* upper class spends it's time."

"Oh" short maned mare didn't hid her disappointment, followed by dirt look towards Night Watcher. It was hard to say if it was due to her shipping tendencies being deflated, or losing an apparent bet.

"False alarm Scoria, false alarm. Nothing new under the sun." this time Sepal announcement was met with a sigh of relief from unseen pony.

"My beloved unfortunately is both on duty and in other city. I believe that you would like her. Sort of like cheerful mare like you yourself" swordpony informed the doorsmare. This led to look of disbelief from her.

"Wait wait wait wait wait....So you DO have a girl after all?" Sepal asked.

"Errr yes."

"Woooo! Scoria you DO own me 40 bucks!" bouncer mare announced, which was - again - answered with the groan, with extra amount of frustration added to it this time.

"So....we really should be inside already." Squall said cautiously.

"What? Oh, sure. Sure go ahead. Have a nice time Mr. Squallcoast." Sepal said as she checked the duo on the guests list.


Only when the pair slipped through the large door unicorn dared to speak again.

"She's quite a something isn't she? I know Sepal since a way, way back. She used to work in redaction in one of magazines owned by my father. " he informed. "Not on the same job, but I believe she's much happier now." Swift guessed.

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Night nodded as Swift mentioned the fact that galleries did not take extreme measures in protecting their collections like some private collection owners did. 


"One word: thrill. And you may be on something here Night. Although I can't fathom how would he manage to take even one piece of jewelry before the security would snatch him in return. There is a seriously huge of VIP's in there." 


"True, how a thief could appear and leave would be a challenge, unless they were in disguise."


Walking to the gala though Night felt at ease as there were many guards checking the ponies entering the gala. She was about to introduce herself to the mare guarding the door when the Pegasus mentioned something of a bet between her and another guard. 


"We did not. Night here is a friend, nothing more. I just wished to show her how...most members of...*sigh* upper class spends it's time."


Night felt a little sadness as Swift introduced her as his friend though she didn't know why. It wasn't that she expected things to accelerate from friend to a relationship in one night, but perhaps it was the feeling of wanting to be loved by somepony. The fact that Swift confirmed his love was elsewhere sealed the deal but nevertheless Night was resolute in having a good time even if it meant between friends. 


"She's quite a something isn't she? I know Sepal since a way, way back. She used to work in redaction in one of magazines owned by my father. " he informed. "Not on the same job, but I believe she's much happier now." Swift guessed.


"Oh she's definitely spirited, especially that whole bet thing with whether you had a special somepony." 

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Yes, but as I mentioned he is the one who thrives for a challenge." Squall clearly still had some suspicions. String was always very persistent.


Squall waved his hoof when Night mentioned the bet however.

"If any of them would know the feeling itself, they wouldn't do something so silly...I think. Love...love is...." Squall paused. How could he explain the most wonderful feeling in the world? The finding of this one pony that his existence started resolving around?


"Imagine....finding somepony who suddenly makes everything in the world click into the correct place. A pony who never leaves your mind. One who's well being eclipses all else....and the fact that you don't mind it at all...." as he was talking, Swift's expression shifted into the one of the serene smile.


The duo walked throughout the corridor that led to the main banquet hall. Many doors that were in it had to lead to different parts of the mansion. All of them being secured of course, although the bodyguards standing before the third one looked quite drowsy.


"Poor guys, pulling th all-nighter." unicorn expressed his pity for tired security workers.


The doors leading to the main event opened on their own before the pair. The large assemble of ponies and some not ponies was already inside. It was hard to not notice that comparing to some of them, Squall and Night dressed relatively tame.

"Harvest season came early this year. It's been a while since I seen so many scarecrows." stallion muttered quietly, so only Night Watcher would hear him. Not only the remark was rather rude, but it seemed that Swift preferred to lay low. Unfortunately it was not to be, as a booming voice coming from the dais called.

"Ahhh, Count Squallcoast. As always fashionably late." said the bass voice.

"Terrific." unicorn muttered quietly.  Some of the guests stepped aside. As such the room attention shifted too two places. One, where Squall and Night was standing, and the other, the dais on which was standing the pony the presumably called the young noble.

Swift gave the black pegasus reassuring look before answering.

"Quite contrary Marquis d'Fletcher. The event is planned for ten PM and seeing that I and my companion arrived five minutes before it, I say that it would be just on time, isn't it.?"

Only now Night could get a good look at the Marquis. He was slightly overweight, jolly looking stallion. He dressed even more glamorous then even Swift. Or as somepony simpler would say - it had more of bling on it. He was also much older the Squall, probably enough to be his father age.

