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[Manehattan] Canine Caper [Ask to join]


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An otherwise typical bustling day in Manehattan, it quickly turned into a crisis when a certain Diamond Dog decided to make a withdrawal from the city reserve. 


Dog had enough waiting around. WRAITH was doing good work, but not enough of Dog's kind of work. He wanted to hit the Equestrians in a place it would hurt. Somepony once told him 'money is power', and the ponies seemed to have a lot of it. He just wanted to make Number 1 proud, and so, took a rare moment of inititive. He was going to get Number 1 money, and number 1 would be proud of him. 


... Maybe he's keep some money for himself too.Replace that rusty blunderbuss on his back, or finally get his beloved Dogdozer in proper bashing order again.


Dog was staring at the Manehattan bank, thinking. He might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even he knew he couldn't just charge in there and demand the money. He needed a plan. But plan after plan circled in his head, none of which were very good. One even involved asking nicely, which he slapped himself for. Ponies didn't ask nicely for diamond dog lands! At least, he didn't think so, so why offer them that courtesy?


Dog just wanted the money that was in that bank. As far as he was concerned, that money was HIS money now! The ponies wouldn't have it no more, and they'd have less power! 


It's Dog's money, and he wants it now!!


... Well, it was time to just charge right in there and demand the money.


He sprinted toward the glass doors of the financial building and threw his shoulder into them, shattering through the doors like a minotaur in a china shop. The already massive diamond dog stood on his hind legs to make himself taller, but only ended up bumping into and breaking the ceiling tiles, which just frustrated him even more. At this point, those who were in the bank were running and diving every which way for cover, but the screaming was starting to get on Dog's nerves. Always they were screaming in his ear! He was right there! He could hear them just fine!


One little unicorn pony in particular seemed to be trying purposefully to upset him. Some kind of bank guard? Through the shouts of 'stop right there's and 'get on the ground's, Dog could only see a mild annoyance. Big beefy paws took hold of the guard, eliciting a squeak from him before tossing the pony out of the broken doors like a hoofball. With the 'threat' taken care of, he lumbered toward the counter to a tearful mare doing her best to just stop shaking.


"Money." Dog growled to the teller, who seemed confused at first, staring up at her robber. 


"M-Money...? How... How m-m-much-?" she asked, trying to play it cool, before being interrupted, rudely, by a chain-wrapped fist hammering down on the counter, nearly breaking it in half. Whoever owned the building was certainly going to lose money today either way, it seemed.


"ALL MONEY!" he roared, the teller cowering under his booming voice. "GIVE DOG NOW, STUPID PONY!"


If she wasn't going to do it, he might just have to try and break the vault door himself... Could take some time.


Was there nopony that could stand up to this fuzzy bully?

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There was the sound of crunching class as some hooves carelessly walked over the remains of the door. Besides the sound of the hoofbeats there was the faint sound of hard rock music coming from the mare's headphones while she approached the counter, paying no mind to the shouting diamond dog; mostly because she heard none of what he was saying. There was a rather neutral looking expression on her face as she stood next to the diamond dog's spectacle and simply rang the bell on the counter hoping to get the attention of another teller who wasn't so busy.


A trembling stallion poked his head up from behind the desk asking if he could help her. In response she reached into her coat and pulled out a check. The horrified stallion spoke up a bit so she could hear him, she couldn't but she could read lips so she could tell that he  said something about making a deposit right now would be a very ill advised decision as chances are that anything that would be deposited would soon be in that dog's bag. The Redmanes mre's response was to slowly turn her head and look to the dog and blink slowly.


"You should probably not do this now. I'm kind of tired and don't wanna cause any damage... so could you just leave?" 


The reply of the dog was swift and rather uncalled for as he took a swing at the mare, who ducked out of the way and then before the canine knew what happened he was sent flying to the other end of the room and through a wall, leaving a hole in his exact shape. AFter he landed he would realize a bruise on his stomach , the unicorn had punched him through a wall... strangely enough he was unscathed though.


(Magi approves this instance of control of his character.)

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This pony's insolence knew no bounds!


