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Posts posted by Wziela

  1. He stood still, enchanted by the angelic pegasus circling him. A couple of strands of her tail passed under his muzzle, and he caught a whiff of her scent. She smelled of rainwater and dew, the smell of a new day. All thoughts seemed to leave his head as he hung onto every word she whispered into his ear.


    She asked what he was inquiring about. But before he could answer, she giggled and stepped back into his vision. Her wings were unfurled slightly, giving the detective a view of her beautiful snow-white feathers. They were perfectly preened, with not a single feather out of place or missing. She then offered her own answer to her question. She spoke of her friends and indicated something behind him. But he couldn't pull his gaze away from her eyes. They were too captivating. Too beautiful. Even if he wanted to, he felt that he wouldn't be able to look away.


    Then she spoke with some disappointment, saying her friends had not given her a proper offering. This wrenched at the detective's heart. How could anypony fail her? How could anypony not give her what she is due? That wasn't right.


    Then she touched his cheek. Her hoof was delicate and tender, and it warmed his cheek. He had to restrain himself from rubbing his cheek into her hoof further. Then he noticed something... Something felt strange. And it was coming from her hoof.


    Then came the question. The pegasus asked him to be her friend.


    A bolt of panic passed through his mind. This was wrong. This was weird. This was odd. Where had this pegasus come from? Why was she touching him? Who was she? What happened to her other friends? This wasn't right, he had to get out of here.


    Then he looked back into her eyes, and his worries melted away. Nothing was wrong. She was with him. And when he gazed into those ruby orbs he wondered why he would ever doubt her. Everything was okay.


    He knew his answer to her question. And he stated it out loud with the same certainty that he would have if he had been asked the color of the sky or today's date.


    "Yes, I will be your friend."

  2. Sundown stepped back when he noticed the pegasus to his side. He began to readopt his combat stance to prepare himself for another possible confrontation. His eyes traveled all over the pegasus's form suspiciously, observations flew through his head as he tried to see if she was a threat. Her coat was a pure, unblemished white. Her mane and tail were silky gold and styled in an effortlessly elegant style as if they were naturally that way.


    And then he saw her eyes.


    He froze. And then he relaxed. The pegasus's eyes were a beautiful blood red. And when the detective looked into them, he lost himself within them. The areion was utterly captivated by radiant pegasus standing before him. Then she gave him a gentle smile, and he felt like he could stand there for hours, admiring her, basking in her presence. She was calming, brilliant, enchanting. It was like if Sundown was in the room with Celestia herself.


    And then she asked him a question, asking him who he was. She offered a couple of guesses, but the pegasus put particular emphasis on the last. Having learned his lesson from the last encounter, the detective decided to answer her question instead of asking one of his own. Maybe if he was patient, he might actually get a couple of answers.


    "Uh... I guess you can say I'm an inquirer." He offered, not fully confident in his answer. He guessed that was probably the best answer, after all, an investigator and an inquirer are basically the same thing, right?

  3. Sundown flinched back when the entity appeared right before him, taking up the entirety of his vision. She got so close that he could swear he could smell her breath. Sure, he had the training to operate in stressful scenarios, but he wasn't prepared for this. The entity shifted around the room, disappearing and reappearing at will, as if the laws of reality were a mere suggestion to her. His eyes darted around the room as he watched the entity's movements. And despite her form's smooth dance around the room, the feeling of being watched by her remained right at the back of the detective's mind. Like if it was pressing right against the base of his skull. The detective stood still as she continued to talk in verse, rhyming included. She said something about him not being what she seeks. And then she dissolved into the shadows, leaving him with a warning telling him to avoid involving himself further


    He was inclined to listen to the warning.


    He shook his head. No, he had a job to do. Three ponies had died. There was evidence of dark magic activity. He didn't know what could happen if he dropped this. Would more ponies be at risk? Are there any more members of this suspected cult? And if their ritual was a success, what could the consequences of it be? The detective was going to pursue this, despite any attempts by a shadowy figure to scare him off.


    With his resolve regained. He began to go over the room once again, examining everything closely. However, he was careful to avert his eyes from the three corpses in the middle of the room. He didn't need to see that image again, even though he was sure what he saw would remain in his memory for a while.


    The detective took special note of the altar at the back of the chamber, checking over it closely. Maybe it had some sort of hint as to what exactly happened here?

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  4. Sundown's eyes darted around as he tried to focus on what he saw moving in the shadows in the corner of his eye. And then a female voice, speaking in verse. As he listened, trying to make sense of what she was saying, he saw a figure begin to emerge from the darkness and two red eyes centering on him. He took a step back, and falling back on his Royal Guard training, hevbrought himself down a little and adopted a ready stance. What was this? Some kind of demon? Sundown's mind flicked through the possibilities, but he was cut short by her finishing her speech.


    "Tell me, why is it that you have visited once more?"


    He stood silent for a second, puzzling over the figure's question. What did she mean by 'once more'? Her appearance was intimidating, but he couldn't portray weakness, otherwise she might pounce on it and do Celestia-knows-what to him. The detective thought for a moment before deciding to ask a prudent question.


