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Lovesick in the Wasteland (Open to all changelings)


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Desolate and depleted, barren and empty--black, scarred and forgotten, surrounded on all sides by lands equally backwards and inhospitable. The Changeling Kingdom was often described in such terms, though Luxuria often wondered if the same descriptors couldn't extend to the average changeling. It truly felt to her at least that the lives they lived there in the kingdom were as grim and barren as the wasteland upon which their homes were made.

The kingdom was depressing. It always had been of course. That was why Luxuria had left it years ago, returning only when she heard tell of the new Queen's bold plan for invasion. The new queen was certainly bold and had promised them much but had thus far found them nothing but failure. The plan to take Roam was on the horizon, but Luxuria had her doubts that it would ultimately go much differently than Canterlot or Ponyville. Part of her wanted to leave again, but a greater part of her she supposed was still blinded by the waning hope that maybe their queen would lead them to a life that was better for them. That had to be better than a life spent on the outside, making the gift of her natural beauty in disguise, did it not?

Hope was likely a mirage. Joy was fleeting. Love was the ultimate resource, craved in every corner but effectively imaginary. That was exactly why Luxuria was needed there to do her part. The Gypsy Moth Lounge almost seemed a glowing beacon standing up from the dread and the mire of what surrounded it. It was an anomaly, newly build and architecturally modern. Luxuria had seen it built upon returning to the kingdom, basing the design off of a free standing lounge she had once visited in Beakbreak City. It was atmospheric; dimly lit, comfrotable and clean. Too much rowdiness was discoraged.

It was her brainchild, but Luxuria took a backseat role in its daily operations. She had set others up to manage it, make and serve food and drinks and whatever else needed to be done. No, her role, and the reason the Gypsy Moth had been made, was so that she could take to the small stage each night and sing for the patrons.

Luxuria if asked would say that what she was doing with the Gypsy Moth was trying to infuse a little happiness and pleasure into their dreary lives. Perhaps it was more accurate to say it was all for the sake of stroking her own vast ego by making her the center of attention. Luxuria would maybe counter this accusation by making a point of how other singers and entertainers were featured, but it remained that she was always the headliner and the star.

Such was the case on one evening not unlike any other at the Gypsy Moth. Luxuria was on her stage, dressed in lacy red stockings and a black gown of frills and feathers. A few extra feathers formed a crown which she wore in her her luxurious pink mane, gently curled and worn loose as opposed to in her usual twintail style. It was late and she was finishing up her prime hour set before someone with less talent and charisma took her place on the stage.

The musicians set the mood with a droning dirge. It was hard to find changeling musicians, and Luxuria couldn't say her band was anywhere close to good, but most changelings she supposed wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Meanwhile, Luxuria sang a sweet and melancholy something of her own composition while standing still and serene before her microphone:

"The cold wind howls across fallow fields in the shadow of the Ash Spoils~
Sorrow is something which seldom yields as the Ruin Sea brims and boils~
Pride alone can leave no one sated across these ill-graced sands~
But I suppose it is that we're all fated to be lovesick in the wasteland~

"Broken and empty but undefeated our eyes turn toward our fair queen~
Hope like our homeland depleted she promises us lands fair and green~
Yet pleasant thoughts remain strange things in the face of the best laid plans~
Can we truly expect that we changelings ever won't be lovesick in the wasteland~"
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In the hive, you had a role. It was just how things worked; existence was so marginal in this love-forsaken place, that one could hardly afford leave anyone idle in the great task of keeping every changeling fed, and existence tolerable in the wasteland. There were harvesters, builders, grub-carers, soldiers...

And then there was Kahz. Really, in such a situation, that a stunted, twisted creature like him had been allowed to survive nymphood was, on the face of it, quite astonishing. Mostly, he owed his early survival for being willing, and actually, eager, to volunteer for the most undesirable of tasks, just to prove that he wasn't totally useless. This ended up giving him a wide variety of experience, as well as a quick education in the necessity of adaptability, and getting on other changeling's good sides. Thus somewhere, in the great registry looked over by the hive bureaucrats, his name was marked with a "Misc."

Over time, he'd cheerfully learned to compound the dubious advantages of his life. True, he'd been sent to clean every tunnel and waste chute, but that meant he knew where all the shortcuts were. He'd served as a lackey for most of those above him in rank (that is, most every changeling in the hive), which meant he knew names, personal habits, likes and dislikes. And he used this to build a reputation, as a changeling who would get things done for you, which was beginning to achieve him some measure of popularity, not to mention favors in high places...

Thus, when Luxuria had come back to the hive with the most unusual idea of building a fully-fledged lounge in the hive, Kahz had thrown himself into the project with genuine enthusiasm. All the little things that stood in the way, permits, getting the labor to build and staff the place, all were facilitated by his cheerful smile, energy, and favors for services rendered.

And now it stood, the Gypsy Moth. Kahz would have been called a regular to the place, if he wasn't filling in for the staff more often than he was enjoying the show. Oh, they might have chuckled at taking advantage of the twisted 'ling, but after all, he was one of the few in the hive that never had to miss a night. Last night, he was filling in for a waiter. Tonight, he was onstage, replacing one of the musicians, with no appreciable difference in quality.

Very few indeed were privileged to see the beautiful changeling from this angle, and Kahz was relishing this opportunity, while staying out of the limelight, as his figure was by no means so suited to that illumination. The tune was a little melancholic for his taste, but he could play the minor chords in a passable imitation of music.

"The cold wind howls across fallow fields in the shadow of the Ash Spoils~
Sorrow is something which seldom yields as the Ruin Sea brims and boils~
Pride alone can leave no one sated across these ill-graced sands~
But I suppose it is that we're all fated to be lovesick in the wasteland~

"Broken and empty but undefeated our eyes turn toward our fair queen~
Hope like our homeland depleted she promises us lands fair and green~
Yet pleasant thoughts remain strange things in the face of the best laid plans~
Can we truly expect that we changelings ever won't be lovesick in the wasteland~

As far as Kahz was concerned, the answer was 'Yes!', although he knew well enough that his optimism was not universal. He still believed in their Queen. True, she had not succeeded in actually conquering the ponies, but before her, none of them had even thought themselves capable of conquering anything, including their own self-image. And that was a triumph no one could deny. Chrysalis did believe in them, when no one else under the sun or earth did.