How dare she interrupt his money-getting! But he couldn't say he wasn't surprised by her strength. Especially for a unicorn! They were the weakest! Her strength had to come from her magic. Even earth ponies couldn't hit like that. "Stupid... magic... cheating~!" he grunted, recovering from the shock of being tossed across the room. There was no way she could just be as naturally strong as Dog... Was there?


But in this moment, being stuck in the wall, Dog was just sort of numb with rage. Ripping his arms out of the hole and stepping down, leaving a fair mess of drywall and wood chips on the ground, he gave the mare a fang-filled grin. "You think little tummyache stop Dog?!" he asked, chuckling as he inspected the hoof-print in his torso. "Pain GOOD! Make strong! Pony VERY strong! World belong to strong..." But the world couldn't belong to this pony. Not unless she worked with the right ponies. WRAITH was the right ponies. They knew how to get things done! Usually.

"Why strong pony try stop Dog?! Dog get money for strong! Pony still STUPID! For try stop Dog!"


He simple mind tossed this fact around in his empty head, for once actually formulating a sort of plan!


"Dog bring money AND pony to Number 1! Number 1 be VERY proud of Dog!" Brushing the dust off of himself, he pops his knuckles on his way back to the pony. Getting close to the counter, he took hold of part of the splintered surface and anchored himself, pulling with all him might. With a hard grunt and a loud snap, part of the counter burst free from the floor. Dog immediately wound it back over his head, growling "Stupid strong pony not strong enough! DOG STRONGER!" he cried and tossed it toward the strong unicorn, using that forward momentum in his body to try and follow through with another haymaker.

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  • 4 months later...



"Yes.. I would like to deposit this check into my account please... Mhm. Seventy five-thousand." She said in her usual register. Nopony else was around so there wasn't any reason to hush her tone or anything in regards to her salary. The clerk hesitantly looked forward and took a look over her paperwork, everything seemed to be in order. The Teller Rose was looking at's eyes grew to the size of saucers and he ducked under the counter. The red maned unicorn leaned forward to see him cowering for a moment.

"Are you all-"



The force of the great canine's attack with an improvised weapon sent the mare flying past the desk and behind the counter and into the wall. Strangely the landing on the wall wasn't what changed up Rose's expression. Instead it was a snapping sound that she heard over her ear. Just like that, the left side of her headphones cracked on the area attached to the band. The mare could have sworn it was like slow motion as she watched a part of her musical inanimate companion fall to the ground. The mare pulled herself unceremoniously and looked down blankly at the phone on the ground before lifting her head back up and dog. The mare's brow furrowed a bit and she bit down hard on her lollipop, spitting the item out to her side.

"Twenty five bits. That's how much these were." The mare took a deep breath and placed her hoof on a nearby wall. her horn and hoof lit up and a series of glowing cracks spread over the wall, moved toward the ceiling and then made a rough circle above dog's position and then faded. Rose pulled back her hoof and struck the wall of the building. dog could feel the building shaking for a few seconds but then the cracks above his head gave way and a section of the ceiling came down to meet him!

Whether Dog dodged or not, there was another mare sitting at a desk on a lovely looking section of the floor from above. She looked so utterly shocked she just froze and kept typing away at a typewriter with her hooves. The stallion behind the remnants of the counter waved to the shell shocked secretary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing that he got to the mare, made her angry, Dog just grinned. "HAHAHA! Dog gonna break strong pony's bones next!"

Getting ready for another charge, he seemed confused as she hit the wall. Dog even let his guard down, the sound he made not unlike a confused puppy as he followed the crack spread along the wall. Then the ceiling. Then watching it encircle an area around him. Was this really about to work? It was really about to work, wasn't it?



Down came the slab on Dog, leaving only the shocked mare just trying to do her work. Poor thing.
But she couldn't even enjoy her ignorance as the entire slab shifted. Dog stood back up, heaving the slab over to the side. The mare was safe and sound when she was thrown from it, but still visibly shaken after the slab crashed down on the floor on top of her desk.

"Dog change plan." he said, he face marred in a silent snarl. His voice seemed fairly calm, seemingly on the cusp of a tranquil rage. "Dog not going to break bones. Dog going to rip horn out. See if stupid strong pony so strong after that."

