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(Whitetail Woods) The hunt is on (ended)


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The orange pegasus flew a slow search pattern over the section of the recently run race passing through the Whietail Woods.

She had been alerted by racers there had been a giant spider sighted, as big as a pony and it had apparently tried to eat a pair of them.

She had been advised by a fellow pegsus it was a victim of poison joke and had to be cured before it hurt somepony.

Candy patted her saddlebag, where the cure lay. "Candy Catch-em fears no beast! I'll have it wrapped up in no time!"

Spotting the webs amid patches of blue flowers, she landed and slowly walked up to inspect the webs, in case it had come back.

Candy suddenly heard rustling in a nearby bush. Plucking a set of bolas from her vest, she readied to spin the weighted ropes with her mouth, mumbling out "Who t'ere! Sho yer'selh!" around the bola's rope.

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"Aufenthalt fraulein!" a strong male German accented voice shouted up from under the bushes followed by the face of a green furred gray maned Pegasus. "Do not harm me! I'm just an old horse looking for vild mushrooms!"

Carefully and slowly, he emerged from the bushes.

"I am Professor Clyde Krashkop, Professor Emeritus of Canterlot University School of Applied Science. I just came out here in dee voods to find dee right ingredients for mein saurkraut casserole! Is good eating, Ja?"

The Professor carefully pulled his empty burlap sack up with his teeth and laid it out before the mare.

"I am not having any luck finding vild mushrooms, und I've been out here all morning. Do you know of any place day grow? I vill gladly share mein meal vith you if you vill help me find dee ingrediments I need."

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Candy dropped her bolas to the ground and sat down, then did a double take. "I apologize Mr... Oh, wait! Now that's a nice coincidence. A Mr. Skybright told me to return this Poison Joke Cure to you or him when I am done with it."

She tipped her bush hat back and took a quick drink from a water bottle. "Would you like some water? This is my first full day of searching for a humongous spider that terrorized this years Running of the Leaves. I didnt' have a whole lot of day left when I did a quick search yesterday afternoon."

Candy hmmed and thought for a moment "Well, as for mushrooms, they tend to grow where I am sure spiders live. I would love a meal like that. I can protect you too so it's a win-win."

She paused a moment, rubbing a hoof to her chin. "Ummm, by the way, have you seen any patches of Poison Joke around this area,with big drifts of web? It might be camoflaged with all the leaves dropped yesterday."

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"Nein, not dat I'm avare of," the Professor said as he accepted the cure bottle from Candy. "Danka fraulein. Perhaps vee should vork together to cure dat giant spider before it brings harm to other ponies."

The green Pegasus checks his saddlebags.

"I have brought much of mein lab equipment und inventions vith me, maybe day can help us in our quest! if you know vere dis spider is, dat vill be a start. Maybe vee can sneak up on it und CAPTURE it!"

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Candy nickered happily "Perfect! Let's get started then. I also have extra bolas and ropes in my saddelbags! The Game is ON!"

She flexed her honey colored wings and looked up the road a she readied for lift-off "Have you been that way yet? It must have been at a curve if a pony ran off the path into a web..."

She looked to the Professor "Will you have any problems with flying about ten feet off the ground, Professor? Mr. Skybright said there was a gully beyond the attack site where he lured the durn thing, and that should let us see both the web and the gully."

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"Nein fraulein," Professor Krashkop said, shaking his head. "I came here another vay."

Then the gray maned Pegasus heard the rest of what Candy had to say.

"Young lady, I have been flying longer den you have been born. Of course I can keep up vith you und fly over und around obsticles. On mein flight here, I only ran into three trees! Dat's two less den I had yesterday in flying over Sveet Apple Acres!"

The green stallion spread his wings in preparation for flight.

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Candy nodded and lifed off, flying at a casual speed down the leaf covered road.

She paid close attention to the bends in the road, even swooping close to one tree, only finding it was draped in ivy instead of webs.