    "Who the hay are you?" he challenged with a slight edge to his voice, trying to project some authority. Although the effectiveness of his attempt remains to be seen...

  5. Sundown followed the dark passageway cautiously, not knowing what to expect. His ears swept around as he listened for any signs of life in the darkness. His nose wrinkled as he endured the harsh concentrated smell of incense. His eyes flicked back and forth, carefully scanning for any kind of movement. He was on guard when he finally reached the chamber at the end of the hall.


    His eyes swept around the room, getting an eyeful of the bare stone walls and floor. He took note of the glyphs and figures that were carved or painted on every surface. The detective was puzzled by them. He had never seen symbols like these before. They looked arcane and mystical, like what he might expect to see in an old magic textbook or thaumatological tome.


    It all seemed very odd...


    And then he saw the bodies.


    The color drained from Sundown's face as his brain processed what he was seeing. These three ponies had died slowly and horrifically. Their fur was matted and grimy with sweat and dirt. Their hooves: bruised and bloodied. Their faces: frozen in fear and terror. Their lifeless eyes staring into oblivion. Their deaths part of some perverse ceremony to the unnatural.


    Sundown had to consciously prevent himself from vomiting right there. Sure, he had dealt with death at work before. After all, despite how unfortunate it is, not every pony that goes missing is found alive. But the detective had never seen death like this before. It disturbed him deeply. What kind of creature would do this?


    As he moved around the chamber, he was careful not to disturb or touch the bodies or the seal they surrounded. He didn't want to tamper with a crime scene, nor get stained by some leftover black magic or voodoo or whatever this is. He had heard the agency gossip about the occasional raid on some cult's compound or the capture of a dark mage. But the areion usually wrote them off as exaggerated or fake. But now, sitting before him, was honest-to-Celestia proof of some kind of occult activity.


    He didn't know how to process that fact.

  6. He watched, intrigued, as the mare filled out multiple pages. He tried to make sense of the patterns and symbols she drew. But all of it was complete gibberish to the detective. She was frantic and hurried, muttering to herself through her quill. That couldn't be healthy. What was driving her to do this? He watched her as she slammed her book shut and put it away. She said something wearily, something about crystalizing something, but Sundown wasn't paying attention enough to catch it all.


    When he saw her slump, he quickly moved over and put a steadying hoof on her shoulder to help her keep standing. He was worried that she might fall over. He didn't want this mare collapsing in a dirty alleyway. She looked like she had just run a marathon. The detective saw the tired look in her eyes as she quietly let out an apology.


    ""P-please excuse my behavior, Detective Sundown Trail. I haven't had visions like this in a long time.. You must be doing something rather important."


    "Don't worry about that, miss. Are you sure you're alright? Do you need to take a moment to sit down?" He said to her carefully as if she were made of glass. He put questions like 'What do you mean by visions?' and 'How did you know my name?' out of his mind as he focused on making sure this mare was okay. Questions like that can come later.

  7. Sundown's eyes focused on the imperfection on the bust. He had to wonder how it was there. Any cleaning or polishing the statue had undergone would've surely removed it. So why was it there? It couldn't be the beginnings of a dust buildup. After all, the dirt was only in one spot. And the statue seemed to have been cleaned too recently for any dust to begin settling on it. So what was it?


    As he stared at it, the imperfection began to annoy him. It was like it was laughing at him. The entire bust was well-maintained, cleaned, and polished except for that one spot. The detective slowly began to get the urge to wipe the dirt off. Sure, he might scuff the polish a little bit. But he would remove that annoying bit of dust. So it'd be a fair trade. Right? Yeah, that'd be good.


    He reached out his hoof to rub the speck off...

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    He blanched when he smelt the odor. While not disgusting in its own right, the smell was overwhelming to the point where he could almost taste it. Like if somepony had emptied a bottle of air freshener in an enclosed room. It took him a couple of moments to acclimate to the odor, but even then, he was always aware of it at the back of his mind. After a second, he stepped inside and began his search.


    The detective was confused and intrigued by what he found inside. Empty or burnt-out incense burners littered almost every room. A layer of dust caked every surface. Decaying furniture laid scattered about. The wallpaper peeled, and some of the drywall was rotting. Dust particles floated around, suspended in the air. It was as if the house had been sealed up for a decade and left to die by itself. As the Areion continued to explore, the feeling of dread from before came back. Something seemed off here.


    One thing, in particular, made him pause: an obsidian bust sitting in the study. Carved in a style that Sundown could not identify. It seemed pretty valuable. So who would leave something like this here? And how long had it been sitting here? It was clean, like if someone had just polished it a minute ago—and that puzzled Sundown. Everything else in this house had a layering of dust on it, but somehow this bust had escaped that. When he looked at it, Sundown got this strange feeling of being watched. Like if something was scrutinizing him. Except, it didn't feel like it was the bust that was watching him. The detective glanced away for a second, but when his eyes fell back upon the statue, the feeling returned. 


