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QuickLime's Quizzical, Quintessential, Quality Birthday Surprise



blog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngblog-0695265001351454354.pngTHE MOST AMAZING AND DAZZLING BIRTHDAY TO YOU, [colour=#00ff00]QUICKLIME[/colour]!! :D

Would you believe that a whole year passed since the last one? I know I can't. I'm certainly dumbfounded when my birthday rolls around again. But this isn't about me, it's about one of Canterlot's most recognizable faces, [colour=#00ff00]Quick[/colour][colour=#008000]"dontgivemepetnames"[/colour][colour=#00ff00]Lime[/colour]. Between her impressive roster of original characters and her several Cast characters, she has proven to be both very productive and creative, and has an impressive grasp of the kind of roleplay this board promotes. Beyond that, she is strong willed and one of the most honest people I've ever met, and a good and loyal friend.

But what would a birthday surprise be without presents, right? Kinda dull, I can tell you that much. And what a display we got today!!

[colour=#ff0000]Ping111[/colour] shows us what his vocal cords are capable of in this singing telegram, which, if I might add, is quite a lot. :)


[colour=#d3d3d3](I'm certainly impressed!)[/colour]

Next up, we got the very talented [colour=#800080]BlindJester[/colour], showing us one of the rare moments of a not grumpy QuickLime (the OC, not the person ;) ):


[colour=#d3d3d3](What you did there, BJ. I see it!! ;D )[/colour]

And we are not done yet, because [colour=#00ffff]Angie Cakes[/colour] gives us her interpretation of the same character, probably scheming something devious:


[colour=#d3d3d3](This wont bode too well for someone, I'm sure. o.o; )[/colour]

And last but certainly not least, a true virtue with the tablet, and artist of unparalleled talent and skill, [colour=#a9a9a9]DA.... [/colour]wait. That's me, isn't it? Who wrote this, anyway... ^^;


[colour=#d3d3d3](I'd vote for her, that's for sure)[/colour]

And so we come to a close for this blog post. Everyone is more then welcome to leave their congratulations below for this special day.

One more time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [colour=#00ff00]QUICKLIME[/colour]!!



[colour=#0000ff]Vice Chairman[/colour][colour=#000000] of [/colour][colour=#FF0000]S.[/colour][colour=#FF9900]M.[/colour][colour=#00FF00]I.[/colour][colour=#FF00FF]L.[/colour][colour=#0000FF]E.[/colour][colour=#000000] [/colour]


Recommended Comments

Happy Birthday, Lime! And if you need lyrics:

This is your singing telegram, I hope it finds you well

You're invited to an RP cause we think you're really swell

Quicklime's turning twenty-three, so help us celebrate

Alabaster's fabulous, Zecora's rhymes first rate

There will be pics and drawings

And when all is done and said

We'll all pull up a keyboard

And we'll post on your Davroth thread!

No need for aubergines

Pony smileys'll be enough

Birthdays mean having fun with friends

Not being… on the internet…

It won't be the same without you

So we hope that you say yes

So please oh please stay awesome Lime

Happy birthday, you're the best!!!!

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