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'Demon Days'



((So this was a story that I started about three years ago that I sadly didn't continue. I figured I would share this all to you all. Now I know there are fixes that are needed here and there, and if I remember to, I'll fix it. In the meantime, enjoy!))

Book 1: Chapter 1


"So, here is my interview with one of the characters of the story, and is one of the main good guys. Mr. Deloro, if you wouldn't mind telling people what the 'Demon Days' are all about."

"Certainly. Well, the demon days is basically a holiday, and it's not just limited to demons either, so don't let the title fool you. These days bring together any and all creatures, real and 'mythical'."

"Is that so? Do continue."

"Well, the wise elders where the ones to thank for this holiday, thinking that all the creatures have lost touch in the ways of the old, in which there was a time of no war between any kinds of races, even between the biggest one, angels and demons. Now if you'll excuse me, I hate to cut this short, but I am the guest of honor."

"Of course, be on your way."

Hrou walks out.

"Well people, there you have it, but the holiday isn't what you will be reading. No, this is the story that takes the events to lead up to these days, and it starts with a blood-thirsty human teenager."


The Dark School

The forest near a small town was quiet and seemingly peaceful, but of course that was in a blind minded person's eyes. The forest was actually a barrier to keep humans from entering a certain part of the inner forest, and it also kept whatever was inside that part of the forest out of the town. This barrier had been up, without anyone knowing about it, for hundreds of years. Anyone who walks to it will be teleported to the other side of it without seeing what is inside it, and if anyone inside it tries to leave, they are never heard or seen from again. Rumor has it that they will wander the forest for the rest of their days.

One day, in the modern times, within the barrier, monsters roamed around, but not mindlessly. In fact, it was like a whole new place within the barrier, like a town within it. It was a town for monsters of all kinds, Werewolves, Vampires, Merlocks, Shadow Demons and all other kinds; the true monsters of the dark realm. With so many years past by without a single sight of a human, they had been believed to be fabled and made up; the humans, not the monsters. This seemed to be so true until one day, something happened.

--The Arrival--

Two werewolf children were playing around in the outskirts of their town, laughing and having fun. It wasn't long before they caught a glimpse of a town guard and hid away, now afraid that they would be caught. One of the two peeked over the bush and growled. "Why do they have to always stand there... are they hiding something?" He asked, actually being curious more than anything else, he just hated that someone was keeping something from him. The second werewolf sighed at his friend's complaining. "Look, some things are not meant for us to find out and apparently this is one of them." He said to him and continued. "Now come on before we're--" He was cut off be the first werewolf's wondering shout. "Braz, who or what is that?!" He said loudly, then covered his mouth as the orc guard turned around to see where the noise came from, but he too caught a glimpse of the mysterious creature and raised up his weapon.

"Stop right there!" The orc said with power in his voice. The creature stopped as told and looked straight ahead with it's very dark blue eyes that nearly looked black. The orc tilted his head as he tried to figure out what this thing was, with it being smaller than he was, he figured he was either young, teen years or just small in nature. "Now then, either turn around... or prepare to--" As he tried to finish his sentence, it was finished for him. "Die?" The creature asked, but grinned as he did. The orc snorted and shoved the creature back with the shaft of his axe. "Now be gone!... but... before you go... what are you so that I may keep a look out for others like you." The orc asked it, though didn't think it was anything significant, probably an elf he thought due to it's looks, the only think missing was the elf's pointy ears. The creature didn't answer right away, which made the orc bare his fangs at it. The creature finally grinned once more when he saw he was making the orc mad.

"It's funny... you're not the only one to ask me that today, and yet I haven't told anyone else... so why should I break that now and tell you?" The creature asked with a careless tone that seemed rather chilling. Brazken watched this go on and shook his head at the weird creature that seemed to love making people mad. "It's going to get itself killed if it keeps this up, Kemcora." He told his friend who was too watching with a grin of his own. "Good! Finally we'll get to see that guard do something." He said with excitement, but then got elbowed in the side as Brazken was disappointed in him. The orc now had the blade of his axe near the creature's throat, but that didn't make it lose it's grin. "Fine, fine... you pose as a threat, so I guess I'll open up to you." It say in defense without make himself sound weak. "So... you wanna know what I am? Shouldn't you know though? In stories, your kind and all the other monsters in here use to hunt us, pillage our towns and all that." It said to the orc guard who was now becoming very curious... and offended. "Now listen here! Our town folk are very civilized, we have never destroyed another town... but then again, anyone who travels beyond this point is never seen again." The orc explained to the creature. The werewolves overheard that part and looked at each other, they had no idea.

