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EPIC - Operation Phantomrend [Sign-up, interest check]

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After a tenacious effort from a part of REIN, a small facility surely belonging to WRAITH but of unknown purpose was located in western ridges of Webwing Mountains. After a careful consideration a higher-ups decided to sent a small unit of skilled agents belonging to EPIC. The unit objective is to infiltrate and determinate facility purpose. Naturally they met the opposition.


The Unit: Four members of EPIC chosen for the Operation Phantomrend.

1) Swift Squall - team leader. For this mission under the codename Silvercloth. Have issues with leading but complies with given order.

2) Skyhaven - close combat specialist.

3) OPEN - long range specialist, whatever by magic or appropriate weapon.

4) OPEN - scout and security specialist.

Antagonists: Either mercenaries hired by WRAITH or actual members that happen to be at facility at the time. From one up to two players. Players that take antagonist role also take control of the mooks and create enemy NPC's as needed.



If anyone have their own ideas and suggestions feel free to point them. A little brainstorming never hurt anyone :).

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I feel I should mention that the EPIC signup and organization threat hasn't had a new post in going on a year now.  It might be a good idea at some point to start up another organization thread, to see who's still actively interested.

I will also be keeping an eye on this thread, though I can't commit to it until I start to get a handle on all the posts I'm behind on.

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