    This is weird... Sundown thought to himself as he examined the bust.

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  9. Sundown Trail walked down the streets of Manehattan, the evening sun warming his face. He only recently arrived in town. The Royal Guard sent him down from Canterlot to assist with an investigation. Three ponies had gone missing, all on the same day. Manehattan PD suspected that their disappearances were related. And evidence had turned up showing that the missing ponies had the same interests and were active in the same social circles. Investigators had found no trace of the ponies, and local police were stumped as to where they could've gone.


    Local detectives had already searched the missing ponies' residences and found nothing, but Sundown had wanted to recheck them himself. It's good to be thorough, after all. The first two apartments he investigated didn't turn up anything unusual. But Sundown did find something interesting in the third residence: a cleverly hidden note in a book about the occult. It was a small piece of paper that had hastily drawn scrawls all over it. The penmanship was so bad that most of the writing was illegible, and readable parts were complete gibberish. But, the detective was able to extract two clues from the mysterious text: an address and a date. The date turned out to be the exact day when the three ponies went missing. The address? A rental property on Flathoof Avenue.


    Right now, Sundown was on his way to search that property. City records had shown that the building was a rental. And after a quick conversation and a badge flash from Sundown, the landlord happily gave him a set of keys to the place. The landlord was an older mare, courteous and kind, but she seemed to shrink back and clam up when Sundown asked about that particular address. She didn't say anything too concrete about it, but the detective got the feeling that she didn't like speaking about that specific building. She may have also muttered something about that place having "bad luck," but she refused to repeat herself when asked.


    Sundown stopped when he noticed the house number on the building he just passed. 1206. This is the place.


    He turned back to face the property. It stood out compared to the newer-looking buildings next to it. It was a thin two-story brick residence, built in an old style. Likely a remnant of Manehattan's older days. It looked aged and neglected like it hadn't had proper maintenance in some time. The lawn was overgrown, full of weeds. Vines and vegetation grew through the front steps. Cracks snaked their way through the visible parts of the foundation. The house almost seemed to be in shambles. Given the apparent condition of the building, Sundown was surprised that the city hadn't condemned it. Perhaps the interior was in better shape?


    These observations bounced through Sundown's head as he approached the front door. He pulled his copy of the key out of his saddlebag. 


    Sundown stopped in front of the front door. He took a look back at the street. Only a couple of ponies were passing by on the sidewalk, paying no note to what the Areion detective was doing. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing seemed out of place. But, for some reason, Sundown was beginning to get a feeling of dread as he stood before the building. He couldn't put a hoof on it, but something felt wrong. Like if something unspeakable had happened within the house.


    The detective shook his head and took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He couldn't let his anxiety get in the way of an investigation. He had to find out what happened to those three ponies, and standing here doing nothing wasn't going to help.


    Well... Here goes nothing. Sundown thought to himself as he placed his hoof on the doorknob. He twisted the knob and pushed the door in...

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  10. Sundown watched the two ponies scamper down the alleyways and streets of Garden Gait. They doubled backed on themselves multiple times and returned to some areas more than once. The investigator wondered why they were doing this. It almost looked like they were on patrol. But these ponies didn't seem like law enforcement; they looked like normal ponies. Despite this, their movements were precise and measured. Did they have some sort of training? These questions bounced around in Sundown's head as he observed from above.


    Sundown accidentally stepped on a drier piece of thatch, making a crunching sound. The earth pony stallion then stopped and glanced around. Crud. He must've heard that. Sundown ducked his head and huddled against the roof. He waited for about a minute or two as he listened to the pair searching the alleyway below. Once the investigator worked up the courage to check again, he saw the two of them walking away. He breathed a sigh of relief. Good. They didn't see me. Sundown thought to himself.


    Sundown started to follow the duo again, but they crossed one of the wider roads in town. To get to the next roof, the investigator would have to get more of a running start to make the jump. The detective took a couple of steps back and then galloped towards his destination. Just as he reached the end of his roof, he leaped, hoping he hadn't misjudged the distance.


    He had.


    Sundown's forehooves caught on the thatch of the next roof, but he couldn't get a grip. He fell back. He let out a yelp as he felt himself begin to drop. His wings snapped out, a desperate attempt to create some drag to slow his descent, but it was in vain. He hit the ground.


    The drop wasn't too bad; the fall was from a one-story building, after all. But, the force of his landing knocked a nearby trash can over and sent the lid careening away in a random direction. The investigator groaned as he tried to bring himself onto his hooves. This was going to bite him in the backside later. He went to fold his wings back, but a flare of pain shot through his left wing. He sucked his teeth and flinched. Ouch. He looked back to check the appendage. It didn't appear to be broken. He must've just sprained it. He'll have to take it easy for a couple of days while it heals. Sundown sat down on his haunches and brought his wing in front of him to get a closer look at it, forgetting there were two ponies nearby who'd most certainly heard his ungraceful landing.

