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Battle of the Gods



Yep, you guessed it. I remembered another crazy theory of mine, though this one draws heavily from personal experiences to try and justify it.

To explain it simply, there are multiple Gods, and every couple years or so they choose a champion among the human race to act as their champion. As the Gods guide their champions as they grow up, forming a sort of bond that shares the God's powers with the champion. After a set period of time, the Gods have their champions battle, and whomever's champion is left standing at the end wins. To them, it's just a friendly competition, though the victory conditions are still somewhat unclear to me.

Now, to get a little more in depth. There are a plethora of Gods, and I can only name a handful certainly. Anyone with more religious knowledge could probably do a better job at figuring out just how many there are, but the three I know of are God (for obvious reasons), Satan (again, obvious), and my God, Fate. Before you say anything you'll regret, let me explain a couple more things. The reason that I say God and Satan are obvious is because God was actually winner of the last game, and Jesus was his champion. Gods, like everyone, have rivalries, and God's rival is Satan. They're the two biggest competitors, each able to make close bonds with their champions.

Now, in order to explain how I know Fate is also one of the Gods, I need to tell some personal examples. If you don't care, that's fine, I'll just leave each example in a separate spoiler for you to find.

My life in general:

I've had a really nice life. I honestly have no right to complain about how I was raised, where I was raised, or who raised me. My parents are both loving, but firm when they have to be. I had great friends growing up, and I can't remember much of anything going wrong for me. I failed sometimes, and lost some games, but nothing really tragic has happened to me. I've lost pets I cared deeply about, and I miss them, but it doesn't bring me down. I've had injuries where I needed stitches or casts, but I haven't lost any parts of my body. I've got 20/20 vision, healthy teeth, a fast metabolism, and I don't lose much of my strength with long breaks between exercise days. My family isn't rich, but we aren't poor. We lived in a big house, but it was falling apart faster than we could make money to repair it. I loved that place, but I still feel pretty comfortable living anywhere. I guess the bottom line is, my life's been too good for me.


Most of this is skip able, but will give you insight into who I was as a student.

School was relatively easy for me, and it would have been even easier if I bothered to do my homework more often. I'm sure many of you are/had a kid like me in your class, the kind that just sits there, sometimes goofing around, doesn't do homework, but still gets 90s and 100s on their quizzes and tests. Yep, I was one of them. I was friendly to (almost) everyone, and it took a lot to make me outwardly dislike someone. Deep down, I really didn't like a lot of people, but I kept it down and stayed friendly. To show you how much everyone at my school knew me, I'll let you know that I won a Senior Superlative: Biggest Bookworm. It's funny, because I hardly read. When I asked people why I got that, they said it was because I always had a book in my backpack. It's true, but it was just for anytime I didn't have anything to do and we weren't allowed on our school computers.

Anyway, the big thing that shines for me as a sign of Fate's influence is when I managed to get into college without applying. I didn't really bother applying for any colleges thanks to my procrastination, but I'd been accepted by a local community college because they were doing on-the-spot acceptance at my High School during my Junior year. My parents also told me about a fund that had been put away for me when I was a baby so I could go to college. Thanks to that, I was able to go to college without taking out any loans or incurring any kind of debt. I only went there for one semester, but there's a bigger reason for that later.

Love and Marriage:

More skip able dialogue.

Well, I'm not married, yet, but that title seemed much more fitting. Anywho, the first girlfriend I ever had was in Kindergarten. It didn't last long because she moved away at the end of the year, but I got another girlfriend at the end of 1st Grade, and that relationship lasted much longer. Almost 8 years, actually. I think what happened was that the relationship never really evolved from the cute kid dating scene. Well, that, and she found out later on that she liked girls more than guys, but we're still good friends to this day. Then there was another sort of fling thing in highschool. My friend (the one I was just talking about) decided she was going to hook me and another friend that we both knew up. I was able to guess who it was, a sweet girl that had been homeschooled for a good portion of her childhood. We got along, but we just weren't into each other in that way. It took us a while to break it off because, even though we felt the same way about the relationship, neither of us wanted to hurt the other's feelings. It's pretty funny, when you think about it.

So, I met my soon-to-be wife while I was taking my semester of college. She was a Senior in highschool, and the class was Intro to Operating Systems and PC Repair. We both sat near the back of class, and we got along, but being my introverted self I thought any and every girl I was ever interested in already had a boyfriend. Well, about a month or two into the class, she asks me if I want to go to the mall and have a study date with her while her Mom does some shopping. I agreed, and brought snacks along just in case. Again, I didn't think too much of it, being a introvert. It wasn't until about a week later when she texted me asking if I wanted to go on a double date with her, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend. Of course I agreed, and that's when we officially started dating. I was only in college for that one semester, but if I hadn't been I wouldn't have met my beautiful fiance.


Alright, so this stuff is borderline scary, for me at least. You guys remember the stuff I said about a God's power being shared through their bond? Well, one of Fate's powers is to see the future. I can't really control this power yet, so it acts as one of those "I just know what's going to happen" things. It happens a lot in card and board games, where I'll either know what someone is going to roll, or what the next card drawn is going to be. So far, I can tell when I'm about to lose better than I can tell I'm about to win, and the power becomes stronger the more "!@#$ it all!" I become, so pretty much when I've given up on the game. It's only one of the few powers I've noticed, another being a kind of omnipotence. One time, at about noon, I'd just finished my final exam for Physics. I finished my test early, like I usually did, so I had a lot of time to kill before I could go home for the day. I decided to sit back in my chair and try meditating. I'd meditated once or twice before, but I can only get this trick to happen every so often. Anyway, I pictured my house, but something was different. My Dad's car was in the driveway, even though I knew he was at work. Ignoring that, I moved through my house in my mind, and in the kitchen I saw my Dad, in his bathrobes, getting a bowl of cereal. At that point, I decided meditating must not have been working, so I stopped and just regularly relaxed instead. However, when I got home I found my Dad in his bed with a bowl of cereal. Apparently, he'd gotten the rest of the day off from work. The third power I've been able to figure out a bit about is some kind of time manipulation. It could go on further to become time travel, but for now it's just manipulation. All it seems to be is that feeling, like when something feels like it's taking forever, or when time flies by without you realizing it. So far, that one's applications have only shown to be possible when in a resting state, since I have to concentrate to make it work. It has a nice perk, though, since it can make 5 hour sleeps feel like 9 hour ones. I still need to work on my control over all my powers, though I can feel this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Anyway, through these moments, how everything just seemed to kind of line up for me, I believe that Fate is guiding me. During one night, while I was lying in bed alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about this theory, about how there are different champions and everything. History is written by the victors, too, so other champions could've easily been forgotten. I dunno, I just feel like there's another side to life that we haven't discovered yet, that there's something more that what we've come to perceive. I guess that's what all of these crazy theories are for, anyway. An outlet for my desire for life to be something more than it currently seems to be. Ah well. I still have fun making them!

Crazy Log, out!


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You have pretty neat abilities!  I most indefinitely don't have anything as powerful or even slightly similar to that, but I do have a really strong conscience bordering on really strong sixth strength.  You should really dabble in writing, you're as creative as a rainbow! (Wait...is that even an actual metaphor?)

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Cool! I'd like to hear more about that sixth sense. But, as far as me dabbling in writing, RPing here is about as far as I can get. I can come up with things, sure, but I'm not as good with the finer details of scenes.

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