"I never imagined it would be so hard to find the webs. These leaves are like snow drifts!"

Suddney she saw a long shadow in the woods and a bend in the road just after. she landed "That may be a gully back there. Professor, do you have something to safely move these leaves aside in case there's Poison Joke beneath?"

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"Javol, fraulein!" the airborn green Pegasus shouted as he reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a large folded bellows with a nozzle on the end of it. "I invented dis leaf blower two years ago und dis vould be dee perfect opportunity to use it!"

Holding the back part of the device by its handle in his mouth while reaching for the two ends of the bellows with his front hooved legs, the Professor began to 'pump' the device. The nozzle on the other end sent concentrated puffs of air where it was pointed. The manual Leaf Blower did move the leaves out of place. Unfortunately, when a brisk wind blew upward upon the two ponies, the scattered leaves flew up in the air, making it look like a 'shower' of leaves falling down on them as the Professor continued to operate his device.

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(last attempt to post got eaten somehow, trying again...)

Candy Catch-em sputtered as a leaf hit her in the mouth with the slightly bitter taste of oak leaf.

She quickly flapped her wings to blow the leaves back away from landing where they started. "There we go.."

Candy neighed in excitement "Careful! I see Poison Joke now. We must be close... There is the path now!"

She saw a gleam of web strand as thick as a kite string, leading to a mound of leaves she had thought to be a bush and pointed at it.

That must be the nest! Be careful!"

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Professort Krashkop followed Candy to the mound of leaves.

"NEST!" the airborne Professor Krashkop shouted in excitement. "If dat giant spider has laid eggs und dat is a nest of eggs, vee vill be in serious trouble! Vee have to cure dat big bug before it can reproduce und das forest gets overrun vith dem!"

Slowly, the Professor hovered closer and closer to the pile of leaves.

"Although dis vould be a wonderba opportunity to study insect life for dee good of science, vee must stick to dee plan und cure this ting very soon, for dee sake of dis forest und all of Equestria!"

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Candy nods "Exactly!I would catch it for study if I thought that was safe. While Poison Joke might wear off on it's own, any eggs it lays might not be affected and remain giants."

She takes a stick and pokes the leaves aside around the web, showing a pony sized funnel set up between two bushes.

"Okay, these webs arent' sticky. Let me just take a look here. and please keep that spray handy in case it shows up."

She poked her head and forehooves inside the round opening "Right. Nothing here, especially not any eggs. That is a great relief"

Candy pulled back out "I know there is a Peryton in these woods who recently rescued Luna. I would wish he was here except I am not sure he could do anything about a giant spider."

As if on cue, the terrified bleating of a deer sounded from the direction of the gully. "Okay, that's no Peryton, but lets go there quickly! The spider is afoot!"

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"Javol, fraulein!" Professor Krashkop neighed with a nod as he followed Candy. The gray maned Pegasus held the spray bottle at the ready as he fluttered along, hoping his worst fears were not realized. The thought of giant spiders roaming all over Equestria was unsettling to him.

"Fraulein, do you tink dee two of us alone can handle dis job? Do you tink vee may need help? And who is dis Peryton you spoke of earlier?"

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Candy flew at 6' off the ground, above the undergrowth as they headed for the gully and the bleating.

"I'd welcome more help, but time is of the essense and I've handled worse.."

An image flashed in her mind, of an insane griffon diving at her. It's expression of murder and hate turning to horror as it's wings were pinned by her bolas...

Candy shuddered and shook her head to clear it "I..ah, The Peryton is named Skye. He watches over the travelers of this woods, but he may be avoiding this stretch for a while because of the race, otherwise the spider might have been chased off into the Everfree... Ah! There!"

She stopped in midair and lowered herself down to where a whitetail doe was struggling in a web stretched across the gully. "Shhh, shhh, I'm here to help! Keep quiet or you'll call the monster!"

The doe gasped and nodded, going quiet.