  11. Hi, Jenny. Welcome to the site! It's a pleasure to meet you!


    That's great that you write fiction and poetry! I've always wanted to try my hand at actually writing a story, but I've always found it a little daunting :blush:. What kind of fiction do you write? Any specific genres?


    My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, but Pinkie has always been one of my favorites too!


    I look forward to (hopefully) roleplaying with you in the future!

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  12. Roleplay Type: WoE

    Name: Barbera Grape

    Gender: Female

    Age: Filly (about CMC age)

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye color: #209c3c

    Coat: #d06d87

    Mane/Tail: Styled naturally, similar to Cheerilee's manestyle but messier. #4d4aad

    Physique: Average

    Residence: She lives in her family's vineyard that's in the Roundbottom Hills. 

    Occupation: Viticulturist in training. She helps out around her family's vineyard.

    Cutie Mark: A dark-purple grape bunch on its side. [ Work in Progress ]

    Unique Traits: Barbera is very good at growing and caring for plants, especially grapes.

    History: Barbera Grape is the daughter of two earth pony parents. Her father is Fiano Grape, a noted viticulturist and oenologist, and her mother is Orchard Lily. She has a younger brother named Cortese Grape. The Grape family originally hails from Itaily. However, Barbera's grandparents moved out west to the Roundbottom Hills a couple of decades ago and bought the land that became the family Vineyard.


    Barbera grew up in the vineyard, exploring the fields and having fun, usually with her younger brother close in tow behind her. They'd have all sorts of adventures, chasing each other through the fields or playing a prank on one of the farmhands. 


    [ Work in Progress ]


    Character Personality: Curious and friendly, Barbera loves to meet new ponies. She loves to learn about other ponies' lives and make new friends. She can be a chatterbox at times, and it is easy to get her rambling about various subjects. Especially when it's a subject she cares about. She is extremely curious about the world around her, and she likes to learn new things and read about various topics. Barbera is also very distractable, and when in conversation, she can go off into tangents about Celestia-knows-what. However, she is aware of this, and she's usually is quick with an apology whenever she catches herself doing it. She also has a good sense of humor and is quick with a joke or jab whenever the situation presents itself. Although, she only does it in good fun and doesn't mean to insult or belittle anypony.

    Character Summary: A friendly young viticulturist filly who loves to talk and laugh.

  13. Sundown's ears perked up when she offered a discount. The sides of his lips trembled for a second before breaking into a smile. "A discount? Well, that's very kind of you. Thanks." He took a look at the touristy section, a slight frown crossed his face, and he shook his head.


    "No, as fun as it'd be to tease them like that, I really couldn't," he brought a hoof to his chin and thought for a moment before adding; "Although, now that I think about it, it might be a good idea to get something like that as a gift for one of them."


    He quietly looked the touristy section of the store for a second, seemingly forgetting she had asked him a question until his eyes widened with realization.


    "Oh, right, you asked me why I'm in town!" He scratched the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly. He muttered a quick apology before continuing.  "I'm actually a Royal Guard investigator. I'm here in town because the local sheriff asked for some assistance with... er - something. So I was sent down from Canterlot to lend a hoof."

  14. Sundown sat atop one of the taller buildings on the eastern side of Garden Gait. He had already gone to the town hall and unpacked. And after a nap and a short review of the case file, he decided to find a nice overlook to survey the surrounding area. He was now sitting atop one of the few two-story buildings in Garden Gait. He glanced around.


    To the north, in the distance, he could see the skyline of Canterlot, the royal city making a beautiful sight in the evening light. To the west, he could see the sun beginning to dip below the horizon. The valley below, lit by the dusk, making a sight that was worthy of a postcard or painting. It was beautiful, and Sundown found it no wonder why this area is considered one of the most picturesque in all of Equestria. After enjoying the view for a few more moments, he looked away; he had a job to do after all.


    To the east, he focused on the area where the three ponies went missing. It was a sparser side of town, with wood timber residences and farmhouses making up most of the buildings. Further to the east, he could see an ancient stone wall, overgrown with vegetation. Sundown didn't quite know why there was a large stone wall that bounded the eastern quarter of the village, but he could tell it was very, very old. Probably a couple of centuries, if not millennia old. Many stones were missing, and some portions of the wall looked to be mere shadows of what they used to be. Likely, the townsponies scavenged the wall for anything valuable over the years it has been in disuse. Past the wall, Sundown caught glimpses of fields of flowers which continued until they hit the edge of the White Tail Wood in the distance.


    As he was taking in the landscape around him, something caught his eye: movement. Something was moving between the buildings, quickly making its way between the streets and alleyways. No... Not just one thing, make that two things. They were about pony-sized, and they were trotting through the alleys and streets of town. Sundown's eyes narrowed as he watched their quick and unpredictable path through the eastern side of the village.


    He took a step back and opened his wings; he was going to get a closer look. With a short running start off the top of his perch, Sundown's wings caught air, and he glided over the village buildings. After a short glide he landed silently, or as silently as he could, and came to a stop atop a wooden structure with a thatched roof. He was considerably closer to the two offenders now, and he could make their silhouettes out much better. They were an earth pony and a unicorn, a stallion and a mare, respectively. They appeared to be in hushed conversation and moved with care and precision. What were they doing snooping around town at this hour? A glance to the sky showed that they were undoubtedly breaking the evening curfew.


