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The Night Hunters (private)


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Treachery slid back to a halt, watching his hand slowly heal from being reduced to mere bone by the column of white and black smoke, emanating from Trax's floating body. "This may present a problem." He said sternly. Fraud had paused from approaching Tavi, and now walked to stand beside his fellow Priest. Tavi watched in horror, after having watched the man she'd loved through so much hurt, be speared through. Now she starred, as she watched him become something else, "Trax..."


Trax opened his eyes, finding himself standing in a field of grass like the passing grey clouds above, the horizon remaining the same in all directions. "Death cannot become himself, without first experiencing Death himself." Trax turned to the sound of the raspy voice, starring straight into the void of a Skeletons eye holes. The Skeleton mirrored Trax in height, shrouded in black cloth and clutching onto a long wooden staff. "You have done your part Nameless Trax, in due time I will let you have control over my power, I will deal with these glorified Undead Savages." The world went pitch black, and Trax fell into the abyss.


The smoke burst clear, with a Skeletal figure stepping from it, cloaked in a deathly black cloth. The eyes holes were alit with small blue flames, glowing beneath the hood. "Greetings Vampire Priests, I am the entity known as Death, and I will be your opponent now." He rasped darkly as he wielded a long dark brown wooden staff, from one end stretched out a long and large half crescent blade, etched with white markings upon its black steel. Treachery and Fraud felt an unease wash upon them, like the moments when a Predator, meets another who Preys upon it. Fraud barely took a single step before he was thrown aside, his own eyes watching as his body flew past his sight, and the ground rushing to meet him. Treachery was wide with surprise, moving only his eyes to watch as his comrade was dispatched with the slightest of movement from their enemy. Death flicked in front of Treachery, who darted his gaze into the blue flames of the skeletal eye holes, inches from his own. For the first time in his long, long life, Treachery finally understood what true Fear was.


Malacath wiped away blood from his mouth, and stood up, his purple flames growing in size around him. "Yes you are, now I will have proper contest to the strength I have gained over the years. Come you Beast, let me unleash what I have been denied by other challengers." He threw his hands forward, casting his flames outward at War with an inferno of roaring violet.


Oakly went to go to his Masters aid, but a hand upon his clothing halted him. He turned to see Spring clutching with one hand, her head down to shadow her face, but her tears still evident. "Where are you going? You still have a Girls feelings to answer for..."


Greed let Heresy's body fall limp to the ground, absent his head, to which Greed still held before dropping it too. Violence panted wearily a few feet away, missing an eye and right hand, "You have grown strong Greed, even Treachery would have struggled against you now. Just tell me, what reason have you for all of this, such betrayal only to save your own life?" he asked in a croaking tone. Greed shook his head, "No, I do this for Our Kind, for all Vampires who wish to live in peace. I voiced my will to Caesar, and he agreed with me whole heartedly, saying he had once tried and failed himself. Resulting in the killing of his own family, our Ancestors. Now he supports me, to give Vampires a place in the World of Peace and Prosperity. This is why I have done this act, not for myself, but for Vampires everywhere to live free." Greed clutched his right hand around Violents neck, "Free from you, and those who only destroy and cause evil to spread." Violent attempted to speak, but his words were muffled as Greed tightened his grip, the sounds of Violents throat slowly crushing to nothing. Greed's face and chest were splattered with blood, and Violents lifeless body fall to the side.

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"contest...to YOUR power?" War chuckled before putting her hand up as a fiery shield blocked Malacath's violet flames "you are a fool if you think you are an obstacle to me...you are merely a bump in the road to the destruction of this world." she kept advancing towards Malacath "I'll be the one who gives you the defeat you have for so long been starved of." she said using the words he used during Killjoy's fight with Treachery. War's fiery shield exploded, dispersing the purple flames, leaving an opening. War's fist slammed into Malacath's face, the force of the impact caused a fierce shock wave the cause the ground below to crack. Malacath flew off the ground but War caught his foot before slamming him back into the ground, on the bounce up, War kicked Malacath sending him crashing through both the inner and outer walls of the castle, the force made the walls explode sending large debris in all directions. On Malacath's descent, he made a large scar into the earth before crashing into the bottom of a hill which barely withstood the impact. Another fiery explosion appeared in front of the hill where War casually walked out, now waiting for her opponent to make a response.