Last song of the set, and the singer was done. There were cheers, as usual; music of any kind was so rare here, and for selfish reasons or no, Kahz could see that Luxuria really was a light to these, his fellow changelings. He gave her smile after she had taken her graceful bow and exit. "Fantastic, as usual. Hope I didn't drag you down too much." He added with a wry grin.
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Since when had this place been here? She didn't remember there being a lounge in the changeling kingdom. Granted, she didn't remember ever being in the changeling kingdom, but she must have at some point. She was a changeling after all. However the lounge had got there, it was the best place she'd found so far in her brief visit to the area.

Flux cheered as loudly as any other once the song had finished, despite the fact that she had heard better music around Equestria previously. She didn't really mind, really. It was likely the best she would find around here, and she didn't like being rude.

Well, that was fun, but what now? Her purple eyes scanned around the room, but she didn't recognize any of the faces, and she didn't really feel in the mood to go meeting all of them, so she remained in her seat, slumping a bit as she gave a sigh. What to do, what to do...

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To the surprise of nobody, the table directly in front of the star singer was occupied by the Hive’s chief bureaucratic official, Snively the Despised. For the most part, Snively made life miserable for any changeling not named Queen Chrysalis, all so he could throw his weight around and feel more important than anyone else. Yet one non-royal changeling alone commanded Snively’s respect- nay, his heart. One changeling alone held the ability to turn the Hive bureaucrat into something loosely resembling a decent being. That changeling of course was Luxuria of the Gypsy Moth.

Snively mused how that drone Katz, who lacked any official position within the Hive, must have thought that his charm alone made Gypsy Moth a reality. If it had been for any other project, Snively would have thrown as much red tape at Katz as possible until the other offered up a juicy bribe or some other nefarious service that the bureaucrat needed. But if a proposal was for the benefit of his beloved Luxuria, then Snively himself would fly through rings of fire and break his own administrative procedures to get whatever Luxuria desired. In this case, the drone made sure Katz, and by extension Luxuria, got all the resources needed to make the Gypsy Moth a reality.

And now Snively sat lovestruck at his front-row table, admiring everything about the musician that he prized above nearly everything else. No changeling could match Luxuria’s lovely voice and smashing figure; not even the great sovereign that the administrator bowed and begged mercy to every single day. Snively hoped that eventually, Luxuria would return his affections and grant him bragging rights to the most desirable changeling in all of Chrysalis’s kingdom.

For the immediate moment though, Snively was content just to clap and cheer loudly as Luxuria finished her last song. As the height-challenged drone showed his romantically-fueled enthusiasm, hearts would have bubbled out of his uncharacteristic puppy-like eyes if such a thing was actually possible for a living creature.

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As she finished her song, Luxuria stood at the microphone, basking in the sound of the applause she received. She smiled her delight and blew the audience a little kiss before bowing her head and stepping back and away from the stage so that the next act could take it. When a changeling spoke to her, she looked to him. It was the one called Kahz. He was small, misshapen and a shameless try-hard, but he was far from the least pleasant changeling in the kingdom. Luxuria couldn't deny that he had done a lot for the Gypsy Moth, and that included filling in for her incompetent musicians from time to time, as was the case that night.

"Oh, please, Kahz..." Luxuria said with a certain smugness. She motioned to the crowd that had filled the Gypsy Moth. "Look at them. It's the same crowd that's always here and I don't think a one of them knows how to fully appreciate what I do," she spoke in a quiet voice that would not be overheard over the buzz of the crowd. "Do you really think that our pal Snively there comes here every night for the music? It's immaterial... and you play better than most in the band anyway." She flashed a sultry yet artificial smile toward Snively as she spoke, knowing he'd be watching her. She loathed him. Of all the changelings in the kingdom, only that twisted, ugly monster Sachadara came close for generating loathing in Luxuria. He was a benefactor though, and an important one, and he was very easy to manipulate. She could reduce the shrewd bureaucrat to a blithering fool with a glance and though she did loath him, she did rather enjoy exploiting that power.

Her eyes left Snively, quick to want to get away. They looked through the crowd, all familiar faces as she had said. That was until she happened to look upon a female she had never seen before. With changelings, the females were often more distinct and individual, which made them easier to recall. this one wore her gray mane long and combed over her eye. Luxuria couldn't recall ever seeing her before anywhere in the kingdom. She certainly wasn't a regular at the Gypsy Moth. "Hmm... well maybe it's not quite the same crowd as always..." she said, looking back to Kahz. "Looks like we've attracted at least one new face for once. How wonderful..."

Always one interested to make an imprint, Luxuria sauntered up to the unknown changeling, who was slumped over in her seat looking somewhat lost. She smiled a little as she spoke in a smooth and gentle voice. "You look troubled, dear. Did the words of my song get to you, perhaps?"
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  • 3 weeks later...
It wasn't that Kahz cherished any illusions about how Luxuria saw him, though he would, under interrogation, admit to a few forlorn hopes, like most changelings who beheld her. His rational mind would tell him that one hardly found any genuine affection in the whole of the hive, and one could hardly expect it from her, who at best had to keep up a facade towards everyling for the sake of the show. And it was true, that he himself was the sort that would have played backup for any one who sang.... but he probably wouldn't have dedicated so much of his precious free time to practicing on an instrument in that case.

"Do you really think that our pal Snively there comes here every night for the music? It's immaterial... and you play better than most in the band anyway."

"Hm, perhaps I should pull for a permanent position on the band?" Kahz chuckled, shouldering the guitar as he followed the singer down the stairs. He himself was going to get a drink; the love-laced cocktails were a luxury for many, but a necessity for him. He could hardly get enough nutrition in the day if he didn't take all that he could get. He gave a friendly nod and wave to Snively as he passed, well aware that the bureaucrat was paying him no attention whatsoever. Unlike most in the Hive, the little grub didn't mind the middle manager so much; ever since he learned what names to drop in his presence, Kahz never had any trouble getting the administrator to do what needed to be done. It may be that he was building up a storm of resentment against him in Sinvely's gall bladder, but when that organ finally burst, his would be only one of many dozen heads it spilled upon.

*Ugh, bad metaphor. Shouldn't ruin my appetite like that.* Time for a more pleasant view; two female changelings. He got a second drink, a sweeter one, and placed it in front of Flux. "On the house, for first-time customers." He said with a wink. "What's your name, doll?" Mis-shapen as he was, he had the poise an attitude of a veteran charmer, for all those who could look past superficialities.

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Luxuria flashed an alluring smile in Snively’s direction; an intimate smile which Snively understood was meant for him, and him alone. The drone nearly fainted from the overload, of reading yet another sign that he and the lovely singer were meant to be together. Nothing could prevent Snively from having his love returned to him unrequited, and the bureaucrat swore to make the lives of anyone miserable if they got in the way of that. It was in the changeling’s power to do so as a Hive administrator.