    Sundown watched them from his rooftop quietly. He wasn't going to confront them right away; he'll try to figure out why they're sneaking around and then tell them to get inside. Following them from a distance, he tried to keep his movements silent and unseen. He didn't want to alert them, and he certainly didn't want to scare them. It would be a considerable headache if they ended up fleeing and yelling about "a monster on the roof".

  15. Sundown Trail watched the Equestrian countryside pass by, lit by the midday sun. He pressed his forehead against the window of his train compartment. He was tired. He stayed up late to catch the morning train and hadn't slept a wink since he got on. He had hoped to get a nap in on the way to Garden Gait, but his mind kept dwelling on the case he was assigned to, and he hadn't been able to fall asleep. Three ponies had gone missing within a week of each other, all under similar circumstances. Usually, the Guard wouldn't get involved in small-town disappearances like this until the local authorities asked for assistance. But given the unusual details of this case, the Guard thought it was prudent to send somepony down to immediately take charge of the investigation. Sundown was the pony who the Guard sent. Having grown up in the White Tail Wood and having experience with working on missing ponies cases, the Guard believed him to be uniquely suited for handling this case. Sundown hoped he was up to the task. Three ponies going missing like this was nothing to scoff at. The White Tail Wood was undoubtedly safer than its sibling to the west, the Everfree Forest; it still is dangerous to anypony who isn't prepared or doesn't know what they're doing. Despite not being as visible, dehydration and exhaustion are just as threatening to anypony who gets lost in the wilderness as a manticore or a cockatrice is.


    He glanced down at the manila folder lying to his left on the compartment bench. He had read the case file back at headquarters and had meant to review it a little on the train, but his drowsiness kept him from being able to focus, and he had put it down shortly into his trip. He'll have to come back and reread it once he got some sleep. But right now, all he wanted was to stretch out on a bed and sleep.


    Sundown got up lazily as he felt the train halt at the Garden Gait station. He stuffed the case file into his saddlebags and grabbed his suitcase from the rack above him. After cautiously balancing the bag on his back, he left his train compartment and headed towards the exit. After letting a pair of ponies, a scarlet mare and a sky blue stallion, pass him, he jumped off the train and headed into town. His destination was the Town Hall. The mayor of Garden Gait had sent word ahead that she would have a small room in the Town Hall set up for Sundown to use. It was probably nothing more than a cot or sleeping bag in an empty office, but it'll have to do. Once he gets there, he plans on taking a nice long nap, and then afterward, he will investigate the area where the ponies went missing. It'll probably be dark by then, but a quick flash of his badge would prevent any local law enforcement from getting too mad at him breaking curfew. After all, he will have an excuse to be out and about.


    He yawned as he walked lazily through the cobbled streets. Only a few blocks to the Town Hall, and then he could sleep...

  16. Hello everybody!


    I've been hankering to do some more stuff with my Areion detective character, Sundown Trail, but I've begun to run dry of RP ideas. Anybody have any ideas or want to do something with my character? I'm open to do (almost) anything! He does have an excuse to go all around Equestria because of his job in the Royal Guard, so any location would probably work.


    He's friendly and helpful, so hopefully our characters will get along if they ever meet! Although, the shiny Royal Guard badge sometimes scare some ponies away when they see it...

  17. "I don't mind you saying that at all. Heck, I'm not really even a tourist. I'm here more for business than pleasure," Sundown paused before appending his statement, "Here in town, that is."


    He glanced at some of the items in the display case. They were nicer looking than most of the other items around the shop. Not as cheap, too. A couple of them were a bit too pricey for his budget. He didn't want to spend all of his bits all in one place, even if it was for a beautiful-looking accessory. And anyway, jewelry wasn't really his style. He always felt like it made him stand out too much, especially since he already stood out a lot because of being an Areion.


    "You know," he began, while looking at one of the pendants in the case, "A couple of my colleagues back at headquarters, they fall head over hooves for this ghost-stuff. They eat it up like candy. I think a couple of them will be somewhat jealous when they learn I got sent out to Hollow Shades."


    He saw the price tag for the pendant he was looking at and shook his head. That one cost a bit too much. He glanced over and started admiring another item in the case.

  18. "O-oh! Yes I'm perfectly alright! No need to worry- worry- warning- watch out- welcome!"


    Relief washed over him as he heard her yell back to him. She wasn't hurt; that was good. Crisis averted. As he turned the corner into the alleyway, he saw her writing into a notebook wildly. Her quill performing an erratic dance around the lined page. Although she obviously was aware of his presence, he didn't want to frighten or spook her again. He didn't know how skittish she was, exactly. So he approached her carefully, taking care not to make any sudden movements. As he neared the beige mare, he was able to make out what she was murmuring.


    "Quietly. Quickly. Quetzalcoatl. Quest. Conflict!"