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Malacath spit out more blood, but he still stood with minor scratches, “I am no meager Vampire, I am a descendant of the Originals, I will not be defeated so easily!” Malacath raised his right hand high, summoning a large spear of purple fire, “Begone Vile Creature!” He roared as he threw the spear at War, impacting with an enormous explosion of violet flames, burning everything behind War. Malacath vanished after this.


Appearing with his hand reaching for Luna’s throat, a fire of hatred burned in Malacaths eyes. His attempt was in vain as his right hand was severed off, Malacath jumped back in surprise, then looked to left to see Caesar with his hand pointed at him like a knife. “You!” Caesar merely shrugged as he still had his left hand holding onto Celestias, “Love makes us do crazy things, surly you can understand that. By the way, weren’t you fighting someone?” He asked whimsically. Malacath felt a wave of terror wash over him, his attempt to quel this monster had failed, and now he was about to be punished for it.


Treachery learned that physical attacks would only deteriorate his own body against Death, so he resorted to using his second ability of wind control, but even this was useless. Death moved his free hand around, deflecting all of Treachery’s wind slices. This angered the Priest, and he waved his hand backwards, sending a wind slice at Tavi. Death flashed around Treachery to block the attack effortlessly, not even looking back as Treachery fell to his knees. Treachery felt nothing as he looked down to see a chunk of his chest was missing, along with his heart, “.... so this is how death feels...” He choked coldly before falling over. Tavi remained still, her eyes meeting the two blue flames inside the Skulls eye holes. Death held out his hand to her, and despite what Tavi has just seen, she instinctively reached it. But her hand did not deteriorate, she only felt the bone as cold and icy to the touch, a second later they appeared on the hill with everyone else. Ally and Vi ran to Tavi, and she hugged onto them tightly. Caesar and Death shared a glance but said nothing as they watched Malacath.


Oakly moved again, but Spring held on tighter, he moved again but she held on. Oakly turned to her, moving his hand to hers, but Spring moved her other hand to intercept, interlocking their fingers. “Oakly... I know your still in there, please I beg of you, find your way to me. I can’t imagine the pain they put you through, but I’m here for you now, ... and I’m sorry for letting them take you in the first place. I’m sorry Oakly, just please come back to Me!” Her cries went unanswered, Oakly starred blankly into her eyes, Spring felt a slight pressure on her neck and her vision starting darken, “...Oakly...” She fell into his arms unconscious, as he started to lay her down gently, footsteps brought his attention up. “You better have a good reason Brother, cause I know we weren’t taught to hit a Woman without a good reason.” Kasey said sternly as he drew his sabre, his other hand formed a condensed ball of wind. Oakly stood up drawing his katana, lighting it up with sparks of Lightning. “Fine, I guess I’ll just beat some sense into you!” Kasey streamed forward, Oakly flashed to him, the ring of their weapons parrying rung around the room.

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Luna just stared at Malacath, a smirk of mockery appeared on her face. "You f**ked with the wrong woman." She chuckled "you must be proud...not only trying to taking advantage of one but two people, just to get an edge over "weaker" opponents, yet you boasted about your power...but you shown us all that all you are is a pitiful coward." She said glancing behind Malacath, white hot burning pain came over his right shoulder as War's hand gripped tightly crushing his shoulder as if his bones were mere twigs. "Yes...you will be beaten so easily, you thought hiding behind someone SHE loves will stop the reckoning you brought upon yourself. You're efforts are nothing more than folly." War said before twisting Malcath around and landing a catastrophic blow to his gut sending back towards the castle. War glances back at Luna and Ceasar.

Luna kept silent with a straight face, but overwhelming fear shot through her. War stared at Ceasar for a moment "You'll do." She said calmly with a blank expression before finally glancing at Death, a grin grew across her face before vanishing in fire. Luna's legs have as she slumped to the ground "I've seen things...things that would make the bravest men run and hide...but that...that's something I feel mortals weren't meant to see. As she looked into my eyes" she didn't continue as she wept.


War appeared where Malacath landed "you wanna know something Vampire... I have no interested in saving this world... you mean to rule it, I however... mean to destroy it. I'll cover every inch of this earth with fire. You aren't the first to get in my way, I've waged destruction upon many other worlds. War waved her hand as a ring of fire appeared revealing images of civilisations far more advanced and others with creatures only in fantasy novels. The fire vanished "I'm going to kill you, then I'll kill your daughter, and all your kind." War stomped on Malacath's throat pinning him into the ground "how does it feel "mighty vampire" to be so powerless?"