Not acknowledging Katz or any other changeling, Snively fluttered his insect wings and buzzed over to Luxuria once she was willing to mingle with her customers. “Heh heh heh, hello there beautiful,” the excited drone flew in between the sultry changeling of his affections and some inconsequential nobody; “That was a most magnificent performance up there tonight. Words cannot describe the beauty of your voice, and your marvelous figure, my dear Luxuria, heh heh.” Snively: the Hive’s biggest attention-craving puppy, at least for one changeling lady.

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Flux hummed to herself, playing a bit with her hooves until she heard a voice talking to her. Looking up, she saw the changeling that had been singing. Flux gave a friendly smile to the singer before responding to what she had asked.

"No, your song was great, I enjoyed it. Just not really sure what to do now. I mean, I don't know what there is to do around here, and I don't think I know anyone around here either. I could be wrong, but I don't remember ever being at this hive. I don't remember being in any hives at all, actually." Flux said, sighing a bit. Then another changeling came over, this one looking like he had been injured a bit. Still, he was apparently giving her a free drink and was asking for her name.

"Thanks! I'm Flux!" She said, taking the drink and taking a sip from it, her smile widening from the taste. Then came another male, one who only seemed to have eyes for the female. It was kind of adorable actually. And was that love in the air? Maybe it was just the drink, it seemed to have love in it. That was interesting...

Flux looked down at the drink, tilting her head at it before taking another drink and tasting the love in it. This thing was great! If only they could have stuff like this around Equestria!

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There were days when Arete wondered why she bothered with field work herself. Crooks and liars. That’s all she was surrounded by in this dump of a hive. Getting these narcissistic scumbags together long enough to accomplish anything was a chore comparable to herding cats who had greatly exceeded their daily quota of catnip. Sometimes Arete didn’t know how Chrysalis did it. Charm spell? Pheromones? Sheer force of will bending the aether to her whims? Arete smirked in her own personal amusement and made a mental note to investigate those later.

She looked down at her love-infused cocktail and frowned. It wasn’t the same. This concoction was bit store liquor compared to the fine wine she was used to, served willingly from the hoof of a Canterlot noble or handsome Stallian Guard captain, each begging to ease her life further. Was this swill really what they called a classy cocktail? Arete would be better off concocting something with the dregs of this morning’s coffee and a dash of sycophant’s sympathy.

Arete refrained from applauding when the songstress had finished her set. It was true, Luxuria’s singing was far better than anything else that inhabited this blasted hellhole, but again Arete’s outside experience had spoiled her. Luxuria was just the sort Arete would have recruited for the Web. Smart, capable, and a total knockout at that. If only she weren’t self-absorbed beyond hope. Oh well, perhaps with some work she might at the very least be useful.

And Snively, that mewling suck up. Arete’s lip curled as she watched him flutter over to Luxuria like a drossophile attracted to trash. The honeyed words dripping from his lips nearly made her gag. In response, Arete slammed down the rest of her drink, promptly ordering another one from the bewildered looking bartender. A sharp glare quickly sent him scurrying away.

Maybe she’d venture forth to socialize after Snively had finished his little spiel. Arete would rather not spend any more time around him than was necessary, Luxuria or not. And so the spymaster sighed and continued to nurse her drink at the corner of the bar.

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Lulavi made her entrance into the Gypsy Moth just as the changelings were pounding out their applause, with Luxuria basking in their small-time love on her stage. There was a part of her that held scathing thoughts, criticizing the singer for being so satisfied with mere changeling affections. That said, Lula always had a fondness for all things beautiful, so her more venomous thoughts were easily ignored. Smirking, the curvy temptress sauntered to the bar, drawn more immediately to the lovely blue mane she spotted there than she was to Luxuria’s twintails, especially considering the fact that the hideous wretch Snively was practically drooling all over the songstress. Disgusting. Lula would avoid contact with that one as long as she could.

Besides, that blue mane was distinctive - familiar. Lulavi would put all her bits on that being Arete, the bombshell information broker. As she drew closer to the mysterious figure her suspicions were confirmed and her smirk widened. My my, what a surprise. Lula hadn’t seen that cunning master of shadows in some time, and her appearance here meant the Gypsy Moth was currently host to the hive’s three loveliest changelings after the Queen. Herself included of course.

“Well, well,” Lulavi purred as she sat next to Arete and ordered a drink, “It has been quite some time since I last saw you, Arete. Tell me, how did our Luxuria’s performance compare to the songstresses of Canterlot?”

Lula’s smirk meant she knew the answer. She herself rarely ventured back towards the hive, preferring to have Equestria’s finest bachelors prostrate themselves before her just for a chance to kiss her hooves. Pathetic, drooling stallions in Canterlot and beyond had leapt at the opportunity to shower their wealth and love upon the berry-maned beauty, and as such she had attended some truly spectacular shows at the sides of her handsome victims. At the very least Luxuria should be ashamed of those cat-scratches that her band tried to pass off as music.

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Luxuria stared at the unknown changeling in curiosity as she explained herself. It was an odd thing to say, that she couldn't recall visiting this or any hive. There was likely a story behind that kind of thing. Was she perhaps like that darling Aria, a changeling who had lived her life among ponies? Perhaps... but Luxuria wondered if there wasn't something more visible on the changelings face and in the way she emphasized her lack of remembrance. As Kahz came forward to lay on the charm and offer up a free drink--a legitimate Gypsy Moth policy for first time customers, and not just the misshaped changeling trying to be smooth--Luxuria nodded slowly.

"So there are things you don't remember then?" she said as if more curious than she honestly was. "You sought us out here, I suppose, hoping it might help you recall memories lost?"

it was then that the buzzard descended. Luxuria supposed she had initiated it by looking his way, though even if she hadn't she wouldn't have escaped him. Snively was as persistent as he was slimy. He buzzed toward her to slather her with gross praise, lust burning in his eyes.

"Why thank you, Snively. You are truly too kind..." Luxuria managed to say without retching, forcing a smile. If Snively wasn't too important to alienate and too spineless to actually be dangerous, she doubted she'd bother with the enduring ruse. For now it still paid to act like he didn't make her sick.