A sudden roar ended the quiet, those few bank employees left in the building trying to cower in whatever corners they could find to avoid the Diamond Dog's attention. Dog himself charged for the vault door, grasping the thick, steel wheel with both paws and starting to pull. He didn't seem to be trying to open the vault itself moreso than trying to rip off the door's wheel, probably meaning to use it as a weapon if he managed to get his paws on it. "Dog WILL bring strong pony to Number 1-" he strained, the metal groaning as it started to give way, "Just may not be in one piece!"

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Huh. She figured that that would have at least knocked him out. This might be problematic. The mare watched as Dog charged right past her and tried to tear off the Vault door. She sighed and looked at the teller cowering behind his desk, "You can run now... but please deposit that check for me once your safe." Before she knew it the teller stallion was off and out the door. She was... moderately sure that she saw him nodding on his way out, but nothing she could do about it now.

The pony who had recently went down a eventually snapped out of her shaken state of mind and immediately galloped upstairs! Hoping to tell everyone to evacuate the building. Well that was good. With some ponies fleeing Rose wouldn't need to worry about any injuries to civilians... she might have to play it safe for the moment though.

The loud metal groaning caught her attention from her little introspective trance about this situation and blinked, "Do you need any help?" The red maned unicorn narrowed her eyes Just as dog made another hard yank. Suddenly there was some sort of hissing sound near dog and the handle wheel came off in his hands. At least now He can't open the safe... she thought to herself. The Unicorn galloped out the door for a moment, there was a loud scream of surprise and various other noises, all of them variations of snapping and cracking that went by quick before rose came back holding a what seemed to be a large metal stop-sign with a piece of the street's concrete still in it. 

"Okay, I'm ready." she said, in her usual bland register.

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Opening the safe was the least of his worries now. He could pound on it until it opened. Probably.

But there was something more drastic that needed mending.

His pride had been hurt.


Dog just glared at the pony, gripping a fat piece of twisted metal in the center of the vault's wheel to use it as a buckler of sorts. His free hand was just that: a free hand. Free to pummel with. Dog huffed, a cloud of debris flowing off his face like a cloud of steam in a dragon's breath. "Dog wish stupid strong pony had another pair of music makers to break!" he shouted, suddenly, squaring his stance. He wanted to make this unicorn madder. Bring her down to his level. Giving in to his rage was at times a strength, especially in these situations. He was on his own, no official mission. He didn't need to worry about collateral damage. Speaking of which:

He heard the bank staff and guests fleeing. The sound of panicked hooves scurrying out of a half-wrecked building was unmistakable. Dog almost thought about taking a hostage, knowing this pony wouldn't have the guts to go through them to get to Dog. Not like Dog would. But no. That was the cowardly route. He didn't need some sniveling squishy pony to protect him. 

But this standoff had gone on long enough. Holding his improvised shield in front of him, protecting himself for the most part, he kicked off from the bank floor and made a full charge toward the sign-wielding unicorn. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWR!"

Here comes the pain train!

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Though Dog did succeed at rousing Rose's anger, the only sign of him doing so was a narrowing of her eyes. She raised up a hind hoof, magic charged into it before hitting it to the floor. Some odd magical sparks danced across the ground around rose in a perfect circle before making their way towards dog. While the magic didn't cause him any direct damage, the floor was another story as a great deal of it was turned to dust, the only solid bits being small, marble sized orbs of stone which the charging dog have a difficult time not stumbling over. 

She had to admire his determination at least as the charge kept following through and Just as he was getting close, the unicorn jumped up and put all her weight and strength into the floor. The floor shifted just as Dog stepped onto it, the magic cutting and motion of the "cut" the mare magically made in the floor revealing to be a dome. She'd used something similar to the red jarl during his attack on the empire and the little tag team match she had with Maud. Well... that was a enough reminiscing. With the opening granted by the shift in gravity,  Rose wound up and whacked dog on the buckler he held out in front of him, using her street-sign like a bat...The dog's shield protected him from the direct damage but the power of her swing Sent him flying upwards. 

One crash... two crashes... just like that Dog was on the third floor's ceiling lodged in it for a few seconds...

