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A collection of my wandering mind's inability to grasp ONE AT A TIME!

Entries in this blog


I swear I'm trying to be more active than usual on here....It's not easy, though....Not with the studying to re-take the insurance producer exam (that thing is HARD) and playing with my toddler....So! I've decided that I'll carve an hour out each morning to reply to my RP partners and possibly even set up some open RPs with my characters. None are retired--yet--so the list is still quite long. I promise, I want to do my very best posts for everypony I'm in RPs with, you'll have to bear with t



The S4 Finale

Spoiler free! It was amazing! I actually out loud asked "What the actual holy Celestia is going on?!?!?" near the end of part 2. Those who've seen it'll know EXACTLY where I said it at and (hopefully) will understand why I said it. That said, I am slightly disappointed that there weren't as many lovely songs as before. Any bets on new baddies/recurring characters/new Princesses for S5???? New baddies: Yes! Recurring Characters: CHEESE SANDWICH! Oh please, please, please! Princesses: .....What



An achievement!

I have tempted fate. Oh yes. At the start of this month, I was still taking allergy tabs with every southern dish that I have ever made. However, my other half and I began to take risks, to test the limits of my allergy to peppers. We started small--a single sloppy joe sandwich with small pieces of bell pepper inside, then we went up to Zatarain's breaded Catfish...neither of which made me feel like I was suffocating. Then we moved to the big guns. I ate a stuffed bell pepper. Without the



Oh, Gods....

So, Tuesday morning, my other half went off for work to a place 6 hrs away to help that branch of his job. Needless to say, I'm rather sleep deprived. After three years of sharing a bed and sleeping comfortably together, sleeping apart has become rather...difficult to say the least. Now, I have come close to passing out from the sheer exhaustion that is hanging on me but my beloved son pulled that away. Not that I'm mad at him, just at myself for the rather horrid timing of the desire to pas



About Time....I mean R.I.P.

Before anyone asks, I didn't lose a family member. I have been on-and-off due to the recent death of my beloved DINOSAUR computer. It was made when Windows 2000 was the main Operating System and it had been running Windows XP for some time. I have owned it for four years, and prior to that it was an ex's for--he never said. He received it from his father whom had received it from his boss. It was a loyal, dedicated computer, albeit slow as frozen molasses in December. My son now has a new



Once again....

Warning: Language (mild) ahead! The word "IF" when used with relationships is very worrying. "If our relationship makes it that far..." Makes me think that it's already over in his mind and I'm just fighting a losing battle. I know that when it's over, I'll be torn up to **** and back...and I probably will never be over him because that's what love is. I love him but he...doesn't love me. He loved my body, but not the intelligent, damaged woman I am and lost interest when I gained weight. I want



Some tidbits about me~

So, to go with my status update, I have decided to share some of the tidbits about me that make me...well, me! First: I am deathly allergic to all things pepper, excluding Black Pepper. My throat closes and, without the miracle allergy tab that I take, I wouldn't be here now. Second: I love doing everything from scratch, even when my other half is impatient and buys from instant. Third: I can count on one hand (hoof?) the number of friends I have personally met that are still friends with me no



What the...Why the...Awww....

So, I've been seeing a lot of hype about Pokemon X/Y and while I don't have a 3ds to play it on, I really want to play it. I love love love Fennikin, it's so cute. But that aside, I've also seen how the game has a horrible glitch. If you save in Lumiose City, your game won't load and the 3ds won't respond. And yes, there is video documentation on it. Is there a fix? Dunno. Unless you plan to blaze the game and hustle through Lumiose, saving there is almost unavoidable. Does it affect Pok



Too. Much. PAIN.

It's hard for me to keep this blog about my stories, especially when creativity for them has stalled. So on to the topic! I am in sheer, total agony. I woke up Saturday with pain in my right side of my jaw and the pain has since only intensified. I can eat soup, but I can't chew. My jaw refuses to open enough to allow me to bite into anything. Yes, I've done pain killers and hot and cold and even hit up a hospital for help. The painkillers? Pain overrode them. Hot/Cold? No use. Hospital?



Apologies and videos to make up for a lot (I hope)

First, I want to apologize to everyone for not giving y'all photos of the Voodoo Tour...no pictures were allowed. In my ultra-feeble attempt at making up for it, my special somepony and I have uploaded some videos onto Youtube if you are interested in watching them...Just search for Kane Golmon and you should get the Channel with the videos. again, I am REALLY sorry about not being able to take photos for everypony....



