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[Open RP] Ponie Epic :Clash of the Sixth Gems


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[{ The story. }]

Ξ •·• In a future of an alternate universe where the Elements of Harmony are used as a weapon of war, it will take a hero to to save the land of a steampunk Equestria . Prepare for a long epic adventures through a world unlike any other you have ever seen. •·• Ξ

*~>_ Quick summary _<~*

•~. you've heard rumors of the Royal army sending troops out to the southeast pass the mountains to the river lands and rumors of the princesses' of powers slipping and she plans to conquer other lands to provide resources like the highly energized and rare crystals known as "harmonium". Little is known about harmonium. Some say harmonium is powered by the saviors of the past. Some say there radioactive gems powered by demonic spirits. But that's not important right now. Tomorrow you take a train to canterlot to take care of business.

•●·. Rules .·●•

ㅇThis RP has "action RPG elements"

و Jobs and stats are set by you, but your class is chosen by me.

** "Job" is basically what kind of skills you get and your "class" will be your fighting style

◎You can even come up with any moves you would like.

You'll even be able to learn moves. Moves that are learned have the ability to improve and have a greater effect. Availability for a type of move to be learned will be said by me.

☆✺Anyone can join!✺☆

--• Just PM me the details of your character. And he/she/? shall be implemented in the time appropriate.

. Your characters information must be descriptive. Details that are not specified will be determined by me when relevant. Try to keep your character fair with no MacGuffins or Deus Ex Machina abilities. Your character is no better than everyone else's character.

. The final say of events is determined by me. Events cannot be unjustified by the player just because they say so. Which means you can't say "you dodged" and I say "the enemy is too fast" and then say that "your character is faster than the enemy".

●Try to keep your actions appropriate. Illegal move will not be tolerated. You cannot beat up NPCs for no reason or simply blow stuff up when you want to. The options are there and you will be told if the action is illegal.

Though the RP have RPG elements it is not limited to them. Feel free to explore your options! Outside of battles, you can use your imagination. Who knows with out there on the field ,Take a gander. On the battlefield remember to work together. Who knows what your abilities united can do.

And most important rule of all ...

................HAVE FUN!!!

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~*^ you hear a mysterious voice from within a foggy darkness *

◊~ this is the story \ a story of your own \ but not one you'll be alone. \ In this tale, many challenges you will face \ but in order to begin , we will need a who ... and a place. ◎~

➨name (who is on this journey)

➨race(pony or non-pony)

➨origin (your past that builded you)

➨occupation ( what is it that you do )

➨wish (what is your goal, want or solution )

➨purpose ( what is it that you hold, what is your contribution )

➨other (anything else you would like to tell me )

... Then we can finally begin our epic journey.

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~^*Your crudely awakened by the bellowing of the train horn and cacophonous streaks of the train coming to a stop!

Conductor: "Des-ton-nation, Canter-lut!!!"

you are finally here, Canterlot. Summoned to assist the princess in... something. And apparently you're not alone. There is someone in the 'personal train' cart with you.

-!+ entering the party:

•Rym [CanvasMayHogany] (zebra) http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20377-rym-ready/#entry521997

•Aranak [PyroBlaze] (dragon) http://www.canterlot.com/topic/19462-aranak-final/

You exit the train to find yourself a pond a pale blue Pegasus with purple eyes. He speaks with an accent. Pegasus : "Heloi, I am Tidal Twister. I am be your gied to the keystle. Fallow me.

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Aranak sat by himself on the train ride, looking over the other passengers momentarily as the train pulled into the station. After getting off the train, there was a pegasus that suddenly started talking to him, and it appeared a zebra as well.


"Fine, lead the way." The dragon said simply after the pegasus had finished speaking.

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Tidal Twister: "you ah gant acquainted on the wy thar." <(what kind of accent is this)>

The two followed the blue Pegasus to the castle where he then led them through a series of corridors which then led to a hidden door to a sub level of the castle equipped with its own Royal locomotion. The pale blue pegasus then motions you to follow him on the train

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(One that is very hard to read. At least that line was difficult to understand.)


"Aranak." He replied simply after Rym's introduction as the two of them followed the stallion to some secret door, which opened to reveal yet another train that they had to ride. Well, if their destination was that far away, this was preferable to walking. The dragon boarded the train, finding a seat and sitting down without a word.

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*The train jerks as it begins to move. The train took hasten leave out the tunnel without even blowing it's bellowing horn. After you all get comfortable, the cart door opens. Out steps the form of a tall, purple, majestic Alicorn mare who's mane floated with hues of a lavender nebula with stars straight from the heavens inwoven in it.*

~* Tidal Twister: "Hey, little ponis! Look ilive! Princess heeh!"

*Tidal Twister stood beside the princess, stepping out from the same train cart, this time wielding a large Claymore strapped to his withers . You also start to notice that Tidal always looked like he was chewing on something but there was nothing ever in his mouth – what a strange pony... *

~*The lavender Alicorn: "Hi, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you. I bet you all are wondering why you were here."

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Rym stood quickly when the Princess entered the train. She stumbled at first but managed to stay upright and bowed. "your highness. " she said then looked up " it os an honor but your statement is correct. Why are we here?" she asked as politely as possible

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Aranak remained in his seat as the alicorn entered the train car, looking her over briefly. Sparkle? Perhaps. His gaze then moved to Tidal, lingering on the weapon for a second before moving on to his mouth. Why was he chewing air?