Luxuria looked from Snively's face, not wanting to meet his disgusting gaze and just happened to see Arete and Lulavi at the bar. How curious. With herself and this Flux, that made four females there. The Gypsy Moth typically had more male customers than female. In stark contrast to Equestria, in the changeling kingdoms, male changelings were far greater in number than female, and it was more often scum like Snively who came to see her sing. This was fortuitous though--perhaps it would keep Snively's attentions somewhat divided.

The songstress wasn't entirely sure what to make of either of these changelings. Arete, when she was around, seemed to go to great lengths to be agreeable and also discreet. She was an information broker, and a rather mercenary one. Secrets here her business, and it was pretty clear she had more than a few of her own. Lulavi on the other hoof was at best a friend and at worst the only Changline Luxuria would be willing to acknowledge as a rival other than the queen. She was near as pretty as Luxuria was, and they had a number of things in common personality wise. The biggest difference was that Lulavi had less ambition and more loyalty in her. She was content to be a soldier for the queen. Luxuria had played her part in the Ponyville invasion and perhaps she would do so again in the future, but she would never be the loyal little soldier for dear Queen Chryssy. She was an artist, an innovator, bringing some semblance of culture to the pathetic place that was her homeland. The Gypsy Moth was her passion, and with it, she was sure she would accomplish far more than darling Lula could dream of.

Luxuria thought to greet them since they were not so regular a presence in her lounge as Snively or Kahz, but ultimately she decided not to right away. Though she was a distance away, Luxuria could just discern that the two were talking about her. This was sure to be interesting. She strained her ears, hoping to overhear the critique. Both Lulavi and Arete, like Luxuria had seen extensive travels across Equestria, so they would of course be able to recognize the awfulness of the band, but Luxuria retained the highest confidence in her voice and in her lyric.
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As one who had throughout his life maintained a polite and engaging demeanor against the most trying of situations, Kahz could look with an expert's eye on Luxuria's interaction with Snively. Any observant outsider could, of course, see that the affection was entirely one-sided. He almost felt sorry for the administrator, being strung along like a adoring dog, but then, Snively really had no one to blame but himself for his lack of personal charm. Kahz himself was a standing example that one could combine charisma with a conventionally unattractive body.

*I'd give lessons, but Snively would probably take the offer for an insult.* And really, if it came to committing large blocks of time, there were a great many other changelings that he would prefer to reserve it for. Case in point, the amnesiac currently sipping her complimentary drink with delight!
"Well, I wouldn't worry too much about the memories. Either they'll come, or they won't. Meantime, make a few nice ones while you're here! It's why we set up the place, after all." Taking a seat next to Flux, the little 'ling had every intention of nursing the last of his drink during his short break between sets tonight, when he noticed two more unfamiliar faces. Lovely, female faces, at that.

The blue-maned one triggered a glimmer of recognition. Was that... Arete? Why, it was! Kahz gave a low whistle as the name finally clicked, with an admiring look that an apprentice gives to a master. She was at the top of the sort of game that Kahz played himself; the bartering of information and favors. Arete was a spymaster, whereas he was a mere spy, the sort that did the actual fieldwork.
Not that she seemed to be paying him any mind, nor the other, less familiar beauty with her. It was a sign, perhaps, that his efforts and current rise in stock were not yet on the scale that he'd previously anticipated. After all, it was only recently that his efforts to assist the Queen in the Roaman invasion had received the personal attention of Chrysalis. Senpai was not going to notice him yet, it seemed.

*It's too bad. On the other hand, there might be benefits in being overlooked. Best be careful; the surprise trump card only works once-*
"Hey Kahz! You're on in two!"
The sudden voice of a waiter brought him out of his reverie. "Eh, what?"
"Next act's running late; we need you to fill the gap!"

Right, then; so much for not being noticed. "Excuse me," He said, draining the last of his glass and taking his leave of Flux with an apologetic smile. "Duty calls. Enjoy the show!" He departed with a wink, leaving with the waiter as he pulled him into a whispered conference. "Tell your supervisor to get a bottle of the good stuff out for the two ladies at that table over there from me; and I'll call it even for the time I saved his stash from the cellar cave-in, alright?"

Patting the waiter on the shoulder before sending him off on the errand, Kahz scurried backstage, readying the rest of the band before they were to come back out. If he was going to be put on a stage in front of the loveliest changelings in all the Hive, he was certainly not going to waste the opportunity of making a good impression before taking the limelight!
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Flux hummed as the others spoke, asking about her amnesia and saying she could make some good memories while she was here. She gave Kahz a friendly smile as he was called away, waving goodbye as he headed backstage.

"Hmm... There's plenty I don't remember... Like my entire life before I woke up outside Ponyville..." She said, looking at Luxuria. Now that she looked closer, it seemed Luxuria wasn't returning this Snively's affections. She gave another small hum at that before continuing. "Apparently that was a day or so after the Canterlot invasion, I think. Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm here. Suppose I just wanted to check it out, since I had no memory of being here."

Well, that was probably more than what they had actually wanted to hear. Oh well, not that it really mattered. Flux took another sip of her drink, giving a happy little hum at the taste of it. Seriously, this was probably the best part about this place so far! The music was a very close second though. She took a look around the place, her gaze lingering on a couple female changelings before moving on. Still no familiar faces, not that she really expected any.

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Snively was making good progress! He had Luxuria acknowledge his kindness, a kindness meant only for her; furthermore, the drone had the object of his affections completely to himself. No flashy or brutish rivals would dare attempt to push the right hoof of Queen Chrysalis aside, unless they wanted to face severe consequences. No one in their right mind ought to cross Snively!

Capitalizing on his advantage, Snively hovered in front of Luxuria again, this time taking hold of one of her hooves and pulling it upwards. “You know love,” the sweet-talker began caressing the singer’s foreleg with his other hoof; “How about later tonight, you and I take a stroll to the Sea of Ruin? It’s a rather romantic scene: bolder-covered shores; water filled with pollution; the stars veiled by ominous cloud cover. I think it’s time for the two of us to finally go somewhere... alone.” Snively batted his green insectoid eyes and inched forward towards Luxuria’s face, feeling the utmost confidence that his romantic advances would be accepted.

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“Well, well,” Lulavi purred as she sat next to Arete and ordered a drink, “It has been quite some time since I last saw you, Arete. Tell me, how did our Luxuria’s performance compare to the songstresses of Canterlot?”

Arete paused for a moment, almost considering ignoring Lulavi entirely. Just a few more days and she’d be squared away with an Aquellian envoy, ready to place her agents right where she needed them. She’d been working on a griffon form just for the occasion: a sleek, smart beauty that looked just as good in a suit jacket as she did in a cocktail dress. A wink and a smile was all it would take to snare even the most recalcitrant oligarchs. Then the food, drink, company, bits, lavish accommodations -- the love -- would flow endlessly, at least until her next stop.