Candy reached into her vest and pulled out a silver flask. "When in doubt, dissolve!"

She sprinkled the srong drink on the webs, dissolving the sticky adhesives. Instantly, the doe sprang away and fled down the gully.

Candy looked around "It must have decided this was a good place to hunt after it was led in here. Keep your eyes open."

As she checked a hollow in the gully, something silently rose behind the professor, in the shadows...

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"Javol fraulein! I vill keep mein eyes vide open for any signs of dat monster, dat vicious oversized brute, dat big ugly silly looking dumkoff bug! Dat stupid..."

Suddenly, the airborne Professor stopped talking when he felt something eerie brush by his flank. He used his flapping wings to spin around to see that he was now looking straight into the eyes of the giant spider.

"Er, I didn't mean all dat stuff about you being a monster, brute und dumkoff!" the nervous green Pegasus said in a squeaky voice. Still holding the 'leaf blower' in his front hooves, Professor Krashkop began pumping it, hoping to distract the beast long enough to retreat.

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The spider hissed menacingly and rose up higher on it's eight legs to look down on the Professor, hissing like a steam kettle. It's pedipalps seemed to rub together in front of it' fanged mouth like a cheesy stage play villan rubbing hooves together in feindish glee.

Suddenly it screeched as air hit it in the face, distracting it. It turned and rubbed dust off it's many eyes, revealing a silken egg case riding on it's back...

Down below, Candy examined the crevice, looking like the spider had been digging away at it, enlarging it for a winter nest.

She suddenly heard hissing and shrieking like she had never heard before.

Quickly, she jumped out and looked around to make sure it was not behind her. She then heard his voice above apologizing to something "Professor?..PROFESSOR!" and flew up above the rim of the gully and gasped "Oh NO! Get back!"

She quickly reached for the boas with her mouth and started spinning them, wondering why the professor had not tried the spray yet.

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"Vait! Vhat am I doin'?" Professor Krashkop asked, dropping the leaf blower and reaching for his bottle of Poison Joke cure. Before he could get it out, the mighty spider took a swing at the airborne Pegasus with it's legs, one of them striking him in the head and sending him crashing down to the ground.

"Dee spray? Dee spray? Vhere is mein bottle?" the dazed green Pegasus shouted, searching the leaf covered ground with his eyes and hooves trying to find the bottle he had dropped in the confusion. Looking up, he now saw the spider was moving towards him, ready to strike.

"ACK! UN-KNEE-MAL!" he screamed while he continued searching through the leaves, knowing he was about to be eaten if he didn't retrieve the bottle fast.

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The spider hissed and moved closer, it's fangs clattering together as it crept up on the elderly pegasus.

Suddenly, a red and white blur whizzed through the air and wrapped several front legs together. The bola balls clacked together, painted red and white as they bound the spider's legs.

Candy screamed "Hurry Professor!", then grabbed another set of bolas and started spinning them around, whipping her head in a circle.

The spider struggled, trying to free its legs as the next set came flying it's way...

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Professor Krashkop watched as Candy Catchem wrapped the giant spider's legs with her bola.

"I've got to find mein spray bottle!" the gray maned Pegasus shouted as he continued his frantic search through the fallen, blown leaves. Suddenly, his front hoof touches it.

"Found it! Got to hurry!" he yelled, grabbing the bottle and taking off into the air. "Now it's time to make tings normal again!"

The green Pegasus began spraying the giant spider with his Poison Joke cure. He sprayed every inch of it's huge body, including the egg sack on its back. Professor Krashkop neighed for joy as the spider shrank back to its original size.

"Vee did it, fraulein! Wonderba!"

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Candy dove in, ready to land and tie the bolas together when the Professor stood up from the leaves and let the beast have it.

She skidded to a landing and watched, holding her breath in anticipation.

Suddenly the spider shrank down to normal size, including the egg sack she had just seen on it's back.

Candy got down low to look at the spider. "Now you arent' so tough!"