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Caesar kissed Celestia’s hand and let her go to her sister, Tavi huddled the two girls over to them. “If you value your life, retreat back, now.” Caesar told the Soldiers as he took up positions, Death and Shadow both flickering into place in front of the huddled women. A fourth presense could be felt, but not seen.


Malacath choked out muddled words, but nothing clear, finally the flame of desperation grew bright in his dim eyes. War was forced off, Malacath rose up with his purple flames forming into the shape of a gaint demon, “I WILL NOT LET YOU TOUCH MY DAUGHTER! NOT WHILE I STILL DRAW BREATH!” He roared from the depts of his heart, then something clicked in him. He chuckled as blood leaked from his mouth, “I guess I could have chosen a different path, been with my Daughter longer, and watch her grow into a beautiful young woman... just like her Mother...” Malacath looked War in the eye, He had never felt such fear in his life, but the fear of losing his Daughter to a monster like this was far greater. He raised his fists into the air, his purple flame demon apsect followed suit, “BEGON MONSTER!” He growled as he brought down the firey aspects fists on War.


The furry of steel on steel clashing, rang around the empty throne room, two brothers locked in combat. Kasey slid a foot back, holding his sabre up to guard as Oakly brought his katana down, the sounds split the air as the impact forced Kasey to one knee. Oakly jumped back as his brother released a gust of wind, the two locked eyes for a second before racing in for another exchange.

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War chuckled before quickly catching Malacath's fist as a powerful shock wave exploded around them from the force. "It was a valiant effort Vampire, but sadly for you, it's just not enough." she said as her grip quickly tightened and the bones in Malacath's hand were crushed. "this was...fun, but I now sense more powerful presence that require my attention more." War put up her other hand as another ring of fire appeared, her sword, now engulfed with flame answered it's master's call. War took the corrupted blade into her hand and in an instant, the War blade pierced Malacath's heart, impaling him completely through. "You will be seeing your daughter again, REAL soon." War mocked as she kicked Malacath off her sword, she swung her sword to the side making the blood splatter onto the ground beside her. War then turned to face the source of the presence "now we see which side my dear brothers are on..." she said with a smirk now walking back towards where the others were.


A Black Legion Captain stepped forth "our duty is to protect and stand by our Princesses side, if they are to stay, then we do not move." The Legion slammed the bottom of their shields in the ground in response. Luna looked up "we will be fine here, but you all must go quickly and stop War...but don't kill my Red..."

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Malacath saw his whole life flash before as he lay motionless on the hot ground, seeing where he could have done different, but... would that have stopped this Monstrosity from killing him in the end? “.... All I wanted... was for you to be happy... to have everything you ever wanted... My Little Feather...”


Shadows appearance changed in a flash of purple and black smoke, now he was but a dark cloaked figure, his face nothing but two faded purple specks for eyes. The buzzing of insects sounded from under his cloak. Pestilence had taken over. The three flickered from their positions.


Appearing around War, Caesar facing her head on, Death on the left, and Pestilence on the right. Another shape landed behind, wearing a gas mask with a wicked dark green cloak covering a rotted leather suit. Famine had finally arrived, “War, its been some time dear Sister, Lets not repeat what happened last time. I’m sure you’d like to live in one body for more than 50 years.” He told her sternly. Caesar waved his hand over his hip, spawning a dazziling red sabre, but he remained silent.

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War smirked "it has been quite some time hasn't it." She glanced at the four surrounding "though yet I am disappointed by my brothers once again. How long are you going to deny what you are meant to be? We are the destroyers of worlds, yet you fools still wish to protect those whose time has come. I've spent quite some time preparing for this moment, you will find out quite quickly that this fight won't go your way this time around." She gripped her sword "let me demonstrate..." Suddenly Ceasar was struck with a bolt of flame sending him flying into the earth cause a massive scar a mile long. Pestilence was grabbed the throat and choke slammed into the ground forming a large crater, War then threw Pestilence as his body crashed into Famine sending both flying. Death was met with the pommel of War's sword slamming into the side of his face, a powerful shock wave exploded as Death was also sent flying. "I've more than doubled in strength in the time I've waited to be released once again. None of you are going to stop me."

