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World of Colossi (Semi-open, see OOC thread)


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Did she wet the bed again?


The last thing that she would remember was going to bed, but as her mind slowly transitioned back to wakefulness, the first thing she would notice is she was lying in muddy, shallow, water. Overhead were dark grey clouds, if she looked quick enough she might see a flash of blue lightning, but it was only one time and the storm began to fade, leaving behind a gentle drizzle in its wake.


The area nearby was a swamp, though thankfully there didn't seem to be any wildlife nearby... she would look east and see the ocean... but that ocean... it felt... wrong... something about the black water made her fur crawl and every alarm in her head ring... but in that sea, some ways off from the land, she would see a castle, it stood tall and proud reaching into the stormy clouds above, casting a shadow all its own, despite where the waning sun cast its light.


The other direction she would see trees, a forest, this didn't give her as dark a vibe as the ocean did, but even from here she could hear and almost see wild animals... and they didn't seem too welcoming...


While she was taking in the scenery she would hear a distant sound, that of a motor, something Twilight had demonstrated countless times... and from that island with the castle, a speck was speeding towards her... the black waves parting on either side from the speed...


So the questions were, where she was, and more importantly, would she stand her ground against the unknown from the island or run into the forest and face the wildlife?

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