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Word of Equestria Rp and Discrimination





Hello everypony! It's been a while hasn't it? As you may or may not know I have officially stepped down from Roleplay Helpstaff for now, I might very well come back someday if allowed, but for now I figure I can now really focus on connecting with the community again! Now I feel I need to remind you that I am NOT Rph and therefore nothing I say is site law! However it is my personal experience, thoughts, and advice! So use as your own discretion!

As always if you need aid with a character I'll be happy to do so, my love for helping has not diminished with my status and I'm still gonna help as much as I can ;)

NOW our topic today is a common Canterlot first timer notion! The one where they think that their pony or other species of critter will get discriminated against due to being a certain color, a certain race, or having certain eye colors. This is not true! World of Equestria Roleplay does not function like the real world! Your character is never going to be bullied because they were born with a pure white coat and blood red eyes.

Your character is not going to be snubbed because they are a gryphon, or even mocked because they are a pegasus that can't fly, or a unicorn that's magic isn't developed yet, this is not how Equestria is! Unlike reality Ponies tend to focus on the inside way more than the outside.

I feel most people use things like having their character be mocked or ridiculed for their appearance are assuming that ponies are nasty, vengeful, and spiteful little creatures at heart, we have seen this not be true! Despite Gilda's personality the ponies still welcome her, despite being unable to Fly Scootaloo is treated like an equal (Diamond Tiara doesn't count)

This is Canterlot.com NOT Snowdrop (Ick :snowdrop: )

A character will not be shunned because they are blind, a character will not be disregarded as evil because they have red eyes, a Character will NOT be labeled stupid because they have a lazy eye.

Remember this when you make an Oc, a disability, or strange appearance is fine (though not mental disabilities, they are against WOE rules) BUT don't make it an obsession for your character, don't make it something you fixate on.

Your character is more than a appearance or a disability, so show it!

This is the Queen of Ravens signing out <3


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Well... you also had the jerky pegasus back in the flight school who picked on Rainbowdash by saying Rainbow crash. And the lady that tricked Rarity...

Buuut with that aside. Strange appearances in my opinion should... stay reasonable. :/ after all, you wouldn't want to see a pony that looks like a displacer beast.

Or a pony with TWO horns.

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Well... you also had the jerky pegasus back in the flight school who picked on Rainbowdash by saying Rainbow crash. And the lady that tricked Rarity...

Buuut with that aside. Strange appearances in my opinion should... stay reasonable. :/ after all, you wouldn't want to see a pony that looks like a displacer beast.

Or a pony with TWO horns.

A Generic bully and Suri Polomare aren't even in the same category of Canterlot related discrimination.

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Snowdrop is a fandom animation that is deliberately poised as an 'emotional experience' but falls flat by adopting the obvious tropes and making far too much of one OC's importance within it...it's just a dull, flavorless animation designed to make people feel sorry for the main character. In some ways, it's comparable to My Little Dashie for being a blatant attempt at emotional manipulation. It's on youtube - if you DO seek it out, watch the Friendship is Witchcraft 'parody' of the animation afterwards...it's far more entertaining than the original.

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