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Caesar flickered in front of War, “KNEEL!” His voice rang out, with an undeniable force bringing War to her knees. Then Caesar slapped her with the back of his right hand, turning her head to the side, “How pitiful you are, to be blind to the beauty of this world, that you would deny others because of your shortcoming.” He told her coldly, glaring down with glowing red eyes. “RELEASE!” The command forced War to drop her sword, to which Caesar took hold of the back the blade and swung around, delivering a massive blow to Wars stomach with the hilt her own sword. Sending her flying across the ground. Caesar dropped the sword, his hand recovering from having touched such a corrupted weapon of pure anger and malice. “She is not to be killed, subdue only.” He spoke to the others with a simple warning.


Three figures chased down War as she flew from the last hit, Famine scoffed as he sped past and stopped War with a heavy kicked to her back, sending back. Pestilence whirled around as War came to him, greeting her with hand to her face and spun to keep the momentum going as he tossed her sky high. Death flashed above, meeting War with the tip of his staff, and spearing her back down to the earth. The impact created a large crater, over 100 feet deep. The three Horsemen appeared around the craters edge, “Fighting with a hand tied behind our backs huh? Seems a little unfair.” Pestilence groaned without his usual kiddish tone. Famine waved it off, “Caesar would hunt us down till the ends of time itself, we follow along, For now.” He growled as he shot a glance in Caesar’s direction. Death remained silent as he stared into the crater, “Here she comes.”


Caesar stayed where he was, watching from a few miles away, he glanced at the Castle in the distance, “It would be a long shot, but I made a promise to her.”


”Promise me you’ll save Killjoy, I haven’t seen my sister this happy in a long time.” 


Kasey felt his heart skip a beat as he was disarmed, Oakly’s blade just inches from his heart, but his wind ball forced his brother back in the knick of time. “That was close...” Kasey breathed as he recovered his sabre.

“Kasey! The tattoo on the back of his neck!” Spring yelled from the back of the room, awaking just in time. Kasey focused in on Oakly as his brother came in for another attack, with this knowledge in mind, Kasey prepped for a last bout, that would be their last.

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War appeared behind Pestilence before grabbing the back of his neck as it burned his flesh to the bone. Her demeanor, once calm and collected, now held nothing but anger. War delivered a flaming punch into Pestilence's spine as he went flying into a far away hillside causing it to explode. Suddenly, death was sent into the sky by an uppercut as Famine was grabbed by his throat and suffered a couple devastating blows to his face, each blow causing powerful shock waves. War teleported in the air beside Death, Famine still in War's grasp, was slammed into Death as they rocketed downwards back to earth. Suddenly War came out of a fiery portal in front of Caesar "that's a nice trick, I must admit that you caught me off guard. Sadly for you, it won't happen a second time." she said instantly back handing Caesar forcing him to the ground "apparently you never understood what the horsemen do... we don't protect life...we end it, be it through bloodshed, poverty or decay, we are here to destroy ALL life!" her hand presented hellish flames. she grabbed Caesar by his collar up into the air. Suddenly horrible burning pain shot through Caesars body before a large explosion of flames threw him back making collide into the castle walls and through all the buildings in between them. War grabbed her sword once again "and no one..." her dark flaming aura grew dramatically. She tested their strengths, now it was time to show them all of her's. The ground warped and cracked as she took a step forward. "is going to stand in my way to fulfill our purpose."

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Caesar sped up to War with gut punch, "You've lost sense of your purpose." He said icily, Caesar backed up raising his right high in the air, then brought it down on her head. The impact cratered the earth down, Caesar flashed away with Famine appearing in his place. "Our job as Horsemen is to regulate this worlds populations, not destroy it completely. You have always thought radically, twisting everything for your own childish games." Famine spoke to her before his kick sent her crashing across the landscape, Pestilence sped alongside her before taking her by the hair, "Calling what you doing a Responsibility, is nothing but an excuse to feed your own ego." War was slammed into a mountain of stone, obliterating it entirely. Death flickered before War, his hand outstretched, dispelling her flames. "Meaningless killing and destruction, the actions of a weak minded individual, afraid to see the Bright Beauty of Life."


In the Black Void, Trax faced Killjoy, both dressed in formal dress attire. "Well this is a bit of a mess." He tried to say with a light chuckle.


“DOWN!” Caesar’s command forced War down to the earth, Pestilence and Famine following up with powered up fists, smashing War further down into the earth. An explosion of purple and green smoke erupted from the impact, the landscape being re-designed from the battle. 


