I've been gone for four days straight if you haven't noticed this is what I did:I went to Fan Expo in Toronto.It was awesome!I met Norman Reedus(Boondock Saints The Walking Dead),Shane from the walking dead,Sean Patrick Flanery (Boondock Saints),Jamie Marchi(Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) and Trina Nishimura from heavens lost property!!!!That was fun and awesome and just GAH! I also got stuffs.I got some pins featuring Dashies cutie mark,Panty,Stocking and GIR!I also got Panty & Stock
I swear my creative juices have left me stranded.Anyway i have a new OC that I need help naming I have a picture there and a description down here. Okay so she is an earth pony with a baseball bat as a cutie mark.She likes carrots alot almost too much.She also likes sports and is very competitive she likes baseball and volleyball the most.She always wears the jersey of her favorite baseball team The Manehatten Mavericks.She lives in Ponyville though it's just Manehatten has the best team.She own
So I just turned into a Wonderbolt title.And I owe it all to you guys!You guys are awesome and you should know it!I count most of you as friends and that most of the people are wonderful.Thats why the title is true.Here I feel welcome and I can enjoy things without worrying people will hate me.So I thank all of you new and old members!~Colt
Ugh god ahhhhh!I'm so sick today I'm gonna die!Anyway past that the pic this time is a hint to my newest fanfic I'm gonna write on DA.Yeah I really wanted to do something strictly in the FiM world but Rosewind kept pushing it and I can't ignore my only fan.And the fanfic will be starring my ponysa (Creative Colt) and the main cast of PASWG.Oh and on DA a bunch of people seem to like my work for some reason.Anyway if you guys want more info on my fanfics or on my Deviantart stuff just tell me.And
Okay so recently I have gotten into anime stuff!The image for this entry is Brief from Panty&Stocking With Gaterbelt.Panty&Stocking is a japanise anime about two angels who hunt ghosts.they are called Panty and Stocking.If Panty takes off her panties they turn into a gun and if Stocking takes off a stocking it turns into a katana!Thats all about that. The other anime I found is also japanise it is called Nyan Koi!A high schooler is plauged with a curse after breaking a cat statue.He is a
Hi guys.I want to make a new OC but I can't figure out a name for him.Lets make a list of important things to consider while naming him. He is a Daring Doo fan so that is his job. He usally messes up and somehow always finds himself in a big mess. He Resides near the everfree forests and wakes up big monsters to play hide and seek. He is an earth pony. And finally he is very daring and isn't the least bit shy. Any way thanks for the help that will come.
hey guys.I have started doing art but with a twist.My friend inspired me to do this.Well the other day I was talking to my friend while she drew humanized ponies.They looked super special awesomley amazingly coolio!And she let me keep them because she is also awesome.Anyway so I started my humanized drawings.I did Rarity which is pretty good.I also did Rainbow Dash her hair is messed up makes me sad.Trixie i did with a cameo of Snips and Snails!And finally but certaintly not least I did Daring D
Today is a down day there is nothing to do and it seems there is nothing going on in my topics.Sorry I'm being plech.So whatever I'm just bored I might just start Scootaloo's Revenge.It will probably be here I'm going to stay away from gore right now okay?This is probably a short entry.Oh by the way any RPers out there if you want I have a RP thread out there called On the Road and I might put up another I just need to think of a party town for a unicorn because I oringlly thought las pegasus.AH
Okay sooooo.Yea my fanfic stuff is now seeping into my blog.I just finished Rainbows and Rain Clouds it's a shipfic but I would be thrilled to have feedback.But I need you guys to help me.Just by the title pick a story:Scootaloo's Revenge(Scootaloo's Shrine two) or MLP FIM Torn. Please pick it would help while I'm still waiting for the final results on that fanfic poll post I have(please vote).Yes a sequel to Scootaloo's Shrine is confirmed.HUZZAH!Anyway I have an idea for a very short humor fic
Well today was interesting. Well first I am going on a school trip to see The Hunger Games for FREE!Which is pretty cool considering I'm just starting the third book Mockingjay.So yea neat. I'll probably be posting a entry everyday unless I'm busy.But whatever. Any way me and my friend where figuring out names for everyone in our friend group here's a silly list of them. Twiggy or Twigs(He's very skinny)-Josh Wubs or Wubstep-Caleb(A.K.A Me!) Chips or Chipasuarus-Dylan Chubs or Chubstep-Matt Chum
Hello fellow Bronies and Pegasisters.This is my first entry and well I want to just talk about my very brony day at walmart. Well first I went in to retrive a family member because she just got off work.Anyway so I went in and she noted that a co-worker was in fact a brony like muah.We Brohoofed and parted ways to keep going.Then I found a chocolate Pony (Equestrian version of easter bunny.).It was fun.Yeah so um thats it.I just needed something for my first entry.See you awesome gentlemen and l