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SnowDrop Chapter One: The Light Fades



(A long time ago I mentioned I wanted to rewrite the story of SnowDrop so it was less pity party-ish and bland so here's my take! I'll upload chapters on ocassion! Without further ado this is SnowDrop Remastered!)

Chapter One: The Light Fades


Once Upon a time, a long time ago, long before the Celestial sisters had their altercation, long before The Elements of Harmony found new Bearers, and even longer before they gave those powers back up, so long ago that it is regarded as myth today there was a tiny filly named SnowDrop. SnowDrop was born in Cloudsdale, in one of the cooler sections of the city, the one where snow was made, and how she loved it! Back then snowflakes were thin disks without any designs, but that didn’t matter to her!

SnowDrop was a Pegasus with a soft blue coat, snappy sapphire eyes, and a white and blue mane that curled around her face, her wings weren’t very strong yet, but she could use them to leap across wide gaps in the clouds and hover a little! Overall she was a hyperactive, and happy child but that all changed during one winter when she was just a little thing.

SnowDrop had been out in the snow again, a little too long and came home looking sickly, this quickly worried her mother, who all but dragged her to bed! Quickly tucking her in and taking her temperature. SnowDrop had a fever but it wasn’t too much, So her mother figured she was in the clear really, just having gotten a bit of a cold from frollicking in the clouds in this freezing cold weather and drifting snow!

“Silly Filly” Her mother whispered to her, petting her mane softly, before making sure she was warm, and went to brew her a bit of chamomile tea to help her sleep “Your fever should break by tomorrow, so thankfully you won’t miss any school”

“Aw Pinfeathers” SnowDrop said with a light pout, she was probably the whole filly in the entire EQUESTRIA NATION! That got sick but didn’t have to miss school! She took her tea with both hooves and sipped it, feeling sleepy, setting the cup down on the nightstand and rubbed her eyes, with a yawn she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of playing in the snow.

Unfortunately in the night her fever got even worse! Her mother woke to the sound of her little filly crying out for water, because instead of being cold, she was burning hot, and couldn’t seem to cool down, even when a cool cloth was pressed to her face! Her Father quickly put on a scarf, and flew off to find a doctor that was open this late!

The doctor wasn’t there until the next morning and SnowDrop hadn’t gotten any sleep, she said she felt a pressure in her head, and the room was foggy! And no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get to sleep. These symptoms, as well as the high fever slightly worried the doctor, especially the bit about pressure in her head, it took a little bit of examining, before the doctor informed them he believed that the filly had Mareningitis and there was nothing he really could do but suggest they keep her comfortable and try to bring her fever down.

“It will pass in a week hopefully..” He assured both parents, and promised to stay in the guest house and keep an eye on the poor filly for now.

The week was a horrible one for SnowDrop! She didn’t even know how she got sick, though the doctor supposed she got bit by a insect that was carrying it… The days were a blur of burning heat, soothing tea, and the rooms becoming dimmer, and dimmer, the pressure in her head eventually eased, and the fever broke. Two weeks later The Doctor woefully informed the parents that though SnowDrop had made a full recovery, her vision had suffered, and she’d lost her sight...This was a great cause of grief to both parents, and it was so hard for SnowDrop to get used to now living in permanent darkness.

SnowDrop at first, spent a lot of time just sitting at the window, listening to the snowfall, her other senses making up for her lack of sight, but yet she still sat there, day after day, engulfed in self pity and sorrow….Her parents let her indulge in this behavior for a little while, but her Papa soon got fed up, not because she didn’t deserve to be sad, but because he didn’t want his child feeling like her young life was over!

“SnowDrop...sweetheart” The stallion said, sitting by her in his own chair, hoof moving to rest gently on her shoulder “I want you to listen to me okay?” SnowDrop sniffed lightly and turned her head towards him, she could hear where he was at, and able to gauge where his face was by where his voice was at.

“You have every right to be sad, and I am sure it is scary waking up in the dark...but sweetie you can’t just sit here by the window” “But I can’t do anything else! I can’t see where I’m goi-” “None of that! Ofcourse you can do other things! Honey you lost your eyesight, but you still have those sharp little ears, and that even sharper mind! I've not given up on you, and you shouldn’t give up on yourself either, I believe you are still filled with potential, and that potential didn’t go out with your eyes...okay?”

“....” SnowDrop bit her lip before she glanced at her Daddy and nodded


“Good, tomorrow we’re having a Teacher from Canterlot come and teach you how to read and write in Braille “

“What’s that?” She asked, since she didn’t see how she could read anything now… and she had had a hard time beforehoof.

“It’s a special language for ponies that can’t read and write normally, It’s like secret code” He whispered the last part.



Recommended Comments

Very nicely done! Gives a better explanation than the typical "born blind" idea and sets up the character up for an interesting time now having to adapt knowing that she once did see.

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