"What?!" the older stallion said with genuine astonishment. He quickly pulled a pocket watch before gazing at it.

"Wouldn't you know? Mine watch is hurrying quite a bit. Ohohohoho!" d'Fletcher wasn't shy to laugh at his won mistake.


"But now, now. Enough about always insufficient time. Who  you would be madame? Sir Squallcoast isn't one who usually have a commpanionship on such gatherings." Marquis spoke again, this time his words directed at Night.


Swift gave the pegasus mare another look. It was probably a hint she would have to speak for herself this time.

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Night noticed that the stallion'd expression changed like something she brought up made him think about perhaps String might appear. But the conversation shifted to the "bet" that she encountered and his description about what love is. Hearing him describe it and the joy it brought made her feel more relaxed, like she thought about a special somepony she could be with.


"You know, I might now have a special somepony yet, but I feel the same way somehow." 


She walked with him through the mansion, passing by some tired bodyguards. She was surprised by the extravagance of the ponies before her, but hearing Swift's contempt with them her eyes went wide. She said nothing as the host of the party introduced himself a rather jolly fellow who asked who she was. 


"I am Staff Sergeant Night Watcher of the Lunar Guard," she said with a friendly yet direct tone, "I met Mr. Squall here who I assisted in an important manner and so he gave me the pleasure to join him here." 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 24.08.2015 at 6:57 PM, Scootalux said:

"You know, I might now have a special somepony yet, but I feel the same way somehow." 


Squall gave Night a long studious look. He knew from second hoof how to where such statements could lead - recalling how Fire looked after her break up with Dunder. Oh Dunder....one would think he was cursed to hurt any female he took like with, as well as himself in the process. And all of this could be averted with little honesty.


"Remember Night. Love could hurt to if you happen to fall for a wrong pony. That said, be honest with you feelings in that matter. Rejection will hurt still but...you will avoid false hopes and delusions. And with them wound on the heart heal quicker." he advised the black mare.

"And even more so if you find somepony who would reciprocate your feelings." Swift added. He just hoped that Night would follow his words.

"But speaking of feelings - do you have siblings Night? I do not and I always wondered what it would be like. My beloved and my best mate happen to have a number each, and honestly I am little envious of them in that regard." unicorn confessed. Seeing that his own parents didn't planned on having further children knowledge of sibling love was forever barred from him.


On 24.08.2015 at 6:57 PM, Scootalux said:

"I am Staff Sergeant Night Watcher of the Lunar Guard," she said with a friendly yet direct tone, "I met Mr. Squall here who I assisted in an important manner and so he gave me the pleasure to join him here." 


Squall couldn't help but smirk. The other guests couldn't help but flinch. Yes the law itself was in the house and while Squall was almost certain that nopony here was hardened criminal, many had much smaller or bigger sins on their consistence. Right now they were probably making a mental list of all their naughty deeds to make sure which topics they avoid in the potential conversation.

The only exception from this were Squall and host himself. Either Marquis was a saint, had amazing self-control or failed to draw the line between the dots.

"Ohhh we usually have somepony from military attending this yearly even. It appeared to not be the case this year, but I couldn't be happier being wrong! Lady Night we glade to have you as R.E.A. representative this night." said d'Fletcher.

"He's trying to sweet-talk you. You nod and pretend it worked." Squall whispered a warning towards his companion.

"Well but enough of rambling of old stallion like myself. The evening just begun, and there is enough time to know each other better before night glows old." Marquis announced before walking down form the dais. The other guest apparently were calmed by d'Fletcher confidence, enough so to apparently ignore the duo just like before the scene. Betraying that it wasn't really the case were the aside glances thrown towards the black pegasus and orange unicorn.

"D'Fletcher....likes to be in control. Marquis likes his comfort. He also likes the company of the famous, the successful, and the powerful. He enjoys the feeling that he influences these ponies. He has never wants to take the center of the stage unless he has to.. He prefers the back-seat; there is more room to spread out." noblepony explained to the Night, as the walked around the banquet hall. But in one moment Swift's body got a slightly more tense.


"Maretonians...and from Kastrot no less." he muttered clearly unhappy. They had a talk about this nation earlier, but Swift hoped it will not be bound to happen. With a quick thinking swordpony dragged winged mare and himself out from their assumable path. This maneuver left the duo behind the large marble column....a perfect place for eavesdropping whatever those foreigners were talking about!

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