The creature looked beyond the guard, then back at him. "Interesting... alright, you spilt the beans first, so I'll be fair and finally tell you." The creature said as a cloud moved over the sun to block it for a moment, then the sunshine made it's white skin look slightly brighter, for only the parts that were exposed while the rest is clothed in pure black. it's hair was only on top of it's head and no where else, like other 'monsters' here, and pitch black as well. "I... am a human." The boy finally said, and when he did, everything around them went silent and anything with a beating heart felt as though their hearts stopped beating. The two werewolves slowly turned their heads to look at the teenaged human with complete disbelief of what they just heard. "He's... a... a what?"

The orc stared at the boy, disbelieving this himself, but soon he laughed loudly in a deep voice that seemed it could shake the ground they stood on. "Human?! Is this a joke? I know what you are, you're one of those stupid shape shifters who got their hands on a good book about mythical creatures and decided to play a prank on everyone else." He said, still a grin on his face, but that soon disappeared as he looked serious once more. "Now, that was for a good laugh... but if you come back here again... I won't hesitate to kill you. Now leave!" He demanded the boy, and the teen boy did as told as he turned around and walked down the hillside.

Just before the boy got down into the town once more, the two werewolves, Kemcora and Brazken, grabbed him while they were running and hid him behind some trees before someone saw him. "Gutsy, aren't you? What's your name, by the way?" Kemcora asked with a big grin on his face. The boy smiled back as he saw that the werewolf liked how he did things. "The name's Jackal." He told them both, just in case the other werewolf would of cared at all. Brazken rolled his eyes and looked at Jackal. "Alright you, listen, I don't know what you're trying to pull with the whole 'human' thing, but that was rather stupid if you ask me." Braz said, giving his two cents on the matter. Jackal looked at the two with calm eyes before giving his grin again. "So, you two don't believe as well... not surprising since you two are younger than the others I've talked to, but it's still hard to believe since your kind use to hunt and kill us, and in vise versa." Jackal explained to them in a creepy voice. It made Braz shiver some, but Kemcora chuckled at him. "Well, wither you are or not, doesn't matter now. Look Jackal, we could use another type of species in our school, but before I even dream of considering you of going there, you must prove yourself." He told him and kept a maniacal grin on his face. Braz was just about to hit him to make him cut it out, but Jackal spoke up once more. "Is that so? Well then, what must I do?" At this point, Brazken was getting a little tired of the both of them and thought of something insane, but what he didn't mean to do was tell him what it was. "Why don't you go and beat up that orc guard." He told him. Kemcora looked at him like this was someone else speaking. When Braz finally realized what he had just done, it was too late, Jackal, in full speed, had already gone to do it. "What have I done..?" Brazken asked in a soft-spoken and shocked tone.

Later that same evening, the two werewolves got to where the orc was and smelt blood. "Oh god, what have I done..?" Brazken said in ashamement, but Kemcora just looked at him. "Yep, you did this... now his death is on your head." He told him, which didn't make Braz feel any better, if anything that got him angry, but he left it inside him for now. They both looked over the edge, and what the saw shocked them both to no extent. Instead of seeing Jackal's body there, they both saw the orc's body lying there, bloodied up and practically cut all to pieces. "I knew it! That wasn't a human at all!" Brazken said, now starting to fear for his own life. "Come on, let's go before that thing comes--" He started to tell Kemcora, but Kemcora pointed his finger out as someone or something started to stand up. "Look!" He shouted out without meaning to. Braz looked with wide, fearful eyes as whatever stood up was seemingly covered in blood. "Its... him... he's... he's a BLOOD DEMON!!!" They both screamed and ran as fast as their paws could take them back towards the town. "Blood demon!" Was all could be heard from them as they ran. Jackal smirked as the two ran, loving the feeling he gets when other run from him and so he figured he would go into the town as well to see howelse he could scare. "Blood demon, huh?" He said to himself and chuckled softly. "I like the sound of that."

End of Chapter


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