Kasey was pushed back as he blocked against Oakly's barrage, each strike forcing Kasey back without leaving him room to counter. Kasey moved his to the side as Oakly's katana speared past and into the wall behind, Kasey held up his sabre, parrying with Oakly's other hand of sharp vampire claws. He was stuck, and with little way out. Oakly remained void of emotion, twisting the katana with the blade towards Kasey. Kasey knew what was coming, and made a split second choice. Oakly slashed down with his katana still half way in the wall, Kasey ducked down and moved under the blade, pivoting around Oakly and scoring a slash on the back of his neck. Kasey breathed heavily, having escaped death just barely, but his shoulder was left with a large gash from Oaklys claws. Spring watched as Oakly fell down, unconscious from being released. She raced over to Kasey, ripping off at of her clothing to tie over Kaseys shoulder, tearing up his sleeve to stop the bleeding. "Well done." She told him smoothly, Kasey huffed, "No, he was holding back the whole time, he could have ended it in one move. The real Oakly was in there still, fighting his own battle. In a way, we were fighting together."


((ugh that was so bad, lol such cringe))

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"ENOUGH!!" War shouted as her flames exploded from in all direction, scorching the four in its wake. All the damage that was dealt to War disappeared from her body without a trace of it ever happening. War glared at Caesar "these words you use, they will hold no power anymore, I'm done playing games." Caesar was suddenly bombard with bolts of fire as each struck his body with devastating force before exploding and burning his flesh with such intensity, it would take even HIM a long time to heal from such damage. The fire bolts kept striking him until he was dug into the earth hundreds of feet down. Death was met with the same treatment except it was hundreds of bolts hitting him all at once cause an explosion large to raze and entire city cause Pestilence and Famine to be shot back from shock wave. Pestilence was forced downwards as War kicked him into the earth, War put her hand up as fiery pillar shot down from the sky on top of pestilence. War flicked her hand to the right controlling the pillar as it tilted right forcing pestilence into a far away cliff side cause it to explode with debris and dust reaching out thousands of feet into the air. War finally face famine as her hand flicked upwards as another fiery pillar shot up from the ground forcing Famine into the sky. Fiery bolt then proceeded to bombard him from the opposite direction. War dropped her hand letting the flames of her wrath cease, letting Famine fall and colliding back down to the earth. War chuckled for a moment that led into a chilling laughter as she stood among her opponents, all battered and broken.


Killjoy slowly looked up, her eyes seemed as if they no longer held a soul. "When the time comes...remember the promise you have made to me..." she said before a shadowy presence wrapped around her and pulling her into the darkness.

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Trax reached out and grabbed a hold of Killjoys wrist, "Not so fast, how dare you give up that easy."


"KNEEL!" Caesar's command sounded in a loud echo, but crackled from his injuries. War was forced onto her knees, unable to resist against this power. Caesar's head was recovered enough to speak, Spring kneeling over him with her hands placed around his head, her light green gaze trained on War. "Goodluck deary..." Caesar croaked as he struggled to move his ravaged body. Spring stood up and started towards War, "Luck won't have anything to do with it, Love will." She said sternly as she stood before War, her hand shivered as she raised it, then slapped War across the face, "Snap out of this Momma, don't you make me cry too, and Star Swirled help you if I see Mother Cry too." She spoke shakily, her whole body trembling with fear. The other Horsemen watched as they regained their strength with each passing second, Deaths eyes flickered for a heartbeat.

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War smirked, the ground cracked and warped as she stood even under Caesar's word of control "you're too late to save her foolish child, but I must thank you, if you weren't so weak and feeble to save the boy, I would have to wait even longer to unleash my wrath, then again you should be grateful, in a sense I saved her life...however...its this face...that is going to be the last thing you and your mother are going to see. Save your breath, any threat you have are empty...you know as much as I do that there is absolutely nothing you can do to me, but do go on screaming for her, it would please me greatly to see the feelings of helplessness and betrayal in your eyes as I destroy you." She said grabbing spring by the throat and began to squeeze, slowly gripping tighter and tighter. She grabbed her sword and thruster it forward but froze only mere centimeters away. War's eyes widened "WHAT!?" She exclaimed as she tried to move her arm "that's not possible!"


Killjoy shook her head "I never said I gave up...I could only do so much...but that promise...honor it!"


War's eyes, unable to control them, turned to Death.


Killjoy grit her teeth "DO IT!"

