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    any you want
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    any you want
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    any you want
  • Main Character
    any you want

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    I like youtube!, video games, games that show on youtube..., and friends... :(
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    no... im a ____. ok bye.

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C-Mark Crusader

C-Mark Crusader (3/9)



  1. if you haven't seen the meme then Google or YouTube search it! also this I used, a base that was available to also I used it because it's like they gave me full right to do this, ya'know?
  2. wow. this is literally way better than every other drawing or image of this character, I have ever seen.
  3. hi! <:-D
  4. ok
  5. hi, by the time you see this, and the time you ripply, I'm afraid he's going to take a few... let's say... HOURS. I'm deeply sorry.

    1. Cubbage


      What does that mean?

    2. TheGamingMaxPre549


      um uh idk, i forgot i said that.

  6. it seems to me like you stole my chicken nuggets, give them back or else! 😠
  7. *looking at Fluttershy's face* my favorite Fluttershy would NEVER act like that! 😡 😡 😡
  8. *TheRoundSoundTable.exe has stopped working.*
  9. uhh. umm. ..........hey! just curios about sum-thin are you a Fluttershy fan? 🤔
  10. *talking far in the distance.-"What he said!"*
  11. le *gasp!* meh too! : O
  12. mind if i join? plz? if not, then i'd be left out. meaning i'll still have to be lonely.
  13. *reads our post and comment, despite lack of knowing WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!*
  14. ahh yess. *TheRoundSounTable.exe has stopped working.*
  15. Fluttershy Test.mp?
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