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The World of Remnant (Closed)


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Upon making it to the top of the cliff and noticing the Goodwich, Andrea tossed her relic the relic " Well of course we did good. I was with them. How could we not have succeeded? " Andrea stretched her ego muscles when she suddenly heard someone talk about food. " What ever it is, Count me in. I haven't eaten all day and my stomach is slowly starting to consume itself. "

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Tehengu nodded at the headmaster as he spoke, taking out his relic and handing it to the two. There, his job was done, he could relax now. Slash mentioned getting a small amount of food before the lunch that would come not too long from then. Midnight didn't seem too interested in the idea, and he could tell she only said what she did for him. Well, that's what he thought anyways.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, Midnight. I'm going though." Tehengu said, looking at his new partner.

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Midnight glanced up at Tehengu when he said he was going, while the idea of having a meal with other people didn't excite or drive her, she needed to spent time with Tehengu because she was going to spend 4 years with him, it only seemed to make sense that she gets along with him. "Well....I-i guess, if you're going, then I might as well come along.." she said slightly reluctantly, while she really didn't fancy the idea and would much rather sit on her own and read her book, she needed to socialise with Tehengu, and the people he was friends with.

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Tehengu looked at Midnight as she reluctantly agreed to come along. Really, she was forcing herself to go, which was completely unnecessary. They would have four years to get acquainted, there was no need to rush things. Still, if she insisted on doing this, he wasn't going to stop her. He gave her a nod before walking off towards the dining hall.

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Slash walked into the dinning hall and saw all the seniors. He took a tray and went to the counter, getting two salmon sandwiches and some cookies. He poured himself a cup of water before sitting down at a table.

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Midnight trailed behind Tehengu to the dining hall, she saw Slash going and grabbing his food, as she went and just poured herself some water. She wasn't that hungry and honestly could wait for lunch itself, so she sat down close to Slash, unsure what to do as she waited for the others.

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Arriving at the lunch room, Andrea grabbed a tray and headed to counter to get herself some Ham sandwiches and spruce bear (Soda that kind of tastes like Pine. So good~) After wards, Andrea turned around and looked toward the others. " Well, assuming we're right. about the chess pieces, I'm gonna be spending a lot of time with them. Might aswell try and get used to them now. " She made her way toward the table and dropped her tray right on it " Finally! Food! I haven't eaten since yesterday! "

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Tehengu scanned the lunchroom a bit as the others grabbed their food and drinks. Honestly, he would be fine with waiting for lunch, so he decided not to get any food. He just grabbed some cola and sat down with the others.

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"I think that's the case with most of us. This is technically our breakfast" he said, taking a bite out of his salmon sandwich. "Are you guys originally from Vale? I was born in Vacuo, but I moved to Vale when I wanted to become a hunter. To be honest, I'm still supposed to be at signal since I started late, but I moved up here because I met Professor Goodwich"

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"Would all first years go to the Hall for the results. Again, all first years to the Hall" Goodwitch said through the intercom.

"It's time to find out" Slash said, putting his tray into a plastic basin.

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Slash ignored her body language. It's obvious that she's not satisfied with the pairing. Then again, she'd probably be like that to everyone. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it" he said as he went through the hall doors. Slash moved closer to the stage so it would be fast and easy to get on once they have been called

Once the noise died down, Professor Ozpin started announcing the teams.

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Slash's eyes widen as he felt the girl's hand in his, though he didn't look back. Once he was next to the stairs of the stage, he carefully slipped his hand out of the girl's grip. Slash knew that she was up to something. The girl would never touch him, let alone look at him. Wait...if he wasn't allowed to touch her, then why did she hold his hand. Still, the thought of it made him excited, turning his face to it's unamused look to hide his joy. Beacon Academy was being too nice; First when she bumped into him, then when she pushed him off the branch and looked into his eyes, and now when she grabbed his hand. He is one lucky cat prince.

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Stopping next to the stairs, Andrea figured that if she was gonna have to work with this guy for four years that he might as well know this info from her before Ozpin. Andrea turned toward Slash " Well since you're gonna need this info anyway, My name is Andrea. Andrea Indigo. " She waved slightly in his direction before turning back. " And before you say it, I know. I have a nice name. "

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"It's not nice, it's beautiful" Slash smiled, turning to her. "Thanks for telling me, angel"

There can be only one reason for all of this good luck: He is going to die. Four miracles in only two days is just too much for Slash. Does he even like her? Or is he doing it for fun? No, he would have stopped by now if he wasn't serious. Slash cursed in his head as he turned back to Ozpin, his mind now filled with worry.

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During the whole conversation, Midnight had gone into her book. As the others sat down, she brought it up and started reading it as she didn't really want to chat to the others, so this was the next best thing. She nearly missed the annoucement to move, and only really noticed it because she noticed the others moving. Marking her page, she followed Tehengu into the hall, standing just behind and to the side of him, unsure what to do next.

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((Just gender swapped :3 Not my idea though))

"Jean Arc, Lie Rei, Pyrrhus Nikos, Nore Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as...Team Juniper. Lead by, Jean Arc!" Ozpin said. Slash recognized some of them, especially the goofy girl who threw up on the airship.

"And finally; Slash Claw, Midnight Blossom, Andrea Indigo and Tehengu." the Professor said as Slash made his way up the stage,

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