    That made him double-take. What the hay could that mean? Was she talking about his case? No... that's not possible. There's no way she could know about that... Right?


    He stopped a couple hoofsteps away from her. It'd probably be best to give her some space. She was still giving him an odd vibe, and he still couldn't put his hoof on what it was exactly. He leaned a little closer and tried to get a look at what she was writing from where he was standing.


    "Uhm... What are you doing there, miss?" He asked, curiosity starting to get the better of him.

  19. He cocked his head to the side as he watched the mare run behind a building and, from the sound of it, crash into something. She got spooked when he greeted her. He certainly didn't expect that. Did he say something wrong? No, that didn't make sense. He had only just said hello. Maybe she had never seen an Areion before? Sometimes ponies reacted this way when they first met him. But that was usually in small towns in the boondocks, not Canterlot, which has one of the largest Areion populations in the entirety of Equestria.


    Well, that doesn't change the fact that she seemed to now be cowering in some alleyway from Sundown. He had wanted to write this off as some country bumpkin getting scared the first time they saw a different kind of pony. But something told him that wasn't what was happening. And anyway, he couldn't just leave her there. First of all, that'd be rather inconsiderate. But also, word of this could filter back to his boss. And the last thing he needed was his superiors finding out he scared the living daylights out of some poor mare in the middle of the night. That usually didn't do wonders for a pony's reputation or career. She also might have hurt herself when trying to run away, and what kind of pony would he be if he left her behind when she needed help?


    Sundown resolved to at least make sure this mare was okay. Maybe he just caught her off-guard? Hopefully she didn't hurt herself while fleeing. He began to trot over to the alleyway she ran down. As he approached the entrance to the alley, he heard her whispering something. Although he couldn't quite make out what she was saying, it sounded frantic and half-muttered. Who was she talking to?


    "Excuse me, miss? Are you okay? I didn't mean to frighten you." He called to the mare, concern starting to enter his voice.

  20. (Don't worry about it! Sorry about how long it to me to respond, I also got distracted.)


    Sundown stepped into the shop and glanced around; the little bell on the front door rang to indicate his entrance. The store was rather cozy, with the majority of the space taken up by shelves stocked with various knick-knacks, baubles, and tchotchkes. Some looked nice and well-made; others looked tacky and cheap.


    "Welcome, If you need anything, let me know."


    His ears perked up when he heard the mare behind the counter greet him politely.


    He turned his head to look at her. She was dark, literally so. If it weren't for the horn sticking out of her forehead, one could almost mistake her for an Areion. She seemed to have been reading a paperback before Sundown walked in. The book had an elaborate front cover, although he couldn't quite make out the title. He smiled politely before responding to her.


    "Thanks, I think I'm just looking for a small souvenir right now. Nothing too fancy, just something I could put on a shelf at home and forget about." He said with a wave of his hoof.

  21. The Disappearance - A few years ago...



    Legends spoke of The Crystal Skull of the Quetzalcoatl Empress. A hardstone carving of a pony skull made of transparent quartz. Priceless in both historical and physical value. It was said to have been used by the Quetzalcoatl Empress herself to enslave the ponies of the Tenochtitlan Basin. Throughout her reign of terror, the Empress would never be far from the Crystal Skull. Its quartz eye-sockets a witness to countless atrocities made in the name of the Empire. But, when the Empress disappeared, so too did the Crystal Skull. 


    The Crystal Skull, a symbol of torment and greed, baptized in the blood and tears of the ponies of the Tenochtitlan Basin. An artifact lost to time, never to have its flawless quartz gazed upon by pony eyes again. 


    Until a group of brave adventurers unearthed the artifact in one of Tenochtitlan's many abandoned temples. 


    They brought the artifact back to Equestria. And, despite the untimely deaths of multiple members of the adventuring team, it was delivered safely into the hooves of the Royal Canterlot Museum of Antiquities. For a princely sum, of course. Following the usual period of study and examination, the Museum found the artifact to be genuine. A true archeological find for the ages. The adventurers who had found this truly unique artifact deserved to be publicly lauded for their discovery. 


    If only all of them hadn't mysteriously disappeared after their return to Canterlot.


    By the time the Museum announced that it would put the Crystal Skull on display, the rumor mills of Canterlot had been kicked into complete overdrive. Gossip and tall tales about the cursed artifact from the jungle spread like wildfire through the city. Tabloids printed interviews with less-than-reputable historians telling the story behind Quetzalcoatl, its Empress, and her Crystal Skull. The superstitious bought monkey paws or rabbits' feet to protect themselves from the "evil influence of the Crystal Skull." The elite of Canterlot talked about the artifact in hushed tones during their dinner parties and social events. It was the talk of the town, and everypony was sure to buy tickets for the Museum's exposition of the Skull, much to the delight of the Museum's finances.      