But alas, she was not in Talonopolis yet. She was stuck in this blasted hellhole next to a sea choked with filth in the middle of nowhere with nary a Solstice Heights vintage or spa treatment in sight. It would be a long week.

“The show is passable, at least as passable as it can be with tone-deaf backup singers and a narcoleptic drummer,” Arete finally said. “Luxuria herself is impeccable as usual. I think she’d shine in a more appropriate setting, don’t you think? Perhaps a Stalliongrad nightclub, hm?”

She took a moment to sip at her drink before putting it down again, a look of utter disgust on her face. Somehow, it got worse the more of it she drank. This would just not do! As she was about to depart, however, the bartender slid two wine glasses across the counter, one stopping in front of Arete and the other before Lulavi. Arete was hesitant to sip after what she’d just sampled, but the smell wafting from the glass was already an improvement. With a curious hum, Arete picked up the glass, cautiously taking the tiniest of sips.

Upon contact with her tongue, her eyes widened. She downed the sip and immediately demanded to see the bottle from the bartender. “My, my! A 945 Svetlahorse? However did you get this?”

The bartender’s only reply was to point a hoof to Kahz, who was now on stage. Arete allowed herself a small smirk as she looked to Lulavi. “It appears we have ourselves a guardian angel!”

But of course, no good thing went unblemished. Even at her current distance, Arete cringed at Snively’s grating voice. Was he… was he seriously attempting to proposition Luxuria? This was sickening. Something had to be done! If not for Luxuria’s sake, then surely Arete’s own, lest she lose the drink she’d just downed to the nausea. She got up from the bar, motioning for Lulavi to follow.

“Come Lulavi dear! Let us pay it forward. It seems Luxuria is in need of assistance!”

Arete slinked up to Luxuria with the kind of swagger only an experienced infiltrator could muster, purposely sliding between her intended target and Snively, brushing past him as if he wasn’t even there.

“Luxuria! Darling! It’s been so long! How has the most eminent songstress in all the hive been?"
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Luxuria nodded at the words of the amnesiac changeling. "Well, if you were in Canterlot during that attack, chances are good that this is your home," she said. Luxuria said bluntly. "It was us of this kingdom, those loyal to Queen Chrysalis, who were responsible for that invasion, and us alone."

There were of course other possibilities. Luxuria herself was proof of that, as she had been out in Equestria while the invasion happened, unaware of it until well after the fact. There were changelings out there with other loyalties. There were those like Aria who had been raised amongst ponies. There were changelings from less known and further distant hives. it was entirely possible that this changeling before her now had been simply caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time and was uninvolved, but all things considered, odds were on her being a part of the invasion if she was there that day.

"I hope you find what you're looking for," she said before unfortunately having to turn back to Snively, offering an encouraging nod to Kahz as he moved toward the stage. She was interested to see what he did.

She resisted the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes at the bureaucrat's attempts to seduce her. "The lyrics in my song weren't intended to paint a romantic image, Snively," she said pointedly. The Sea of Ruin romantic? Who did this creep think she was, some wide-eyed little child that had never left the kingdom before? He was just so unbearably oblivious, but it unfortunately wasn't in her best interest to just flatly tell him off. That left her feeling somewhat stranded.

Luckily she found much needed aid from an unexpected source. Arete left her seat and strode right up to her, acting uncharacteristically friendly and taking the time to stroke her ego. It was rather unlike her, and quite obviously a ploy--one for Luxuria's benefit. She wasn't about to pass it up either.

"Ah, Arete, my dear friend! It's been far too long," she said with a big fake smile on her face, stepping toward the other changeling and hugging her. "Come, we simply must catch up."

"You'll excuse me, Snively," she said, looking toward the male changeling once. "I haven't seen Arete in so long. I'm sure you understand." she looked back toward Flux with a nod. "Perhaps in the meantime, you could help this poor Flux. She seems to have lost track of who exactly she is. With your wealth of information and familiarity with the records, perhaps you could help to unravel the mystery." She felt kind of bad for leaving any changeling with Snively, but truth be told, if there was anyone who could help her, it was likely him. He was the one who pushed all the papers for the queen after all. Either way, better her than Luxuria.

She hoped this would keep Snively at bay for a while. Whatever, the case, there was no reason to linger in his presence. "Now, where we're we..." she said as she stepped back toward Arete, draping a foreleg over her as they walked away. She bent in close and whispered into the other changeling's ear, "You cannot fully know the extent of my gratitude..."
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Lula’s smirk widened and she relaxed into her seat a little, satisfied with Arete’s response. The thought of Luxuria dolled up in feathers and faux furs in an expensive Stalliongrad club, singing her siren’s song for the stallions in attendance...well, it was fitting. The mental image was a lovely one, and if Lulavi gave a hoot about anything in life it would always be something lovely.

“It makes quite a pretty picture, our Luxuria in the spotlight of a ritzy Ostrov club,” the changeling purred, “And you’re right about her backup tonight...it can’t be easy for her, trying to harmonize with a hot mess for a band. That said…”

Lulavi took a sip of the Svetlahorse, then, completely disregarding the cheap drink she had just ordered. She could taste the expense and it tasted sweet. When the barkeep pointed out Kahz, that odd little changeling with a disgustingly pleasant manner about him, Lula’s face twisted into a cheshire grin.

“...That one can’t be too bad. He has good taste in drink, and he knows beauty when he sees it, clearly. Guardian angel indeed.”

The good mood brought about by Kahz’s gift was soon spoiled by none other than Snively. That verminous waste of chitin was seriously laying it on thick with his proposition to Luxuria, enough to make Lula’s guts twist into a painful knot of pure revulsion. Few things in this world repulsed her as much as the Queen’s number one hoofkisser, and Snively was doing a very good job at reminding her why.

So when Arete suggested the two jump to Luxuria’s rescue, Lula agreed in a heartbeat and followed after her. She wouldn’t wish Snively’s company on her most hated enemy.

“Don’t forget about me, Luxuria darling,” the berry-maned changeling chimed in when she joined the other two beauties, draping a thin wing over the songstress in a friendly manner as they made their escape, “I, too, am eager to catch up tonight.”