Before the spider could get away, she scooped it into a paper bag. "I'll let this thing loose on the other side of the forest where it wont be able to find more of those flowers. First though, I think we had better make a quick search to make sure it had not caught anypony and left them wrapped up."

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"Javol! Vee need to see if dat bug left other vebs around in dee trees," Professor Krashkop said with a nod. "A friend of mine vas caught in vone of dose vebs during dee Running of duh Leaves und it vasn't pretty."

The elderly Pegasus watched as Candy held the shrunken spider in a sack.

"Now dat dis crisis is over, fraulein, vould you please tell me who you are? I haven't zeen you around Equestria before. Are you new here und vhere are you staying? Dere are many fine hotels in dis area."

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Candy nods and picks up her bolas, rewinding them into coils and putting them in her vest pockets. She picked up a long stick in her fetlock and started hovering and poking into drifts of leaves.

She smiled at the professor, turquoise eyes shining happily "I'm Candy Catch-em, the Critter Wrangler! I live in Northern Solstice Heights where all the artisans and working ponies live that support Canterlot proper, well the outskirts of it anyway. I have a nice spread there were I treat injured critters or hold dangerous ones until I can return them to uninhabited areas."

She buffs her free forehoof on her vest and winks "I also find and talk exotic critters into coming to live in the various gardens of Canterlot. It took me months to find the legendary Buzzing Buzzards."

She smiled "As for where I'm staying. I am staying overnight in Ponyville, at the "Prancing Pony inn".

She gasped as her stick stuck. "Here's a web. can you blow the leaves away please?"

(ooc; and mushrooms will be found soon :) )

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"Javol Fraulien Catchem!" Professor Krashkop neighed as he picked up his primative leaf blower up off the ground, get it on his front hooves and began to work the bellow end of it.

"Dis vill do dee job nicely! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Candy Catchem. It is an odd coincidence dat you und me are staying at dee same hotel! I alvays try to stay at dee Prancing Pony Inn vhen I visit Ponyville! Day let me use dee kitchen und I promised to make mein sauerkraut casserole. ACK! I forgot! I must find mushrooms for mein casserole! In all dis excitement, I forgot all about it!"

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Candy nickered happily "A nice coincidence then, I prefer that inn when I'm traveling in the area."

She watched and stirred the leaves aside as they were blown, tracing the outline of the web, then off to the side she sees something amber "No trapped ponies, but are those the mushrooms you need?"

She set down and held the stick aside "if those arent enough, there are probably more under other clumps of web or in the gully."

As she poked under the next pile of leaves, she watched the professor and the mushrooms "What do you teach at the University?

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When the Professor saw the mushrooms that candy pointed out, his face brightened.

"Wonderba!" he shouted, "dose vill be perfect! Danka, fraulien Catchem!"

The gray maned Pegasus quickly landed and began to pick the mushrooms.

"Dees vill be more den enough for mein casserole, und I hope you vill have some of it vith me vhen I cook it! To answer your question, fraulein, I used to teach Applied Physics at dee University until I retired years ago. Now I spend mein time inventing tings, like dee leaf blower you saw me vith. Some of mein inventions do not vork so vell, like dee dragon repellent I made in mein lab. Found out dee hard vay dat if vas a failure, I am hoping dee rest of mein tail grows back in dee next few months."

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Candy found several more empty web traps with her stick as the Proessor spoke.

She perked her ears and turned to him with an interested look. "Oh Professor, When you say the dragon repellant failed.. In what way did it fail?"

Candy smiles deviously "Did it simply fail in driving away the dragon, or fail as in "drew it like a magnet"?.."

She rubbed her forehooves together "Ohh my job could be so much easier sometimes if I could lure a wayward dragon into a trap instead of having to fly for my life through my trap ahead of one..."

She hmms "Speaking of traps, do you have anything that can cut these webs up? I really dont want to come back every day to make sure no one gets stuck."

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