    Opening day came without a hitch. The crowds lined up, tickets in hoof, to see the brand new Tenochtitlan exhibit, with the Crystal Skull as its centerpiece. Everypony who was anypony was there, ready to see the infamous sculpture. Celebrities, socialites, and nobles all made appearances. The press was there, prepared to photograph the notorious quartz Skull in all its splendor. All seemed to be going well. But, as the doors open and the first ponies stepped into the exhibition room, a shocking fact was revealed. The Crystal Skull of the Quetzalcoatl Empress was gone.


    A massive Royal Guard inquiry was begun almost immediately, and every investigator worth his salt was brought in to help. A massive search was organized, everypony who had any connections to the Museum, the Skull, or its discoverers were brought in for questions. Rumor has it that even the Princesses got involved at one point. But, it was all for naught. No leads were ever uncovered, no suspects ever arrested, and no trace of the Skull was ever found. It seemed as if the Skull had blinked out of existence.     





    Royal Guard Headquarters: Investigative Division, Canterlot - A couple of hours ago...


    Sundown Trail brought the mug to his mouth cautiously and deliberately, as if doing so would lessen the heat of the freshly brewed coffee it contained. With a careful motion, he moved the mug to his lips and took a hesitant sip. Almost immediately, he recoiled and jerked away from the hot beverage. Still too hot, he thought to himself; better let it cool for a couple more minutes. After making sure none of his coffee spilled, he placed the mug on the corner of his desk and opened the manila file in front of him.


    He read the name of the case file. "Disappearance - Crystal Skull - Canterlot" Oh no. This case. Who'd he tick off to get assigned this? This assignment was passed around the office of the Investigative Division like it was a disease. Nopony wanted to work on it. Years had passed since the events of that fateful day, and nothing ever popped up. No leads were ever uncovered. But, for some reason, the case was never put away with the other cold cases, where it belonged. And now it was his turn with the matter.


    He thought back to the original investigation. He was just a junior investigator back then. That was when he was still working under Investigator Looking Glass. They were both assigned to the case right as the search was getting started. Looking Glass had cultivated a reputation in the Guard for finding clues where no other investigator was able to. So, the Guard assigned him and his junior to investigate the crime scene. They had turned up nothing. The crime scene was immaculate. The Crystal Skull's glass case had no evidence of being touched, let alone tampered with. There was no trace of any theft. For all accounts and purposes, it was like the Crystal Skull was still there. But, of course, the fact remained that it was gone.


    That was fun explaining that to his superiors.


    Sundown stared at the file on his desk. He sincerely doubted he could turn up anything new in the case. But, might as well put his best effort into it. Maybe there was something that everypony missed? Although, he certainly wasn't holding his breath on that account. He sighed and flipped through the file a bit more.




    Streets of Canterlot - Present…


    "He doesn't live here anymore. You should leave."




    Sundown grumbled to himself as he stood in front of the door that was just slammed in his face. That was his last lead. Gone. And now he was thrown back to the drawing board. 


    He glanced up at the tall brick apartment building in front of him before turning away from the door and walking back onto the sidewalk. It was starting to get dark, and by now, most honest ponies have gone back to their homes to enjoy the rest of their evening inside, out of the autumn cold. Sundown didn't mind the cold too much; as an Areion, he was used to the chillier night air. But, he was starting to wish that he had brought his scarf with him right now. He made a mental note to grab it when he went back to the office.


    He began to stroll down the street with no real destination in mind. Unfortunately, he now had some time to waste before he had to be back at headquarters. He originally intended to use this time to question one of the ponies involved in the original inquiry, but, as we just saw, that ended with a rude brush-off and a slammed door.


    He stopped when he noticed something. Or, rather, somepony. A mare, standing just a couple yards down the sidewalk from him. Usually, that wouldn't be very noteworthy, even at this late hour. After all, the streets of Canterlot usually saw a lot of traffic. But something about her made Sundown pause. He wasn't sure what it was, but it made him stop dead in his tracks.


    She was watching him. Did she want something from him? Did he know her? She certainly didn't look familiar, but he could be mistaken.


    Okay, now it is getting weird. It had been a couple seconds since Sundown noticed her, and now they were both staring at each other quietly. It's time to get to the bottom of this. He called out to her.


    "Uh… Hello?" 

  22. Welcome, once again, to the site! I’m Wziela, but you can call me whatever you want.

    Don’t feel too overwhelmed by the style of forum roleplays. It is actually really simple once you get the hang of it! If you need any help, feel free to shoot me a PM and I’d be glad to help in any way I can. Although, I am a bit new too so I may not know everything :blush:


    I’m also a big fan of horror! What’s your favorite type? Mine is either H.P. Lovecraft-esque cosmic horror or American Gothic. 


    It’s a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to roleplaying with you in the future (hopefully)!

  23. Sundown Trail glanced at the sky. Celestia’s sun had just risen above the horizon. Of course, for somepony nocturnal like him, it was late. Very late. He stifled back a yawn as he strolled through the streets of Hollow Shades. He had wanted to visit some of the shops while they were open and since the owners weren’t nocturnal he had to stay up late into the morning. 