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The band all knew Kahz. Unlike most of those with whom they'd had to share the stage, he was actually willing to take them seriously as musicians. Not that the ever-pleasant changeling held any illusions about their actual ability, but he hardly thought that they would play any better for being thought hopeless as performers. It helped, too, that he'd never actually headlined any show before, and thus came across as one of their own, more than a star they always had to cede center stage to.

"Alright, guys and gals." He buzzed up to them backstage, smiling and practically vibrating with excitement. "You all heard the news; it's down to us to keep up the spirits of the Hive now, and I know you won't let us down! Just start with a blues riff in B, watch me for the changes, and we're golden!" With a few encouraging hoof-bumps to get the rest of them pumped, they all took the stage, with Kahz at the lead.

His own experience of outside music was restricted; up to this point, his only missions to Equestria had been more-or-less practice reconnaissance missions to Manehattan. He'd been lucky enough, however, to catch one concert in their Central Park while disguised as a crazy homeless pony. Unlike the elegant and sophisticated performances frequented by the likes of Arete and Lulavi, it had been a free rock show by what amounted to talented amateurs. But it had left an impression upon the young changeling, not the least of which had been the idea that one could make good music from superficially non-beautiful sounds and ponies.

In such matters, poise and attitude were everything, and when Kahz took the stage, he walked as if he owned the place, swinging his guitar off his back and charging the strings with a blast of green magic all in one smooth motion. Well now, it seemed that all the lovely ladies in the hive were gathered together! With a grin and a wink thrown toward them, he addressed the crowd. "Here's a little something from the tunnels I grew up in, going out to all of you out there who know you're worth more than what you got dealt to you here." Confident that would be relevant to pretty much every single changeling here, he launched into the initial chords of a song he'd heard in that concert long ago, and that he'd practiced for a while since. The lyrics, of course, he updated for the current audience:

"Deep down in the Leota close to the Old Badlands~
Lodged between the woods and the burning sands~
Stood a short tunnel made of earth and wood~
Where lived a little 'ling name of Buzzy B. Goode~
Who never really learned to lie or fight so well~
But he could play guitar just like ringing a bell!

Go! Go!
Go, Buzzy, Go, Go!
Go, Buzzy, Go, Go!
Buzzy be good!"

It was quickly apparent that Kahz had decided to address the difficulty of following Luxuria's impressively sweet and melancholy act by being nothing like it in the slightest. This had nothing to do with melody, which was good, since the bad was clinging to the basic notes with desperation, but there was enough power in the upbeat rhythm to drive them all forward. And not just them, Kahz noted with glee as he began the second verse; the waiters had cleared some of the tables to make room on the dance floor.

"He used to carry his guitar slung across his back~
Sneakin' 'cross the borders by the railroad track.
Relaxin' in disguise, strummin' in the clefts~
Livin' off the love that drivers left.
Ponies stopping by, all under the spell~
Leavin' the performance as an empty shell.

Go, Go!
Go, Buzzy, Go! Go!
Go Buzzy, Go Go Go, Buzzy, Go!
Buzzy be good!

Caught up in the whole mood of the place, which could now be accurately described as "jumping," Kahz was escalating his performance. There was a kind of risk going with this way of playing; you could get caught in a feedback loop between player and audience that could get quickly out of hand. It started during the bridge, when Kahz got ever more creative with the ways in which he played the riffs, eventually getting to the point where he was dancing up and down the stage, leaping off the footlights, and hitting an especially high series of notes as he knee slid right off onto the dance floor!

The band had long since stopped playing, staring in shock at their lead singer, wondering if he'd actually gone completely nuts in front of them. Kahz himself opened his eyes, which had been shut while he was "feeling the music," to see absolutely every changeling in the Gypsy Moth staring at him.
To his credit, he didn't even blink. "Heh, guess you guys weren't quite ready for that yet." He said without missing a beat, shouldering his instrument with as much smoothness as he'd brought it out. "But your hatchlings are gonna love it."

Semi-obvious inspiration for this scene:

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This sarcastically sympathetic comment came from behind the Administrator, from none other than Bianca. What was she doing there?!


She stood with that same egotistical smirk on her face, looking down on the nasily whiner of a court member. She was still dressed in her field gear, the armor of her station as a lieutenant, as she visited the club. Though she did have a new trinket in her wiry mane, which looked to be some kind of desert flower and a couple of small feathers. Probably a souvenir from whatever tribe she infiltrated. 


"Honestly, a part of me feels bad that you're more despised among your peers than you are by our pray... And that part is a facade." her ponysona, if there was to be a word for it. Though her previous assignment found her in the Pinto desert. With Equestria on high alert, she had been tasked with probing the buffalo, and gauge their candidacy for draining. Her results were... Less than pleasing, but certainly doable. Those walking steaks just don't love like ponies do. But, since that wasn't an option, they'd have to make due. Her saving grace may be that a few frontier towns in the desert are still somewhat primitive, their only defenses being 'sheriffs' and 'pies'. It was laughable. But, once she was granted an audience with her majesty she would report her findings regardless. In terms of prey, the desert was ripe for the picking.


"Though who knows, I'm sure there's a foxy lady out there for you somewhere~" She teased. No, she was never going to let him live that down.


Either way, she left Snively to his lonliness, adding a point to a score of a game only she was playing, and found herself a spot to watch the performance on stage. She wasn't familiar enough with the other changelings here to interact with them, unfortunately. Snively was the only one she really knew, and it wasn't by choice. It was nice to be around some sophistication of the hive, however. 


She had unfortunately missed the previous act, so didn't have much of a frame of reference on how much better this one was. But it was... Appealing. In an odd way. It had a nice flow to it. Made her want to dance. Though other than bob around a bit as she listened to Kahz, she kept her composure. Very interesting! Even more so when Kahz seemed to be suffering from convulsions of some sort on the stage! She just stared with everyone else in the room as he finished his display of strangely appealing erratic flailing and jumping.


Bianca gave his song modest applause, clapping her hooves and surrendering an 'alright, sure' nod of approval.

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At the precise moment when Snively felt his romantic victory would finally come, it was snatched from him by the arrival of an apparent old friend of Luxuria’s. Arete... Snively couldn’t say he cared very much for Arete. She had been one of those highly talented infiltrators who rose up the ranks and became a mid-level administrator. Snively hated changelings who earned promotions quickly, as to him they would obviously try to out-muscle the drone and steal his lofty position at the side of Queen Chrysalis. Therefore, Snively shed no tears after Arete was declared Missing in Action after the failed Canterlot assault; one less potential rival to worry about.