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The next moment happened in the blink of an eye. Spring flickered into place, free from War’s hands, in the same spot Death once was. She was startled by the event, and turned her head to look back, but a hand covered her eyes and held her close, a familiar scent washing over her. Spring slowly hugged onto Oakly tightly, tears forming in her eyes as she began to realize what just happened. Why that eire slicing sound seemed to silence the world. Trax stood before her, starring into War with peircing blue eyes. The sound of liquid spilling onto the ground gradually quickened, then settled into a slow drip. Trax gripped his white katana, the blade impaled through War’s chest, his deathly white smoke canceling out War’s healing. Famine and Shadow stood up shakily, returning to their former selves. Caesar sat back against a mound of dirt has his grieves wound stilled healed, by far his was the worst dealt, because he was the biggest threat. Trax twisted the katana, then brought it up and swung it around and down, letting the blood spray the earth. War’s torso was sliced open from mid center and diagonally upwards, ending off above her left shoulder. The area became deathly white in an instant, ice cold to the touch. Trax gave shake of his left arm, letting War’s dismembered hand fall to the ground, which was also deathly white and cold. “Thank you for the Opportunity, Killjoy. Now this War, can end.”

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War's flames faded and ceased. "Thank you..." Killjoy returned to her body once War was finally thrown back in the dark recesses of her soul. Killjoy fell to her knees before slumping over on her back, a pool of blood slowly forming around her. Her natural ability fighting to keep her alive, but was only just stalling her inevitable fate. Her entire life flashed before her eyes as memories, bad and good flooded her thoughts. She looked at Oakly and Spring "Spring...I'm so sorry...I've caused you a lot of pain. I failed as a mother to protect you...Oakly." a tear rolled down her cheek "it's going to be your duty now...to watch over my daughter, I'm counting on you..." Her vision started to become Hazy as her body started to go cold "so...this is what's like... to die..." she glanced at Trax "please... I want you to bring my body back...to Luna."

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Spring cried harder into Oakly's chest, while he gave Killjoy an understanding nod, "Yes Master."

Trax sheathed his katana and bent down, scooping Killjoy up in his arms, "By your wish, Old Friend." As he stood up, Famine and Shadow appeared before him, "Not yet-"

"You will leave them all alone, if you wish to continue living in your current bodies." Caesar said sternly as he rose up, his body still steaming from his regeneration. Famine bit back a retort, balling up his fists, Shadow sighed and stepped back. In a single flash, the two vanished. Trax walked over to Oakly and Spring, Oakly placed a hand on his Fathers calf, while Caesar put a hand on Trax's shoulder. 


The five of them flickered before the awaiting Group, the sight left them in disbelief. Kasey looked down and away, Tavi covered sheltered Vi and Ally, keeping them from seeing the sad returning group.

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Luna dropped to her knees with her hands over her mouth in shock as tears instantly poured down her cheeks "Red!" she called out, but at that point, it was too late. Killjoy was already gone. Luna ran up and grabbed Killjoy's hand "you can't leave me...not like this..." she rested her cheek onto Killjoy's hand sobbing "I told you not to kill her!" she lashed out at Trax pounding her fists on Trax's chest even though her hits were mere pebbles being tossed to him "you b@stards... how could you!?" she cried as her hits slowed down to a halt before loudly weeping.

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Trax’s expression didn’t change as he spoke, “We had no choice.” Was all he said, Oakly let go of Spring and she turned to hug onto Luna, tears like waterfalls still streaming down her face. Tavi searched her former husbands face for answers, something was off, he wasn’t telling them something. Caesar kept his head turned, even as Celestia approached him, “Do I need to ask?” She inquired toughly. Caesar closed his eyes and whispered something, Celestia looked grim but nodded in response.

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((Fast forwarding)) 


The sun was just about to fall under the horizon, a ceremony for their losses took place in the courtyard of the manor. Only Luna remained, standing under the large oak tree where a grave laid by the roots. Luna just stared at the pile of dirt, as she did hours before. No longer having tears to shed, she merely watched the fresh grave, futilely hoping they made a mistake and her love was alive. Luna heard foot steps behind her as she glanced back. It was Father Shade with hanging incense and bright red roses. "It is a great shame to lose a soul such as hers...one that was ready to ready to do what was right." He said placing the roses down onto the grave and putting the incense by the tombstone. "Indeed it is...but she was more than that to me..." Luna replied "of course my dear princess, we all loved her, she was almost like a daughter to me. My heart grew heavy with great sorrow once I found out our dear Red was gone." He said as he stood next to Luna. "We were supposed to live normal lives...as a famil..." Luna said with a saddening sigh. Shade paused for a moment "Princess...if I may..."


