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How to be a good Member of your Fandom.



  1. Do not be obnoxious! We get that you like a specific fandom! That you like to buy the merchandise, hear the music, draw art for it and other such awesomeness! This is GOOD! however do not go around dragging it into every single aspect of your life, don't obnoxiously hum the theme song around a group of friends you know don't care for it, and don't go out of your way to compare every single thing to -fandom-
  2. DON'T hate on other fandoms! I know you thing -first version of show- is terrible rubbish but keep in mind that THAT show has it's fans too, don't openly insult another fandom, be it HomeStuck or Pokemon, you'd get bent out of shape if they mocked something you deemed important to you so have some curtesy
  3. Do not make a big deal out of being part of the fandom. It is not a big or important part of you that you feel you need to "Come out" to your friends and family! You can like it, if your family disapproves or your friends don't like it? Then keep it to yourself, don't announce "I AM PART OF FANDOM AND PROUD!" Believe me, the only one that cares? Is you.
  4. Don't make a big deal about buying merchandise! If you want to buy -new model of toy from fandom- at ToysRUs, don't go all commando as you walk down the asle and purchase it, just go, put it in your cart and walk off, you don't owe anyone an explanation for your purchase.
  5. Don't constantly cry out that "YOUR FANDOM IS DYING!" No it isn't hush up and lets enjoy it hn?
  6. Don't blindly follow it, you are allowed to disagree with certain aspects of the show, you are allowed to vary in opinion and enjoy alternate concepts of the fandom.
  7. Don't bash or yell at people for not pairing the same things you do, it's just rude to yell at people for not thinking like you.
  8. And finally respect the people you share a fandom with! Remember you are all here because you found something in common and want to enjoy it with other like minded souls. Don't be a giant buttface to each other sparking flame wars and other guff.
    That is your QuickRant for today!
    Queen of Ravens signing off :D


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Sometimes I find it difficult myself to try not to get angry whenever someone else is hating on my fandom. Most people who hate it, however, aren't really obnoxious nor ignorant, but they display their hate one too many times on what I like.

An example here would be Legend of Zelda, roleplay, Littlest Pet Shop, and...MLP.

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Sometimes I find it difficult myself to try not to get angry whenever someone else is hating on my fandom. Most people who hate it, however, aren't really obnoxious nor ignorant, but they display their hate one too many times on what I like.

An example here would be Legend of Zelda, roleplay, Littlest Pet Shop, and...MLP.

There..are people on this site that don't like MLP....?

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