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what is your favorite RPG?


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I don't know if I could really pick one.


Dark Souls, the Borderlands series, Zigfrak and OFF each hold a special place in my heart, and each for a different reason and each with their own problems.

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That's a hard one to answer depending on the context applied. I really loved Lunar: Silver Star Story for its characters, who were all just fun and energetic throughout the game.


There's Final Fantasy 6 that again, has really well written characters with a lot of intertwining stories. A villain that would be lackluster in terms of character, but fit the role he needed to be in the story so well, that it doesn't matter.


Favorite rpg of all time though, which also happens to be my favorite game ever, (well alongside God Hand) is Earthbound. Which if you haven't played it, it's sometimes hard to describe what was so great. There's a very weird surrealism with the game in that it feels like its story is told by a child, but intended for adults. Nearly anyone that grew up in the suburbs can probably relate to some of the weird antics that the game throws at you. It has this innocence to it that is periodically shattered for a moment, and then you're brought back to the bright colors and often times happy-go-lucky world, moments later.

I said the game feels like it's told by a child. Though the way I like to summarize Earthbound, is that, to me it feels like it's a view on childhood, but from the perspective of an adult.

Gameplay wise, it's fairly standard for jrpgs at the time, 1994. However, its presentation of these elements in relation to the game's themes and scenarios is top notch.

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Right now, Monster Hunter 4u for the 3ds! It's so much fun and I love how the difficulty level scales as you progress through the game. I have heard people say that it gets a bit repetitive and I can understand why; fighting monster after monster to get the right drops to make armour/weapons, but for me there is just so much to do in it that it never gets old!

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Right now, Monster Hunter 4u for the 3ds! It's so much fun and I love how the difficulty level scales as you progress through the game. I have heard people say that it gets a bit repetitive and I can understand why; fighting monster after monster to get the right drops to make armour/weapons, but for me there is just so much to do in it that it never gets old!

Always good when you can look past a flaw or something you don't like for the greater parts of the game.

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