The dragon's gaze went back to the alicorn as she confirmed his thoughts about her being Twilight Sparkle. She then stated the obvious, which Rym repeated. He rolled his eyes slightly before speaking.

"It would be nice to know why I'm here, yes." He said, gazing at the alicorn.

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~*Twilight sparkle : you two were personally selected for your unique experience with gems. Rym, your experience with pendants and charms will become a very useful asset for the cause. And Aranak, I've heard that you are more than capable to getting gems in your possession.

-(*Tidal Twister cuts in*)

Tidal Twister: "—And also because yolla casuals, anm thare foar, easily expendable."

(Twilight Sparkle leans to gives a pouty glare and growls at Twister)

"I'm in search of very _'special charms'_ but I'll need help to retrieve them. The other princesses and I already have possession of two, but one was stolen from us. We have located it past the _'Safe Border'_ of Equestria. We also suspect there to be one more pass the border as well. And don't worry about your reward. If you retrieve our target, you get to keep whatever other spoils you may have collected in your quest. I an sure you all have what it takes to vant—"


-*^you hear a loud boom. You then feel the train cart tremble and shake! you feel your weight to shift towards one side of the cart! Your balance displaced! The Princess shrieked at the Sudden calamity. The princess and Twister hold on to the poles for dear life as the entire train quakes! As the chaos that unfolded dies down, you regain your balance.

-(Twister immediately drew his blade when his balance was regained)

Twister:"What the Hay!!

-~*Bursting through the remnants windows of the train were fully armored pegasi armed with spears!

»=* A battle has commenced*=«

Hint: Not every attack must be powerful or immediate

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Aranak kept his gaze on Twilight as she and Tidal talked about what they wanted. Apparently they were here to get some amulet that had been taken from the alicorns. Well, he supposed he might as well, it wouldn't hurt to get in the good graces of the royalty, as well as get more gems for his hoard.


Before long, the train was attacked, and the dragon shot to his feet as the train tipped over, grabbing onto a bar to keep himself from falling over. After the train had settled, he released the bar, looking around to find the assailants, who came through the broken windows. Aranak turned towards them, his eyes narrowing as he inhaled, a stream of fire blasting out of his mouth at the pegusi. He held back though, not yet charging in.

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Rym nodded with everything the princess said. She wondered what kinds of charms they needed and what they could do. Suddenly the train tipped and Rym went forward. She cried out before quickly grabbing a pole and hanging on. When the train settled Rym was not surprised to see pegasi attacking and coming through the windows. Rym pulled out about ten charms and put them around her neck, prepared to fight.

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Borderland knight pegasus(1) = HP20/25

Borderland knight pegasus(2) = HP25/25

Borderland knight pegasus(3) = HP20/25

Borderland knight pegasus(4) = HP25/25

Borderland knight pegasus(5) = HP25/25

=* two of the borderland knight pegasi were burned by the fire. another two flew outside the train on either side, then both pull out and ready small bombs.

=* ( borderland night pegasus(2) throw a spear straight ahead)


♨︎Borderland knight pegasus(1) = HP20/25

➳Borderland knight pegasus(2) = HP25/25

♨︎Borderland knight pegasus(3) = HP20/25


∗Rym = HP200/200

ᐁAranak = HP200/200


✈︎☌Borderland knight pegasus(4) = HP25/25


✈︎☌Borderland knight pegasus(5) = HP25/25

*~^ The two pegasi hovering right outside the train. You look to see that the train has stopped on a bridge thousands of feet in the air between two mountains. Let's not have this battle get too wild to quickly in risk of tipping the train off the bridge.

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Aranak looked from the burning pegusi to the ones that had left, putting them out of his mind for now to focus on the one that was attacking with a thrown spear. The dragon moved out of the way of the spear before charging towards them, heading at the enemies as he swiped at the weaponless pony, aiming to take him out before he could retrieve his weapon.

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The spear passes Aranak and towards Twister. He quickly deflected it with his sword. Twister flew out of the train to take on the bomber pegasi. Once Twister left the train he dashed at one with lightning speed . He brought his sword down on flying knight's head so hard you could swear that his head split open from the inside of his helmet that covered his entire head!

Twister :"BANZIEEEE!!"


Aranak's swipe made contact and delivered a heavy blow


=*The formally burning pegasi crossed spears by Aranak's neck, pushing and pinning you down to the ground


⚔Borderland knight pegasus(1) = HP17/25

Borderland knight pegasus(2) = HP15/25

⚔Borderland knight pegasus(3) = HP19/25


∗Rym = HP200/200

Aranak = HP189/200

✶…Twilight Sparkle = HP????/????


✈︎☌Borderland knight pegasus(4) = HP25/25


⚔ Twister = HP??/??

✞Borderland knight pegasus(5) = HP5/25 ( probably dead )

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(Well, I was waiting for Canvas to take a turn, but I guess I'll go ahead.)

Aranak smirked as his hit landed and seemed to almost finish off the pony. Unfortunately, the other two retaliated before he could act, crossing their spears over his neck. He grunted as he was pushed against the ground. He grabbed each spear with a different hand, then tugged hard on them, pushing the two spears away from him and using his wings to get himself out of the area. As he moved back, his tail lashed out at one of the burned pegusi.

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((sorry ive been gona awhile))


Rym took one of the pendants from her neck and whispering incantations, threw it on of the pegasi. A wall of smoke flew from where the pendant hit, and Rym readied herself with a sword pendant. She drew it and slashed at the pegasi she had caught in the smoke wall

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