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The Ironclaws - The Clan Wars.



With the recent appearance of the new clan of Ironclaw, many other griffons, both rival clans and lone agents, all saw merely a new comer that was sure to be weak and easily beaten and their wealth and other land taken. It would be a mistake no griffon in those days would forget.

The first major conflict the Ironclaws found themselves in was against the Silverbeak clan, who sought to take the Ironclaws lands for the mountains the newly created clan called home was said to be rich with gems and precious metals. Not to mention the spoils of the warlord that Ironclaw and his warriors liberated and took as their own were a prize any griffon would want for their horde.

The Silverbeaks attacked quickly with all their warriors, expecting overwhelm the fledgling clan quickly and take their riches for their own. But where the Silverbeaks had expected to overwhelm and break the Ironclaws with their superior numbers, the invading griffons found a very different reception. The warriors of Ironclaw would not so easily bend and loss the freedom and power they had so recently gained.

With quick savagery, Ironclaw led his warriors to do battle against the invading clan. Their IronClaws, the name now given to their weapon attached to the stump of their removed talon, was said to give the invaders a shivering pause, as did the savagery that gleamed in their eyes as they fought. Though heavily out numbered, each warrior of the Ironclaw clan was a champion of arena battles. Each had one hundred victories to their name, each one more vicious then the last. As well, they had not escaped the darkness of their cell to be crushed by invaders, and their desire to keep their independence drove them to a fury that few griffons had seen.

The fighting lasted weeks, with both sides taking heavy hits, but it was said that for every Ironclaw slain, he took six Silverbeaks with him or her. And in every battle the clan patron, now calling himself Warlord Ironclaw, was at the front of the battle, his presence driving his warriors to greater heights of battle fury. It wasn't long that the invaders were on the retreat.

With their territory safe, other leaders and clans might have held back and rested. Regained their numbers and grow strong, but Ironclaw had never learned of the concept of rest. His life, and those of his warriors, had always been battle after battle, and to never stop. And so, gathering all the warriors he could, leaving only a token force to protect their home, the Ironclaws turned the tables on their enemies and invaded the Silverbeak clan holdings.

No true record remains that gives specific details of that invasion. With their army having been beaten though, the Silverbeak clan was helpless against the onslaught of the battle crazed Ironclaws. By the end of the invasion, the entire holdings of the clan now lay in the Ironclaws talons. And for the Silverbeaks, none can say. Some say that the clan was utterly destroyed to the last, and scattering any survivors to the four corners, as a show of might to the other clans who might see the Ironclaws as an easy target. Others say that Warlord Ironclaw showed something of mercy, taking in the fledglings and kittens of the clan as his own, as well as any male or female who swore fealty to the clan. Whatever the final outcome, the Ironclaws now stood stronger then ever, their iron never bending, never breaking, and forged even stronger with land, and most importantly tons of stolen and acquired wealth.

But the Ironclaws would not stop there. Over the following years, both Warlord Ironclaw, and his successors, would wage many battles with other clans for control of resources and to capture and steal wealth for their clans ever growing hoard. And this ever growing wealth brought other invaders, both from other clans, but also Diamond Dogs and even the occasional dragon.

It was not until the emergence of the Idol of Boreas and the rise of King Grover that the Ironclaws would rise to anything other then a powerful clan of battle crazed warriors.


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