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AtomicPlayboy's Achievements

Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. BBB: Y U NO UPLOAD NOWHERE ELSE? Also...dat flank.
  2. Benihana Steakhouse with the family for lunch. I love this place.

  3. And so begins my epic multi-state journey to go home for the holidays. See y'all in six or seven hours.

  4. Welp, my company's about to go to horseapples.

  5. The #webOS 2.2.4 update didn't fix wifi or add the ability to select auth layer like the TouchPad. :( DAMMIT.

  6. I'm going to @BroniesNYC #BroNYcon. Yeah, it's happening.

  7. Company Christmas party tonight...should I even bother making an appearance?

  8. Any Kerberos or Red Hat gurus out there know how to eliminate all traces of Kerberos 4 (NOT 5) from a Red Hat system?

  9. 1. lol @ top comment 2. Any chance THIS could ALSO appear in wallpaper format?
  10. Any chance this could appear in wallpaper format?
  11. Seriously, why does @oldspice have some of the greatest advertising campaigns ever?

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