Down below, Rose's action had left her underneath that dome she'd cut in the floor, She'd have to get rid of that. With a great heave she launched the Dome upwards, a great half-sphere of granite and marble rushing to meet's dog's acquaintance while the mare who launched it hopped out of the whole she dug with a few coughs. Whether that big chuck of the building she threw came down or not she'd incline her head upwards and shout in a listless tone, "Please give up and pay me the bits... It will be much easier if you do."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dog wasn't paying for anything!


Dog didn't have any money anyway! If he did, he wouldn't have to rob a bank! 
Being an evil henchman doesn't pay well, you know! 


The vault wheel was totaled, but that wasn't going to stop him. He was sure this strong pony was going to send something else up after him, so once he cleared the top floor, the canine scrambled out of the whole. Sure enough came the dome, crashing up into the ceiling. If he kept this up, maybe he could just get this pony to bring the whole building down and open the vault that way! He wasn't worried about any police force or military dispatch that might show up. He could handle your average serviceponies. They were soft, squishy, and weak!


But this pony wasn't he was starting to doubt she was just your average good-citizen. They'd find out soon enough. It was now his personal mission to bring this pony to Number 1. And money. Dog needed money too. For Number 1.


But his next move had to be something... stealthy. Something... unexpected...? Dog started whaling his fists into the floor, digging into the stone and wood of the fancy building. Eventually he broke through and fell. Using the momentum, he balled up his fists and threw them both down as he impacted the second floor, crashing through that as well. He landed hard with a crash on the ground floor, dust and splinters flying. 


Such stealth. So unexpect. Wow.


But in Dog's blind fury at being thrown around not once, not twice, but three times now, it was his turn to do the throwing. Less talking, more hitting! Having landed not far from the pony in question, he used to haze of dust and debris to make a hard grab for her. Feeling flesh, his bone-crushing grip seized his enemy and hucked her as hard as he could at the now broken vault door with a roar. 




(Permission given by Pressy for autohit throw)

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It was quiet for a moment. Maybe the burly canine was trying to think of an answer? If he said yes, that would make her job at this time a whole lot easier. Well, if the strange dog was indeed thinking of agreeing to her request, she may as well think about what kind of headphones that she would get. She'd heard good thing about the Wubs by scratch line... They're magical tone system apparently using the some fancy spell circuit or something to make the music sound clearer than any other pair of headphones. Those were really expensive however...

"It wouldn't be fair to him if Oi asked him to pay more than what the headphones were worth." She said aloud to herself, the loud thumping and crashing above her only getting louder. As she debated the ethical issues of asking the creature robbing the bank to pay for a more expensive musical accessory, she only noticed the loud crash as the perpetrator landed down in a big cloud of dust. Rose was a tough pony but even she had to rely on her eyesight if she was going to do anything and before she could she felt her waist seized by the massive Canine. His grip was tight, tight enough to crush the bones of a normal pony. Luckily Rose wasn't a normal pony... that didn't change the fact that she felt the incredible strain on her. 


Soon she was thrown across the bank and landed with a loud slam as her body met the large metal safe, her body leaving a perfect imprint in the steel. The moments after she hit the steel object she heard a crack... She realized that it was likely a rib. She winced for a second once she pulled herself from the steel imprint. She wasn't all that angry about the injury she'd sustained, but the dog's declaration of not owing her a new pair of headphones; that got him a glare that could melt a glacier in a second. 


"Got it." The mare looked calmly at the dog for a moment, "Then Oi don't need teh hold back anymore, dunnae?" Seemed she was letting her accent slip, maybe it was this feeling of anger she was having trouble expressing. That wouldn't be a problem soon enough. She broke out into a gallop and lit up her horn, and hoof planting a hoof onto a thick looking column nearby. A series of glowing rings appeared and seemed to cut the column into five smaller pieces that looked almost like immense disks. The mare turned around and quickly positioned herself and Bucked one piece of the pillar. The first one missed dog but... not by much as he could see it disturb the dust shroud he'd made himself and crash straight through the wall of the bank and smash a fire hydrant across the street. 

The next few were shots being taken at random as she evidently couldn't see him... but the speed and force of her situational weapon was slowly (for lack of a better word) chipping away at his cloak of dust and debris.

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