    Work had brought him to Hollow Shades. Apparently, there was some kind of issue in the area and the local law enforcement asked for assistance from the Royal Guard. So, Sundown was sent down from Canterlot to lend a hoof. The Guard had paid for him to stay in one of the nicer stables on the outskirts of town, and they allowed him a couple days to get settled before he was supposed to report to the local police. It was his second day in town, and he had to wonder what the issue was. There weren't a lot of things that would warrant sending down an investigator. Sundown shrugged to himself. Whatever it was, he’d certainly learn why he was sent down when he reports in.


    One store sign caught his eye in particular. He stopped and read it. Curios… Exotic items… Rarities… This might be interesting. If anything, he could get himself a souvenir for when he returned back home. He headed towards the front door and stepped into the shop.

  24. Roleplay Type: WoE

    Name: Sundown Trail

    Gender: Male

    Age: Young Stallion

    Species: Areion

    Eye colour: Green - #71b74b

    Coat: Light gray - #cacaca

    Mane/Tail: Purple. He has thick wavy hair that he keeps in a masculine style. Some lone hairs stick up or out, giving him an unkempt appearance. - #563d94

    Physique: Fit, but only enough to pass Royal Guard standards. 

    Residence: Canterlot, although his work takes him all over Equestria.

    Occupation: An investigator in the Royal Equestrian Guard.

    Cutie Mark: A magnifying glass over a hoofprint, showing his talent for investigating and following clues. He received his cutie mark after finding a foal who was lost in the forest near the village where he grew up.

    Unique Traits: 

    Sundown excels at following trails, whether they are physical trails in the countryside or metaphorical trails of evidence. He also has a basic competence in hoof-to-hoof combat from his Royal Guard training.


    Sundown was born to two Areion parents in a small Areion settlement in the Whitetail Wood. The Areions of his village were distrusting of other ponies and they shunned outside contact, preferring to keep to themselves and their own kind. The introvertedness of his village was a leftover from the bitterness felt from Luna’s banishment. 

    Sundown was a curious foal, and he was fascinated by the other pony races. The Unicorn’s ability to cast amazing spells intrigued him, as well as the Earth Ponies’ innate connection with the earth and nature. He also was rapt at the Pegasi’s ability to control the weather, and he was amazed at how weather was a scheduled and regimented thing all over Equestria. Although other villagers looked down upon this fascination of his, Sundown’s parents supported his interest and bought him some books about the other pony races.

    The first time he met a non-Areion was when a group of Royal Guardsponies arrived in his village. Sundown gushed over the Guardsponies, he was finally able to meet the types of ponies he had read so much about! But then, he learned why the Guardsponies had come. They were a search party looking for a young filly who had gone missing in the Whitetail Wood, and they had come to the village to ask if anypony in the village had seen the missing filly. 

    Sundown had not seen the missing filly, but he knew the area around the village like the back of his hoof, and he wanted to help. He went up to the pony in charge of the search party, a Royal Guard investigator named Looking Glass, and offered his help. At first, Looking Glass did not take Sundown seriously. What could this little colt who had not even gotten his cutie mark do to help a group of trained Royal Guardponies? But after receiving some childlike stubbornness and a couple pleas from Sundown, Looking Glass relented and let him come along. By following the trail left by the missing filly, Sundown was able to lead the search party right to her. Looking Glass was impressed, and said that Sundown would make a good detective one day. After arriving back in the village, Sundown found out that during the search he had received his cutie mark. Inspired by the Guardsponies who had come to his village, and their selflessness in searching for the missing foal, Sundown now knew what he wanted to do in life: join the Royal Guard. 

    After finishing his final years of schooling, Sundown went to Canterlot to enlist. While in basic training, he stumbled across Looking Glass. Now a senior investigator for the Royal Guard, Looking Glass took Sundown under his wing and fast-tracked his investigative career. Sundown’s first assignment was serving as an assistant investigator under Looking Glass. After a couple productive years working as an assistant investigator, Sundown was promoted to a regular investigator and given his own cases to work on. He mostly likes to work on missing ponies cases, but sometimes he is assigned to investigate criminal cases.

    Character Personality:

    Well-meaning and polite, Sundown tries to put his best hoof forward whenever he meets somepony new. Although, he has a slight sarcastic streak. He has a strong sense of duty and likes to help other ponies. 

    Sundown is a bright pony, and he has a knack for figuring things out. He isn’t “book smart”, so-to-speak, but he has a good intuition. He is a lover of puzzles and other types of brainteasers, his favorite of which to play is Sudoku.

    Despite his intelligence, Sundown is clumsy and can be a bit oblivious sometimes. Much to his own chagrin.

    Sundown likes to get up early so he can have more time to be out and be productive. However, since he is nocturnal, what is early for him is late evening for his non-nocturnal pony brethren. 

    When angry, Sundown gets very snarky and confrontational. Sundown likes to be very forgiving, so it is not easy to get him upset. But, there are a couple things that push his buttons more than others.

    Character Summary: A somewhat clumsy, dutiful Areion detective whose disheveled exterior conceals a sharp and inquisitive mind.

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