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Everything posted by Solana

  1. Checking in again.  Waiting on the day my classes are over and I can move somewhere with some internetz.  Looking forward to becoming active here again.

  2. I would say that you are, so you're wrong. =P Somepony akin to insects. (and on that note, I gotta go. Got things to take care of. )
  3. I am not "you", I am "me" therefor, wrong. A worthy opponent.
  4. So... We're having another round of this are we? Yet another battle between us, and the only casualty is Lyi's notifications. =P You.
  5. ONLY because my my browser alerts me when I get a new notification. (I don't even have to be on this site. Only need the browser open and close enough to hear the *ping*) Current online list and recent participation suggest QueenCerali would be a safe bet.
  6. I was once asked if I think too many people these days are ignorant and apathetic. I said "Don't know, don't care."

    1. Quillhart


      Oh,you goof. you make me chuckle x3

    2. Solana
  7. Correct! I most certainly am not this 'ShatterdCrown' of whom you speak. Someone with whom i've recently called a temporary 'cease fire'.
  8. Depends on which of my personalities you ask. Sherman isn't a fan... Someone with more OC's than me.
  9. So be it. We shall spread diabeetus, erm... Happiness across the land!
  10. *Accepts peace offering, and sends shipment of 100,000 cookies.* 10 chips per cookie sounds fair. Who would want a cookie with only 1 chip, right?
  11. Perhaps we should open up trade relations. I shall open up our supplies of cookies if you allow us access to your chocolate chips. Does QueenCerali agree to these terms?
  12. Though naturally cautious, against my better judgement, I shall join you at the table of peace. I shall restrain myself and allow you to speak, Cerali.
  13. Yea, I was just parroting you. I think we are the only two playing this thread anymore. I summon you to do my bidding! Respond, QueenCerali!
  14. EVERYPONY SEE THAT?!? She admits to using deceit! Come Noed!
  15. NU! He's too intelligent to join one who would destroy Equestria! Jnorm is with me! (And yet again, we're calling on someone who isn't online. )
  16. BLASPHEMY! She deceives you with her silver tongue! Don't fall for her tricks Jnorm!
  17. NUU! THE CAKE IS A LIE! If that creature will lie about cake, she will lie about ANYTHING! THERE ARE NO BACON MUFFINS! Join ME Jnorm! Together we shall vanquish the vile Queen!
  18. Listen not to that wretched changling! Come to me Jnorm! I have cookies! and bacon! And bacon cookies! Take your pick!
  19. Well free time isn't an issue. Of that, I will have plenty. The class is 10 hours a day, but only 4 days a week, and won't require homework. But I may lack access to the internet, so even my participation in the spam section may be impossible. With any luck I will still have internet where I will be staying, but it isn't guaranteed. If I find that I do, I'm looking forward to a RP. Annnnd Noedig!
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