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Interest check for Lightning Prancer

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Hello! This is my first time posting for rps, so pardon my excitement! I'm just looking for one of two different plot lines! I'm not necessarily looking for seven or more paragraphs, but I'd like more than a few sentences in reply! 


1.) Your character is an explorer, and adventurer, who travels the lands in search of new things! Your next destination is a seemingly abandoned island in Polyneighsia. Rumor has it, there's untold treasure there- or maybe even something more. Unfortunately, your character also has a habit for getting into trouble, and unknowingly trespasses, becoming prisoner to a strange pony in a cloak. 


2.) An old abandoned Kingdom is discovered on an island in Polyneighsia, much to the delight of historians and archaeologists. Soon, tourists from everywhere flock there, including your character, who was dragged there by some friends or family and wanders away from the tour group to explore the sealed off castle. There, they discover the last native to the island.


Either one is ok, just let me know which one you like!

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