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Everything posted by Kindheart

  1. The young blacksmith was never one for celebrations and holidays as "frivolous" as Nightmare Night, but she was always one to attend a banquet if one was held. Of course, one couldn't attend such a gettogether without an appropriate costume, and knowing this mare's diehard nature...she went all out. She decided that she might as well try for a costume that would go with her chair so, after rigging up a hollow log that she could raise up to move out of other ponies' way, she decked herself in a rather impressive-looking faux royal guard uniform (one used for more formal situations), that almost made her look like she was riding on top of a massive cannon about to head into battle. "...bout time I finished this costume. Where's the grub?" She said with a chuckle, pulling the log up to rest on her shoulder. "Ugh...I just wish more places were made wheelchair friendly." Sword noticed quite a few ponies in costume at the castle, smiling in awe as she recognized a few of the armor pieces and weapons on some of the ponies costumes. "Glad to see my skills are getting some use."
  2. About myself.: My true first name is Layla, I love anime, yu-gi-oh, pokemon, and of course MLP:FIM. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Celestia Radio How did you became a fan of FiM?: Screwattack's Death Battle: Starscream VS Rainbow Dash My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy My fave main cast pony is actually a tie between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
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