But now instead of an evening of culmination, the lovelorn Snively was now being asked to help out some pathetic oaf of a changeling who... didn’t remember who she was? The bureaucrat, sinking down to the ground, lacked sympathy for the amnesic Flux who probably had nothing valuable to offer. However, since Snively had yet to ever refuse a request from Luxuria, he decided that he’d take this charity case on, or at least pay lip service to it. As long as the administrator was getting nothing in return, he didn’t plan on willingly contributing assistance.


Especially not after an even more hated changeling made her obnoxious presence known. It seemed the vile Lt. Bianca finally returned from that dead-end mission that Snively got her assigned to. The Changeling Kingdom was a better place without Bianca pushing Snively around; clearly the administrator needed to pull some strings and banish her with another dead-end assignment, maybe even one she’d never come back from. Perhaps a permanent vacation to Whitescar? Those viking freaks hated changelings with a passion.


Snively though contented himself by growling back; “And I’m sure there’s a big fat promotion waiting for you when the Queen finds out how much you accomplished on your mission. You know how much the Hive depends on the information about the featherheads that you’ll give us, don’t you?” Evidently, Bianca’s foxy taunt sailed right over Snively’s head, which wasn’t out of the ordinary considering long it was since anyone mentioned the drone’s unfortunate Nightmare Night encounter.


With Bianca put in her place and the band playing another song, Snively finally got around to acting like he’d take care of Flux’s needs. In his typical screechy voice, the height-challenged changeling droned accusingly; “So, you claim not to know who you are........”

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Flux kinda just sat there in silence as she watched Luxuria be taken from Snively by a couple other female changeling's. Well, that probably sucked for him, but she kinda wanted it to happen. He didn't seem very nice, though maybe that was just because he was in love and that blinded him to the others around him. She shrugged as she thought about it, turning back to the stage as Kahz began playing with the band.


Now this was a fun song! Flux smiled widely as she listened to it, bouncing in her seat in time with the beat and the music in general. She would've gotten up to dance had Snively not chosen that moment to speak with her.


"Yeah... I don't remember anything before the day I woke up outside Ponyville. And apparently that was the day after the Canterlot invasion..." Flux said, looking at him as she raised her glass with her magic and took another drink from it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Ah, Arete, my dear friend! It's been far too long," she said with a big fake smile on her face, stepping toward the other changeling and hugging her. "Come, we simply must catch up."


Arete didn’t believe for a second that Luxuria was warming up to her.  Not that she really minded.  It was all part of the Game, a grand masquerade of masks, alliances, rivalries, and courtship that all changelings played.  Part of the reason that she took her preferred assignments away from the hive anyway.  Oh well.  It was the little things that counted, and even a feigned greeting of affection was better than none.


She hoped this would keep Snively at bay for a while. Whatever, the case, there was no reason to linger in his presence. "Now, where we're we..." she said as she stepped back toward Arete, draping a foreleg over her as they walked away. She bent in close and whispered into the other changeling's ear, "You cannot fully know the extent of my gratitude..."


Arete grinned a toothy changeling grin.  This was more like it.  Oh what fun this little soiree would be!  The gossip!  The politicking!  The plotting of plots and the planning of plans!


“I’m sure you’ll be able to thank me later, my dear,” she purred.  “After all, we’ve the whole night ahead of us.  I’m sure you’d much rather take ‘a walk on the Sea of Ruin’ with your lovely lady friends anyway!”


Arete lowered her voice as Kahz began to play and sing so as to keep only Lulavi and Luxuria in earshot, “And by Sea of Ruin, I mean a lovely little Ostrov getaway with all the love in the city to soak up!”


“Don’t forget about me, Luxuria darling,” the berry-maned changeling chimed in when she joined the other two beauties, draping a thin wing over the songstress in a friendly manner as they made their escape, “I, too, am eager to catch up tonight.”

“Mmm, two may tango, but three is a party indeed!  And do be sure to send your compliments to Kahz.  The dear boy may not any taste in his choice of music, but he certainly seems to have a knack for wines!  Perhaps we should discuss our plans over the rest of that bottle of 945 Svetlahorse, hmm?”

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  • 4 weeks later...

“Don’t forget about me, Luxuria darling. I, too, am eager to catch up tonight.”


"Hello there, Lula," Luxuria said. She was a little more willing to take Lulavi's eagerness at face value. She had never struck Luxuria as being near as mysterious as Arete. She was more straightforward. One didn't have to be so guarded with her. "It has been a while since we've spent any time together."


She smiled a little as the lovely changeling went so far as to wrap her wing across her. As she was whisked away by the two of them she gave a small chuckle, knowing she was fully rescued. "Thank you," she muttered


“I’m sure you’ll be able to thank me later, my dear. After all, we’ve the whole night ahead of us.  I’m sure you’d much rather take ‘a walk on the Sea of Ruin’ with your lovely lady friends anyway!And by Sea of Ruin, I mean a lovely little Ostrov getaway with all the love in the city to soak up!”


After they had trailed a distance off and Kahz began to play and sing his little song, Arete began to say some rather interesting things. Luxuria listened, amused by it all.


"It sounds like someone here has quite the interesting little scheme brewing in her head," the singer giggled. "I'd certainly say I'm intrigued."


“Mmm, two may tango, but three is a party indeed!  And do be sure to send your compliments to Kahz.  The dear boy may not any taste in his choice of music, but he certainly seems to have a knack for wines!  Perhaps we should discuss our plans over the rest of that bottle of 945 Svetlahorse, hmm?”


These words, which came just as Kahz was finishing his cute, rambunctious rock number made Luxuria chuckle. "You didn't find Kahz' performance to your tastes?" she said, smirking. "It was imperfect, yes, but he put his all into it. He always does. That's why he's free to take the stage. I don't let just any act up there, you know."


Her smiled deepened and she breathed in. This was the truth. The Gypsy Moth was certainly not an open microphone. She had her standards, even if they weren't quite as high as she would have liked, especially when it came to musicians. The problem here seemed to be, however, that Arete's standards were skewed a little differently.  "I suppose it happens when one does spend so much time away from the kingdom. She develops the palate for fine wines and starts to forget that here we subside on fetid water," she said teasingly.


Her tone was light, but truthfully this probably touched on a core difference in attitude between her and this other changeling. Luxuria had taken in the outside world. She had learned about all the best thing that there were in the world, but she had never in her mind lost sight of the changeling that she was. When she had returned to the kingdom in the wake of the Canterlot invasion, it had been with the goal in mind of sharing what she had learned. Enriching her fellow changelings, acting as a light and a savior to the masses to rival their beloved queen. That was what the Gypsy Moth was. Little by little, she would do her part to change the face of their kingdom


"Though please do tell me, what is this about Ostrov?" she asked as she found her own glass with which to indulge in some of the fine wine.