It's my birthday!

Ok, so it's a week away...but that doesn't mean that I can't announce it now! I plan on taking either a Vampire Tour or a Voodoo tour, since the Ghost Tour that I was leaning towards was pointed out to be easier to ask a local the stories and areas. For those not in the know, I live near New Orleans and have been begging my other half to take me on a walk of the cemeteries for the last few years. This is his birthday present to me. That being said, I have never once thought that this kind of




To all my RP partners: I'm sorry it took so long to reply! The rush of the holidays really caught me this year...between that and the seeming lack of sleep I've been having, it's been harder to write a reply. Hopefully, that's all done though! I'll try to be on top of the replies from here on until my son decides to arrive--after that, I can't guarantee much free time for the site. Lilia




So, tomorrow is supposedly the end of the world. I would like to say that 'no, it is not.' The world was supposed to end YEARS ago, by the mayan calender. So we don't have a new calander from the mayans...ok, and? The person responsible for the creation of the calender could have decided to leave the work to his offspring. We don't know! Where are the Mayans anyways? No one knows what happened to their civilization. Just chill. Besides, even if the world were to end tomorrow...it'd be zom




Well, the news is definately big this week...I'm having myself a colt. He's healthy and active right now and February is getting closer each day. Some days I dread it coming so fast (today being one of them) and others...I'm excited to meet my son. His name is picked, the baby shower being planned and almost everything is ready for him...except maybe me. I know I'll love him the moment I see him, but I'm scared to be a bad mum. Once I know more about what's going on with him, I'll share mor




I just thought of this one, so bear with me for the OCD of it all...for my pseudofamily here and my family irl (especially for my son/daughter!) The road still winds It's meandering way. Within its time, day by day. Time has flown, Like flowers and morning dew, My heart has grown To love you. So fast, So pure, Love will last, Of that I'm sure. Rest, my child, Be at peace. The dawn is mild, The night will soon cease.



Good news everypony!

Well, as I have mentioned to whoever was on IRC before it went to Chat room and a couple of my rp partners who had yet to find out...I'm gonna be a momma by about February of next year. I'll be more active on the site by November or December, sooner if I hit the genetic lottery and get twins or triplets. So, now that the BIG news is out of the way....wait, that was all my news! So hooray, I'm more active in a few more months! Oh and my birthday is coming up in....8 days, I think...Can't tell



Potenital new OC?

I have a few ideas about a potential new OC, but I don't know what He/she will be or what they're going to look like...all I know is their cutie mark is a bubbling cauldron. I have unofficially named them "Shimmering Spell" but it's just....just not right. Ideas and other things would be greatly appreciated.



At last!

So, not only have I caught up with everypony on the episodes of mlp I've missed, I am only a week or so away from being a trucker. I know my replies are scarce here, but I promise that I try to get SOMETHING when I get the chance. As for the rest of my news: I want to tell everypony how happy I am that I have you guys for some semblance of support. If not for y'all, I would never have known that there were other bronies/pegasisters out there. I love each of you for it. I won't be leaving, b



Big big news!

So today, I put in my two weeks notice...since y'know, in two weeks I'll be on a big rig riding beside my husband seeing the US of A.  Anyway!  I found out that only two of my co-workers will actually miss me, one of them being my manager (he likes that I'm always early and am always ready to work...the other is a cook, and he says it's because I'm the only one that greets him before he clocks in...).  The rest of my co-workers?  They think I'm an idiot because I'm nice.  ...So, because I've not




I know I should be writing my stories...but I guess having a stuffy head kinda impedes that certain creative juice...Add to that, I kinda want to play Portal 2 but have to watch a couple of SK movies over the weekend and get some driving lessons in so I can get my liscense...yeah, watch out people on the streets!...I'm actually not that bad a driver, just overly paranoid I'll break the car. The car that happens to belong to my other half. That he left in my care so that he'll have a vehicle to




Black ichor ran freely from the wound in my side.  If it hadn’t been for Luc, my pack’s Ulfric, I would be dead.    Luc…he was dead now, and it’s that entirely damnable Dragon’s fault, taking away Luc from my pack and me.  The pain of the wound, coupled with the coming of my children was almost more than I could stand.  Almost.    It takes a great deal to slow a lycanthrope down, but this was what would be termed fatal to any but a Lupa.  It is a blessing that I am one, was one, always will be a



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