((I you got something to post for right now, go ahead, if not, I was gonna wrap it up after fast forwarding 15 years))

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Spring stood upon the castle balcony, overlooking the sunset, her light green eyes shimmering from the evening light. Oakly and Kasey were walking by in conversation when they noticed her, Kasey gave his brother a nudge before continuing on. Oakly approached Spring, standing next to her, clearing his throat nervously. “So, does this hunger thing ever go away?” He asked awkwardly. Spring sighed but suppressed a smile, “You’re an idiot, but you’re my Idiot.” She leaned against him and held onto his arm. “I miss Her.” She said softly. Oakly put his other hand over Springs, “As do I.” 


Celestia read through the note Trax had left Tavi before he left after the ceremony, detailing how he would protect the Kingdom from the shadows, and keep track of surfacing threats around the world. “Are you alright with this?” She asked as she looked at Tavi curiously. Tavi shrugged, “He left me all the wealth he had left over, on top of what I already have, so its not like he’s completely skipping out this time. He promised to visit soon, and every now and then. Honestly this probably for the best anyway. Anyway,” Tavi gave Celestia a crossing glance, “What are gonna do about yours?” She asked slyly. Celestia blinked in confusion, then it hit her, “Oh that, yeah I put him on hold, till I get things situated in the Kingdom first. I assigned him to negotiating trade and other amenities, both local and foreign. He is quite the shrewd diplomat.” She explained with a few coughs afterwards. Tavi stared at Celestia with a judging look then waved it off, “Right...” Celestia looked away as she blushed ever so slightly.


Ally watched Luna and Father Shade from under a tree across the courtyard, hesitant to approach them. She didn’t get to know Killjoy all too well, but she had admired how strong and independent she was. She was about to walk away but bumped into Kasey as she turned, Kasey caught her in his arms before she fell. “You won’t get anywhere if you don’t go and talk to them. Just some friendly advice.” He told her with a smile before holding out his hand, “Come on, we can go together.” Ally grew red hot with embarrassment, slowly lifting her hand to his, and let him take the lead as they went to chat with Luna and Father Shade.


”Momma won’t admit it, but she wishes you would stay.” Vi told her father as they sat atop the outer wall of Canterlot. Trax stiffled a chuckle, “I know, but the world still holds some dangerous secrets, and I have to keep an eye on Famine and Shadow. You’re Mother has seen you and Kasey grow up into wonderful children, better than I could have.” He said as he put a hand on her head, “Watch out for your brothers alright, and don’t forget your training. I’ll be testing you all upon my return.” Trax leaned over and kissed Vi on the forehead before flickering away. Vi touched the spot and grew solumn, “You feel guilty Father, just admit it next time....” 


Greed looked over the thousands of Vampires, camped in the Valley below him as he stood atop the hillside. “Now first things first, We can build a new city, and create a safe haven for all Vampires who wish to live in peace. Vampreece.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

((alright sorry man...been so chaotic.))


(fast forward 15 years.)

Luna sat in the courtyard with a book in her hand gazing deeply into the piece of literature. She glanced up and gazed at the burial site of her fallen partner, memories rushed her into her mind like a flood. Luna let out a deep sorrowful sigh as the pain she felt in her heart still burned as if the saddening event just happened. "as the days go by...my wish to see you and be in your embrace never once withered in the slighted, and here we are...more than a decade has passed...and yet I hold on to a fools hope that you would somehow come back to me." she got up and placed her hand onto the tombstone "Even though the pain I feel from your passing is immense...I am joyful that you, after so much hardship, have found peace and now rest without the weight of your burden." she said softly with a slight smile even with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Mom!" a voice called out. Luna quickly wiped away the tear and looked towards the voice as a girl, about 14 years of age stood in front of her. The girl was an exact copy of Luna, but with crimson hair and eyes. Father Shade perfected his experiment of gene splicing and was able to place a child in Luna with both hers and Killjoy's characteristic. "yes Scarlet, did you need something?" Luna asked with a smile. Scarlet stared at Luna for a moment "I was just trying to find you, but then I remembered where you always go to read." she said looked at the grave "can you tell me more about my other mom?" she asked. Luna sat back down on the bench and padded the space beside her. Scaret quickly  made her way over and sat beside Luna. Luna smiled "of course I can..."


((roll credits! unless you want one last thing to add?))

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