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Lula gave the vocalist a little grin and tossed her berry-toned mane, “It has been some time. A pity, really. You are one of the few gems to sparkle in this barren land, Luxuria.”

And she meant it. Coming back to this fetid hole of a homeland full of pathetic, buzzing drones and wine that tasted like liquified sadness always put the vagabond changeling on edge. Most times she didn’t know why she ever bothered to come back, though she guessed it had something to do with being born into a swarm. Spend enough time away and she was always compelled to return for a spell, just long enough for her to remember why she left in the first place. She wasn’t always so lucky to get to spend time with first-rate changelings like Luxuria before she got sick of the hive, though - and it was even rarer still to see Arete. Lulavi was looking forward to how this night would unfold.

Kahz taking the stage broke Lula’s train of thought. That twisted little creature was seriously starting to agitate her. First, he treats herself and Arete with a very impressive wine. Now he was playing a kind of music that actually made the berry-maned changeling want to start tapping her hooves along with the rhythm. It was catchy, the beat was infectious. It was seriously ticking her off! There was no room in her heart for any fondness towards ugly and broken little wretches such as him, so why in Tartarus was he making such a good impression? She wanted to kick him in the teeth.

She glared at the stage until the mention of Ostrov from the lovely Arete summoned her undivided attention. A little vacation for the hive’s three loveliest ladies, hm? Oh, the trouble they could get up to in Stalliongrad. Just the very thought of it was delicious! And by the sound of it, Luxuria seemed just as interested as she was.

“Ostrov, hm? It’s been too long...do tell us of your plans, Arete.”

When the conversation shifted back to Kahz, Lula couldn’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance. Luxuria seemed happy enough with his performance, but Lula was inclined to agree with Arete just to drive away whatever admiration for the little brat was building within her. She remained quiet, sipping her Sveltahorse until Ostrov was brought up once more. She leapt on the conversation eagerly.

“Yes, darling, indulge us. If you have trouble planned for Stalliongrad I would love to hear all about it. Stallian ponies have always held a soft spot in my heart.”

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To Kahz's eternal gratefulness, the awkward silence was broken by the sound of applause.  The small set of hoofclops grew into a mild, and then a full roar of appreciation!  With the audience as starved for new music as any could possibly be, it was only to be expected, but still!  They liked him, they really liked him!


"Well, thank you all!  Glad to see I don't have to wait to be appreciated!"  He called out to general laughter, accepting another complimentary drink from the bartender.  He raised it in toast to Lt. Bianca, who'd started off the applause.  "Seems all the lovely ladies are back in the Hive at last!  Here's to you, officer, for your forward thinking and excellent taste!"  He gave the sardonic Lieutenant a wink, and drained his glass.  Ah, one of the low-alcohol, high-love refreshers.  Not the best-tasting of concoctions, but it could keep a singer going through a whole set.


As the diminutive drone stepped out to mingle with the crowd a little bit, the band, who'd been energized by Kahz's recent leadership, launched into a kind of freeform jam, of a rather better sound than anyling might have suspected given their past performance.  It started low and atmospheric, with the odd sounds of hive-made instruments emphasized, before transitioning into a more keyboard-driven arrangement.  He always did have a way of bringing out the best in changelings, with a few exceptions.


He hailed the largest one on the way to check up on the next singer.  "Hey relax, Snively, she's an amnesiac, not a defector.  Not yet, at any rate, and hopefully, not ever!"  He gave another one of his cheery winks to Flux, patting Snively's cheek before quickly moving out of range of the bureaucrat's bile.


A quick check revealed that the next singer was a likely no-show.  Perhaps Kahz's mad guitar skills had scared him off, though whether that was from fear of looking flat after the performance, or merely being savaged by a mad drone was hard to tell.  Upshot was, that Kahz was due for another number.  *Eh, pity.  I'd been hoping to get in a word with the three lovelies in the back.*  Not that there had been much of a chance, with Arete, Luxuria, and Lulavi retreating from the stage after his first song, but still, he would hate to think that he'd given up the Sveltahorse without even a chance to follow-up...


On the other hand, perhaps another song would do the trick!  Bounding back on stage, Kahz took the mike, signaling the band to not stop, only lower the volume a little bit.  "Alright then, this one is going out to all the lovely changelings who we never see often enough, and I know you know who you are!"  He said with a small laugh, and a wave towards the back.  "Always wonderful to see you, saved you a little something special."


Then he signaled the keyboard to pick up the volume, and joined in on the guitar, leading the rest from a jam to a more disciplined series of notes.  Well, notes that were actually in a vaguely song-like pattern.  He couldn't work miracles, but by Chryssy, he would try!  When everyling was about as in harmony as they would get, he launched into the first verse of the other song he'd worked out in his practice time.  It was another rocking tune, though in a slightly different rhythm this time.


"The roses on the lakeshore edge have fallen to one side;

Everything about this place was born to grow and die.

Oh, it doesn't seem a year ago to this very day;

You said, 'I'm sorry, lovelies, if I don't change the pace, 

I can't face another day!'


"And love lies bleeding in my hooves!

Why does every romance seem to keep in these tragic grooves?

We were all craving beauty, and we found it in you,

But we just can't keep ahold of it with all our moves.

Love lies bleeding in my hooves!


"No wonder if those changes have left their mark on you,

Like all those times of war and peace that you and I passed through.

You're the darlings of the equine kind, I hope you're happy now,

But if the winds of change come on down your way, girl,

You'll make it back somehow!


"And love lies bleeding in my hooves!

Why does every romance seem to keep in these tragic grooves?

We were all craving beauty, and we found it in you,

But we just can't keep ahold of it with all our moves.

Love lies bleeding in my hooves!"


The bridge was a much more solid affair, and after the last repeat of the chorus, Kahz was able to keep the outro under tighter control.  The tune had been upbeat, but there had been more than mere energy behind the lyrics, unlike last time.  This time, Kahz meant what he sang, with a sincerity that surprised even him.  *Huh, didn't know I felt so strongly about that.*  Perhaps only those who lived close to ugliness could have a sharp hunger for beauty as for love; all changelings did, but but Kahz most of all.


The applause was quicker to come this time, but as he acknowledged the cheers of the crowd, the singer's eyes were towards the back...




Inspiration for the intro description, and the tune of Kahz's song.

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