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Dreams. League Dreams.



I had the strangest dream last night...it was like being in the middle of a League game. The only difference was, it was me and my 5 player team vs. this other team that was like "a city of people". Literally. The other team occupied the entire area of their turret property and made it nearly impossible to walk through cause there was so many people on the other team. Everyone in the other team had abilities and weapons, and so did everyone on my team. Other than me. I was carrying a bomb. Every game, I would carry the bomb with one or two other members from my team-running to the nexus. My small group of two/three would them run into the inhibitor turret, and then meet the other three/two members of our team (they were trying to destroy enemy turrets). I would then plant the bomb there, and they would activate it with their abilities (cause this bomb only reacted to abilities, apparently). Then-we would run. We would run and run and run and try to get back to our base and nexus...but we would never make it. Apparently, everyone in the other team was (sleeping?) while my team was getting the bomb into their nexus. As soon as the bomb was planted and my team would run away, everyone in the other team would wake up. Remember how I said that team was like a city of people? Yeah. They would OP us, then destroy the bomb (somehow). And my team would lose...every time. Somehow, we never thought to change our plan of attack or strategy, and we lost every single game.

So...yeah. That's my League dream. It was horrible. But it was really fun, at the same time!

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... Honestly, Lyi, your dream sounds like CS:GO mixed with League of Legends.

It would probably be like:

•SKT _T1_Support : Team, rush Baron then push?

•xXNoScopeXx: drop awp

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