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Patience is a Virtue:(Also known as "Why does it take so long to get my App stamped?")





Hello one and all! Today I am going to talk about a aspect of WOE rp that most probably don't realize is a part of it! Just as much as character development, appearance, and species!

That would be of course the Roleplay HelpStaff! Both us RPH and the Senior Rph!

Now I know the frustration of finishing an application and sitting there, waiting, itching to dive nose first into the WOE boards and rp my heart out! It is aggravating to just sit and wait and wait! I fully understand this as I had to deal with that sort of thing as well (Back when I first apped QuickLime it took a MONTH just to get her through!)

The thing that needs to be realized is that there is more to being RPH than scanning your app, deciding it's good, and stamping it! Bada bish! There is a whole process involved that involves asking for feedback, checking with higher ups, and making sure everything in the application is up to the WOE standard. It's a bit of a process but doing so ensures that we have the most show quality , safe, and fun place for our users to interact and play!

A lot of us however are more than Rph, we are users as well, we have more we have to do than just sit and work on applications for several solid hours, SteelEagle has a child he's raising, as well as being both AppleBloom and Twilight Sparkle, so he has threads and obligations to meet, Starswirl the Bearded just recently went through a process of moving, and Bellosh has school, not to mention is the player of our very own Derpy Hooves, AND Babs Seed!

We have Rps, discussions, IRL obligations, work, family ect. Sometimes we just want to come online, not even look at the application forum, and have fun rping in our threads. Other days we roll up our sleeves and crack down to work and blaze through applications with ease!

The point is that we are HUMAN, we're not superheros, we're not even payed employees! We do what we do because we love this site, we love the users, and because we love the admins and wish to make both of them happy and proud of the website they'v invested a LOT of time and a LOT of money into :)

So I understand your frustrations on having to wait on your application being approved, and I understand the desire to dive in! Your feelings are valid! And your concern is heard ;) We're doing the best we can!

So we'll be doing our best to keep the quality of our game up to par, and do our absolute hardest to make sure the application process flows smoothly, all I ask though is for a little understanding, a little patience, and a little faith ;)

Thank you for listening! And a big thank you to our Mods that work so hard to keep the forums clean and fun too!

From the bottoms of my heart and with love

The Queen of Ravens signing off! <3


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Excellent entry of encouragement! (I love alliteration.) I hope it doesn't take a month for my character, but I'll try to be patient. It does sound like you guys got a lot on your plates!

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Not sure why anyone would give this article only one star; it gave perfect reason as to why applications were not being accepted at superhuman speed.

Great article by the way QuickLime.

Now to wait for jackals to be introduced to the show. I estimate about 448 episodes from now...

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Oh Gods. A month? Gah!

Hey, you said yourself my feelings are valid. If I want to grouse, I will

But really, I'm posting to say how much I appreciate the work you guys do. I was really impressed with this site after only a few mintues of looking around and it's beacuse of the high standards that you've clearly been keeping to.

A month long wait would be worth it. If I manage to make it that long.

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Oh Gods. A month? Gah!

Hey, you said yourself my feelings are valid. If I want to grouse, I will

But really, I'm posting to say how much I appreciate the work you guys do. I was really impressed with this site after only a few mintues of looking around and it's beacuse of the high standards that you've clearly been keeping to.

A month long wait would be worth it. If I manage to make it that long.

That was 2 years ago when I First joined, we are MUCH faster now, but it is a lengthy process all the same :)

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