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Lími [Ready]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria
Name: Lími
Sex: Male
Age: Adolescent calf
Species: Caribou
Eye Color: Green
Coat: Dark brown, with a lighter patch around the underbelly
Mane/Tail/Ect: His antlers are growing in more slowly compared to a caribou his age
Physique: Less muscular than usual for a caribou his age. To help keep warm, he wears a cloak of muted-green linen most of the time. Unlike many caribou, Lími does not equip himself with armor or weapons when travelling outside the boundaries of his adopted clan. In fact, he rarely uses such things at all outside of training.
Residence: The Grand Hall of Clan Askr, in the east of Whitescar
Occupation: Ward of Sigrun, Yarl of Askr, and her sister Ylva
Cutie Mark: N/A


Lími hails from Clan Aured, a scion of a proud line of chieftains. His older half-brother by several years was Brann, a prodigy in the art of the viking warrior who Lími idolized very much. When Lími was just a wee lad, Clan Aured’s leader, the one called Dragonsong, earned recognition as High King of Whitescar and pledged to abandon the old traditional ways of his people’s past. Brann disagreed with Dragonsong’s vision and promptly left Whitescar, leaving his devastated little sibling alone in the capital city of Heil.

Assuming that further life in Heil would prolong Lími’s grief, elders made arrangements to place the boy in the care of Clan Askr, wardens of eastern Whitescar. There, the boy found a nurturing home away from the politics of the capital. While Lími grew to accept that Brann would no longer be part of his life, he still eagerly anticipates the day when he reunites with his half-brother. By then, Lími expects that he’ll be a grown adult worthy of Brann’s respect.

Just one huge problem in that plan though; Lími’s development as a warrior is abysmal compared to other caribou his age. The boy shows little to no proficiency in any combat skill whatsoever, no matter how hard he tries. Lími’s biggest fear deep down that when the time comes for his Will Test, he will end up failing it and become a disgrace in the eyes of both his brother and his adoptive caretakers, whom the boy now regards as family.

Character Summary:

Unlike the standard caribou stereotype of a boarish brute, Lími is rather soft-spoken and gentle-hearted. While establishing friendships doesn’t come easy for the introverted boy, he does treat anyone who speaks to him with extraordinary courtesy and kindness. Although Lími won’t openly admit it, he cannot bring himself to bring harm to a living creature. Furthermore, his highly deliberative and hesitant nature help contribute to Lími’s inability to learn combat skills.

Lími, when appropriately prompted, professes a desire to grow up into a respected warrior. And yet he spends many hours each day pouring over scrolls in the keeping of Clan Askr’s shaman. The young adolescent finds himself drawn to old epics and songs, especially those about legendary caribou possessing magical abilities deemed impossible in reality. In fact, Lími even finds time to write an epic of his own about one such character, although he dares not show it to anyone despite his natural writing talent.

In many respects, Lími is caught between two worlds. Even though his older half-brother Brann has since passed into disrepute, Lími’s rose-tinted memories of his early youth color his positive perceptions of the so-called “Red Jarl.” On the other cloven hoof, the lad’s time living under Clan Askr’s roof leads him to question some of the more negative aspects of the old caribou traditions. That, and his genuine love for his adoptive guardians ensure that Lími rarely, if ever, talks about his brother anymore.

A mention must be made of Lími’s animal companion, Hammer. A dark-silver dog of the Northern Inuit breed, she was a mere puppy when gifted to Lími, back when the lad briefly lived in Heil. The two have been inseparable since, although Hammer frequently behaves as her master’s polar opposite. Instead of being reserved like Lími, Hammer jumps up on anyone she sees and expects them to play with her. However, one should never underestimate Hammer’s ability to protect her master. The loyal dog is indeed a caribou’s best friend.

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