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I'm gonna be sick.

Who in their right mind would right something as this!?

Rule of Life 1) Never trust what Penumbra says.

Rule of Life 2) If Penumbra says not to do something, don't do it

Rule of Life 3) Penumbra is always right

You obeyed rule one but at the same time your broke rule two.


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In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house in you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of the End". Should a look of child-like fear come over the workers face, you will then be taken to a cell in the building. It will be in a deep hidden section of the building. All you will hear is the sound of someone talking to themselves echo the halls. It is in a language that you will not understand, but your very soul will feel unspeakable fear.

Should the talking stop at any time, STOP and QUICKLY say aloud "I'm just passing through, I wish to talk." If you still hear silence, flee. Leave, do not stop for anything, do not go home, don't stay at an inn, just keep moving, sleep where your body drops. You will know in the morning if you've escaped succesfully.

If the voice in the hall comes back after you utter those words continue on. Upon reaching the cell all you will see is a windowless room with a person in the corner, speaking an unknown language, and cradling something. The person will only respond to one question. "What happens when they all come together?"

The person will then stare into your eyes and answer your question in horrifying detail. Many go mad in that very cell, some disappear soon after the meeting, a few end their lives. But most do the worst thing, and look upon the object in the person's hands. You will want to as well. Be warned that if you do, your death will be one of cruelty and unrelenting horror.

Your death will be in that room, by that person's hands.

That object is 1 of 538. They must never come together.

thus my quest begins

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In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house you can get yourself to. There, at the front desk, ask for the "Holder of Bloodlust." The worker will turn as white as a sheet, and lead you to a door. The door itself looks normal, except for a small bloodstain at the bottom. Enter the door and you will be on the most hellish battlefield in ever conceived by man or god.

The ground will be littered with decaying corpses and blood will run thick and deep. Nearby, there should be a large object with 3 soldiers huddled behind it. They will ignore you unless you ask them, “Why must there be bloodshed?” At that moment, the soldiers will fall down, dead, and a hoarse voice will call your name from behind you.

Turn around, and you will see a man. He will be bleeding from several wounds in his body, and holding a large, twin bladed battle-axe. Ask him about the battle, and he will recant the destruction caused by the Objects brought together. Ask him for the Object, and he will laugh at you. Ask him once more, he will call you a fool and swing the axe into a chunk of stone. He will then depart, and you must remove the axe. If you do not remove it quickly enough, he will turn around, alive again and slaughter you in the most horrifying way possible. However, if you remove it, he will turn and say, “My bloodlust is sated; yours has just begun.” at that moment, you will appear outside the mental hospital holding the bloodied axe.

This is Object 299 out of 538. When they are brought together, there will be blood.

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In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to visit someone who calls himself "The Holder of"- ...Actually, I don't quite remember. I'll get back to you on that. Anyways some sort of emotion should appear on the receptionist's face, probably depending on what the dude is holding. Something like that. If the expression is... not the one that you want, then run away as fast as you can because they know you are here and they know what you want. You'll eventually find out if you've escaped or not.

If the expression is the one that you do want, the receptionist will lead you through an elaborate series of hallways and staircases and stuff until you reach some deep, hidden part of the building with nobody else around. Oh yeah, and there are people chanting stuff in foreign languages too. Don't listen to them, 'cuz you'll go insane. If the chanting stops at any time, though, stop and immediately say... Er, I forgot again, sorry. But yeah... If the chanting continues after you say that phrase or whatever, just keep going. If the chanting doesn't continue, pray that your death be swift, preferably painless too, and make sure this prayer goes out to every god you've ever heard of, and a few goddesses too, even though none of them will be listening, I think.

Oh, I forgot to tell you! The walls are lined with cages containing... Demons? Beasts? Humans suffering cruel and unusual punishment and/or undergoing cruel and unusual experiments? It was something along those lines. Meh, it probably doesn't matter anyways. Just don't look at them, or you'll go insane. Or they'll come out and eat you (and/or your soul). One of those.

So, you'll eventually get to a door. Open it slowly and shut your eyes, I think. Or maybe you don't have to shut your eyes, but don't look at the writing on the walls. Wait... It could've been the Holder that you aren't supposed to look at. Or a part of the Holder. Yes, his eyes! Don't make eye contact with the Holder! No... It was the thing that he was holding that you weren't supposed to look at! Naw, I got it now; he's really sensitive about his acne, so don't stare at his face. Or possibly... You know what, it might just be advisable to shut your eyes altogether. Then again, you might actually need to look at something. In the mean time, just keep your eyes to yourself. If you look at something you're not supposed to look at, pray that your death be swift, as the next Seeker will find the room painted in your blood, if he's actually allowed to look at the room.

(note: I may be mistaken and you might just go insane if you look at things that you're not supposed to. That may or may not be good news depending on your personal preference.)

Back to the Holder dude, it'll either be the most hideous, repulsive, demon-creature you've ever seen, or a naked woman. I didn't write that detail down. Don't show any sign of repulsion, fear, lust, glee, anger, hunger, sadness, envy, or confusion (I'm sure some of them are okay, but I don't know which). Of course, if you're not looking at him/her(/it?), it doesn't really matter, but I'm not dragging that back up. You gotta ask the Holder something. Uh, ask the Holder... Jeez, it was an extremely specific question. How was I supposed to remember? But yeah, ask the dude the right question or he'll kill you. Or eat you alive. Or torture you, or torture your soul, or leave you alone to rot in that room for all eternity, or maybe you'll simply go insane. Just pray that your death will be swift, I guess. That covers all the bases.

If you ask him the right question, the Holder tell you a tl;dr story cataloging every instance of "x" in the history of the world, where "x" is some sort of bad thing related to your question. And you'll feel really bad about yourself because of all the bad stuff. You might go insane, you might mysteriously vanish, you might kill yourself, you might pray that your death be swift, but if you can endure this story, the dude will give you...

Okay, look. I haven't actually gotten this far, okay. I'm just going off of what other people said. Don't judge me, okay? This object will give you some sort of superpower or curse, yada yada yada, you wake up in front of blah blah blah, either completely unscathed or with some sort of supernatural injury or maybe just a generally disgruntled outlook on the world, et cetera, et cetera.

This object is number I-don't-give-a-crap out of 538 (or maybe 2538). Remember to take notes when being told something important, or pray that your death be swift.

meh, got through half of them and got bored.

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