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(Baltimare) Surf's Up! (Open)


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It was a beautiful summer day in Baltimare as Riptide checked to make sure everything was ready. 


Sunny but not sweltering day? Check!


Sandy beach? Check! 


Ocean with a tide but not too rough? Check! 


A bunch of surf boards small enough for ponies and griffons to try? Don't want to be without those! 


Totally awesome griffon here to teach ponies how to surf? Totally! 


The brightly colored griffon smiled and walked past the line of colorful boards parked on the sand and waited as the ponies and griffons  would respond to his invitation to experience the joy that was surfing! 


"Alright, I'm totally psyched for this! Can't wait to see who's going to show up!" 


Welcome to the thread where Riptide will attempt to teach ponies and others how to surf. Have fun!


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