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Acroneighian Military Machine


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This is the topic to discuss the military of Acroneighos, including ideas and thoughts, that will go into a larger topic. Feel free to post!


Acroneighos is a living barracks that pumps out highly-skilled and disciplined soldiers, churning out the lion's share of Maretonian military significance. Each and every pony who lives in the city is trained from birth for warfare and it is this soldier-citizen who makes up the various Pegtasi, the standing Armies of Acroneighos. Those who are not strong fliers or strong physically or mentally are encouraged to leave the city- if they remain, they are given the most menial tasks. Those that fail to earn the right to take the field of battle or earn a support role are often stripped of their name and simply called Cloud. Every facet of a young pegasi's life is controlled, from their minute to minute schedules to their diet to where and with whom they live with.


Acroneighos produces exceptionally fit and athletic pegasi. More importantly, they are universally exceptionally trained warriors renowned for their iron discipline and tremendous skill. Normally they form up into heavy charging phalanxes. Few forces can withstand an Acroneighos charge and not be annihilated, but Acroneighos has fought too many varied foes to be a one trick horse. Most members of a Pegtasi have at least one or two additional specialties and enemies who think themselves safe facing heavy infantry in a campaign will be crippled by the flexibility of a Pegtasi. Arrow barrages, hit and run attacks, storms in the night, Acroneighos practices total war and knows how to wage war- totally. 


They believe in honor and fighting to remove threats to the city above all else. While Kastroti unicorns believe in loyalty to family and Hippostion Earth ponies in freedom of expression in all things, Acroneghian pegasi swear their live to Acroneighos above all. The Pegtasis are almost always on the move, chasing down pirates, raiders, mercenaries, and attacking towns and villages that work against them. This is needed, because Acroneighos' critical weakness is its inability to grow its own food due to the poor soil of their ground-landers or conduct extensive trade because of its relative poverty compared to the other cities.


It must constantly attack anything that may harm Acroneighos because she exists on shaky ground. So the vaunted Pegtasi are always moving. They are the least advanced military of the three, but it is able to smash almost anyone in open battle. They are active everywhere at almost times, responding in defense of allied settlements against mercenaries and attacking settlements that have revolted and joined with Hippostion.

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